package opam-client

  1. Overview
  2. Docs

High-level execution of user-facing functions like install and upgrade, and wrappers around the pinning commands

val init : init_config:OpamFile.InitConfig.t -> interactive:bool -> ?repo:OpamTypes.repository -> ?bypass_checks:bool -> ?dot_profile:OpamTypes.filename -> ?update_config:bool -> ?env_hook:bool -> ?completion:bool -> ?check_sandbox:bool -> ?cygwin_setup: [ `internal of OpamSysPkg.t list | `default_location | `location of OpamTypes.dirname | `no ] -> ?git_location:(OpamTypes.dirname, unit) OpamTypes.either -> -> OpamStateTypes.global_state * OpamStateTypes.unlocked OpamStateTypes.repos_state * OpamTypes.atom list

Initialize the client to a consistent state. Returns the initial state and, in case a switch is to be created, its initial set of packages

val reinit : ?init_config:OpamFile.InitConfig.t -> interactive:bool -> ?dot_profile:OpamTypes.filename -> ?update_config:bool -> ?env_hook:bool -> ?completion:bool -> ?inplace:bool -> ?check_sandbox:bool -> ?bypass_checks:bool -> ?cygwin_setup: [ `internal of OpamSysPkg.t list | `default_location | `location of OpamTypes.dirname | `no ] -> ?git_location:(OpamTypes.dirname, unit) OpamTypes.either -> OpamFile.Config.t -> -> unit

Re-runs the extra tools checks, updates the configuration from init_config (defaults to OpamInitDefaults.init_config) for the settings that are unset, and updates all repositories

val install : OpamStateTypes.switch_state -> ?formula:OpamTypes.formula -> ?autoupdate:OpamTypes.atom list -> ?add_to_roots:bool -> ?deps_only:bool -> ?ignore_conflicts:bool -> ?assume_built:bool -> ?download_only:bool -> ?depext_only:bool -> OpamTypes.atom list -> OpamStateTypes.switch_state

Install the given list of packages. add_to_roots, if given, specifies that given packages should be added or removed from the roots. autoupdate defaults to the list of atoms, and can be used to restrict the atoms which are updated if pinned.

val install_t : OpamStateTypes.switch_state -> ?ask:bool -> ?ignore_conflicts:bool -> ?depext_only:bool -> ?download_only:bool -> OpamTypes.atom list -> ?formula:OpamTypes.formula -> bool option -> deps_only:bool -> assume_built:bool -> OpamStateTypes.switch_state

Low-level version of reinstall, bypassing the package name sanitization and dev package update, and offering more control

val check_installed : build:bool -> post:bool -> recursive:bool -> OpamStateTypes.switch_state -> OpamTypes.atom list -> OpamPackage.Name.Set.t OpamPackage.Name.Map.t

Check that the given list of packages atoms have their dependencies satisfied, without calling the solver. Returns a map of package names to their set of missing dependencies.

  • parameter recursive

    if true will check every installed dependencies recursively. For example, this is useful if a package currently installed has been modified and a dependencies has been added but that package has not yet been upgraded. Note: if true, the keys of the resulting map might contain packages further down the dependency tree and is no longer guaranteed to contain only packages from atoms.

Reinstall the given set of packages.

val reinstall_t : OpamStateTypes.switch_state -> ?ask:bool -> ?force:bool -> assume_built:bool -> OpamTypes.atom list -> OpamStateTypes.switch_state

Low-level version of reinstall, bypassing the package name sanitization and dev package update, and offering more control

val update : 'a OpamStateTypes.global_state -> repos_only:bool -> dev_only:bool -> ?all:bool -> string list -> bool * bool * OpamStateTypes.unlocked OpamStateTypes.repos_state

Update the local mirrors for the repositories and/or development packages. Returns (success, changes, rt), where success is true only if all updates were successful, changes is true if any upstream had updates, and rt is the updated repository state.

val upgrade : OpamStateTypes.switch_state -> ?formula:OpamTypes.formula -> ?check:bool -> ?only_installed:bool -> all:bool -> OpamTypes.atom list -> OpamStateTypes.switch_state

Upgrade the switch, that is, move packages to their more recent available versions. The specified atoms are kept installed (or newly installed after a confirmation). The upgrade concerns them only unless all is specified.

val upgrade_t : ?strict_upgrade:bool -> ?auto_install:bool -> ?ask:bool -> ?check:bool -> ?terse:bool -> ?only_installed:bool -> all:bool -> OpamTypes.atom list -> ?formula:OpamTypes.formula -> OpamStateTypes.switch_state -> OpamStateTypes.switch_state

Low-level version of upgrade, bypassing the package name sanitization and dev package update, and offering more control. terse avoids the verbose message when we are at a local maximum, but there are possible upgrades

Remove the given list of packages.

module PIN : sig ... end

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