package reedsolomon

  1. Overview
  2. Docs

Basic polynomial representations. Coefficients are members of Ops.OpsBase (which effectively provide '+' and '*')


module E : Ops.OpsBase


type elt = E.t

polynomial coefficient type

an array of 'elt's representing the polynomial. powers are at index position (ie lowest first)

type t = E.t array

an array of 'elt's representing the polynomial. powers are at index position (ie lowest first)

val degree : t -> int

the degree of the polynomial

this is represented as ||

val zero : t

this is represented as ||

this is represented as ||

val one : t

this is represented as ||

this is represented as |;|

val x : t

this is represented as |;|

convert to poly

val to_poly : elt array -> t

convert to poly

convert from poly

val of_poly : t -> elt array

convert from poly

make a copy of the poly

val copy : t -> t

make a copy of the poly

type poly_format = {
  1. coef : elt -> string;
  2. indet : int -> string;

control over print formatting

val poly_format : poly_format
val string_format : bool -> poly_format -> int -> elt -> string
val to_string : ?down:bool -> ?str:(int -> elt -> string) -> t -> string

create string of poly

val trim : t -> t

legalise the poly. high order powers which are 0 are removed.

val slice : t -> int -> t
val (+:) : t -> t -> t

poly addition

poly subtraction

val (-:) : t -> t -> t

poly subtraction

poly multiplication

val (*:) : t -> t -> t

poly multiplication

poly division

val (/:) : t -> t -> t * t

poly division

scalar multiplication

val (*:.) : t -> elt -> t

scalar multiplication

scalar division

val (/:.) : t -> elt -> t

scalar division

multiply poly by x^n

val (^:) : t -> int -> t

multiply poly by x^n

raise poly to power n

val (**:) : t -> int -> t

raise poly to power n

val ext_gcd : t -> t -> t * t

extended gcd algorithm

val eval : t -> elt -> elt

evaluate polynomial