package parsexp

  1. Overview
  2. Docs
module Conv_error : sig ... end
module Of_sexp_error : sig ... end
module Old_parser_cont_state : sig ... end
module Parse_error : sig ... end
module Positions : sig ... end

Compact set of positions

module Cst : sig ... end

Concrete syntax tree of s-expressions

module type Conv = sig ... end
module type Parser = sig ... end
module type Eager_parser = sig ... end

Same as Parser but gives back a s-expression as soon as they are found in the input.

exception Of_sexp_error of Of_sexp_error.t

Exception raised in case of a conversion error

exception Parse_error of Parse_error.t

Exception raised in case of a parsing error

module Many : Parser with type parsed_value = Sexplib0.Sexp.t list

Same as Parser but gives back a s-expression as soon as they are found in the input.

Same as Parser but gives back a s-expression as soon as they are found in the input.

Same as Parser but gives back a s-expression as soon as they are found in the input.

module Many_cst : Parser with type parsed_value = Cst.t_or_comment list

Same as Parser but gives back a s-expression as soon as they are found in the input.

type 'a id = 'a
type sexp_list = Sexplib0.Sexp.t list
module Conv_single : Conv with type 'a res := 'a id and type parsed_sexp := Sexplib0.Sexp.t and type chunk_to_conv := Sexplib0.Sexp.t
module Conv_many : Conv with type 'a res := 'a list and type parsed_sexp := sexp_list and type chunk_to_conv := Sexplib0.Sexp.t
module Conv_many_at_once : Conv with type 'a res := 'a id and type parsed_sexp := sexp_list and type chunk_to_conv := sexp_list
module Private : sig ... end