package received

  1. Overview
  2. Docs
Module type
Class type

Received field

type t

Type of Received value.

val compare : t -> t -> int
val equal : t -> t -> bool
type 'a with_info =
  1. | Only of 'a
  2. | With of 'a * info
and info = [
  1. | `Address of Colombe.Domain.t
  2. | `Domain_and_address of Colombe.Domain.t * Colombe.Domain.t
val received_by : t -> Colombe.Domain.t with_info option
val received_from : t -> Colombe.Domain.t with_info option
val received_for : t -> Colombe.Path.t option

Type of underlying protocol used to receive email.

type protocol = private [
  1. | `ESMTP
  2. | `SMTP
  3. | `Atom of string

Type of protocol used to receive email:

  • SMTP
  • Other protocol
val received_with : t -> protocol option
val received_via : t -> link option
val id : t -> [ `Local of Emile.local | `MsgID of Mrmime.MessageID.t | `Atom of string ] option
val date_time : t -> Mrmime.Date.t
type 'a stream = unit -> 'a option
val tcp : link
val smtp : protocol
val esmtp : protocol
val protocol : string -> protocol
val make : ?from:Colombe.Domain.t with_info -> ?by:Colombe.Domain.t with_info -> ?via:link -> ?protocol:protocol -> ?id:Mrmime.MessageID.t -> Colombe.Path.t option -> zone:Mrmime.Date.Zone.t -> Ptime.t -> t

make ?from ?by ?via ?protocol ?id path ~zone time:

  • from is the domain where the email comes from.
  • by is the domain where the email is received.
  • via is the underlying protocol used to receive the email (usually tcp).
  • protocol is the protocol used to receive the email.
  • id is the chosen ID by the MTA.
  • path is the given Path.t received by the MTA
  • zone is the time-zone of the MTA.
  • time is the time when the MTA received the email.
val pp : t Fmt.t
module Decoder : sig ... end
module Encoder : sig ... end
val of_stream : (string * int * int) stream -> (string * t list, [> `Msg of string ]) Stdlib.result

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