package octez-libs

  1. Overview
  2. Docs
Module type
Class type
val scalar_bytes_amount : int

Number of bytes fitting in a Scalar.t. Since scalars are integer modulo r~2^255, we restrict ourselves to 248-bit integers (31 bytes).

val page_length : page_size:int -> int

The page size is a power of two and thus not a multiple of scalar_bytes_amount, hence the + 1 to account for the remainder of the division.

val domain_length : size:int -> int

for a given size (in bytes), return the length of the corresponding domain

val slot_as_polynomial_length : slot_size:int -> page_size:int -> int

slot_as_polynomial_length ~slot_size ~page_size returns the length of the polynomial of maximal degree representing a slot of size slot_size with slot_size / page_size pages (page_size must divides slot_size). The returned length thus depends on the number of pages.

val compute_lengths : redundancy_factor:int -> slot_size:int -> page_size:int -> number_of_shards:int -> int * int * int

Returns max_polynomial_length, erasure_encoded_polynomial_length & shard_length for the given parameters

val ensure_validity_without_srs : slot_size:int -> page_size:int -> redundancy_factor:int -> number_of_shards:int -> (unit, [> `Fail of string ]) result

Fails if and only if the given parameters are not suitable for the DAL.


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