package opam-state

  1. Overview
  2. Docs

Process environment setup and handling, shell configuration

Environment handling

val resolve_separator_and_format : ('r, 'a) OpamTypes.env_update -> (OpamTypes.spf_resolved, 'a) OpamTypes.env_update
val get_full : set_opamroot:bool -> set_opamswitch:bool -> force_path:bool -> ?updates:('r, OpamTypes.euok_internal) OpamTypes.env_update list -> ?scrub:string list -> 'a OpamStateTypes.switch_state -> OpamTypes.env

Get the current environment with OPAM specific additions. If force_path, the PATH is modified to ensure opam dirs are leading. set_opamroot and set_opamswitch can be additionally used to set the OPAMROOT and OPAMSWITCH variables. scrub is a list of environment variables to remove from the environment.

val get_opam : set_opamroot:bool -> set_opamswitch:bool -> force_path:bool -> 'a OpamStateTypes.switch_state -> OpamTypes.env

Get only environment modified by OPAM. If force_path, the PATH is modified to ensure opam dirs are leading. set_opamroot and set_opamswitch can be additionally used to set the OPAMROOT and OPAMSWITCH variables.

With base, apply the modifications to the specified base environment

val get_opam_raw : set_opamroot:bool -> set_opamswitch:bool -> ?base:OpamTypes.env -> force_path:bool -> OpamTypes.dirname -> OpamTypes.switch -> OpamTypes.env

Like get_opam, but reads the cache file from the given opam root and switch instead of computing the environment from a switch state.

With base, apply the modifications to the specified base environment

val get_opam_raw_updates : set_opamroot:bool -> set_opamswitch:bool -> force_path:bool -> OpamTypes.dirname -> OpamTypes.switch -> (OpamTypes.spf_resolved, [> OpamTypes.euok_writeable ]) OpamTypes.env_update list

Like get_opam_raw, but returns the list of updates instead of the new environment.

val hash_env_updates : ('a, OpamTypes.euok_writeable) OpamTypes.env_update list -> string

Returns a hash of the given env_update list suitable for use with OPAM_LAST_ENV

Returns the running environment, with any opam modifications cleaned out, and optionally the given updates

val cygwin_non_shadowed_programs : string list

The list of executables from Cygwin which must not be allowed to be shadowed by other directories of PATH. This list must not contain git.exe - it is added only if Cygwin's git is installed. The list is used to determine the furthest point in PATH that Cygwin's bin directory can be placed.

Update an environment, including reverting opam changes that could have been previously applied (therefore, don't apply to an already updated env as returned by e.g. get_full!)

val updates : set_opamroot:bool -> set_opamswitch:bool -> ?force_path:bool -> 'a OpamStateTypes.switch_state -> (OpamTypes.spf_resolved, [> OpamTypes.euok_writeable ]) OpamTypes.env_update list

Like get_opam computes environment modification by OPAM , but returns these updates instead of the new environment.

val is_up_to_date : ?skip:bool -> 'a OpamStateTypes.switch_state -> bool

Check if the shell environment is in sync with the current OPAM switch, unless skip is true (it's default value is OPAMNOENVNOTICE

val is_up_to_date_switch : OpamTypes.dirname -> OpamTypes.switch -> bool

Check if the shell environment is in sync with the given opam root and switch (or if OPAMNOENVNOTICE has been set, in which case we just assume it's up to date)

val compute_updates : ?force_path:bool -> 'a OpamStateTypes.switch_state -> (OpamTypes.spf_resolved, [> OpamTypes.euok_writeable ]) OpamTypes.env_update list

Returns the current environment updates to configure the current switch with its set of installed packages

val shell_eval_invocation : -> string -> string

Returns shell-appropriate statement to evaluate cmd.

val opam_env_invocation : ?root:string -> ?switch:string -> ?set_opamswitch:bool -> -> string

Returns "opam env" invocation string together with optional root and switch overrides

val eval_string : 'a OpamStateTypes.global_state -> ?set_opamswitch:bool -> OpamTypes.switch option -> string

The shell command to run by the user to set his OPAM environment, adapted to the current shell (as returned by eval `opam config env`)

val path : force_path:bool -> OpamTypes.dirname -> OpamTypes.switch -> string

Returns the updated contents of the PATH variable for the given opam root and switch (set force_path to ensure the opam path is leading)

Returns the full environment with only the PATH variable updated, as per path

Performs variable expansion on the strings in an environment update

Shell and initialisation support

val setup : OpamTypes.dirname -> interactive:bool -> ?dot_profile:OpamTypes.filename -> ?update_config:bool -> ?env_hook:bool -> ?completion:bool -> ?inplace:bool -> -> unit

Sets the opam configuration in the user shell, after detailing the process and asking the user if either update_config or shell_hook are unset

val update_user_setup : OpamTypes.dirname -> ?dot_profile:OpamTypes.filename -> -> unit

Update the user configuration in $HOME for good opam integration.

val write_static_init_scripts : OpamTypes.dirname -> ?completion:bool -> ?env_hook:bool -> ?inplace:bool -> unit -> unit

Write the generic scripts in ~/.opam/opam-init needed to import state for various shells. If specified, completion and env_hook files can also be written or removed (the default is to keep them as they are). If inplace is true, they are updated if they exist.

val write_custom_init_scripts : OpamTypes.dirname -> (string * string) list -> unit

Write into OpamPath.hooks_dir the given custom scripts (listed as (filename, content)), normally provided by opamrc (OpamFile.InitConfig)

val write_dynamic_init_scripts : 'a OpamStateTypes.switch_state -> unit

Update the shell scripts containing the current switch configuration in ~/.opam/opam-init ; prints a warning and skips if a write lock on the global state can't be acquired (note: it would be better to acquire a write lock beforehand, but only when working on the switch selected in ~/.opam/config)

val clear_dynamic_init_scripts : OpamStateTypes.global_state -> unit

Removes the dynamic init scripts setting the variables for any given switch.

val check_and_print_env_warning : 'a OpamStateTypes.switch_state -> unit

Print a warning if the environment is not set-up properly. (General message)

Hook directory environment


val sys_ocaml_eval_variables : (OpamVariable.t * string list * string) list

System OCaml eval variables for configuration.


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