package phylogenetics

  1. Overview
  2. Docs
type mat = Lacaml.D.mat

A square matrix of floats.

type vec = Lacaml.D.vec

A vector of floats.

module Vec : sig ... end
module Mat : sig ... end
val mat_vec_mul : mat -> vec -> vec

Matrix-vector product.

val scal_mat_mul : float -> mat -> mat

Multiplication of a matrix by a scalar.

val inplace_scal_vec_mul : float -> vec -> unit

Scalar-vector product (in-place).

val scal_vec_mul : float -> vec -> vec

Scalar-vector product

val scal_vec_add : float -> vec -> vec

Scalar-vector addition.

val stat_dist : mat -> vec

Computes the static distribution (ie, eigenvector for eigenvalue 0) of a given matrix.


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