package riot

  1. Overview
  2. Docs
type t

t is the type of all processes in the Riot runtime.

A process is a lightweight unit of work that has a lifecycle and a mailbox.

You rarely work directly with this type, and usually handle Pid.t values instead.

val pp : Format.formatter -> t -> unit
type process_flag =
  1. | Trap_exit of bool

    Trap_exit true makes sure this process does not exit when it receives an Exit message (see Process.Messages) from a linked process that has died.


A process flag is a configuration for the behavior of a process.

type exit_reason =
  1. | Normal

    The process ended normally.

  2. | Exit_signal

    The process received an exit signal

  3. | Exception of exn

    The process terminated due to an unhandled exception

module Messages : sig ... end

Innovation. Community. Security.