package owl-base

  1. Overview
  2. Docs
Module type
Class type
type state = {
  1. mutable current_batch : int;
  2. mutable batches_per_epoch : int;
  3. mutable epochs : float;
  4. mutable batches : int;
  5. mutable loss : t array;
  6. mutable start_at : float;
  7. mutable stop : bool;
  8. mutable gs : t array array;
  9. mutable ps : t array array;
  10. mutable us : t array array;
  11. mutable ch : t array array array;

Type definition of checkpoint

type typ =
  1. | Batch of int
  2. | Epoch of float
  3. | Custom of state -> unit
  4. | None

    Batch type.

val init_state : int -> float -> state

``init_state batches_per_epoch epochs`` initialises a state by specifying the number of batches per epoch and the number of epochs in total.

val default_checkpoint_fun : (string -> 'a) -> 'a

This function is used for saving intermediate files during optimisation.

val print_state_info : state -> unit

Print out the detail information of current ``state``.

val print_summary : state -> unit

Print out the summary of current ``state``.

val run : typ -> (string -> unit) -> int -> t -> state -> unit

Execute the computations defined in module ``typ``.

val to_string : typ -> string

Convert the module ``typ`` to its string representation.


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