package pyml

  1. Overview
  2. Docs
val library_patterns : (int -> int -> string, unit, string) format list

List of possible names for libpython given major and minor versions. On Linux, ""; on Mac OS X, "libpython%d.%d.dylib"; on Windows, "python%d%d.dll". There may be some variants to try, like "", so we return a list.

val library_suffix : string

Suffix to add to library names returned by pkg-config (".so" on Linux, ".dylib" on Mac OSX, we don't use pkg-config on Windows)

val ensure_executable_suffix : string -> string

Ensure that the executable has the ".exe" suffix on Windows, do nothing on other platforms.

val which : string

The tool to search in PATH: "which" on Unix/Mac OS X; "where" on Windows.

val fd_of_int : int -> Unix.file_descr

Convert a file descriptor index to a file descriptor usable in OCaml. It is the identity on Unix and Mac OS X, and the stdlib "win_handle_fd" C stub on Windows.

val path_separator : string

Separator between paths in PATH environment variable. ":" on Unix/Mac OS X; ";" on Windows.


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