package orsetto

  1. Overview
  2. Docs
Module type
Class type

Simple octet-stream encoders.


This module provides for safely encoding structured data in octet streams according to schemes composed with functional combinators.

To encode an octet stream progressively, make the appropriate emitter class object exr for the octet sink, then iteratively apply encoding schemes and values of corresponding type to the exr#emit method to encode them as octets to the sink.

An encoding scheme is represented internally as a 3-tuple comprising a) the minimum number of octets sz required in the octet stream to represent a value of the encoded type, b) a structural analysis function ck described further below, and c) an encoder function wr that puts octets into a slice when provided with the structural analysis from the ck function.

Combinators are provided for composing more useful complex encoding schemes from simpler schemes. For example, use pair sa sb to compose a scheme that encodes (va, vb) where sa encodes va and sb encodes vb.

The structural analysis function ck in an encoding scheme is applied to the current position in the stream, the current number of available octets in the encoding buffer, and the value v to encode. If the ck finds that v has no valid encoding, then an exception must be raised. Otherwise, it returns an analysis result that includes the number of octets required to encode the value. An internal exception is uses to signal to the emitter that a valid encoding may yet be found if the working slice is extended with more octets to initialize.

The encoding function wr in an encoding scheme is applied to the octet vector s and cursor i in the working slice, and the structural analysis x returned by the ck function (described above), to encode the value in s starting at index i. The emitter ensures sufficient number of octets are available.

Either encoder function may use invalid msg (see below) to signal a fault to the emitter when a value has no valid encoding. It causes the emitter to raise the Invalid exception.

When encoding encounters the end of a finite octet stream, and the encoding scheme structural analysis result indicates that more octets are required, the emitting method raises the Incomplete exception.

type size = private
  1. | Size of int

Private representation of the size requirement of an encoded value.

type position = private
  1. | Position of int

Private representation of the stream position of an encoded value.

type exn += private
  1. | Invalid of position * string

Emitting may raise Invalid (i, s) in the ck function of an encoding scheme with the index i provided, which indiciates the position in the form where a value cannot be encoded, and diagnostic message s to describe the validation error.

type exn += private
  1. | Incomplete of int

Emitters may raise Incomplete n when n additional octets are required in their working slice to emit the encoded value.

type 'x analysis = private
  1. | Analysis of int * 'x

Private representation of an analysis result, comprising a non-negative count of the encoded octets and the structural analysis value.

val analyze : size -> int -> 'x -> 'x analysis

Use analyze have need x to make a structural analysis result, where have is the size of the current slice of working octets, need is the total number of octets in the analyzed structure of octets required in the working slice to encode the next value, and x is the structural analysis of the octets, which is provided to the wr function in the scheme.

Using analyze have need, i.e. without applying x, raises Incomplete if need > have, otherwise it returns with a unary constructor for the structural analysis.

Raises Invalid_argument if either have or need is negative. An emitter raises Failure if an analysis result indicates that need is less than the minimum required octets for the encoding scheme.

val invalid : position -> string -> 'a

Use invalid p m in the ck function of an encoding scheme with a position p in the octet stream (provided to the ck function), and a diagnostic message m, to signal a validation error in encoding by raising an internal exception caught by the emitter class (see below).

val advance : int -> position -> position

Use advance i pos in check functions to advance pos by i positions. Raises Invalid_argument if i < 0.

type -'v scheme

The type of an encoding scheme for values of the associated type.

val scheme : int -> (position -> size -> 'v -> 'x analysis) -> ('x -> bytes -> int -> unit) -> 'v scheme

Use scheme sz ck wr to make an encoding scheme that applies ck pos n v to analyze the proposal to encode v in no more than n octets, where n >= sz. If ck returns normally, then the scheme applies wr b i x, where x is the analysis result returned normally by ck, to emit at i in b the octets corresponding to the encoding of v. The ck function should call invalid (see above) if v cannot be encoded.

val nil : 'v scheme

The nil scheme. Ignores value and emits no octets.

val any : char scheme

The any octet scheme. Emits exactly one octet.

val opaque : string scheme

The opaque string scheme. Emits the octets from its value.

val subopaque : string Cf_slice.t scheme

The opaque string slice scheme. Emits the octets from its value.

val buffer : (Stdlib.Buffer.t -> 'v -> unit) -> 'v scheme

Use buffer f to make a scheme that applies f to a fresh buffer for each value and emits the buffer content.

val opt : 'v scheme -> 'v option scheme

Use opt s to make an encoding scheme for optional values, which encode Some v according to s, and which encode None as an empty octet sequence.

val pair : 'a scheme -> 'b scheme -> ('a * 'b) scheme

Use pair a b to make an encoding scheme for pairs of values, which encodes its first value according to a and its second value according to b. The ck function for each is called once by the ck function in the resulting scheme. Likewise, the wr function in each is called once in the wr function of the resulting scheme.

val triple : 'a scheme -> 'b scheme -> 'c scheme -> ('a * 'b * 'c) scheme

Use triple a b c to make an encoding scheme for 3-tuples of values, which encodes its first value according to a, its second value according to b, and its third value according to c. The ck function for each is called once by the ck function in the resulting scheme. Likewise, the wr function in each is called once in the wr function of the resulting scheme.

val seq : ?a:int -> ?b:int -> 'v scheme -> 'v Stdlib.Seq.t scheme

Use seq s to make an encoding scheme to emit each value in a sequence according to s. Use ~a to specify a minimum number of elements to encode. Use ~b to specify a maximum number of elements to encode. Raises Invalid_argument if a is less than zero, b is less than a. The ck function raises Invalid if the sequence has fewer then a elements.

val map : (position -> 'a -> 'b) -> 'b scheme -> 'a scheme

Use map f s to make an encoding scheme that applies f to its value and encodes the result according to s. The function f may call invalid if the map is not injective. Note well: f is applied during the check phase of s, and it may be applied multiple times with the same value if the scheme requires more octets that the emitter has available.

module Monad : sig ... end

Use this monad to compose encoding schemes where intermediate values emitted earlier in the octet stream are used to select encoding schemes for the values emitted later in the stream.

val required_size : 'v scheme -> 'v -> size

Use required_size s v to check whether v can be encoded by s. If so, then returns the length of the encoded octets. Otherwise, raises Invalid.

val to_string : 'v scheme -> 'v -> string

Use to_string s v to make a string comprising the octets that encode v according to s.

class emitter : ?start:position -> unit -> object ... end

The class of octet stream emitters. Use new emitter ()) to make a basic emitter object that can progressively encode values into the working slice. Likewise, use inherit emitter ()) to derive a subclass that implements more refined behavior by overriding private methods to manipulate the working slice and the cursor position. Use the optional ~start parameter to initialize the starting position counter to a number other than zero. (See documentation below for the various private members.)

val bytes_emitter : ?start:position -> bytes -> emitter

Use bytes_emitter ?start b to make an emitter that encodes values progressively to the byte array b and raises Incomplete when the remaining octets in bytes array are insufficient to encode a value. Use the ~start parameter to initialize the starting position of the first octet in b to a number other than zero.

val slice_emitter : ?start:position -> bytes Cf_slice.t -> emitter

Use slice_scanner ?start sl to make an emitter that encodes values progressively to the byte array slice sl and raises Incomplete when the remaining octets in the slice are insufficient to encode a value. Use the ~start parameter to initialize the starting position of the first octet in sl to a number other than zero.

class sync_emitter : ?start:position -> ?limit:int -> unit -> emitter

The class of synchronous emitters, which contains a working slice of octets and optionally raises Failure if the size requirement for any particular emitted value is larger than limit. Objects of this class are constructed by the functions below, e.g. buffer_emitter, channel_emitter, etc.

val buffer_emitter : ?start:position -> ?limit:int -> Stdlib.Buffer.t -> emitter

Use buffer_emitter ?start ?limit b to make an emitter that adds its encoded octets to the buffer b every time its emit method is called. Use the optional ~limit to make the emit method raise Failure if the size requirement for any particular emitted value is larger than limit.

Emitters of this class never raise the Incomplete exception.

val channel_emitter : ?start:position -> ?limit:int -> Stdlib.out_channel -> emitter

Use channel_emitter ?limit c to make an emitter that outputs its encoded octets to the channel c every time its emit method is called. Use ~limit to make the emit method raise Failure if the size requirement for an emitted value is larger than limit.

Emitters of this class never raise the Incomplete exception.

class type framer = object ... end

Values of this class type are returned by the framer function below.

val framer : ?start:position -> ?limit:int -> unit -> framer

Use framer ?start ?limit to create a framing emitter.


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