package reddit_api_async

  1. Overview
  2. Docs
val iter : (module Core.Hashable.S with type t = 'id) -> Connection.t -> get_listing: (before:'id option -> limit:int -> 'thing list Reddit_api_kernel.Api.t) -> get_before_parameter:('thing -> 'id) -> f:('thing -> unit Async.Deferred.t) -> _ Async.Deferred.t
val fold : (module Core.Hashable.S with type t = 'id) -> Connection.t -> get_listing: (before:'id option -> limit:int -> 'thing list Reddit_api_kernel.Api.t) -> get_before_parameter:('thing -> 'id) -> init:'state -> f:('state -> 'thing -> 'state Async.Deferred.t) -> on_error: ('state -> Reddit_api_kernel.Api.Api_error.t -> 'state Async.Deferred.t) -> _ Async.Deferred.t
val fold_until_finished : (module Core.Hashable.S with type t = 'id) -> Connection.t -> get_listing: (before:'id option -> limit:int -> 'thing list Reddit_api_kernel.Api.t) -> get_before_parameter:('thing -> 'id) -> init:'state -> f: ('state -> 'thing -> ('state, 'result) Core.Continue_or_stop.t Async.Deferred.t) -> on_error: ('state -> Reddit_api_kernel.Api.Api_error.t -> ('state, 'result) Core.Continue_or_stop.t Async.Deferred.t) -> 'result Async.Deferred.t

Innovation. Community. Security.