package rhythm

  1. Overview
  2. Docs
type 'el t
val make : unit -> 'el t
val isEmpty : 'el t -> bool
val length : 'el t -> int
include FeatureSequence.Interface with type 'el tSequence = 'el t
type 'el tSequence = 'el t
val init : int -> (int -> 'el) -> 'el tSequence
val toOCamlList : 'el tSequence -> 'el OCamlListCore.t
val fromOCamlList : 'el OCamlListCore.t -> 'el tSequence
val toOCamlArray : 'el tSequence -> 'el OCamlArrayCore.t
val fromOCamlArray : 'el OCamlArrayCore.t -> 'el tSequence
val toMutableArrayList : 'el tSequence -> 'el MutableArrayListCore.t
val fromMutableArrayList : 'el MutableArrayListCore.t -> 'el tSequence
val toDeque : 'el tSequence -> 'el DequeCore.t
val fromDeque : 'el DequeCore.t -> 'el tSequence
val every : ('el -> bool) -> 'el tSequence -> bool
val everyi : (int -> 'el -> bool) -> 'el tSequence -> bool
val forEach : ('el -> unit) -> 'el tSequence -> unit
val forEachi : (int -> 'el -> unit) -> 'el tSequence -> unit
val none : ('el -> bool) -> 'el tSequence -> bool
val nonei : (int -> 'el -> bool) -> 'el tSequence -> bool
val some : ('el -> bool) -> 'el tSequence -> bool
val somei : (int -> 'el -> bool) -> 'el tSequence -> bool
val filterDrop : ('el -> bool) -> 'el tSequence -> 'el tSequence
val filterDropi : (int -> 'el -> bool) -> 'el tSequence -> 'el tSequence
val filterKeep : ('el -> bool) -> 'el tSequence -> 'el tSequence
val filterKeepi : (int -> 'el -> bool) -> 'el tSequence -> 'el tSequence
val map : ('a -> 'b) -> 'a tSequence -> 'b tSequence
val mapi : (int -> 'a -> 'b) -> 'a tSequence -> 'b tSequence
val reverse : 'el tSequence -> 'el tSequence
val reduce : ('acc -> 'el -> 'acc) -> 'acc -> 'el tSequence -> 'acc
val reducei : ('acc -> int -> 'el -> 'acc) -> 'acc -> 'el tSequence -> 'acc
val reduceReverse : ('acc -> 'el -> 'acc) -> 'acc -> 'el tSequence -> 'acc
val reduceReversei : ('acc -> int -> 'el -> 'acc) -> 'acc -> 'el tSequence -> 'acc
val flatten : 'el tSequence tSequence -> 'el tSequence
val concat : 'el tSequence -> 'el tSequence -> 'el tSequence
val concatList : 'el tSequence list -> 'el tSequence
include FeatureFront.Interface with type 'el tFront = 'el t
type 'el tFront = 'el t
val getFirst : 'el tFront -> 'el option
val getFirstExn : 'el tFront -> 'el
val getFirstN : int -> 'el tFront -> 'el tFront option
val getFirstNExn : int -> 'el tFront -> 'el tFront
val addFirst : 'el -> 'el tFront -> 'el tFront
val removeFirst : 'el tFront -> 'el tFront option
val removeFirstExn : 'el tFront -> 'el tFront
val removeFirstN : int -> 'el tFront -> 'el tFront option
val removeFirstNExn : int -> 'el tFront -> 'el tFront
val updateFirst : ('el -> 'el) -> 'el tFront -> 'el tFront option
val updateFirstExn : ('el -> 'el) -> 'el tFront -> 'el tFront
val match1Exn : 'el tFront -> 'el * 'el tFront
val match2Exn : 'el tFront -> 'el * 'el * 'el tFront
val match3Exn : 'el tFront -> 'el * 'el * 'el * 'el tFront
val match4Exn : 'el tFront -> 'el * 'el * 'el * 'el * 'el tFront
val match5Exn : 'el tFront -> 'el * 'el * 'el * 'el * 'el * 'el tFront
val match6Exn : 'el tFront -> 'el * 'el * 'el * 'el * 'el * 'el * 'el tFront
val match7Exn : 'el tFront -> 'el * 'el * 'el * 'el * 'el * 'el * 'el * 'el tFront
val match1 : 'el tFront -> ('el * 'el tFront) option
val match2 : 'el tFront -> ('el * 'el * 'el tFront) option
val match3 : 'el tFront -> ('el * 'el * 'el * 'el tFront) option
val match4 : 'el tFront -> ('el * 'el * 'el * 'el * 'el tFront) option
val match5 : 'el tFront -> ('el * 'el * 'el * 'el * 'el * 'el tFront) option
val match6 : 'el tFront -> ('el * 'el * 'el * 'el * 'el * 'el * 'el tFront) option
val match7 : 'el tFront -> ('el * 'el * 'el * 'el * 'el * 'el * 'el * 'el tFront) option
include FeatureBack.Interface with type 'el tBack = 'el t
type 'el tBack = 'el t
val getLast : 'el tBack -> 'el option
val getLastExn : 'el tBack -> 'el
val getLastN : int -> 'el tBack -> 'el tBack option
val getLastNExn : int -> 'el tBack -> 'el tBack
val addLast : 'el -> 'el tBack -> 'el tBack
val removeLast : 'el tBack -> 'el tBack option
val removeLastExn : 'el tBack -> 'el tBack
val removeLastN : int -> 'el tBack -> 'el tBack option
val removeLastNExn : int -> 'el tBack -> 'el tBack
val updateLast : ('el -> 'el) -> 'el tBack -> 'el tBack option
val updateLastExn : ('el -> 'el) -> 'el tBack -> 'el tBack
include FeatureIndexed.Interface with type 'el tIndexed = 'el t
type 'el tIndexed = 'el t
val getIndex : int -> 'el tIndexed -> 'el option
val getIndexExn : int -> 'el tIndexed -> 'el
include FeatureMutableIndexed.Interface with type 'el tMutableIndexed = 'el t
type 'el tMutableIndexed = 'el t
val setIndex : int -> 'el -> 'el tMutableIndexed -> (unit, exn) Stdlib.result
val setIndexExn : int -> 'el -> 'el tMutableIndexed -> unit
val updateIndex : int -> ('el -> 'el) -> 'el tMutableIndexed -> (unit, exn) Stdlib.result
val updateIndexExn : int -> ('el -> 'el) -> 'el tMutableIndexed -> unit
val swap : int -> int -> 'el tMutableIndexed -> (unit, exn) Stdlib.result
val swapExn : int -> int -> 'el tMutableIndexed -> unit
include FeatureMutableSyntax.Interface with type 'el tMutableSyntax = 'el t
type 'el tMutableSyntax = 'el t
module Syntax : sig ... end
module SyntaxNested : sig ... end
module SyntaxExn : sig ... end
module SyntaxReset : sig ... end

Innovation. Community. Security.