package pxp

  1. Overview
  2. Docs
Module type
Class type
type lexers =
  1. | Document
  2. | Document_type
  3. | Content
  4. | Within_tag
  5. | Within_tag_entry
  6. | Declaration
  7. | Comment of lexers
  8. | Ignored_section
  9. | Closed
  10. | Tag_eb
  11. | Tag_eb_att of bool
type prolog_token =
  1. | Pro_name of string
  2. | Pro_eq
  3. | Pro_string of string
  4. | Pro_eof
type entity_id = < pxp_magic_coercion : unit -> unit >
type token =
  1. | Begin_entity
  2. | End_entity
  3. | Comment_begin of entity_id
  4. | Comment_material of string
  5. | Comment_end of entity_id
  6. | Ignore
  7. | IgnoreLineEnd
  8. | Eq
  9. | Rangle
  10. | Rangle_empty
  11. | Percent
  12. | Plus
  13. | Star
  14. | Bar
  15. | Comma
  16. | Qmark
  17. | Pcdata
  18. | Required
  19. | Implied
  20. | Fixed
  21. | Bof
  22. | Eof
  23. | Conditional_begin of entity_id
  24. | Conditional_body of entity_id
  25. | Conditional_end of entity_id
  26. | Doctype of entity_id
  27. | Doctype_rangle of entity_id
  28. | Dtd_begin of entity_id
  29. | Dtd_end of entity_id
  30. | Decl_element of entity_id
  31. | Decl_attlist of entity_id
  32. | Decl_entity of entity_id
  33. | Decl_notation of entity_id
  34. | Decl_rangle of entity_id
  35. | Lparen of entity_id
  36. | Rparen of entity_id
  37. | RparenPlus of entity_id
  38. | RparenStar of entity_id
  39. | RparenQmark of entity_id
  40. | Tag_beg of string * entity_id
  41. | Tag_end of string * entity_id
  42. | PI of string * string * entity_id
  43. | PI_xml of prolog_token list
  44. | Cdata of string
  45. | CRef of int
  46. | ERef of string
  47. | PERef of string
  48. | CharData of string
  49. | Lcurly
  50. | LLcurly
  51. | Rcurly
  52. | RRcurly
  53. | LineEnd of string
  54. | LineEnd_att of string
  55. | Name of string
  56. | Nametoken of string
  57. | Attval of string
  58. | Attval_nl_normalized of string
  59. | Unparsed_string of string
  60. | SQuote
  61. | DQuote
  62. | ERef_att of string
val string_of_lexers : lexers -> string
val string_of_tok : token -> string
type lexbuf = [
  1. | `Netulex of Netulex.Ulexing.lexbuf
  2. | `Ocamllex of Lexing.lexbuf
class type lexer_factory = object ... end
class type lexer_obj = object ... end
type lexer_set = {
  1. scan_name_string : Lexing.lexbuf -> token;

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