package pyre-ast

  1. Overview
  2. Docs

This module provides a type that represents Python comparison operators.

type 'a t = {
  1. eq : 'a;

    Represents Python operator ==.

  2. noteq : 'a;

    Represents Python operator !=.

  3. lt : 'a;

    Represents Python operator <.

  4. lte : 'a;

    Represents Python operator <.

  5. gt : 'a;

    Represents Python operator >.

  6. gte : 'a;

    Represents Python operator <=.

  7. is : 'a;

    Represents Python operator is.

  8. isnot : 'a;

    Represents Python operator is not.

  9. in_ : 'a;

    Represents Python operator in.

  10. notin : 'a;

    Represents Python operator not in

val make : eq:'a -> noteq:'a -> lt:'a -> lte:'a -> gt:'a -> gte:'a -> is:'a -> isnot:'a -> in_:'a -> notin:'a -> unit -> 'a t

Constructor of t.


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