package rdr

  1. Overview
  2. Docs
type import = [ GoblinSymbol.symbol_datum | `Flags of int | `IsLazy of bool ] list
val import_to_goblin : MachImports.import -> import
val mach_import_data_to_string : import -> string
val is_lazy : [> `IsLazy of 'a ] list -> 'a
val import_name : [> `Name of 'a ] list -> 'a
val import_lib : [> `Lib of 'a * 'b ] list -> 'a
val print : ([> `Kind of GoblinSymbol.symbol_kind | `Lib of string * string | `Name of string | `Offset of int | `Size of int ] list list * [> `Kind of GoblinSymbol.symbol_kind | `Lib of string * string | `Name of string | `Offset of int | `Size of int ] list list) -> unit
val print_imports_deprecated : (MachImports.bind_information array * MachImports.bind_information array) -> unit
val empty : 'a list * 'b list
val find : 'a -> [> `Name of 'a ] as 'b list array -> 'b list

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