package owl

  1. Overview
  2. Docs
Module type
Class type

Maths: fundamental and advanced mathematical functions.

This module contains some basic and advanced mathematical operations. If you cannot find some function in this module, try Stats module.

Please refer to Scipy documentation.

Basic functions
val add : float -> float -> float

``add x y`` gives x + y.

val sub : float -> float -> float

``sub x y`` gives x - y.

val mul : float -> float -> float

``mul x y`` gives x * y.

val div : float -> float -> float

``div x y`` gives x / y.

val atan2 : float -> float -> float

``atan2 y x`` gives arctan(y/x), accounting for the sign of the arguments; this is the angle to the vector (x, y) counting from the x-axis.

val abs : float -> float

``abs x`` gives ``|x|``.

val neg : float -> float

``neg x`` gives -x.

val reci : float -> float

``reci x`` gives 1/x.

val floor : float -> float

``floor x`` gives the largest integer <= x.

val ceil : float -> float

``ceil x`` gives the smallest integer >= x.

val round : float -> float

``round x`` rounds, towards the bigger integer when on the fence.

val trunc : float -> float

``trunc x`` integer part.

val sqr : float -> float

``sqr x`` square.

val sqrt : float -> float

``sqrt x`` square root.

val pow : float -> float -> float

``pow x y`` gives x^y.

val exp : float -> float

``exp x`` exponential.

val expm1 : float -> float

``expm1 x`` gives exp(x) - 1 but more accurate for x ~ 0.

val log : float -> float

``log x`` natural logarithm

val log1p : float -> float

``log1p x`` gives log (x + 1) but more accurate for x ~ 0. Inverse of ``expm1``.

val logabs : float -> float

``logabs x`` gives log(abs(x)).

val log2 : float -> float

``log2 x`` gives the base-2 logarithm of x.

val log10 : float -> float

``log10 x`` gives the base-10 logarithm of x.

val logn : float -> float -> float

``logn x`` gives the base-n logarithm of x.

val sigmoid : float -> float

``sigmoid x`` gives the logistic sigmoid function 1 / (1 + exp(-x)).

val signum : float -> float

``signum x`` gives the sign of x: -1, 0 or 1.

val softsign : float -> float

``softsign x`` smoothed sign function.

val softplus : float -> float

``softplus x`` gives log(1+exp(x)).

val relu : float -> float

``relu x`` gives max(0, x).

val sin : float -> float

``sin x`` gives sin(x).

val cos : float -> float

``cos x`` gives cos(x).

val tan : float -> float

``tan x`` gives tan(x).

val cot : float -> float

``cot x`` gives 1/tan(x).

val sec : float -> float

``sec x`` gives 1/cos(x).

val csc : float -> float

``csc x`` gives 1/sin(x).

val asin : float -> float

``asin x`` gives arcsin(x).

val acos : float -> float

``acos x`` gives arccos(x).

val atan : float -> float

``atan x`` gives arctan(x).

val acot : float -> float

``acot x`` gives arccotan(x).

val asec : float -> float

``asec x`` gives arcsec(x).

val acsc : float -> float

``acsc x`` gives arccosec(x).

val sinh : float -> float

``sinh x`` gives sinh(x).

val cosh : float -> float

``cosh x`` gives cosh(x).

val tanh : float -> float

``tanh x`` gives tanh(x).

val coth : float -> float

``coth x`` gives coth(x).

val sech : float -> float

``sech x`` gives sech(x).

val csch : float -> float

``csch x`` gives cosech(x).

val asinh : float -> float

``asinh x`` gives arcsinh(x).

val acosh : float -> float

``acosh x`` gives arccosh(x).

val atanh : float -> float

``atanh x`` gives arctanh(x).

val acoth : float -> float

``acoth x`` gives arccoth(x).

val asech : float -> float

``asech x`` gives arcsech(x).

val acsch : float -> float

``acsch x`` gives arccosech(x).

val sinc : float -> float

``sinc x`` gives sin(x)/x and 1 for x=0.

val logsinh : float -> float

``logsinh x`` gives log(sinh(x)) but handles large ``|x|``.

val logcosh : float -> float

``logcosh x`` gives log(cosh(x)) but handles large ``|x|``.

val sindg : float -> float

Sine of angle given in degrees.

val cosdg : float -> float

Cosine of the angle x given in degrees.

val tandg : float -> float

Tangent of angle x given in degrees.

val cotdg : float -> float

Cotangent of the angle x given in degrees.

val hypot : float -> float -> float

Calculate the length of the hypotenuse.

val xlogy : float -> float -> float

``xlogy(x, y)`` gives x*log(y).

val xlog1py : float -> float -> float

``xlog1py(x, y)`` gives x*log(y+1).

val logit : float -> float

``logit(x)`` gives log(p/(1-p)).

val expit : float -> float

``expit(x)`` gives 1/(1+exp(-x)).

Airy functions
val airy : float -> float * float * float * float

Airy function ``airy x`` returns ``(Ai, Aip, Bi, Bip)``. ``Aip`` is the derivative of ``Ai`` whilst ``Bip`` is the derivative of ``Bi``.

Bessel functions
val j0 : float -> float

Bessel function of the first kind of order 0.

val j1 : float -> float

Bessel function of the first kind of order 1.

val jv : float -> float -> float

Bessel function of real order.

val y0 : float -> float

Bessel function of the second kind of order 0.

val y1 : float -> float

Bessel function of the second kind of order 1.

val yv : float -> float -> float

Bessel function of the second kind of real order.

val yn : int -> float -> float

Bessel function of the second kind of integer order.

val i0 : float -> float

Modified Bessel function of order 0.

val i0e : float -> float

Exponentially scaled modified Bessel function of order 0.

val i1 : float -> float

Modified Bessel function of order 1.

val i1e : float -> float

Exponentially scaled modified Bessel function of order 1.

val iv : float -> float -> float

Modified Bessel function of the first kind of real order.

val k0 : float -> float

Modified Bessel function of the second kind of order 0, K_0.

val k0e : float -> float

Exponentially scaled modified Bessel function K of order 0.

val k1 : float -> float

Modified Bessel function of the second kind of order 1, K_1(x).

val k1e : float -> float

Exponentially scaled modified Bessel function K of order 1.

Elliptic functions
val ellipj : float -> float -> float * float * float * float

Jacobian Elliptic function ``ellipj u m`` returns ``(sn, cn, dn, phi)``.

val ellipk : float -> float

Complete elliptic integral of the first kind ``ellipk m``.

val ellipkm1 : float -> float

Complete elliptic integral of the first kind around ``m = 1``.

val ellipkinc : float -> float -> float

Incomplete elliptic integral of the first kind ``ellipkinc phi m``.

val ellipe : float -> float

Complete elliptic integral of the second kind ``ellipe m``.

val ellipeinc : float -> float -> float

Incomplete elliptic integral of the second kind ``ellipeinc phi m``.

Gamma Functions
val gamma : float -> float

Gamma function.

.. math:: \Gamma(z) = \int_0^\infty x^z-1 e^



dx = (z - 1)!

The gamma function is often referred to as the generalized factorial since ``z*gamma(z) = gamma(z+1)`` and ``gamma(n+1) = n!`` for natural number ``n``.

Parameters: * ``z``

Returns: * The value of gamma(z).

val rgamma : float -> float

Reciprocal Gamma function.

val loggamma : float -> float

Logarithm of the gamma function.

val gammainc : float -> float -> float

Incomplete gamma function.

val gammaincinv : float -> float -> float

Inverse function of ``gammainc``.

val gammaincc : float -> float -> float

Complemented incomplete gamma integral.

val gammainccinv : float -> float -> float

Inverse function of ``gammaincc``.

val psi : float -> float

The digamma function.

Beta functions
val beta : float -> float -> float

Beta function.

.. math:: \mathrmB(a, b) = \frac\Gamma(a) \Gamma(b)\Gamma(a+b)

val betainc : float -> float -> float -> float

Incomplete beta integral.

val betaincinv : float -> float -> float -> float

Inverse funciton of beta integral.

val fact : int -> float

Factorial function ``fact n`` calculates ``n!``.

val log_fact : int -> float

Logarithm of factorial function ``log_fact n`` calculates ``log n!``.

val doublefact : int -> float

Double factorial function ``doublefact n`` calculates n!! = n(n-2)(n-4)...

val log_doublefact : int -> float

Logarithm of double factorial function. ``log_doublefact n`` calculates log(n!!)

val permutation : int -> int -> int

``permutation n k`` gives the number n!/(n-k)! of ordered subsets of length k, taken from a set of n elements.

val permutation_float : int -> int -> float

``permutation_float`` is like ``permutation`` but deal with larger range.

val combination : int -> int -> int

``combination n k`` gives the number n!/(k!(n-k)!) of subsets of k elements of a set of n elements. This is the binomial coefficient 'n choose k'

val combination_float : int -> int -> float

``combination_float`` is like ``combination`` but can deal with a larger range.

val log_combination : int -> int -> float

``log_combination n k`` gives the logarithm of 'n choose k'.

Error functions
val erf : float -> float

Error function. :math:`\int_



^x \frac

\sqrt(2\pi) exp(-1/2 y^2) dy`

val erfc : float -> float

Complementary error function, 1 - erf(x).

val erfcx : float -> float

Scaled complementary error function, exp(x^2) * erfc(x).

val erfinv : float -> float

Inverse of erf.

val erfcinv : float -> float

Inverse of erfc.

Dawson & Fresnel integrals
val dawsn : float -> float

Dawson’s integral.

val fresnel : float -> float * float

Fresnel sin and cos integrals. ``fresnel x`` returns a tuple consisting of ``(Fresnel sin integral, Fresnel cos integral)``.

Struve functions
val struve : float -> float -> float

``struve v x`` returns the value of the Struve function of order ``v`` at ``x``. The Struve function is defined as,

.. math:: H_v(x) = (z/2)^

+ 1} \sum_{n=0}^\infty \frac{(-1)^n (z/2)^{2n}}{\Gamma(n + \frac{3}{2}) \Gamma(n + v + \frac{3}{2})},

where :math:`\Gamma` is the gamma function.

  * ``v``: order of the Struve function (float).
  * ``x``: Argument of the Struve function (float; must be positive unless v is an integer).
Other special functions
val expn : int -> float -> float

Exponential integral E_n.

val shichi : float -> float * float

Hyperbolic sine and cosine integrals, ``shichi x`` returns ``(shi, chi)``.

val shi : float -> float

Hyperbolic sine integral.

val chi : float -> float

Hyperbolic cosine integral.

val sici : float -> float * float

Sine and cosine integrals, ``sici x`` returns ``(si, ci)``.

val si : float -> float

Sine integral.

val ci : float -> float

Cosine integral.

val zeta : float -> float -> float

``zeta x q`` gives the Hurwitz zeta function :math:`\zeta(x, q)`, which reduces to the Riemann zeta function :math:`\zeta(x)` when q=1.

val zetac : float -> float

Riemann zeta function minus 1.

Raw statistical functions
val bdtr : int -> int -> float -> float

Binomial distribution cumulative distribution function.

``bdtr k n p`` calculates the sum of the terms 0 through k of the Binomial probability density.

.. math:: \mathrmdtr(k, n, p) = \sum_j=0^k {n\choosej


p^j (1-p)^n-j

Parameters: * ``k``: Number of successes. * ``n``: Number of events. * ``p``: Probability of success in a single event.

Returns: * Probability of k or fewer successes in n independent events with success probabilities of p.

val bdtrc : int -> int -> float -> float

Binomial distribution survival function.

``bdtrc k n p`` calculates the sum of the terms k + 1 through n of the binomial probability density,

.. math:: \mathrmdtrc(k, n, p) = \sum_j=k+1^n {n\choosej


p^j (1-p)^n-j

val bdtri : int -> int -> float -> float

Inverse function to ``bdtr`` with respect to ``p``.

Finds the event probability ``p`` such that the sum of the terms 0 through k of the binomial probability density is equal to the given cumulative probability y.

val btdtr : float -> float -> float -> float

Cumulative density function of the beta distribution.

``btdtr a b x`` returns the integral from zero to x of the beta probability density function,

.. math:: I = \int_0^x \frac\Gamma(a + b)\Gamma(a)\Gamma(b) t^a-1 (1-t)^-1\,dt

where :math:`\Gamma` is the gamma function.

Parameters: * ``a``: Shape parameter (a > 0). * ``b``: Shape parameter (a > 0). * ``x``: Upper limit of integration, in 0, 1.

Returns: * Cumulative density function of the beta distribution with ``a`` and ``b`` at ``x``.

val btdtri : float -> float -> float -> float

The p-th quantile of the Beta distribution.

This function is the inverse of the beta cumulative distribution function, ``btdtr``, returning the value of ``x`` for which ``btdtr(a, b, x) = p``,

.. math:: p = \int_0^x \frac\Gamma(a + b)\Gamma(a)\Gamma(b) t^a-1 (1-t)^-1\,dt

where :math:`\Gamma` is the gamma function.

Parameters: * ``a``: Shape parameter (a > 0). * ``b``: Shape parameter (a > 0). * ``x``: Cumulative probability, in 0, 1.

Returns: * The quantile corresponding to ``p``.

Helper functions
val is_nan : float -> bool

``is_nan x`` returns ``true`` if ``x`` is ``nan``.

val is_inf : float -> bool

``is_inf x`` returns ``true`` if ``x`` is ``infinity`` or ``neg_infinity``.

val is_odd : int -> bool

``is_odd x`` returns ``true`` if ``x`` is odd.

val is_even : int -> bool

``is_even x`` returns ``true`` if ``x`` is even.

val is_pow2 : int -> bool

``is_pow2 x`` return ``true`` if ``x`` is integer power of 2, e.g. 32, 64, etc.

val same_sign : float -> float -> bool

``same_sign x y`` returns ``true`` if ``x`` and ``y`` have the same sign, otherwise it returns ``false``. Positive and negative zeros are special cases and always returns ``true``.

val is_simplex : float array -> bool

``is_simplex x`` checks whether ``x`` is simplex. In other words, :math:`\sum_i^K x_i = 1` and :math:`x_i \ge 0, \forall x_i \in 1,K`.

val nextafter : float -> float -> float

``nextafter from to`` returns the next representable double precision value of ``from`` in the direction of ``to``. If ``from`` equals ``to``, this value is returned.

val nextafterf : float -> float -> float

``nextafter from to`` returns the next representable single precision value of ``from`` in the direction of ``to``. If ``from`` equals ``to``, this value is returned.


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