The default cost factory, parameterized by the page width limit page_width
, and optionally the computation width limit computation_width
. When the computation width limit is not specified, it is set to 1.2 * page_width
In this cost factory, the cost type t
is a pair of natural numbers, where the first component is badness, which is roughly speaking the sum of squared overflows, and the second component is the height (number of newlines).
Internally, default_cost_factory
is defined as:
let default_cost_factory ~page_width ?computation_width () =
(module struct
type t = int * int
let limit = match computation_width with
| None -> (float_of_int page_width) *. 1.2 |> int_of_float
| Some computation_width -> computation_width
let text pos len =
let stop = pos + len in
if stop > page_width then
let maxwc = max page_width pos in
let a = maxwc - page_width in
let b = stop - maxwc in
(b * (2*a + b), 0)
(0, 0)
let newline _ = (0, 1)
let combine (o1, h1) (o2, h2) =
(o1 + o2, h1 + h2)
let le (o1, h1) (o2, h2) =
if o1 = o2 then h1 <= h2 else o1 < o2
let debug (o, h) = Printf.sprintf "(%d %d)" o h
end: Signature.CostFactory with type t = int * int)