package ocamlfuse

  1. Overview
  2. Docs
Module type
Class type
type fuse
and str = string
and fuse_operation_names = {
  1. init : string option;
  2. getattr : string option;
  3. readdir : string option;
  4. opendir : string option;
  5. releasedir : string option;
  6. fsyncdir : string option;
  7. mknod : string option;
  8. mkdir : string option;
  9. rmdir : string option;
  10. rename : string option;
  11. chmod : string option;
  12. chown : string option;
  13. truncate : string option;
  14. utime : string option;
  15. fopen : string option;
  16. read : string option;
  17. write : string option;
  18. statfs : string option;
  19. flush : string option;
  20. release : string option;
  21. fsync : string option;
  22. setxattr : string option;
  23. getxattr : string option;
  24. listxattr : string option;
  25. removexattr : string option;
and __fuse_context = {
  1. fuse : fuse Com.opaque;
  2. uid : int;
  3. gid : int;
  4. pid : int;
type fuse_operations
type fuse_cmd
val fuse_get_context : unit -> __fuse_context
val get_fuse_operations : unit -> fuse_operations Com.opaque
val set_fuse_operations : fuse_operation_names -> unit
val fuse_read_cmd : fuse Com.opaque -> fuse_cmd Com.opaque
val fuse_process_cmd : fuse Com.opaque -> fuse_cmd Com.opaque -> unit
val ml_fuse_init : unit -> unit
val ml_fuse_main : str array -> fuse_operations Com.opaque -> unit
val fuse_exited : fuse Com.opaque -> bool