package sihl

  1. Overview
  2. Docs
Module type
Class type
type t
type stack = Sihl__.Web_middleware_core.t Base.list

A middleware stack is a list of middlewares.

val apply : t -> (Core.Ctx.t -> Sihl__.Web_res.t Lwt.t) -> Core.Ctx.t -> Sihl__.Web_res.t Lwt.t

apply m h applies the middleware m with the handler h, so that the middleware logic wraps the handler.

val apply_stack : stack -> Sihl__.Web_route.t -> Sihl__.Web_route.t
module Clickjacking : sig ... end
module Csrf : sig ... end
module Db : sig ... end
module Error : sig ... end
module Message : sig ... end
module Gzip : sig ... end
module Security : sig ... end
module Static : sig ... end
module Session : sig ... end
module Authn : sig ... end
val error : unit -> t
val static : local_path_f:(unit -> string) -> uri_prefix_f:(unit -> string) -> ?headers:Cohttp.Header.t -> ?etag_of_fname:(string -> string) -> unit -> t
val csrf : unit -> t
val create : name:string -> ((Core.Ctx.t -> Sihl__.Web_res.t Lwt.t) -> Core.Ctx.t -> Sihl__.Web_res.t Lwt.t) -> t

create ~name (h -> h) create a middleware with name.


Innovation. Community. Security.