package octez-protocol-alpha-libs

  1. Overview
  2. Docs
Module type
Class type
module Account : sig ... end
module Account_helpers : sig ... end

Account_helpers defines a type abstracting the information of an account in the protocol. This includes its pkh, delegate, any funds, staking parameters, etc...

module Adaptive_issuance_helpers : sig ... end
module Assert : sig ... end
module Big_map_helpers : sig ... end
module Block : sig ... end
module Consensus_helpers : sig ... end
module Constants_helpers : sig ... end
module Context : sig ... end
module Contract_helpers : sig ... end
module Cpmm_logic : sig ... end
module Cpmm_repr : sig ... end
module Dal_helpers : sig ... end
module Dummy_zk_rollup : sig ... end

Dummy ZK Rollup for testing the ZKRU integration in the protocol. The library Plompiler is used to build the circuits (in a module V as verifier) and the corresponding functions to produce the inputs for the circuits (in a module P as prover).

module Expr : sig ... end
module Expr_common : sig ... end
module Incremental : sig ... end
module Liquidity_baking_generator : sig ... end

This module provides a set of abstractions to reason about the so-called “liquidity baking” feature1.

module Liquidity_baking_machine : sig ... end

This module provides the means to test extensively the Liquidity Baking (LB) feature. We recall that this feature is built upon three smart contracts: (1) a CPMM contract initially based on Dexter 2, and (2) two tokens contracts. Our objective is to run “scenarios” consisting in interleaved, realistic calls to these contracts, and to assert these scenarios do not yield any undesirable behaviors.

module Log_helpers : sig ... end
module Lqt_fa12_repr : sig ... end
module Lwt_result_wrap_syntax : sig ... end

Extends the Lwt_result_syntax with additional utilities for wrapping results produced by the protocol, i.e. Environment.Error_monad.tzresult, to tzresult Lwt.t values used in the tests.

module Merkle_list_helper : sig ... end
module Nonce : sig ... end
module Op : sig ... end
module Operation_generator : sig ... end

These generators aims at generating operations which are not necessary correct. The goal is to tests functions such as with as much as possible parameters that play a role in operation weight computation.

module Result_wrap_syntax : sig ... end

Extends the Result_syntax with additional utilities for wrapping results produced by the protocol, i.e. Environment.Error_monad.tzresult, to tzresult values used in the tests.

module Rewards : sig ... end

The tables are precomputed using this the following formulas:

module Sapling_helpers : sig ... end
module Sc_rollup_helpers : sig ... end
module Scenario : sig ... end

This module centralises all modules related to Scenario writing and execution. Most scenario tests would use most if not all of them, so they only need to open Scenario.

module Scenario_bake : sig ... end
module Scenario_base : sig ... end

This module gathers the basic operations used in test scenarios. This includes starting a scenario, baking, checking and manipulating the state, and various wait functions

module Scenario_begin : sig ... end
module Scenario_constants : sig ... end
module Scenario_dsl : sig ... end
module Scenario_op : sig ... end

This module gathers many protocol operations in the form of scenarios. This includes (but is not limited to) transfers and such (stake, unstake...), as well as various ways to forge double signings.

module Script_big_map : sig ... end
module Script_map : sig ... end
module Script_set : sig ... end
module Slashing_helpers : sig ... end

Helpers related to denunciations and slashing.

module State : sig ... end
module State_account : sig ... end

State_account is dedicated to operations in State.t that would modify an account_state. This includes any operation like transfer, stake, unstake, set_delegate_parameters, anything related to slashing or rewards, etc...

module State_ai_flags : sig ... end

This module handles the logic of flags for AI/AS in the State

module Test_global_constants : sig ... end
module Testable : sig ... end
module Tez_helpers : sig ... end
module Tez_staking_helpers : sig ... end

Tez_staking_helpers defines different kinds of tez Modules that manipulate them in different ways. They involve more complicated operations, as they are related to staking, thus are represented as partial amounts, and are related to pseudotokens.

module Ticket_helpers : sig ... end
module Transfers : sig ... end
module Zk_rollup_l2_helpers : sig ... end

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