package ppx_protocol_conv_yaml

  1. Overview
  2. Docs
Json driver for Ppx_protocol_conv


Dune Dependency





Ppx Protocol Conv

Ppx protocol conv (de)serialisers using deriving, which allows for plugable (de)serialisers. Api.


The ppx supports the following features:

  • records

  • recursive and non-recursive types

  • variants

  • polymophic variants

  • All primitive types (except nativeint)

The following drivers exists

  • Json which serialises to Yojson.Safe.t

  • Jsonm which serialises to Ezjsonm.value

  • Xml_light which serialises to Xml.xml list

  • Msgpack which serialises to Msgpck.t

  • Yaml which serialises to Yaml.t

Example Usage

open Protocol_conv
open Protocol_conv_json
type a = {
  x: int;
  y: string [@key "Y"]
} [@@deriving protocol ~driver:(module Json) ~flags:(`Mangle Json.mangle)]

type b = A of int
       | B of int [@key "b"]
       | C
[@@deriving protocol ~driver:(module Json)]

will generate the functions:

val a_to_json: a -> Json.t
val a_of_json: Json.t -> a

val b_to_json: a -> Json.t
val b_of_json: Json.t -> a
a_to_json { x=42; y:"really" }

Evaluates to

[ "x", `Int 42; "Y", `String "really"] (* Yojson.Safe.json *)

to_protocol deriver will generate serilisation of the type. of_protocol deriver generates de-serilisation of the type, while protocol deriver will generate both serilisation and de-serilisation functions.

Flags can be specified using the driver argument ~flags. For the json and msgpack drivers, the mangle function transforms record label names to be lower camelcase: a_bc_de -> aBcDe and a_bc_de_ -> aBcDe. Beware that this may cause name collisions, which can only be determined at runtime.


Record label names can be changed using [@key <string>]

Variant constructors names can also be changed using the [@key <string>] attribute.


The ppx also handles signature, but disallows [@key ...] and ~flags:... as these does not impact signatures.


Notes on type mappings

All included driver allow for the identity mapping by using the <driver>.t type, i.e.:

type example = {
  json: Json.t; (* This has type Yojson.Safe.t *)

Maps to and from Yojson.Safe.t


the Msgpack driver accepts the following options:

Option Description Example
Mangle of (string -> string) | Maps record field names | [@@deriving protocol ~driver:(module Json) ~flags:(Mangle Json.mangle]
Mangles names: a_bc_de -> aBcDe, ab_ -> ab, `ab_cd__ -> abCd' |
Ocaml type Generates Accepts
string `String `String
bytes `String `String
int `Int `Int
int32 `Int `Int
int64 `Int `Int
float `Float `Float
unit `List [] `List []
Json.t Yojson.Safe.t Yojson.Safe.t

Converts to and from Ezjsonm.value. Types and arguments are the same as for the Json implementation.


Msgpack driver maps to and from Msgpck.t. To allow more finegrained control over generated type, the msgpack module defines extra types. See table in #types section.


The Msgpack driver accepts the following options:

Option Description Example
Mangle of (string -> string) | Maps record field names | [@@deriving protocol ~driver:(module Json) ~flags:(Mangle Json.mangle]
Mangles names: a_bc_de -> aBcDe, ab_ -> ab, `ab_cd__ -> abCd' |
Ocaml type Generates Accepts
string String String, Bytes
int Int Int, Int32, Int64, Uint32, Uint64
int32 Int32 Int32
int64 Int64 Int64
float Float64 Float64, Float32
unit List [] List []
Msgpack.uint32 Uint32 Uint32
Msgpack.uint64 Uint64 Uint64
Msgpack.bytes Bytes Bytes, String
Msgpack.float32 Float32 Float32
Msgpack.t MsgPck.t MsgPck.t

Converts to and from Yaml.value

Ocaml type Generates Accepts
string `String `String
bytes `String `String
int `Float `Float*
int32 `Float `Float*
int64 `Float `Float*
float `Float `Float
unit `List [] `List []
Yaml.t Yaml.t Yaml.t

(*) Expects abs(round(f) - f) < 0.000001

Custom drivers

It is easy to provide custom drivers by implementing the signature:

include Protocol_conv.Runtime.Driver with
  type t = ... and
  type 'a flags = ...

See the drivers directory for examples on how to implemented new drivers. Submissions of new drivers are welcome.

Not supported

  • Generalised algebraic datatypes

  • Extensible types

  • Extensible polymorphic variants

  • nativeint


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