package rss

  1. Overview
  2. Docs
Module type
Class type
type category = {
  1. cat_name : string;
  2. cat_domain : Uri.t option;
type image = {
  1. image_url : Uri.t;
  2. image_title : string;
  3. image_height : int option;
  4. image_width : int option;
  5. image_desc : string option;
type text_input = {
  1. ti_title : string;

    The label of the Submit button in the text input area.

  2. ti_desc : string;

    Explains the text input area.

  3. ti_name : string;

    The name of the text object in the text input area.

type enclosure = {
  1. encl_url : Uri.t;

    URL of the enclosure

  2. encl_length : int;

    size in bytes

  3. encl_type : string;

    MIME type

type cloud = {
  1. cloud_domain : string;
  2. cloud_port : int;
  3. cloud_path : string;
  4. cloud_register_procedure : string;
  5. cloud_protocol : string;
type guid =
  1. | Guid_name of string
type source = {
  1. src_name : string;
  2. src_url : Uri.t;
type 'a item_t = {
  1. item_title : string option;
  2. item_desc : string option;
  3. item_pubdate : Ptime.t option;
  4. item_author : string option;
  5. item_categories : category list;
  6. item_comments : Uri.t option;
  7. item_enclosure : enclosure option;
  8. item_guid : guid option;
  9. item_source : source option;
  10. item_data : 'a option;
type ('a, 'b) channel_t = {
  1. ch_title : string;
  2. ch_desc : string;
  3. ch_language : string option;
  4. ch_managing_editor : string option;
  5. ch_webmaster : string option;
  6. ch_pubdate : Ptime.t option;
  7. ch_last_build_date : Ptime.t option;
  8. ch_categories : category list;
  9. ch_generator : string option;
  10. ch_cloud : cloud option;
  11. ch_docs : Uri.t option;
  12. ch_ttl : int option;
  13. ch_image : image option;
  14. ch_rating : string option;
  15. ch_text_input : text_input option;
  16. ch_skip_hours : int list option;
  17. ch_skip_days : int list option;
  18. ch_items : 'b item_t list;
  19. ch_data : 'a option;
  20. ch_namespaces : (string * string) list;
type item = unit item_t
type channel = (unit, unit) channel_t
val compare_opt : f:('a -> 'b -> int) -> 'c option -> 'd option -> int
val compare_url_opt : Uri.t option -> Uri.t option -> int
val compare_list : f:('a -> 'b -> int) -> 'c list -> 'd list -> int
val compare_enclosure : enclosure -> enclosure -> int
val compare_guid : guid -> guid -> int
val compare_source : source -> source -> int
val compare_category : category -> category -> int
val item_comp_funs : ('a item_t -> 'b item_t -> int) list
val apply_comp : 'a -> 'b -> ('c -> 'd -> int) list -> int
val compare_item : ?comp_data:('a -> 'b -> int) -> 'c item_t -> 'd item_t -> int

Innovation. Community. Security.