package octez-protocol-019-PtParisB-libs

  1. Overview
  2. Docs
Module type
Class type

The purpose of this module is to provide the fee_needed_to_replace_by_fee function. For this function to be correct, the caller must maintain the state of type t by calling update on each successfully validated operation and its induced replacements.

type t

Internal state needed by fee_needed_to_replace_by_fee.

val empty : t

Initial state.

Removes all the replacements from the state then adds new_operation.

val fee_needed_to_replace_by_fee : config -> candidate_op: Tezos_protocol_019_PtParisB.Protocol.Alpha_context.packed_operation -> conflict_map:t -> int64 option

This function should be called when Protocol.Mempool.add_operation has returned Unchanged. This means that the candidate_op has been rejected because there was a conflict with an pre-existing operation and the conflict_handler has returned `Keep. When both operations are manager operations, this function returns the minimal fee (in mutez) that candidate_op would need in order to win the conflict, i.e. make the conflict_handler return `Replace instead. Otherwise, it returns None.


Innovation. Community. Security.