The default cost factory, parameterized by the page width limit page_width
, and optionally the computation width limit computation_width
. When the computation width limit is not specified, it is set to 1.2 * page_width
In this cost factory, the cost type t
is a quadruple of natural numbers.
- The first component is badness, which is roughly speaking the sum of squared overflows over the page width limit
- The second component is sum of overflows over a column separator.
- The third component is the height (number of newlines).
Internally, default_cost_factory
is defined as:
let default_cost_factory ~page_width ?computation_width () =
(module struct
type t = int * int * int
let limit = match computation_width with
| None -> (float_of_int page_width) *. 1.2 |> int_of_float
| Some computation_width -> computation_width
let text pos len =
let stop = pos + len in
if stop > page_width then
let maxwc = max page_width pos in
let a = maxwc - page_width in
let b = stop - maxwc in
b * (2*a + b), 0, 0
0, 0, 0
let newline _ = 0, 0, 1
let combine (o1, ot1, h1) (o2, ot2, h2) =
o1 + o2, ot1 + ot2, h1 + h2
let le c1 c2 = c1 <= c2
let two_columns_overflow w = 0, w, 0
let two_columns_bias _ = 0, 0, 0
let string_of_cost (o, ot, h) = Printf.sprintf "(%d %d %d)" o ot h
let debug_format = make_debug_format page_width
end: Signature.CostFactory with type t = int * int * int)