package podge

  1. Overview
  2. Docs
type 'a nums =
  1. | Int : int nums
  2. | Float : float nums
val random_array : int -> 't nums -> 't0 array
val derivative : f:(float -> float) -> float -> float
val linear_regression : xs:float array -> ys:float array -> float -> float
val pow : base:int -> int -> int
val log2 : float -> float
val bit_string_of_int : int -> string
val bit_string_of_string : string -> string
val sum_int_list : int list -> int
val sum_float_list : float list -> float
val pi : float
val range : ?chunk:int -> from:int -> int -> int list
val validate_prob : float -> unit
val entropy : float list -> float

Computes the entropy from a list of probabilities

val self_information : float -> float

Represents the number of bits of information contained in this message, roughly how many number of bits we should encode this message with. The less likely an event is to occur, the more information we can say actually is contained in the event

val distance : float list -> float list -> float

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