package raylib

  1. Overview
  2. Docs
On This Page
  1. Ctypes reexports
  2. Constants
  3. Types
  4. Functions
    1. Window and Graphics Device Functions (Module: core)
      1. Window-related functions
      2. Cursor-related functions
      3. Drawing-related functions
      4. Screen-space-related functions
      5. Timing-related functions
      6. Misc. functions
      7. Files management functions
      8. Persistent storage management
    2. Input Handling Functions (Module: core)
      1. Input-related functions: keyboard
      2. Input-related functions: gamepads
      3. Input-related functions: mouse
      4. Input-related functions: touch
      5. Gestures and Touch Handling Functions (Module: gestures)
      6. Camera System Functions (Module: camera)
    3. Basic Shapes Drawing Functions (Module: shapes)
      1. Basic shapes drawing functions
      2. Basic shapes collision detection functions
    4. Texture Loading and Drawing Functions (Module: textures)
      1. Image loading functions
      2. Image manipulation functions
      3. Image drawing functions
      4. Texture loading functions
      5. Texture configuration functions
      6. Texture drawing functions
      7. Color/Pixel related functions
    5. Font Loading and Text Drawing Functions (Module: text)
      1. Font loading/unloading functions
      2. Text drawing functions
      3. Text misc. functions
      4. Text strings management functions (no utf8 strings, only byte chars)
      5. Text formatting with variables (sprintf style)
      6. UTF8 text strings management functions
    6. Basic 3d Shapes Drawing Functions (Module: models)
      1. Basic geometric 3D shapes drawing functions
      2. Model loading/unloading functions
      3. Material loading/unloading functions
      4. Model animations loading/unloading functions
      5. Mesh generation functions
      6. Mesh manipulation functions
      7. Model drawing functions
      8. Collision detection functions
    7. Shaders System Functions (Module: rlgl)
      1. Shader loading/unloading functions
      2. Shader configuration functions
      3. Texture maps generation (PBR)
      4. Shading begin/end functions
      5. VR control functions
    8. Audio Loading and Playing Functions (Module: audio)
      1. Audio device management functions
      2. Wave/Sound loading/unloading functions
      3. Wave/Sound management functions
      4. Music management functions
      5. AudioStream management functions

Ctypes reexports

Basic types and utility functions shared by the following modules

type 'a ctyp = private 'a Ctypes.structure
type 'a ptr = 'a Ctypes.ptr
val to_ctyp : 'a Ctypes.structure -> 'a ctyp
val addr : 'a ctyp -> 'a ctyp ptr
val to_voidp : 'a ptr -> unit ptr
val ptr_of_int : int -> int ptr
val ptr_of_uint : Unsigned.uint -> Unsigned.uint ptr
val void_ptr_of_int : int -> unit ptr
module CArray = Ctypes.CArray


module ConfigFlag : sig ... end
module TraceLogType : sig ... end
module Key : sig ... end
module AndroidButton : sig ... end
module MouseButton : sig ... end
module MouseCursor : sig ... end
module GamepadNumber : sig ... end
module GamepadButton : sig ... end
module GamepadAxis : sig ... end
module ShaderLocationIndex : sig ... end
module ShaderUniformDataType : sig ... end
module MaterialMapType : sig ... end
module PixelFormat : sig ... end
module TextureFilterMode : sig ... end
module CubemapLayoutType : sig ... end
module TextureWrapMode : sig ... end
module FontType : sig ... end
module BlendMode : sig ... end
module GestureType : sig ... end
module CameraMode : sig ... end
module CameraType : sig ... end
module NPatchType : sig ... end
val max_material_maps : int
val max_shader_locations : int


module Vector2 : sig ... end
module Vector3 : sig ... end
module Vector4 : sig ... end
module Matrix : sig ... end
module Color : sig ... end
module Rectangle : sig ... end
module Texture : sig ... end
module Texture2D = Texture
module Image : sig ... end
module RenderTexture : sig ... end
module RenderTexture2D = RenderTexture
module NPatchInfo : sig ... end
module CharInfo : sig ... end
module Font : sig ... end
module Camera3D : sig ... end
module Camera = Camera3D
module Camera2D : sig ... end
module Mesh : sig ... end
module Shader : sig ... end
module MaterialMap : sig ... end
module Material : sig ... end
module Transform : sig ... end
module BoneInfo : sig ... end
module Model : sig ... end
module ModelAnimation : sig ... end
module Ray : sig ... end
module RayHitInfo : sig ... end
module BoundingBox : sig ... end
module Wave : sig ... end
module AudioStream : sig ... end
module Sound : sig ... end
module Music : sig ... end
module VrDeviceInfo : sig ... end


Window and Graphics Device Functions (Module: core)

val init_window : int -> int -> string -> unit

init_window width heigth title initializes window and OpenGL context

val window_should_close : unit -> bool

Check if KEY_ESCAPE pressed or Close icon pressed

val close_window : unit -> unit

Close window and unload OpenGL context

val is_window_ready : unit -> bool

Check if window has been initialized successfully

val is_window_fullscreen : unit -> bool

Check if window is currently fullscreen

val is_window_hidden : unit -> bool

Check if window is currently hidden (only PLATFORM_DESKTOP

val is_window_minimized : unit -> bool

Check if window has been minimized (or lost focus)

val is_window_maximized : unit -> bool

Check if window is currently maximized (only PLATFORM_DESKTOP)

val is_window_focused : unit -> bool

Check if window is currently focused (only PLATFORM_DESKTOP

val is_window_resized : unit -> bool

Check if window has been resized last frame

val is_window_state : ConfigFlag.t -> bool

Check if one specific window flag is enabled

val set_window_state : ConfigFlag.t list -> unit

Set window configuration state using flags

val clear_window_state : ConfigFlag.t list -> unit

Clear window configuration state flags

val toggle_fullscreen : unit -> unit

Toggle fullscreen mode (only PLATFORM_DESKTOP)

val maximize_window : unit -> unit

Set window state: maximized, if resizable (only PLATFORM_DESKTOP

val minimize_window : unit -> unit

Set window state: minimized, if resizable (only PLATFORM_DESKTOP

val restore_window : unit -> unit

Set window state: not minimized/maximized (only PLATFORM_DESKTOP

val set_window_icon : Image.t -> unit

Set icon for window (only PLATFORM_DESKTOP)

val set_window_title : string -> unit

Set title for window (only PLATFORM_DESKTOP)

val set_window_position : int -> int -> unit

set_window_position x y sets window position on screen (only PLATFORM_DESKTOP)

val set_window_monitor : int -> unit

Set monitor for the current window (fullscreen mode)

val set_window_min_size : int -> int -> unit

set_window_min_size width height sets window minimum dimensions (for FLAG_WINDOW_RESIZABLE)

val set_window_size : int -> int -> unit

set_window_size width height sets window dimensions

val get_window_handle : unit -> unit ptr option

Get native window handle

val get_screen_width : unit -> int

Get current screen width

val get_screen_height : unit -> int

Get current screen height

val get_monitor_count : unit -> int

Get number of connected monitors

val get_monitor_position : int -> Vector2.t

Get specified monitor position

val get_monitor_width : int -> int

Get specified monitor width

val get_monitor_height : int -> int

Get specified monitor height

val get_monitor_physical_width : int -> int

Get specified monitor physical width in millimetres

val get_monitor_physical_height : int -> int

Get specified monitor physical height in millimetres

val get_monitor_refresh_rate : int -> int

Get specified monitor refresh rate

val get_window_position : unit -> Vector2.t

Get window position XY on monitor

val get_window_scale_dpi : unit -> Vector2.t

Get window scale DPI factor

val get_monitor_name : int -> string

Get the human-readable, UTF-8 encoded name of the primary monitor

val set_clipboard_text : string -> unit

Set clipboard text content

val get_clipboard_text : unit -> string option

Get clipboard text content

val show_cursor : unit -> unit

Shows cursor

val hide_cursor : unit -> unit

Hides cursor

val is_cursor_hidden : unit -> bool

Check if cursor is not visible

val enable_cursor : unit -> unit

Enables cursor (unlock cursor)

val disable_cursor : unit -> unit

Disables cursor (lock cursor)

val is_cursor_on_screen : unit -> bool

Check if cursor is on the current screen

val clear_background : Color.t -> unit

Set background color (framebuffer clear color)

val begin_drawing : unit -> unit

Setup canvas (framebuffer) to start drawing

val end_drawing : unit -> unit

End canvas drawing and swap buffers (double buffering)

val begin_mode_2d : Camera2D.t -> unit

Initialize 2D mode with custom camera (2D)

val end_mode_2d : unit -> unit

Ends 2D mode with custom camera

val begin_mode_3d : Camera3D.t -> unit

Initializes 3D mode with custom camera (3D)

val end_mode_3d : unit -> unit

Ends 3D mode and returns to default 2D orthographic mode

val begin_texture_mode : RenderTexture.t -> unit

Initializes render texture for drawing

val end_texture_mode : unit -> unit

Ends drawing to render texture

val begin_scissor_mode : int -> int -> int -> int -> unit

begin_scissor_mode x y width height defines screen area for following drawing

val end_scissor_mode : unit -> unit

End scissor mode

val get_mouse_ray : Vector2.t -> Camera3D.t -> Ray.t

Returns a ray trace from mouse position

val get_camera_matrix : Camera3D.t -> Matrix.t

Returns camera transform matrix (view matrix)

val get_camera_matrix_2d : Camera2D.t -> Matrix.t

Returns camera 2d transform matrix

val get_world_to_screen : Vector3.t -> Camera3D.t -> Vector2.t

Returns the screen space position for a 3d world space position

val get_world_to_screen_ex : Vector3.t -> Camera3D.t -> int -> int -> Vector2.t

get_world_to_screen_ex position camera width height returns size position for a 3d world space position

val get_world_to_screen_2d : Vector2.t -> Camera2D.t -> Vector2.t

Returns the screen space position for a 2d camera world space position

val get_screen_to_world_2d : Vector2.t -> Camera2D.t -> Vector2.t

Returns the world space position for a 2d camera screen space position

val set_target_fps : int -> unit

Set target FPS (maximum)

val get_fps : unit -> int

Returns current FPS

val get_frame_time : unit -> float

Returns time in seconds for last frame drawn

val get_time : unit -> float

Returns elapsed time in seconds since InitWindow()

Misc. functions

val set_config_flags : ConfigFlag.t list -> unit

Setup init configuration flags (view FLAGS)

val set_trace_log_level : TraceLogType.t -> unit

Set the current threshold (minimum) log level

val set_trace_log_exit : TraceLogType.t -> unit

Set the exit threshold (minimum) log level

val trace_log : TraceLogType.t -> string -> unit

Show trace log messages (LOG_DEBUG, LOG_INFO, LOG_WARNING, LOG_ERROR)

val take_screenshot : string -> unit

Takes a screenshot of current screen (saved a .png)

val get_random_value : int -> int -> int

Returns a random value between min and max (both included)

Files management functions

val load_file_data : string -> Unsigned.uchar CArray.t

Load file data as byte array (read)

val unload_file_data : string -> unit

Unload file data allocated by load_file_data

val save_file_data : string -> 'a CArray.t -> unit

Save data to file from byte array (write)

val load_file_text : string -> string

Load text data from file (read), returns a '' terminated string

val unload_file_text : string -> unit

Unload file text data allocated by load_file_text

val save_file_text : string -> string -> unit

save_file_text filename text saves text data to file (write), string must be '\0' terminated

val file_exists : string -> bool

Check if file exists

val directory_exists : string -> bool

Check if a directory path exists

val is_file_extension : string -> string -> bool

is_file_extension filename ext checks file extension

val get_file_extension : string -> string

Get extension for a filename string (including point: ".png")

val get_file_name : string -> string

Get pointer to filename for a path string

val get_file_name_without_ext : string -> string

Get filename string without extension (uses static string)

val get_directory_path : string -> string

Get full path for a given fileName with path (uses static string)

val get_prev_directory_path : string -> string

Get previous directory path for a given path (uses static string)

val get_working_directory : unit -> string

Get current working directory (uses static string)

val get_directory_files : string -> string CArray.t

Get filenames in a directory path (memory should be freed)

val clear_directory_files : unit -> unit

Clear directory files paths buffers (free memory)

val change_directory : string -> bool

Change working directory, return true on success

val is_file_dropped : unit -> bool

Check if a file has been dropped into window

val get_dropped_files : unit -> string CArray.t

Get dropped files names (memory should be freed)

val clear_dropped_files : unit -> unit

Clear dropped files paths buffer (free memory)

val get_file_mod_time : string -> Signed.long

Get file modification time (last write time)

Compress data (DEFLATE algorithm)

Decompress data (DEFLATE algorithm)

Persistent storage management

val save_storage_value : int -> int -> unit

save_storage_value position value saves integer value to storage file (to defined position), returns true on success

val load_storage_value : int -> int

Load integer value from storage file (from defined position)

val open_url : string -> unit

Open URL with default system browser (if available)

Input Handling Functions (Module: core)

val is_key_pressed : Key.t -> bool

Detect if a key has been pressed once

val is_key_down : Key.t -> bool

Detect if a key is being pressed

val is_key_released : Key.t -> bool

Detect if a key has been released once

val is_key_up : Key.t -> bool

Detect if a key is NOT being pressed

val set_exit_key : Key.t -> unit

Set a custom key to exit program (default is ESC)

val get_key_pressed : unit -> Key.t

Get key pressed (keycode), call it multiple times for keys queued

val get_char_pressed : unit -> int

Get char pressed (unicode), call it multiple times for chars queued

val is_gamepad_available : GamepadNumber.t -> bool

Detect if a gamepad is available

val is_gamepad_name : GamepadNumber.t -> string -> bool

Check gamepad name (if available)

val get_gamepad_name : GamepadNumber.t -> string

Return gamepad internal name id

val is_gamepad_button_pressed : GamepadNumber.t -> GamepadButton.t -> bool

Detect if a gamepad button has been pressed once

val is_gamepad_button_down : GamepadNumber.t -> GamepadButton.t -> bool

Detect if a gamepad button is being pressed

val is_gamepad_button_released : GamepadNumber.t -> GamepadButton.t -> bool

Detect if a gamepad button has been released once

val is_gamepad_button_up : GamepadNumber.t -> GamepadButton.t -> bool

Detect if a gamepad button is NOT being pressed

val get_gamepad_button_pressed : unit -> GamepadButton.t

Get the last gamepad button pressed

val get_gamepad_axis_count : GamepadNumber.t -> int

Return gamepad axis count for a gamepad

val get_gamepad_axis_movement : GamepadNumber.t -> GamepadAxis.t -> float

Return axis movement value for a gamepad axis

val is_mouse_button_pressed : MouseButton.t -> bool

Detect if a mouse button has been pressed once

val is_mouse_button_down : MouseButton.t -> bool

Detect if a mouse button is being pressed

val is_mouse_button_released : MouseButton.t -> bool

Detect if a mouse button has been released once

val is_mouse_button_up : MouseButton.t -> bool

Detect if a mouse button is NOT being pressed

val get_mouse_x : unit -> int

Returns mouse position X

val get_mouse_y : unit -> int

Returns mouse position Y

val get_mouse_position : unit -> Vector2.t

Returns mouse position XY

val set_mouse_position : int -> int -> unit

set_mouse_position x y sets mouse position XY

val set_mouse_offset : int -> int -> unit

set_mouse_offset ofs_x ofs_y sets mouse offset

val set_mouse_scale : float -> float -> unit

set_mouse_scale scale_x scale_y sets mouse scaling

val get_mouse_wheel_move : unit -> float

Returns mouse wheel movement Y

val get_mouse_cursor : unit -> MouseCursor.t

Returns mouse cursor if (MouseCursor enum

val set_mouse_cursor : MouseCursor.t -> unit

Set mouse cursor

val get_touch_x : unit -> int

Returns touch position X for touch point 0 (relative to screen size)

val get_touch_y : unit -> int

Returns touch position Y for touch point 0 (relative to screen size)

val get_touch_position : int -> Vector2.t

Returns touch position XY for a touch point index (relative to screen size)

Gestures and Touch Handling Functions (Module: gestures)

val is_gesture_detected : int -> bool

Check if a gesture have been detected

val get_gesture_detected : unit -> int

Get latest detected gesture

val get_touch_points_count : unit -> int

Get touch points count

val get_gesture_hold_duration : unit -> float

Get gesture hold time in milliseconds

val get_gesture_drag_vector : unit -> Vector2.t

Get gesture drag vector

val get_gesture_drag_angle : unit -> float

Get gesture drag angle

val get_gesture_pinch_vector : unit -> Vector2.t

Get gesture pinch delta

val get_gesture_pinch_angle : unit -> float

Get gesture pinch angle

Camera System Functions (Module: camera)

val set_camera_mode : Camera3D.t -> CameraMode.t -> unit

Set camera mode (multiple camera modes available)

val update_camera : Camera3D.t ptr -> unit

Update camera position for selected mode

val set_camera_pan_control : Key.t -> unit

Set camera pan key to combine with mouse movement (free camera)

val set_camera_alt_control : Key.t -> unit

Set camera alt key to combine with mouse movement (free camera)

val set_camera_smooth_zoom_control : Key.t -> unit

Set camera smooth zoom key to combine with mouse (free camera)

val set_camera_move_controls : Key.t -> Key.t -> Key.t -> Key.t -> Key.t -> Key.t -> unit

set_camera_move_controls front back right left up down sets camera move controls (1st person and 3rd person cameras)

Basic Shapes Drawing Functions (Module: shapes)

Basic shapes drawing functions

val draw_pixel : int -> int -> Color.t -> unit

draw_pixel x y color draws a pixel at x, y

val draw_pixel_v : Vector2.t -> Color.t -> unit

Draw a pixel (Vector version)

val draw_line : int -> int -> int -> int -> Color.t -> unit

draw_line start_x start_y end_x end_y color draws a line

val draw_line_v : Vector2.t -> Vector2.t -> Color.t -> unit

draw_line_v start end color draws a line (Vector version)

val draw_line_ex : Vector2.t -> Vector2.t -> float -> Color.t -> unit

draw_line_v start end thickness color draws a line defining thickness

val draw_line_bezier : Vector2.t -> Vector2.t -> float -> Color.t -> unit

draw_line_bezier start end thickness color draws a line using cubic-bezier curves in-out

val draw_line_strip : Vector2.t ptr -> int -> Color.t -> unit

draw_line_strip points pointsCount color draws lines sequence

val draw_circle : int -> int -> float -> Color.t -> unit

draw_circle center_x center_y radius color draws a color-filled circle

val draw_circle_sector : Vector2.t -> float -> int -> int -> int -> Color.t -> unit

draw_circle_sector center radius start_angle end_angle segments color draws a piece of a circle

val draw_circle_sector_lines : Vector2.t -> float -> int -> int -> int -> Color.t -> unit

draw_circle_sector_lines center radius startAngle endAngle segments color draws circle sector outline

val draw_circle_gradient : int -> int -> float -> Color.t -> Color.t -> unit

draw_circle_gradient centerX centerY radius color1 color2 draws a gradient-filled circle

val draw_circle_v : Vector2.t -> float -> Color.t -> unit

draw_circle_v center radius color draws a color-filled circle (Vector version)

val draw_circle_lines : int -> int -> float -> Color.t -> unit

draw_circle_lines centerX centerY radius color draws circle outline

val draw_ellipse : int -> int -> float -> float -> Color.t -> unit

draw_ellipse centerX centerY radiusH radiusV color draws ellipse

val draw_ellipse_lines : int -> int -> float -> float -> Color.t -> unit

draw_ellipse_lines centerX centerY radiusH radiusV color draws ellipse outline

val draw_ring : Vector2.t -> float -> float -> int -> int -> int -> Color.t -> unit

draw_ring center innerRadius outerRadius startAngle endAngle segments color draws ring

val draw_ring_lines : Vector2.t -> float -> float -> int -> int -> int -> Color.t -> unit

draw_ring_lines center innerRadius outerRadius startAngle endAngle segments color draws ring outline

val draw_rectangle : int -> int -> int -> int -> Color.t -> unit

draw_rectangle posX posY width height color draws a color-filled rectangle

val draw_rectangle_v : Vector2.t -> Vector2.t -> Color.t -> unit

draw_rectangle_v position size color draws a color-filled rectangle (Vector version)

val draw_rectangle_rec : Rectangle.t -> Color.t -> unit

draw_rectangle_rec position size color draws a color-filled rectangle

val draw_rectangle_pro : Rectangle.t -> Vector2.t -> float -> Color.t -> unit

draw_rectangle_pro rec origin rotation color draws a color-filled rectangle with pro parameters

val draw_rectangle_gradient_v : int -> int -> int -> int -> Color.t -> Color.t -> unit

draw_rectangle_gradient_v posX posY width height color1 color2 draws a vertical-gradient-filled rectangle

val draw_rectangle_gradient_h : int -> int -> int -> int -> Color.t -> Color.t -> unit

draw_rectangle_gradient_h posX posY width height color1 color2 draws a horizontal-gradient-filled rectangle

val draw_rectangle_gradient_ex : Rectangle.t -> Color.t -> Color.t -> Color.t -> Color.t -> unit

draw_rectangle_gradient_ex rec col1 col2 col3 col4 draws a gradient-filled rectangle with custom vertex colors

val draw_rectangle_lines : int -> int -> int -> int -> Color.t -> unit

draw_rectangle_lines posX posY width height color draws rectangle outline

val draw_rectangle_lines_ex : Rectangle.t -> int -> Color.t -> unit

draw_rectangle_lines_ex rec lineThick color draws rectangle outline with extended parameters

val draw_rectangle_rounded : Rectangle.t -> float -> int -> Color.t -> unit

draw_rectangle_rounded rec roundness segments color draws rectangle with rounded edges

val draw_rectangle_rounded_lines : Rectangle.t -> float -> int -> int -> Color.t -> unit

draw_rectangle_rounded_lines rec roundness segments lineThick color draws rectangle with rounded edges outline

val draw_triangle : Vector2.t -> Vector2.t -> Vector2.t -> Color.t -> unit

draw_triangle v1 v2 v3 color draws a color-filled triangle (vertex in counter-clockwise order!)

val draw_triangle_lines : Vector2.t -> Vector2.t -> Vector2.t -> Color.t -> unit

draw_triangle_lines v1 v2 v3 color draws triangle outline (vertex in counter-clockwise order!)

val draw_triangle_fan : Vector2.t ptr -> int -> Color.t -> unit

draw_triangle_fan points pointsCount color draws a triangle fan defined by points (first vertex is the center)

val draw_triangle_strip : Vector2.t ptr -> int -> Color.t -> unit

draw_triangle_strip points pointsCount color draws a triangle strip defined by points

val draw_poly : Vector2.t -> int -> float -> float -> Color.t -> unit

draw_poly center sides radius rotation color draws a regular polygon (Vector version)

val draw_poly_lines : Vector2.t -> int -> float -> float -> Color.t -> unit

draw_poly_lines center sides radius rotation color draws a polygon outline of n sides

Basic shapes collision detection functions

val check_collision_recs : Rectangle.t -> Rectangle.t -> bool

Check collision between two rectangles

val check_collision_circles : Vector2.t -> float -> Vector2.t -> float -> bool

Check collision between two circles

val check_collision_circle_rec : Vector2.t -> float -> Rectangle.t -> bool

Check collision between circle and rectangle

val check_collision_point_rec : Vector2.t -> Rectangle.t -> bool

Check if point is inside rectangle

val check_collision_point_circle : Vector2.t -> Vector2.t -> float -> bool

check_collision_point_circle point center radius checks if point is inside circle

val check_collision_point_triangle : Vector2.t -> Vector2.t -> Vector2.t -> Vector2.t -> bool

check_collision_point_triangle point p1 p2 p3 checks if point is inside a triangle

val get_collision_rec : Rectangle.t -> Rectangle.t -> Rectangle.t

Get collision rectangle for two rectangles collision

Texture Loading and Drawing Functions (Module: textures)

Image loading functions

val load_image : string -> Image.t

Load image from file into CPU memory (RAM)

val load_image_raw : string -> int -> int -> PixelFormat.t -> int -> Image.t

load_image_raw fileName width height format headerSize loads image from RAW file data

val unload_image : Image.t -> unit

Unload image from CPU memory (RAM)

val export_image : Image.t -> string -> bool

Export image data to file

val export_image_as_code : Image.t -> string -> bool

export_image_as_code image filename exports image as code file defining an array of bytes, returns true on success

val gen_image_color : int -> int -> Color.t -> Image.t

Generate image: plain color

val gen_image_gradient_v : int -> int -> Color.t -> Color.t -> Image.t

Generate image: vertical gradient

val gen_image_gradient_h : int -> int -> Color.t -> Color.t -> Image.t

Generate image: horizontal gradient

val gen_image_gradient_radial : int -> int -> float -> Color.t -> Color.t -> Image.t

Generate image: radial gradient

val gen_image_checked : int -> int -> int -> int -> Color.t -> Color.t -> Image.t

Generate image: checked

val gen_image_white_noise : int -> int -> float -> Image.t

Generate image: white noise

val gen_image_perlin_noise : int -> int -> int -> int -> float -> Image.t

Generate image: perlin noise

val gen_image_cellular : int -> int -> int -> Image.t

Generate image: cellular algorithm. Bigger tileSize means bigger cells

Image manipulation functions

val image_copy : Image.t -> Image.t

Create an image duplicate (useful for transformations)

val image_from_image : Image.t -> Rectangle.t -> Image.t

Create an image from another image piece

val image_text : string -> int -> Color.t -> Image.t

Create an image from text (default font)

val image_text_ex : Font.t -> string -> float -> float -> Color.t -> Image.t

Create an image from text (custom sprite font)

val image_format : Image.t ptr -> int -> unit

Convert image data to desired format

val image_to_pot : Image.t ptr -> Color.t -> unit

Convert image to POT (power-of-two)

val image_crop : Image.t ptr -> Rectangle.t -> unit

Crop an image to a defined rectangle

val image_alpha_crop : Image.t ptr -> float -> unit

Crop image depending on alpha value

val image_alpha_mask : Image.t ptr -> Image.t -> unit

Apply alpha mask to image

val image_alpha_clear : Image.t ptr -> Color.t -> float -> unit

Clear alpha channel to desired color

val image_alpha_premultiply : Image.t ptr -> unit

Premultiply alpha channel

val image_resize : Image.t ptr -> int -> int -> unit

Resize image (Bicubic scaling algorithm)

val image_resize_nn : Image.t ptr -> int -> int -> unit

Resize image (Nearest-Neighbor scaling algorithm)

val image_resize_canvas : Image.t ptr -> int -> int -> int -> int -> Color.t -> unit

Resize canvas and fill with color

val image_mipmaps : Image.t ptr -> unit

Generate all mipmap levels for a provided image

val image_dither : Image.t ptr -> int -> int -> int -> int -> unit

Dither image data to 16bpp or lower (Floyd-Steinberg dithering)

val image_flip_vertical : Image.t ptr -> unit

Flip image vertically

val image_flip_horizontal : Image.t ptr -> unit

Flip image horizontally

val image_rotate_cw : Image.t ptr -> unit

Rotate image clockwise 90deg

val image_rotate_ccw : Image.t ptr -> unit

Rotate image counter-clockwise 90deg

val image_color_tint : Image.t ptr -> Color.t -> unit

Modify image color: tint

val image_color_invert : Image.t ptr -> unit

Modify image color: invert

val image_color_grayscale : Image.t ptr -> unit

Modify image color: grayscale

val image_color_contrast : Image.t ptr -> float -> unit

Modify image color: contrast (-100 to 100)

val image_color_brightness : Image.t ptr -> int -> unit

Modify image color: brightness (-255 to 255)

val image_color_replace : Image.t ptr -> Color.t -> Color.t -> unit

Modify image color: replace color

val get_image_alpha_border : Image.t -> float -> Rectangle.t

Get image alpha border rectangle

Image drawing functions

val image_clear_background : Image.t ptr -> Color.t -> unit

Clear image background with given color

val image_draw_pixel : Image.t ptr -> int -> int -> Color.t -> unit

Draw pixel within an image

val image_draw_pixel_v : Image.t ptr -> Vector2.t -> Color.t -> unit

Draw pixel within an image (Vector version)

val image_draw_line : Image.t ptr -> int -> int -> int -> int -> Color.t -> unit

Draw line within an image

val image_draw_line_v : Image.t ptr -> Vector2.t -> Vector2.t -> Color.t -> unit

Draw line within an image (Vector version)

val image_draw_circle : Image.t ptr -> int -> int -> int -> Color.t -> unit

Draw circle within an image

val image_draw_circle_v : Image.t ptr -> Vector2.t -> int -> Color.t -> unit

Draw circle within an image (Vector version)

val image_draw_rectangle : Image.t ptr -> int -> int -> int -> int -> Color.t -> unit

Draw rectangle within an image

val image_draw_rectangle_v : Image.t ptr -> Vector2.t -> Vector2.t -> Color.t -> unit

Draw rectangle within an image (Vector version)

val image_draw_rectangle_rec : Image.t ptr -> Rectangle.t -> Color.t -> unit

Draw rectangle within an image

val image_draw_rectangle_lines : Image.t ptr -> Rectangle.t -> int -> Color.t -> unit

Draw rectangle lines within an image

val image_draw : Image.t ptr -> Image.t -> Rectangle.t -> Rectangle.t -> Color.t -> unit

Draw a source image within a destination image (tint applied to source)

val image_draw_text : Image.t ptr -> string -> int -> int -> int -> Color.t -> unit

image_draw_text dst text posX posY fontSize color draws text (using default font) within an image (destination)

val image_draw_text_ex : Image.t ptr -> Font.t -> string -> Vector2.t -> float -> float -> Color.t -> unit

image_draw_text_ex dst font text position fontSize spacing tint draws text (custom sprite font) within an image (destination)

Texture loading functions

val load_texture : string -> Texture.t

Load texture from file into GPU memory (VRAM)

val load_texture_from_image : Image.t -> Texture.t

Load texture from image data

val load_texture_cubemap : Image.t -> int -> Texture.t

Load cubemap from image, multiple image cubemap layouts supported

val load_render_texture : int -> int -> RenderTexture.t

Load texture for rendering (framebuffer)

val unload_texture : Texture.t -> unit

Unload texture from GPU memory (VRAM)

val unload_render_texture : RenderTexture.t -> unit

Unload render texture from GPU memory (VRAM)

val update_texture : Texture.t -> unit ptr -> unit

update_texture texture pixels updates GPU texture with new data

val update_texture_rec : Texture.t -> Rectangle.t -> unit ptr -> unit

update_texture_rec texture rec pixels updates GPU texture rectangle with new data

val get_texture_data : Texture.t -> Image.t

Get pixel data from GPU texture and return an Image

val get_screen_data : unit -> Image.t

Get pixel data from screen buffer and return an Image (screenshot)

Texture configuration functions

val gen_texture_mipmaps : Texture.t ptr -> unit

Generate GPU mipmaps for a texture

val set_texture_filter : Texture.t -> TextureFilterMode.t -> unit

Set texture scaling filter mode

val set_texture_wrap : Texture.t -> TextureWrapMode.t -> unit

Set texture wrapping mode

Texture drawing functions

val draw_texture : Texture.t -> int -> int -> Color.t -> unit

draw_texture texture posX posY tint draws a Texture

val draw_texture_v : Texture.t -> Vector2.t -> Color.t -> unit

draw_texture_v texture position tint draws a Texture with position defined as Vector2

val draw_texture_ex : Texture.t -> Vector2.t -> float -> float -> Color.t -> unit

draw_texture_ex texture position rotation scale tint draws a Texture with extended parameters

val draw_texture_rec : Texture.t -> Rectangle.t -> Vector2.t -> Color.t -> unit

draw_texture_rec texture source position tint draws a part of a texture defined by a rectangle

val draw_texture_quad : Texture.t -> Vector2.t -> Vector2.t -> Rectangle.t -> Color.t -> unit

draw_texture_quad texture tiling offset quad tint draws texture quad with tiling and offset parameters

val draw_texture_tiled : Texture.t -> Rectangle.t -> Rectangle.t -> Vector2.t -> float -> float -> Color.t -> unit

draw_texture_tiled texture source dest origin rotation scale tint draws part of a texture (defined by a rectangle) with rotation and scale tiled into dest

val draw_texture_pro : Texture.t -> Rectangle.t -> Rectangle.t -> Vector2.t -> float -> Color.t -> unit

draw_texture_pro texture source dest origin rotation tint draws a part of a texture defined by a rectangle with 'pro' parameters

val draw_texture_n_patch : Texture.t -> NPatchInfo.t -> Rectangle.t -> Vector2.t -> float -> Color.t -> unit

draw_texture_n_patch texture nPatchInfo dest origin rotation tint draws a texture (or part of it) that stretches or shrinks nicely

val fade : Color.t -> float -> Color.t

Color fade-in or fade-out, alpha goes from 0.0f to 1.0f

val color_to_int : Color.t -> int

Returns hexadecimal value for a Color

val color_normalize : Color.t -> Vector4.t

Returns color normalized as float 0..1

val color_from_normalized : Vector4.t -> Color.t

Returns color from normalized values 0..1

val color_to_hsv : Color.t -> Vector3.t

Returns HSV values for a Color

val color_from_hsv : float -> float -> float -> Color.t

color_from_hsv hue saturation value returns a Color from HSV values

val color_alpha : Color.t -> float -> Color.t

color_alpha color alpha returns color with alpha applied, alpha goes from 0.0f to 1.0f

val color_alpha_blend : Color.t -> Color.t -> Color.t -> Color.t

color_alpha_blend dst src tint returns src alpha-blended into dst color with tint

val get_color : int -> Color.t

Returns a Color struct from hexadecimal value

val get_pixel_color : unit ptr -> PixelFormat.t -> Color.t

Get Color from a source pixel pointer of certain format

val set_pixel_color : unit ptr -> Color.t -> PixelFormat.t -> unit

Set color formatted into destination pixel pointer

val get_pixel_data_size : int -> int -> PixelFormat.t -> int

get_pixel_data_size width height format gets pixel data size in bytes (image or texture)

Font Loading and Text Drawing Functions (Module: text)

Font loading/unloading functions

val get_font_default : unit -> Font.t

Get the default Font

val load_font : string -> Font.t

Load font from file into GPU memory (VRAM)

val load_font_ex : string -> int -> int ptr -> int -> Font.t

load_font_ex fileName fontSize fontChars charsCount loads font from file with extended parameters

val load_font_from_image : Image.t -> Color.t -> int -> Font.t

load_font_from_image image kay firstChar loads font from Image (XNA style)

val load_font_data : Unsigned.uchar ptr -> int -> int -> int ptr -> int -> int -> CharInfo.t ptr

load_font_data fileData dataSize fontSize fontChars charsCount type loads font data for further use

val unload_font_data : CharInfo.t ptr -> int -> unit

unload_font_data chars charsCount Unload font chars info data (RAM)

val unload_font : Font.t -> unit

Unload Font from GPU memory (VRAM)

Text drawing functions

val draw_fps : int -> int -> unit

draw_fps posX posY shows current FPS

val draw_text : string -> int -> int -> int -> Color.t -> unit

draw_text text posX posY fontSize color draws text (using default font)

val draw_text_ex : Font.t -> string -> Vector2.t -> float -> float -> Color.t -> unit

draw_text_ex font text position fontSize spacing tint draws text using font and additional parameters

val draw_text_rec : Font.t -> string -> Rectangle.t -> float -> float -> bool -> Color.t -> unit

draw_text_rec font text rec fontSize spacing wordWrap tint draws text using font inside rectangle limits

val draw_text_rec_ex : Font.t -> string -> Rectangle.t -> float -> float -> bool -> Color.t -> int -> int -> Color.t -> Color.t -> unit

draw_text_rec_ex font text rec fontSize spacing wordWrap tint selectStart selectLength selectTint selectBackTint draws text using font inside rectangle limits with support for text selection

val draw_text_codepoint : Font.t -> int -> Vector2.t -> float -> Color.t -> unit

draw_text_codepoint font codepoint position fontSize tint draws one character (codepoint)

Text misc. functions

val measure_text : string -> int -> int

Measure string width for default font

val measure_text_ex : Font.t -> string -> float -> float -> Vector2.t

Measure string size for Font

val get_glyph_index : Font.t -> int -> int

Get index position for a unicode character on font

Text strings management functions (no utf8 strings, only byte chars)

val text_copy : string -> string -> int

Copy one string to another, returns bytes copied

val text_is_equal : string -> string -> bool

Check if two text string are equal

val text_length : string -> int

Get text length, checks for '' ending

Text formatting with variables (sprintf style)

val text_subtext : string -> int -> int -> string

Get a piece of a text string

val text_replace : string -> string -> string -> string

Replace text string (memory must be freed!)

val text_insert : string -> string -> int -> string

Insert text in a position (memory must be freed!)

val text_append : string -> string -> int ptr -> unit

Append text at specific position and move cursor!

val text_find_index : string -> string -> int

Find first text occurrence within a string

val text_to_upper : string -> string

Get upper case version of provided string

val text_to_lower : string -> string

Get lower case version of provided string

val text_to_pascal : string -> string

Get Pascal case notation version of provided string

val text_to_integer : string -> int

Get integer value from text (negative values not supported)

val text_to_utf8 : int ptr -> int -> string

Encode text codepoint into utf8 text (memory must be freed!)

UTF8 text strings management functions

val get_codepoints : string -> int ptr -> int ptr

Get all codepoints in a string, codepoints count returned by parameters

val get_codepoints_count : string -> int

Get total number of characters (codepoints) in a UTF8 encoded string

val get_next_codepoint : string -> int ptr -> int

Returns next codepoint in a UTF8 encoded string; 0x3f('?') is returned on failure

val codepoint_to_utf8 : int -> int ptr -> string

Encode codepoint into utf8 text (char array length returned as parameter)

Basic 3d Shapes Drawing Functions (Module: models)

Basic geometric 3D shapes drawing functions

val draw_line_3d : Vector3.t -> Vector3.t -> Color.t -> unit

draw_line_3d startPos endPos color draws a line in 3D world space

val draw_point_3d : Vector3.t -> Color.t -> unit

draw_point_3d position color draws a point in 3D space, actually a small line

val draw_circle_3d : Vector3.t -> float -> Vector3.t -> float -> Color.t -> unit

draw_circle_3d center radius rotationAxis rotationAngle color draws a circle in 3D world space

val draw_triangle_3d : Vector3.t -> Vector3.t -> Vector3.t -> Color.t -> unit

draw_triangle_3d v1 v2 v3 color draws a triangle strip defined by points

val draw_triangle_strip_3d : Vector3.t ptr -> int -> Color.t -> unit

draw_triangle_strip_3d points pointsCount color draws a triangle strip defined by points

val draw_cube : Vector3.t -> float -> float -> float -> Color.t -> unit

draw_cube position width height length color draws cube

val draw_cube_v : Vector3.t -> Vector3.t -> Color.t -> unit

draw_cube_v position size color draws cube (Vector version)

val draw_cube_wires : Vector3.t -> float -> float -> float -> Color.t -> unit

draw_cube_wires position width height length color draws cube wires

val draw_cube_wires_v : Vector3.t -> Vector3.t -> Color.t -> unit

draw_cube_wires_v position size color draws cube wires (Vector version)

val draw_cube_texture : Texture.t -> Vector3.t -> float -> float -> float -> Color.t -> unit

draw_cube_texture texture position width height length color draws cube textured

val draw_sphere : Vector3.t -> float -> Color.t -> unit

draw_sphere centerPos radius color draws sphere

val draw_sphere_ex : Vector3.t -> float -> int -> int -> Color.t -> unit

draw_sphere_ex centerPos radius rings slices color draws sphere with extended parameters

val draw_sphere_wires : Vector3.t -> float -> int -> int -> Color.t -> unit

draw_sphere_wires centerPos radius rings slices color draws sphere wires

val draw_cylinder : Vector3.t -> float -> float -> float -> int -> Color.t -> unit

draw_cylinder position radiusTop radiusBottom height slices color draws a cylinder/cone

val draw_cylinder_wires : Vector3.t -> float -> float -> float -> int -> Color.t -> unit

draw_cylinder_wires position radiusTop radiusBottom height slices color draws a cylinder/cone wires

val draw_plane : Vector3.t -> Vector2.t -> Color.t -> unit

draw_plane centerPos size color draws a plane XZ

val draw_ray : Ray.t -> Color.t -> unit

draw_ray ray color draws a ray line

val draw_grid : int -> float -> unit

draw_grid slices spacing draws a grid (centered at (0, 0, 0))

val draw_gizmo : Vector3.t -> unit

draw_gizmo position draws simple gizmo

Model loading/unloading functions

val load_model : string -> Model.t

Load model from files (meshes and materials)

val load_model_from_mesh : Mesh.t -> Model.t

Load model from generated mesh (default material)

val unload_model : Model.t -> unit

Unload model (including meshes) from memory (RAM and/or VRAM)

val unload_model_keep_meshes : Model.t -> unit

Unload model (but not meshes) from memory (RAM and/or VRAM)

val load_meshes : string -> int ptr -> Mesh.t ptr option

Load meshes from model file

val unload_mesh : Mesh.t -> unit

Unload mesh from memory (RAM and/or VRAM)

val export_mesh : Mesh.t -> string -> unit

Export mesh data to file

Material loading/unloading functions

val load_materials : string -> int ptr -> Material.t ptr

Load materials from model file

val load_material_default : unit -> Material.t

Load default material (Supports: DIFFUSE, SPECULAR, NORMAL maps)

val unload_material : Material.t -> unit

Unload material from GPU memory (VRAM)

val set_material_texture : Material.t ptr -> MaterialMapType.t -> Texture.t -> unit

Set texture for a material map type (MAP_DIFFUSE, MAP_SPECULAR...)

val set_model_mesh_material : Model.t ptr -> int -> int -> unit

Set material for a mesh

Model animations loading/unloading functions

val load_model_animations : string -> ModelAnimation.t CArray.t

Load model animations from file

val update_model_animation : Model.t -> ModelAnimation.t -> int -> unit

Update model animation pose

val unload_model_animation : ModelAnimation.t -> unit

Unload animation data

val is_model_animation_valid : Model.t -> ModelAnimation.t -> bool

Check model animation skeleton match

Mesh generation functions

val gen_mesh_poly : int -> float -> Mesh.t

Generate polygonal mesh

val gen_mesh_plane : float -> float -> int -> int -> Mesh.t

Generate plane mesh (with subdivisions)

val gen_mesh_cube : float -> float -> float -> Mesh.t

Generate cuboid mesh

val gen_mesh_sphere : float -> int -> int -> Mesh.t

Generate sphere mesh (standard sphere)

val gen_mesh_hemi_sphere : float -> int -> int -> Mesh.t

Generate half-sphere mesh (no bottom cap)

val gen_mesh_cylinder : float -> float -> int -> Mesh.t

Generate cylinder mesh

val gen_mesh_torus : float -> float -> int -> int -> Mesh.t

Generate torus mesh

val gen_mesh_knot : float -> float -> int -> int -> Mesh.t

Generate trefoil knot mesh

val gen_mesh_heightmap : Image.t -> Vector3.t -> Mesh.t

Generate heightmap mesh from image data

val gen_mesh_cubicmap : Image.t -> Vector3.t -> Mesh.t

Generate cubes-based map mesh from image data

Mesh manipulation functions

val mesh_bounding_box : Mesh.t -> BoundingBox.t

Compute mesh bounding box limits

val mesh_tangents : Mesh.t ptr -> unit

Compute mesh tangents

val mesh_binormals : Mesh.t ptr -> unit

Compute mesh binormals

val mesh_normals_smooth : Mesh.t ptr -> unit

Smooth (average) vertex normals

Model drawing functions

val draw_model : Model.t -> Vector3.t -> float -> Color.t -> unit

draw_model model position scale tint draws a model (with texture if set)

val draw_model_ex : Model.t -> Vector3.t -> Vector3.t -> float -> Vector3.t -> Color.t -> unit

draw_model_ex model position rotationAxis rotationAngle scale tint draws a model with extended parameters

val draw_model_wires : Model.t -> Vector3.t -> float -> Color.t -> unit

draw_model_wires model position scale tint draws a model wires (with texture if set)

val draw_model_wires_ex : Model.t -> Vector3.t -> Vector3.t -> float -> Vector3.t -> Color.t -> unit

draw_model_wires_ex model position rotationAxis rotationAngle scale tint draws a model wires (with texture if set) with extended parameters

val draw_bounding_box : BoundingBox.t -> Color.t -> unit

draw_bounding_box box color draws bounding box (wires)

val draw_billboard : Camera3D.t -> Texture.t -> Vector3.t -> float -> Color.t -> unit

draw_billboard camera texture center size tint draws a billboard texture

val draw_billboard_rec : Camera3D.t -> Texture.t -> Rectangle.t -> Vector3.t -> float -> Color.t -> unit

draw_billboard_rec camera texture source center size tint draws a billboard texture defined by sourceRec

Collision detection functions

val check_collision_spheres : Vector3.t -> float -> Vector3.t -> float -> bool

Detect collision between two spheres

val check_collision_boxes : BoundingBox.t -> BoundingBox.t -> bool

Detect collision between two bounding boxes

val check_collision_box_sphere : BoundingBox.t -> Vector3.t -> float -> bool

Detect collision between box and sphere

val check_collision_ray_sphere : Ray.t -> Vector3.t -> float -> bool

Detect collision between ray and sphere

val check_collision_ray_sphere_ex : Ray.t -> Vector3.t -> float -> Vector3.t ptr -> bool

Detect collision between ray and sphere, returns collision point

val check_collision_ray_box : Ray.t -> BoundingBox.t -> bool

Detect collision between ray and box

val get_collision_ray_mesh : Ray.t -> Mesh.t -> Matrix.t -> RayHitInfo.t

get_collision_ray_mesh ray mesh transform gets collision info between ray and mesh

val get_collision_ray_model : Ray.t -> Model.t -> RayHitInfo.t

Get collision info between ray and model

val get_collision_ray_triangle : Ray.t -> Vector3.t -> Vector3.t -> Vector3.t -> RayHitInfo.t

Get collision info between ray and triangle

val get_collision_ray_ground : Ray.t -> float -> RayHitInfo.t

Get collision info between ray and ground plane (Y-normal plane)

Shaders System Functions (Module: rlgl)

Shader loading/unloading functions

val load_shader : string -> string -> Shader.t

Load shader from files and bind default locations

val load_shader_code : string -> string -> Shader.t

Load shader from code strings and bind default locations

val unload_shader : Shader.t -> unit

Unload shader from GPU memory (VRAM)

val get_shader_default : unit -> Shader.t

Get default shader

val get_texture_default : unit -> Texture.t

Get default texture

val get_shapes_texture : unit -> Texture.t

Get texture to draw shapes

val get_shapes_texture_rec : unit -> Rectangle.t

Get texture rectangle to draw shapes

val set_shapes_texture : Texture.t -> Rectangle.t -> unit

Define default texture used to draw shapes

Shader configuration functions

val get_shader_location : Shader.t -> string -> int

Get shader uniform location

val get_shader_location_attrib : Shader.t -> string -> int

Get shader attribute location

val set_shader_value : Shader.t -> int -> unit ptr -> ShaderUniformDataType.t -> unit

Set shader uniform value

val set_shader_value_v : Shader.t -> int -> unit ptr -> ShaderUniformDataType.t -> int -> unit

Set shader uniform value vector

val set_shader_value_matrix : Shader.t -> int -> Matrix.t -> unit

Set shader uniform value (matrix 4x4)

val set_shader_value_texture : Shader.t -> int -> Texture.t -> unit

Set shader uniform value for texture

val set_matrix_projection : Matrix.t -> unit

Set a custom projection matrix (replaces internal projection matrix)

val set_matrix_modelview : Matrix.t -> unit

Set a custom modelview matrix (replaces internal modelview matrix)

val get_matrix_modelview : unit -> Matrix.t

Get internal modelview matrix

val get_matrix_projection : unit -> Matrix.t

Get internal projection matrix

Texture maps generation (PBR)

val gen_texture_cubemap : Shader.t -> Texture.t -> int -> PixelFormat.t -> Texture.t

Generate cubemap texture from 2D texture

val gen_texture_irradiance : Shader.t -> Texture.t -> int -> Texture.t

Generate irradiance texture using cubemap data

val gen_texture_prefilter : Shader.t -> Texture.t -> int -> Texture.t

Generate prefilter texture using cubemap data

val gen_texture_b_r_d_f : Shader.t -> int -> Texture.t

Generate BRDF texture

Shading begin/end functions

val begin_shader_mode : Shader.t -> unit

Begin custom shader drawing

val end_shader_mode : unit -> unit

End custom shader drawing (use default shader)

val begin_blend_mode : BlendMode.t -> unit

Begin blending mode (alpha, additive, multiplied)

val end_blend_mode : unit -> unit

End blending mode (reset to default: alpha blending)

VR control functions

val init_vr_simulator : unit -> unit

Init VR simulator for selected device parameters

val close_vr_simulator : unit -> unit

Close VR simulator for current device

val update_vr_tracking : Camera3D.t ptr -> unit

Update VR tracking (position and orientation) and camera

val set_vr_configuration : VrDeviceInfo.t -> Shader.t -> unit

Set stereo rendering configuration parameters

val is_vr_simulator_ready : unit -> bool

Detect if VR simulator is ready

val toggle_vr_mode : unit -> unit

Enable/Disable VR experience

val begin_vr_drawing : unit -> unit

Begin VR simulator stereo rendering

val end_vr_drawing : unit -> unit

End VR simulator stereo rendering

Audio Loading and Playing Functions (Module: audio)

Audio device management functions

val init_audio_device : unit -> unit

Initialize audio device and context

val close_audio_device : unit -> unit

Close the audio device and context

val is_audio_device_ready : unit -> bool

Check if audio device has been initialized successfully

val set_master_volume : float -> unit

Set master volume (listener)

Wave/Sound loading/unloading functions

val load_wave : string -> Wave.t

Load wave data from file

val load_wave_from_memory : string -> Unsigned.uchar ptr -> int -> Wave.t

Load wave from memory buffer, fileType refers to extension: i.e. "wav"

val load_sound : string -> Sound.t

Load sound from file

val load_sound_from_wave : Wave.t -> Sound.t

Load sound from wave data

val update_sound : Sound.t -> unit ptr -> int -> unit

Update sound buffer with new data

val unload_wave : Wave.t -> unit

Unload wave data

val unload_sound : Sound.t -> unit

Unload sound

val export_wave : Wave.t -> string -> bool

Export wave data to file, returns true on success

val export_wave_as_code : Wave.t -> string -> bool

Export wave sample data to code (.h), returns true on success

Wave/Sound management functions

val play_sound : Sound.t -> unit

Play a sound

val stop_sound : Sound.t -> unit

Stop playing a sound

val pause_sound : Sound.t -> unit

Pause a sound

val resume_sound : Sound.t -> unit

Resume a paused sound

val play_sound_multi : Sound.t -> unit

Play a sound (using multichannel buffer pool)

val stop_sound_multi : unit -> unit

Stop any sound playing (using multichannel buffer pool)

val get_sounds_playing : unit -> int

Get number of sounds playing in the multichannel

val is_sound_playing : Sound.t -> bool

Check if a sound is currently playing

val set_sound_volume : Sound.t -> float -> unit

Set volume for a sound (1.0 is max level)

val set_sound_pitch : Sound.t -> float -> unit

Set pitch for a sound (1.0 is base level)

val wave_format : Wave.t ptr -> int -> int -> int -> unit

Convert wave data to desired format

val wave_copy : Wave.t -> Wave.t

Copy a wave to a new wave

val wave_crop : Wave.t ptr -> int -> int -> unit

Crop a wave to defined samples range

val load_wave_samples : Wave.t -> float ptr

Load samples data from wave as a floats array

val unload_wave_samples : float ptr -> unit

Unload samples data loaded with load_wave_data

Music management functions

val load_music_stream : string -> Music.t

Load music stream from file

val unload_music_stream : Music.t -> unit

Unload music stream

val play_music_stream : Music.t -> unit

Start music playing

val update_music_stream : Music.t -> unit

Updates buffers for music streaming

val stop_music_stream : Music.t -> unit

Stop music playing

val pause_music_stream : Music.t -> unit

Pause music playing

val resume_music_stream : Music.t -> unit

Resume playing paused music

val is_music_playing : Music.t -> bool

Check if music is playing

val set_music_volume : Music.t -> float -> unit

Set volume for music (1.0 is max level)

val set_music_pitch : Music.t -> float -> unit

Set pitch for a music (1.0 is base level)

val get_music_time_length : Music.t -> float

Get music time length (in seconds)

val get_music_time_played : Music.t -> float

Get current music time played (in seconds)

AudioStream management functions

val init_audio_stream : int -> int -> int -> AudioStream.t

Init audio stream (to stream raw audio pcm data)

val update_audio_stream : AudioStream.t -> unit ptr -> int -> unit

Update audio stream buffers with data

val close_audio_stream : AudioStream.t -> unit

Close audio stream and free memory

val is_audio_stream_processed : AudioStream.t -> bool

Check if any audio stream buffers requires refill

val play_audio_stream : AudioStream.t -> unit

Play audio stream

val pause_audio_stream : AudioStream.t -> unit

Pause audio stream

val resume_audio_stream : AudioStream.t -> unit

Resume audio stream

val is_audio_stream_playing : AudioStream.t -> bool

Check if audio stream is playing

val stop_audio_stream : AudioStream.t -> unit

Stop audio stream

val set_audio_stream_volume : AudioStream.t -> float -> unit

Set volume for audio stream (1.0 is max level)

val set_audio_stream_pitch : AudioStream.t -> float -> unit

Set pitch for audio stream (1.0 is base level)

val set_audio_stream_buffer_size_default : int -> unit

Default size for new audio streams


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