package rdf

  1. Overview
  2. Docs


A dataset is composed of:

  • a default graph,
  • a set of named graphs,
  • a function to get a graph by its name,
  • a function to add a graph.
type name = [
  1. | `I of Iri.t
  2. | `B of Term.blank_id
val compare_name : name -> name -> int
val string_of_name : name -> string
val pp_name : Format.formatter -> name -> unit
val term_of_name : name -> Term.term
module NameMap : Map.S with type key = name
module NameSet : Set.S with type elt = name
type dataset = {
  1. default : Graph.graph;

    The default graph.

  2. named : unit -> NameSet.t;

    The set of named graphs.

  3. get_named : ?add:bool -> name -> Graph.graph option;

    The function to get a graph by its name, if present. It not, then if add is true and the add field provides a function to add a graph, a new graph is created, added to the dataset and returned. If name is a blank id, base IRI of created graph is an empty IRI, else it is the name.

  4. add : (?name:name -> Graph.graph -> Graph.graph) option;

    Add a graph to dataset, if dataset allows it. Use the returned graph to add triples in the dataset, because if a graph for the same name already existed in the dataset, triples of the given graph are added to the existing graph. If optional parameter name is not provided, the base IRI of graph is used.


A dataset.

val simple_dataset : ?named:(name * Graph.graph) list -> Graph.graph -> dataset

simple_dataset graph returns a dataset with graph as default graph.

  • parameter named

    can be used to specify named graphs. The get_named function is created from this closed list of named graphs and raise Could_not_retrieve_graph in case a required graph is not part of the list.

val dataset : ?add:(?name:name -> Graph.graph -> Graph.graph) -> ?get_named:(?add:bool -> name -> Graph.graph option) -> ?named:(unit -> NameSet.t) -> Graph.graph -> dataset

dataset graph returns a dataset with graph as default graph.

  • parameter named

    is used to specify the sef of named graphs, but it does not create a get_named function.

  • parameter get_named

    is the function to retrieve graph by name.

  • parameter add

    is a function used to add graph to dataset. If get_named is not provided, add argument is ignored.

val mem_dataset : Graph.graph -> dataset

mem_dataset g create a new in-memory dataset with given graph g as default graph. named, get_named and add functions are implemented to fulfill dataset API.

val merge_to_default : dataset -> unit

merge_to_default dataset add triples of all named graphs to dataset.default.

val graphs : dataset -> (name option * Graph.graph) list

graphs dataset returns the list of (optional name, graph) from dataset.

val iter : (name option -> Graph.graph -> unit) -> dataset -> unit

iter f dataset calls f for each graph in the dataset, with optional name and graph as argument.

val fold : ('a -> name option -> Graph.graph -> 'a) -> 'a -> dataset -> 'a

fold f acc dataset folds on dataset's graphs with f called with optional name and graph as argument.

type diff =
  1. | Cardinals of int * int
  2. | Missing_graph of name
  3. | Graph_diff of name option * Graph.diff

Differences when checking if two datasets are isomorphic.

val string_of_diff : diff -> string
val pp_diff : Format.formatter -> diff -> unit
val isomorphic_diff : ?ignore_blanks:bool -> dataset -> dataset -> diff option

Return None when the two given datasets are isomorphic or the first difference.


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