package ortac-runtime-qcheck-stm

  1. Overview
  2. Docs


module M : sig ... end


type elt = M.sut

Type of a single SUT

type t

Values of type t represent a stack of SUTs

val create : int -> unit -> t

create n () creates an initial stack with n SUTs

val clear : t -> unit

clear t removes all elements from the stack t of SUTs

val size : t -> int

size t returns the number of SUTs currently on the stack t

val pop : t -> elt

pop t pops and returns the topmost element of the stack t of SUTs

val push : t -> elt -> unit

push t e pushes the SUT e onto the stack t of SUTs

val get_name : t -> int -> string

get_name t n returns the name for the nth element of the stack t of SUTs


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