package pratter

  1. Overview
  2. Docs
Module type
Class type


module Sup : SUPPORT


exception OpConflict of Sup.term * Sup.term

Raised when there is a priority or associativiy conflict between two operators. The arguments are the terms that generate the conflict.

exception UnexpectedBin of Sup.term

Raised when a binary operator appears without left context. If + is a binary operator, it is raised in, e.g., + x x or x + + x x.

exception TooFewArguments

Raised when more arguments are expected. It is raised for instance on partial application of operators, such as x +.

val expression : Sup.table -> Sup.term Stream.t -> Sup.term

expression tbl s parses stream of tokens s with table of operators tbl. It transforms a sequence of applications to a structured application tree containing infix and prefix operators. For instance, assuming that + is declared infix, it transforms 3 + 5 + 2, represented as @(@(@(@(3,+),5),+),2) (where @ is the application) into (@(+(@(+,3,5)),2).

  • raises TooFewArguments

    when the stream s is empty or does not have enough elements.

  • raises OpConflict

    when the input terms cannot be parenthesised unambiguously.

  • raises UnexpectedBin

    when a binary operator appear without a left context.


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