package slack

  1. Overview
  2. Docs
type usergroup = Slack_t.usergroup = {
  1. id : string;
  2. team_id : string option;
  3. is_usergroup : bool;
  4. name : string option;
  5. description : string option;
  6. handle : string option;
  7. is_external : bool;
  8. date_create : int option;
  9. date_update : int option;
  10. date_delete : int option;
  11. created_by : string option;
  12. updated_by : string option;
  13. deleted_by : string option;
  14. users : string list option;
  15. user_count : int option;
type two_fa_type = Slack_t.two_fa_type =
  1. | App
  2. | Sms
  3. | Not_enabled
type profile = Slack_t.profile = {
  1. display_name : string;
  2. display_name_normalized : string;
  3. email : string option;
  4. first_name : string;
  5. last_name : string;
  6. phone : string option;
  7. pronouns : string option;
  8. real_name : string;
  9. real_name_normalized : string;
  10. status_emoji : string option;
  11. status_expiration : int option;
  12. status_text : string option;
  13. team : string;
  14. title : string option;
  15. image_24 : string option;
  16. image_32 : string option;
  17. image_48 : string option;
  18. image_72 : string option;
  19. image_192 : string option;
  20. image_512 : string option;
type user = Slack_t.user = {
  1. id : string;
  2. deleted : bool;
  3. has_2fa : bool;
  4. is_admin : bool;
  5. is_app_user : bool;
  6. is_bot : bool;
  7. is_invited_user : bool;
  8. is_owner : bool;
  9. is_restricted : bool;
  10. is_stranger : bool;
  11. is_ultra_restricted : bool;
  12. locale : string option;
  13. profile : profile;
  14. two_factor_type : two_fa_type;
  15. tz : string option;
  16. tz_label : string option;
  17. tz_offset : int;
  18. updated : int;
type user_info_res = Slack_t.user_info_res = {
  1. ok : bool;
  2. user : user;
type user_info_req = Slack_t.user_info_req = {
  1. user : string;
  2. include_locale : bool option;
val make_user_info_req : user:string -> ?include_locale:bool -> unit -> user_info_req
type url_verification_notification = Slack_t.url_verification_notification = {
  1. token : string;
  2. challenge : string;
type update_usergroups_users_res = Slack_t.update_usergroups_users_res = {
  1. ok : bool;
  2. usergroup : usergroup;
type update_usergroups_users_req = Slack_t.update_usergroups_users_req = {
  1. usergroup : string;
  2. users : string list;
  3. include_count : bool option;
  4. team_id : string option;
val make_update_usergroups_users_req : usergroup:string -> ?users:string list -> ?include_count:bool -> ?team_id:string -> unit -> update_usergroups_users_req
type update_message_res = Slack_t.update_message_res = {
  1. channel : string;
  2. ts : string;
type text_object_type = Slack_t.text_object_type =
  1. | Plain_text
  2. | Mrkdwn
type text_object = Slack_t.text_object = {
  1. text_type : text_object_type;
  2. text : string;
val make_text_object : text_type:text_object_type -> text:string -> text_object
type message_text_block = Slack_t.message_text_block = {
  1. text : text_object;
val make_message_text_block : text:text_object -> message_text_block
type message_field = Slack_t.message_field = {
  1. title : string option;
  2. value : string;
  3. short : bool;
val make_message_field : ?title:string -> value:string -> short:bool -> unit -> message_field
type message_block = Slack_t.message_block =
  1. | Section of message_text_block
  2. | Divider
type message_attachment = Slack_t.message_attachment = {
  1. fallback : string option;
  2. mrkdwn_in : string list option;
  3. color : string option;
  4. pretext : string option;
  5. author_name : string option;
  6. author_icon : string option;
  7. title : string option;
  8. text : string option;
  9. fields : message_field list option;
  10. image_url : string option;
  11. thumb_url : string option;
  12. ts : int option;
  13. footer : string option;
val make_message_attachment : ?fallback:string -> ?mrkdwn_in:string list -> ?color:string -> ?pretext:string -> ?author_name:string -> ?author_link:string -> ?author_icon:string -> ?title:string -> ?title_link:string -> ?text:string -> ?fields:message_field list -> ?image_url:string -> ?thumb_url:string -> ?ts:int -> ?footer:string -> unit -> message_attachment
type update_message_req = Slack_t.update_message_req = {
  1. channel : string;
  2. ts : string;
  3. text : string option;
  4. attachments : message_attachment list option;
  5. blocks : message_block list option;
  6. metadata : string option;
  7. parse : string option;
  8. reply_broadcast : bool option;
val make_update_message_req : channel:string -> ts:string -> ?text:string -> ?attachments:message_attachment list -> ?blocks:message_block list -> ?link_names:bool -> ?metadata:string -> ?parse:string -> ?reply_broadcast:bool -> unit -> update_message_req
type unfurl_block = Slack_t.unfurl_block = {
  1. blocks : message_block list;
type unfurl = Slack_t.unfurl =
  1. | Message_attachment of message_attachment
  2. | Blocks of unfurl_block
type timestamp_int = Slack_t.timestamp_int
type slack_api_error = Slack_t.slack_api_error
type ('ok, 'err) http_response = ('ok, 'err) Stdlib.result =
  1. | Ok of 'ok
  2. | Error of 'err
type 'ok slack_response = 'ok Slack_t.slack_response
type secrets = Slack_t.secrets = {
  1. slack_access_token : string option;
  2. slack_signing_secret : string option;
type post_message_res = Slack_t.post_message_res = {
  1. channel : string;
  2. ts : string;
type post_message_req = Slack_t.post_message_req = {
  1. channel : string;
  2. text : string option;
  3. attachments : message_attachment list option;
  4. blocks : message_block list option;
  5. username : string option;
  6. icon_url : string option;
  7. icon_emoji : string option;
  8. metadata : string option;
  9. mrkdwn : bool option;
  10. parse : string option;
  11. reply_broadcast : bool option;
  12. thread_ts : string option;
  13. unfurl_links : bool option;
  14. unfurl_media : bool option;
val make_post_message_req : channel:string -> ?text:string -> ?attachments:message_attachment list -> ?blocks:message_block list -> ?username:string -> ?icon_url:string -> ?icon_emoji:string -> ?metadata:string -> ?mrkdwn:bool -> ?parse:string -> ?reply_broadcast:bool -> ?thread_ts:string -> ?unfurl_links:bool -> ?unfurl_media:bool -> unit -> post_message_req
type ok_res = Slack_t.ok_res = {
  1. ok : bool;
type message_event = Slack_t.message_event = {
  1. subtype : string option;
  2. channel : string;
  3. user : string option;
  4. text : string option;
  5. ts : string;
  6. bot_id : string option;
  7. thread_ts : string option;
type list_users_res = Slack_t.list_users_res = {
  1. ok : bool;
  2. members : user list;
  3. response_metadata : (string * string) list;
type list_users_req = Slack_t.list_users_req = {
  1. cursor : string option;
  2. include_locale : bool option;
  3. limit : int option;
  4. team_id : string option;
val make_list_users_req : ?cursor:string -> ?include_locale:bool -> ?limit:int -> ?team_id:string -> unit -> list_users_req
type list_usergroups_res = Slack_t.list_usergroups_res = {
  1. ok : bool;
  2. usergroups : usergroup list;
type list_usergroups_req = Slack_t.list_usergroups_req = {
  1. include_count : bool option;
  2. team_id : string option;
  3. include_users : bool option;
  4. include_disabled : bool option;
val make_list_usergroups_req : ?include_count:bool -> ?team_id:string -> ?include_users:bool -> ?include_disabled:bool -> unit -> list_usergroups_req
type list_usergroup_users_res = Slack_t.list_usergroup_users_res = {
  1. ok : bool;
  2. users : string list;
type list_usergroup_users_req = Slack_t.list_usergroup_users_req = {
  1. usergroup : string;
  2. team_id : string option;
  3. include_disabled : bool option;
val make_list_usergroup_users_req : usergroup:string -> ?team_id:string -> ?include_disabled:bool -> unit -> list_usergroup_users_req
type json = Yojson.Basic.t
type file = Slack_t.file = {
  1. id : string;
  2. name : string option;
  3. title : string option;
  4. mimetype : string option;
  5. filetype : string option;
  6. pretty_type : string option;
  7. user : string option;
  8. size : int option;
  9. channels : string list;
  10. ims : string list;
  11. groups : string list;
type files_upload_res = Slack_t.files_upload_res = {
  1. ok : bool;
  2. file : file;
type files_upload_req = Slack_t.files_upload_req = {
  1. channels : string option;
  2. content : string option;
  3. filename : string option;
  4. filetype : string option;
  5. initial_comment : string option;
  6. thread_ts : string option;
  7. title : string option;
val make_files_upload_req : ?channels:string -> ?content:string -> ?filename:string -> ?filetype:string -> ?initial_comment:string -> ?thread_ts:string -> ?title:string -> unit -> files_upload_req
type event = Slack_t.event =
  1. | Message of message_event
type event_callback_notification = Slack_t.event_callback_notification = {
  1. token : string;
  2. team_id : string;
  3. api_app_id : string;
  4. event : event;
  5. event_id : string;
  6. event_time : timestamp_int;
type event_notification = Slack_t.event_notification =
  1. | Event_callback of event_callback_notification
  2. | Url_verification of url_verification_notification
type created_value = Slack_t.created_value = {
  1. value : string;
  2. creator : string;
  3. last_set : int;
type conversation_reply = Slack_t.conversation_reply = {
  1. type_ : string;
  2. ts : string;
  3. thread_ts : string option;
  4. user : string option;
  5. text : string option;
  6. reply_count : int option;
  7. subscribed : bool option;
  8. last_read : string option;
  9. unread_count : int option;
  10. parent_user_id : string option;
type conversations_replies_res = Slack_t.conversations_replies_res = {
  1. messages : conversation_reply list option;
  2. ok : bool;
  3. has_more : bool option;
  4. response_metadata : (string * json) list;
type conversations_replies_req = Slack_t.conversations_replies_req = {
  1. channel : string;
  2. ts : string;
  3. cursor : string option;
  4. include_all_metadata : bool option;
  5. inclusive : bool option;
  6. latest : string option;
  7. limit : int option;
  8. oldest : string option;
val make_conversations_replies_req : channel:string -> ts:string -> ?cursor:string -> ?include_all_metadata:bool -> ?inclusive:bool -> ?latest:string -> ?limit:int -> ?oldest:string -> unit -> conversations_replies_req
type conversation = Slack_t.conversation = {
  1. id : string;
  2. name : string option;
  3. is_channel : bool;
  4. is_group : bool;
  5. is_im : bool;
  6. is_member : bool option;
  7. user : string option;
  8. locale : string option;
  9. num_members : int option;
  10. topic : created_value option;
  11. purpose : created_value option;
type conversations_join_res = Slack_t.conversations_join_res = {
  1. channel : conversation;
  2. warning : string option;
  3. response_metadata : (string * json) list;
type conversations_join_req = Slack_t.conversations_join_req = {
  1. channel : string;
val make_conversations_join_req : channel:string -> conversations_join_req
type conversations_info_res = Slack_t.conversations_info_res = {
  1. ok : bool;
  2. channel : conversation;
type conversations_info_req = Slack_t.conversations_info_req = {
  1. channel : string;
  2. include_locale : bool option;
  3. include_num_members : bool option;
val make_conversations_info_req : channel:string -> ?include_locale:bool -> ?include_num_members:bool -> unit -> conversations_info_req
type chat_unfurl_req = Slack_t.chat_unfurl_req = {
  1. channel : string;
  2. ts : string;
  3. unfurls : (string * unfurl) list;
val make_chat_unfurl_req : channel:string -> ts:string -> ?unfurls:(string * unfurl) list -> unit -> chat_unfurl_req
type auth_test_res = Slack_t.auth_test_res = {
  1. url : string;
  2. team : string;
  3. user : string;
  4. team_id : string;
  5. user_id : string;
val write_usergroup : Stdlib.Buffer.t -> usergroup -> unit

Output a JSON value of type usergroup.

val string_of_usergroup : ?len:int -> usergroup -> string

Serialize a value of type usergroup into a JSON string.

  • parameter len

    specifies the initial length of the buffer used internally. Default: 1024.

val read_usergroup : Yojson.Safe.lexer_state -> Stdlib.Lexing.lexbuf -> usergroup

Input JSON data of type usergroup.

val usergroup_of_string : string -> usergroup

Deserialize JSON data of type usergroup.

val write_two_fa_type : Stdlib.Buffer.t -> two_fa_type -> unit

Output a JSON value of type two_fa_type.

val string_of_two_fa_type : ?len:int -> two_fa_type -> string

Serialize a value of type two_fa_type into a JSON string.

  • parameter len

    specifies the initial length of the buffer used internally. Default: 1024.

val read_two_fa_type : Yojson.Safe.lexer_state -> Stdlib.Lexing.lexbuf -> two_fa_type

Input JSON data of type two_fa_type.

val two_fa_type_of_string : string -> two_fa_type

Deserialize JSON data of type two_fa_type.

val write_profile : Stdlib.Buffer.t -> profile -> unit

Output a JSON value of type profile.

val string_of_profile : ?len:int -> profile -> string

Serialize a value of type profile into a JSON string.

  • parameter len

    specifies the initial length of the buffer used internally. Default: 1024.

val read_profile : Yojson.Safe.lexer_state -> Stdlib.Lexing.lexbuf -> profile

Input JSON data of type profile.

val profile_of_string : string -> profile

Deserialize JSON data of type profile.

val write_user : Stdlib.Buffer.t -> user -> unit

Output a JSON value of type user.

val string_of_user : ?len:int -> user -> string

Serialize a value of type user into a JSON string.

  • parameter len

    specifies the initial length of the buffer used internally. Default: 1024.

val read_user : Yojson.Safe.lexer_state -> Stdlib.Lexing.lexbuf -> user

Input JSON data of type user.

val user_of_string : string -> user

Deserialize JSON data of type user.

val write_user_info_res : Stdlib.Buffer.t -> user_info_res -> unit

Output a JSON value of type user_info_res.

val string_of_user_info_res : ?len:int -> user_info_res -> string

Serialize a value of type user_info_res into a JSON string.

  • parameter len

    specifies the initial length of the buffer used internally. Default: 1024.

val read_user_info_res : Yojson.Safe.lexer_state -> Stdlib.Lexing.lexbuf -> user_info_res

Input JSON data of type user_info_res.

val user_info_res_of_string : string -> user_info_res

Deserialize JSON data of type user_info_res.

val write_user_info_req : Stdlib.Buffer.t -> user_info_req -> unit

Output a JSON value of type user_info_req.

val string_of_user_info_req : ?len:int -> user_info_req -> string

Serialize a value of type user_info_req into a JSON string.

  • parameter len

    specifies the initial length of the buffer used internally. Default: 1024.

val read_user_info_req : Yojson.Safe.lexer_state -> Stdlib.Lexing.lexbuf -> user_info_req

Input JSON data of type user_info_req.

val user_info_req_of_string : string -> user_info_req

Deserialize JSON data of type user_info_req.

val write_url_verification_notification : Stdlib.Buffer.t -> url_verification_notification -> unit

Output a JSON value of type url_verification_notification.

val string_of_url_verification_notification : ?len:int -> url_verification_notification -> string

Serialize a value of type url_verification_notification into a JSON string.

  • parameter len

    specifies the initial length of the buffer used internally. Default: 1024.

val read_url_verification_notification : Yojson.Safe.lexer_state -> Stdlib.Lexing.lexbuf -> url_verification_notification

Input JSON data of type url_verification_notification.

val url_verification_notification_of_string : string -> url_verification_notification

Deserialize JSON data of type url_verification_notification.

val write_update_usergroups_users_res : Stdlib.Buffer.t -> update_usergroups_users_res -> unit

Output a JSON value of type update_usergroups_users_res.

val string_of_update_usergroups_users_res : ?len:int -> update_usergroups_users_res -> string

Serialize a value of type update_usergroups_users_res into a JSON string.

  • parameter len

    specifies the initial length of the buffer used internally. Default: 1024.

val read_update_usergroups_users_res : Yojson.Safe.lexer_state -> Stdlib.Lexing.lexbuf -> update_usergroups_users_res

Input JSON data of type update_usergroups_users_res.

val update_usergroups_users_res_of_string : string -> update_usergroups_users_res

Deserialize JSON data of type update_usergroups_users_res.

val write_update_usergroups_users_req : Stdlib.Buffer.t -> update_usergroups_users_req -> unit

Output a JSON value of type update_usergroups_users_req.

val string_of_update_usergroups_users_req : ?len:int -> update_usergroups_users_req -> string

Serialize a value of type update_usergroups_users_req into a JSON string.

  • parameter len

    specifies the initial length of the buffer used internally. Default: 1024.

val read_update_usergroups_users_req : Yojson.Safe.lexer_state -> Stdlib.Lexing.lexbuf -> update_usergroups_users_req

Input JSON data of type update_usergroups_users_req.

val update_usergroups_users_req_of_string : string -> update_usergroups_users_req

Deserialize JSON data of type update_usergroups_users_req.

val write_update_message_res : Stdlib.Buffer.t -> update_message_res -> unit

Output a JSON value of type update_message_res.

val string_of_update_message_res : ?len:int -> update_message_res -> string

Serialize a value of type update_message_res into a JSON string.

  • parameter len

    specifies the initial length of the buffer used internally. Default: 1024.

val read_update_message_res : Yojson.Safe.lexer_state -> Stdlib.Lexing.lexbuf -> update_message_res

Input JSON data of type update_message_res.

val update_message_res_of_string : string -> update_message_res

Deserialize JSON data of type update_message_res.

val write_text_object_type : Stdlib.Buffer.t -> text_object_type -> unit

Output a JSON value of type text_object_type.

val string_of_text_object_type : ?len:int -> text_object_type -> string

Serialize a value of type text_object_type into a JSON string.

  • parameter len

    specifies the initial length of the buffer used internally. Default: 1024.

val read_text_object_type : Yojson.Safe.lexer_state -> Stdlib.Lexing.lexbuf -> text_object_type

Input JSON data of type text_object_type.

val text_object_type_of_string : string -> text_object_type

Deserialize JSON data of type text_object_type.

val write_text_object : Stdlib.Buffer.t -> text_object -> unit

Output a JSON value of type text_object.

val string_of_text_object : ?len:int -> text_object -> string

Serialize a value of type text_object into a JSON string.

  • parameter len

    specifies the initial length of the buffer used internally. Default: 1024.

val read_text_object : Yojson.Safe.lexer_state -> Stdlib.Lexing.lexbuf -> text_object

Input JSON data of type text_object.

val text_object_of_string : string -> text_object

Deserialize JSON data of type text_object.

val write_message_text_block : Stdlib.Buffer.t -> message_text_block -> unit

Output a JSON value of type message_text_block.

val string_of_message_text_block : ?len:int -> message_text_block -> string

Serialize a value of type message_text_block into a JSON string.

  • parameter len

    specifies the initial length of the buffer used internally. Default: 1024.

val read_message_text_block : Yojson.Safe.lexer_state -> Stdlib.Lexing.lexbuf -> message_text_block

Input JSON data of type message_text_block.

val message_text_block_of_string : string -> message_text_block

Deserialize JSON data of type message_text_block.

val write_message_field : Stdlib.Buffer.t -> message_field -> unit

Output a JSON value of type message_field.

val string_of_message_field : ?len:int -> message_field -> string

Serialize a value of type message_field into a JSON string.

  • parameter len

    specifies the initial length of the buffer used internally. Default: 1024.

val read_message_field : Yojson.Safe.lexer_state -> Stdlib.Lexing.lexbuf -> message_field

Input JSON data of type message_field.

val message_field_of_string : string -> message_field

Deserialize JSON data of type message_field.

val write_message_block : Stdlib.Buffer.t -> message_block -> unit

Output a JSON value of type message_block.

val string_of_message_block : ?len:int -> message_block -> string

Serialize a value of type message_block into a JSON string.

  • parameter len

    specifies the initial length of the buffer used internally. Default: 1024.

val read_message_block : Yojson.Safe.lexer_state -> Stdlib.Lexing.lexbuf -> message_block

Input JSON data of type message_block.

val message_block_of_string : string -> message_block

Deserialize JSON data of type message_block.

val write_message_attachment : Stdlib.Buffer.t -> message_attachment -> unit

Output a JSON value of type message_attachment.

val string_of_message_attachment : ?len:int -> message_attachment -> string

Serialize a value of type message_attachment into a JSON string.

  • parameter len

    specifies the initial length of the buffer used internally. Default: 1024.

val read_message_attachment : Yojson.Safe.lexer_state -> Stdlib.Lexing.lexbuf -> message_attachment

Input JSON data of type message_attachment.

val message_attachment_of_string : string -> message_attachment

Deserialize JSON data of type message_attachment.

val write_update_message_req : Stdlib.Buffer.t -> update_message_req -> unit

Output a JSON value of type update_message_req.

val string_of_update_message_req : ?len:int -> update_message_req -> string

Serialize a value of type update_message_req into a JSON string.

  • parameter len

    specifies the initial length of the buffer used internally. Default: 1024.

val read_update_message_req : Yojson.Safe.lexer_state -> Stdlib.Lexing.lexbuf -> update_message_req

Input JSON data of type update_message_req.

val update_message_req_of_string : string -> update_message_req

Deserialize JSON data of type update_message_req.

val write_unfurl_block : Stdlib.Buffer.t -> unfurl_block -> unit

Output a JSON value of type unfurl_block.

val string_of_unfurl_block : ?len:int -> unfurl_block -> string

Serialize a value of type unfurl_block into a JSON string.

  • parameter len

    specifies the initial length of the buffer used internally. Default: 1024.

val read_unfurl_block : Yojson.Safe.lexer_state -> Stdlib.Lexing.lexbuf -> unfurl_block

Input JSON data of type unfurl_block.

val unfurl_block_of_string : string -> unfurl_block

Deserialize JSON data of type unfurl_block.

val write_unfurl : Stdlib.Buffer.t -> unfurl -> unit

Output a JSON value of type unfurl.

val string_of_unfurl : ?len:int -> unfurl -> string

Serialize a value of type unfurl into a JSON string.

  • parameter len

    specifies the initial length of the buffer used internally. Default: 1024.

val read_unfurl : Yojson.Safe.lexer_state -> Stdlib.Lexing.lexbuf -> unfurl

Input JSON data of type unfurl.

val unfurl_of_string : string -> unfurl

Deserialize JSON data of type unfurl.

val write_timestamp_int : Stdlib.Buffer.t -> timestamp_int -> unit

Output a JSON value of type timestamp_int.

val string_of_timestamp_int : ?len:int -> timestamp_int -> string

Serialize a value of type timestamp_int into a JSON string.

  • parameter len

    specifies the initial length of the buffer used internally. Default: 1024.

val read_timestamp_int : Yojson.Safe.lexer_state -> Stdlib.Lexing.lexbuf -> timestamp_int

Input JSON data of type timestamp_int.

val timestamp_int_of_string : string -> timestamp_int

Deserialize JSON data of type timestamp_int.

val write_slack_api_error : Stdlib.Buffer.t -> slack_api_error -> unit

Output a JSON value of type slack_api_error.

val string_of_slack_api_error : ?len:int -> slack_api_error -> string

Serialize a value of type slack_api_error into a JSON string.

  • parameter len

    specifies the initial length of the buffer used internally. Default: 1024.

val read_slack_api_error : Yojson.Safe.lexer_state -> Stdlib.Lexing.lexbuf -> slack_api_error

Input JSON data of type slack_api_error.

val slack_api_error_of_string : string -> slack_api_error

Deserialize JSON data of type slack_api_error.

val write_http_response : (Stdlib.Buffer.t -> 'ok -> unit) -> (Stdlib.Buffer.t -> 'err -> unit) -> Stdlib.Buffer.t -> ('ok, 'err) http_response -> unit

Output a JSON value of type http_response.

val string_of_http_response : (Stdlib.Buffer.t -> 'ok -> unit) -> (Stdlib.Buffer.t -> 'err -> unit) -> ?len:int -> ('ok, 'err) http_response -> string

Serialize a value of type http_response into a JSON string.

  • parameter len

    specifies the initial length of the buffer used internally. Default: 1024.

val read_http_response : (Yojson.Safe.lexer_state -> Stdlib.Lexing.lexbuf -> 'ok) -> (Yojson.Safe.lexer_state -> Stdlib.Lexing.lexbuf -> 'err) -> Yojson.Safe.lexer_state -> Stdlib.Lexing.lexbuf -> ('ok, 'err) http_response

Input JSON data of type http_response.

val http_response_of_string : (Yojson.Safe.lexer_state -> Stdlib.Lexing.lexbuf -> 'ok) -> (Yojson.Safe.lexer_state -> Stdlib.Lexing.lexbuf -> 'err) -> string -> ('ok, 'err) http_response

Deserialize JSON data of type http_response.

val write_slack_response : (Stdlib.Buffer.t -> 'ok -> unit) -> Stdlib.Buffer.t -> 'ok slack_response -> unit

Output a JSON value of type slack_response.

val string_of_slack_response : (Stdlib.Buffer.t -> 'ok -> unit) -> ?len:int -> 'ok slack_response -> string

Serialize a value of type slack_response into a JSON string.

  • parameter len

    specifies the initial length of the buffer used internally. Default: 1024.

val read_slack_response : (Yojson.Safe.lexer_state -> Stdlib.Lexing.lexbuf -> 'ok) -> Yojson.Safe.lexer_state -> Stdlib.Lexing.lexbuf -> 'ok slack_response

Input JSON data of type slack_response.

val slack_response_of_string : (Yojson.Safe.lexer_state -> Stdlib.Lexing.lexbuf -> 'ok) -> string -> 'ok slack_response

Deserialize JSON data of type slack_response.

val write_secrets : Stdlib.Buffer.t -> secrets -> unit

Output a JSON value of type secrets.

val string_of_secrets : ?len:int -> secrets -> string

Serialize a value of type secrets into a JSON string.

  • parameter len

    specifies the initial length of the buffer used internally. Default: 1024.

val read_secrets : Yojson.Safe.lexer_state -> Stdlib.Lexing.lexbuf -> secrets

Input JSON data of type secrets.

val secrets_of_string : string -> secrets

Deserialize JSON data of type secrets.

val write_post_message_res : Stdlib.Buffer.t -> post_message_res -> unit

Output a JSON value of type post_message_res.

val string_of_post_message_res : ?len:int -> post_message_res -> string

Serialize a value of type post_message_res into a JSON string.

  • parameter len

    specifies the initial length of the buffer used internally. Default: 1024.

val read_post_message_res : Yojson.Safe.lexer_state -> Stdlib.Lexing.lexbuf -> post_message_res

Input JSON data of type post_message_res.

val post_message_res_of_string : string -> post_message_res

Deserialize JSON data of type post_message_res.

val write_post_message_req : Stdlib.Buffer.t -> post_message_req -> unit

Output a JSON value of type post_message_req.

val string_of_post_message_req : ?len:int -> post_message_req -> string

Serialize a value of type post_message_req into a JSON string.

  • parameter len

    specifies the initial length of the buffer used internally. Default: 1024.

val read_post_message_req : Yojson.Safe.lexer_state -> Stdlib.Lexing.lexbuf -> post_message_req

Input JSON data of type post_message_req.

val post_message_req_of_string : string -> post_message_req

Deserialize JSON data of type post_message_req.

val write_ok_res : Stdlib.Buffer.t -> ok_res -> unit

Output a JSON value of type ok_res.

val string_of_ok_res : ?len:int -> ok_res -> string

Serialize a value of type ok_res into a JSON string.

  • parameter len

    specifies the initial length of the buffer used internally. Default: 1024.

val read_ok_res : Yojson.Safe.lexer_state -> Stdlib.Lexing.lexbuf -> ok_res

Input JSON data of type ok_res.

val ok_res_of_string : string -> ok_res

Deserialize JSON data of type ok_res.

val write_message_event : Stdlib.Buffer.t -> message_event -> unit

Output a JSON value of type message_event.

val string_of_message_event : ?len:int -> message_event -> string

Serialize a value of type message_event into a JSON string.

  • parameter len

    specifies the initial length of the buffer used internally. Default: 1024.

val read_message_event : Yojson.Safe.lexer_state -> Stdlib.Lexing.lexbuf -> message_event

Input JSON data of type message_event.

val message_event_of_string : string -> message_event

Deserialize JSON data of type message_event.

val write_list_users_res : Stdlib.Buffer.t -> list_users_res -> unit

Output a JSON value of type list_users_res.

val string_of_list_users_res : ?len:int -> list_users_res -> string

Serialize a value of type list_users_res into a JSON string.

  • parameter len

    specifies the initial length of the buffer used internally. Default: 1024.

val read_list_users_res : Yojson.Safe.lexer_state -> Stdlib.Lexing.lexbuf -> list_users_res

Input JSON data of type list_users_res.

val list_users_res_of_string : string -> list_users_res

Deserialize JSON data of type list_users_res.

val write_list_users_req : Stdlib.Buffer.t -> list_users_req -> unit

Output a JSON value of type list_users_req.

val string_of_list_users_req : ?len:int -> list_users_req -> string

Serialize a value of type list_users_req into a JSON string.

  • parameter len

    specifies the initial length of the buffer used internally. Default: 1024.

val read_list_users_req : Yojson.Safe.lexer_state -> Stdlib.Lexing.lexbuf -> list_users_req

Input JSON data of type list_users_req.

val list_users_req_of_string : string -> list_users_req

Deserialize JSON data of type list_users_req.

val write_list_usergroups_res : Stdlib.Buffer.t -> list_usergroups_res -> unit

Output a JSON value of type list_usergroups_res.

val string_of_list_usergroups_res : ?len:int -> list_usergroups_res -> string

Serialize a value of type list_usergroups_res into a JSON string.

  • parameter len

    specifies the initial length of the buffer used internally. Default: 1024.

val read_list_usergroups_res : Yojson.Safe.lexer_state -> Stdlib.Lexing.lexbuf -> list_usergroups_res

Input JSON data of type list_usergroups_res.

val list_usergroups_res_of_string : string -> list_usergroups_res

Deserialize JSON data of type list_usergroups_res.

val write_list_usergroups_req : Stdlib.Buffer.t -> list_usergroups_req -> unit

Output a JSON value of type list_usergroups_req.

val string_of_list_usergroups_req : ?len:int -> list_usergroups_req -> string

Serialize a value of type list_usergroups_req into a JSON string.

  • parameter len

    specifies the initial length of the buffer used internally. Default: 1024.

val read_list_usergroups_req : Yojson.Safe.lexer_state -> Stdlib.Lexing.lexbuf -> list_usergroups_req

Input JSON data of type list_usergroups_req.

val list_usergroups_req_of_string : string -> list_usergroups_req

Deserialize JSON data of type list_usergroups_req.

val write_list_usergroup_users_res : Stdlib.Buffer.t -> list_usergroup_users_res -> unit

Output a JSON value of type list_usergroup_users_res.

val string_of_list_usergroup_users_res : ?len:int -> list_usergroup_users_res -> string

Serialize a value of type list_usergroup_users_res into a JSON string.

  • parameter len

    specifies the initial length of the buffer used internally. Default: 1024.

val read_list_usergroup_users_res : Yojson.Safe.lexer_state -> Stdlib.Lexing.lexbuf -> list_usergroup_users_res

Input JSON data of type list_usergroup_users_res.

val list_usergroup_users_res_of_string : string -> list_usergroup_users_res

Deserialize JSON data of type list_usergroup_users_res.

val write_list_usergroup_users_req : Stdlib.Buffer.t -> list_usergroup_users_req -> unit

Output a JSON value of type list_usergroup_users_req.

val string_of_list_usergroup_users_req : ?len:int -> list_usergroup_users_req -> string

Serialize a value of type list_usergroup_users_req into a JSON string.

  • parameter len

    specifies the initial length of the buffer used internally. Default: 1024.

val read_list_usergroup_users_req : Yojson.Safe.lexer_state -> Stdlib.Lexing.lexbuf -> list_usergroup_users_req

Input JSON data of type list_usergroup_users_req.

val list_usergroup_users_req_of_string : string -> list_usergroup_users_req

Deserialize JSON data of type list_usergroup_users_req.

Output a JSON value of type link_shared_source.

Serialize a value of type link_shared_source into a JSON string.

  • parameter len

    specifies the initial length of the buffer used internally. Default: 1024.

Input JSON data of type link_shared_source.

Deserialize JSON data of type link_shared_source.

Output a JSON value of type link_shared_link.

Serialize a value of type link_shared_link into a JSON string.

  • parameter len

    specifies the initial length of the buffer used internally. Default: 1024.

Input JSON data of type link_shared_link.

Deserialize JSON data of type link_shared_link.

Output a JSON value of type link_shared_event.

Serialize a value of type link_shared_event into a JSON string.

  • parameter len

    specifies the initial length of the buffer used internally. Default: 1024.

Input JSON data of type link_shared_event.

Deserialize JSON data of type link_shared_event.

val write_json : Stdlib.Buffer.t -> json -> unit

Output a JSON value of type json.

val string_of_json : ?len:int -> json -> string

Serialize a value of type json into a JSON string.

  • parameter len

    specifies the initial length of the buffer used internally. Default: 1024.

val read_json : Yojson.Safe.lexer_state -> Stdlib.Lexing.lexbuf -> json

Input JSON data of type json.

val json_of_string : string -> json

Deserialize JSON data of type json.

val write_file : Stdlib.Buffer.t -> file -> unit

Output a JSON value of type file.

val string_of_file : ?len:int -> file -> string

Serialize a value of type file into a JSON string.

  • parameter len

    specifies the initial length of the buffer used internally. Default: 1024.

val read_file : Yojson.Safe.lexer_state -> Stdlib.Lexing.lexbuf -> file

Input JSON data of type file.

val file_of_string : string -> file

Deserialize JSON data of type file.

val write_files_upload_res : Stdlib.Buffer.t -> files_upload_res -> unit

Output a JSON value of type files_upload_res.

val string_of_files_upload_res : ?len:int -> files_upload_res -> string

Serialize a value of type files_upload_res into a JSON string.

  • parameter len

    specifies the initial length of the buffer used internally. Default: 1024.

val read_files_upload_res : Yojson.Safe.lexer_state -> Stdlib.Lexing.lexbuf -> files_upload_res

Input JSON data of type files_upload_res.

val files_upload_res_of_string : string -> files_upload_res

Deserialize JSON data of type files_upload_res.

val write_files_upload_req : Stdlib.Buffer.t -> files_upload_req -> unit

Output a JSON value of type files_upload_req.

val string_of_files_upload_req : ?len:int -> files_upload_req -> string

Serialize a value of type files_upload_req into a JSON string.

  • parameter len

    specifies the initial length of the buffer used internally. Default: 1024.

val read_files_upload_req : Yojson.Safe.lexer_state -> Stdlib.Lexing.lexbuf -> files_upload_req

Input JSON data of type files_upload_req.

val files_upload_req_of_string : string -> files_upload_req

Deserialize JSON data of type files_upload_req.

val write_event : Stdlib.Buffer.t -> event -> unit

Output a JSON value of type event.

val string_of_event : ?len:int -> event -> string

Serialize a value of type event into a JSON string.

  • parameter len

    specifies the initial length of the buffer used internally. Default: 1024.

val read_event : Yojson.Safe.lexer_state -> Stdlib.Lexing.lexbuf -> event

Input JSON data of type event.

val event_of_string : string -> event

Deserialize JSON data of type event.

val write_event_callback_notification : Stdlib.Buffer.t -> event_callback_notification -> unit

Output a JSON value of type event_callback_notification.

val string_of_event_callback_notification : ?len:int -> event_callback_notification -> string

Serialize a value of type event_callback_notification into a JSON string.

  • parameter len

    specifies the initial length of the buffer used internally. Default: 1024.

val read_event_callback_notification : Yojson.Safe.lexer_state -> Stdlib.Lexing.lexbuf -> event_callback_notification

Input JSON data of type event_callback_notification.

val event_callback_notification_of_string : string -> event_callback_notification

Deserialize JSON data of type event_callback_notification.

val write_event_notification : Stdlib.Buffer.t -> event_notification -> unit

Output a JSON value of type event_notification.

val string_of_event_notification : ?len:int -> event_notification -> string

Serialize a value of type event_notification into a JSON string.

  • parameter len

    specifies the initial length of the buffer used internally. Default: 1024.

val read_event_notification : Yojson.Safe.lexer_state -> Stdlib.Lexing.lexbuf -> event_notification

Input JSON data of type event_notification.

val event_notification_of_string : string -> event_notification

Deserialize JSON data of type event_notification.

val write_created_value : Stdlib.Buffer.t -> created_value -> unit

Output a JSON value of type created_value.

val string_of_created_value : ?len:int -> created_value -> string

Serialize a value of type created_value into a JSON string.

  • parameter len

    specifies the initial length of the buffer used internally. Default: 1024.

val read_created_value : Yojson.Safe.lexer_state -> Stdlib.Lexing.lexbuf -> created_value

Input JSON data of type created_value.

val created_value_of_string : string -> created_value

Deserialize JSON data of type created_value.

val write_conversation_reply : Stdlib.Buffer.t -> conversation_reply -> unit

Output a JSON value of type conversation_reply.

val string_of_conversation_reply : ?len:int -> conversation_reply -> string

Serialize a value of type conversation_reply into a JSON string.

  • parameter len

    specifies the initial length of the buffer used internally. Default: 1024.

val read_conversation_reply : Yojson.Safe.lexer_state -> Stdlib.Lexing.lexbuf -> conversation_reply

Input JSON data of type conversation_reply.

val conversation_reply_of_string : string -> conversation_reply

Deserialize JSON data of type conversation_reply.

val write_conversations_replies_res : Stdlib.Buffer.t -> conversations_replies_res -> unit

Output a JSON value of type conversations_replies_res.

val string_of_conversations_replies_res : ?len:int -> conversations_replies_res -> string

Serialize a value of type conversations_replies_res into a JSON string.

  • parameter len

    specifies the initial length of the buffer used internally. Default: 1024.

val read_conversations_replies_res : Yojson.Safe.lexer_state -> Stdlib.Lexing.lexbuf -> conversations_replies_res

Input JSON data of type conversations_replies_res.

val conversations_replies_res_of_string : string -> conversations_replies_res

Deserialize JSON data of type conversations_replies_res.

val write_conversations_replies_req : Stdlib.Buffer.t -> conversations_replies_req -> unit

Output a JSON value of type conversations_replies_req.

val string_of_conversations_replies_req : ?len:int -> conversations_replies_req -> string

Serialize a value of type conversations_replies_req into a JSON string.

  • parameter len

    specifies the initial length of the buffer used internally. Default: 1024.

val read_conversations_replies_req : Yojson.Safe.lexer_state -> Stdlib.Lexing.lexbuf -> conversations_replies_req

Input JSON data of type conversations_replies_req.

val conversations_replies_req_of_string : string -> conversations_replies_req

Deserialize JSON data of type conversations_replies_req.

val write_conversation : Stdlib.Buffer.t -> conversation -> unit

Output a JSON value of type conversation.

val string_of_conversation : ?len:int -> conversation -> string

Serialize a value of type conversation into a JSON string.

  • parameter len

    specifies the initial length of the buffer used internally. Default: 1024.

val read_conversation : Yojson.Safe.lexer_state -> Stdlib.Lexing.lexbuf -> conversation

Input JSON data of type conversation.

val conversation_of_string : string -> conversation

Deserialize JSON data of type conversation.

val write_conversations_join_res : Stdlib.Buffer.t -> conversations_join_res -> unit

Output a JSON value of type conversations_join_res.

val string_of_conversations_join_res : ?len:int -> conversations_join_res -> string

Serialize a value of type conversations_join_res into a JSON string.

  • parameter len

    specifies the initial length of the buffer used internally. Default: 1024.

val read_conversations_join_res : Yojson.Safe.lexer_state -> Stdlib.Lexing.lexbuf -> conversations_join_res

Input JSON data of type conversations_join_res.

val conversations_join_res_of_string : string -> conversations_join_res

Deserialize JSON data of type conversations_join_res.

val write_conversations_join_req : Stdlib.Buffer.t -> conversations_join_req -> unit

Output a JSON value of type conversations_join_req.

val string_of_conversations_join_req : ?len:int -> conversations_join_req -> string

Serialize a value of type conversations_join_req into a JSON string.

  • parameter len

    specifies the initial length of the buffer used internally. Default: 1024.

val read_conversations_join_req : Yojson.Safe.lexer_state -> Stdlib.Lexing.lexbuf -> conversations_join_req

Input JSON data of type conversations_join_req.

val conversations_join_req_of_string : string -> conversations_join_req

Deserialize JSON data of type conversations_join_req.

val write_conversations_info_res : Stdlib.Buffer.t -> conversations_info_res -> unit

Output a JSON value of type conversations_info_res.

val string_of_conversations_info_res : ?len:int -> conversations_info_res -> string

Serialize a value of type conversations_info_res into a JSON string.

  • parameter len

    specifies the initial length of the buffer used internally. Default: 1024.

val read_conversations_info_res : Yojson.Safe.lexer_state -> Stdlib.Lexing.lexbuf -> conversations_info_res

Input JSON data of type conversations_info_res.

val conversations_info_res_of_string : string -> conversations_info_res

Deserialize JSON data of type conversations_info_res.

val write_conversations_info_req : Stdlib.Buffer.t -> conversations_info_req -> unit

Output a JSON value of type conversations_info_req.

val string_of_conversations_info_req : ?len:int -> conversations_info_req -> string

Serialize a value of type conversations_info_req into a JSON string.

  • parameter len

    specifies the initial length of the buffer used internally. Default: 1024.

val read_conversations_info_req : Yojson.Safe.lexer_state -> Stdlib.Lexing.lexbuf -> conversations_info_req

Input JSON data of type conversations_info_req.

val conversations_info_req_of_string : string -> conversations_info_req

Deserialize JSON data of type conversations_info_req.

val write_chat_unfurl_req : Stdlib.Buffer.t -> chat_unfurl_req -> unit

Output a JSON value of type chat_unfurl_req.

val string_of_chat_unfurl_req : ?len:int -> chat_unfurl_req -> string

Serialize a value of type chat_unfurl_req into a JSON string.

  • parameter len

    specifies the initial length of the buffer used internally. Default: 1024.

val read_chat_unfurl_req : Yojson.Safe.lexer_state -> Stdlib.Lexing.lexbuf -> chat_unfurl_req

Input JSON data of type chat_unfurl_req.

val chat_unfurl_req_of_string : string -> chat_unfurl_req

Deserialize JSON data of type chat_unfurl_req.

val write_auth_test_res : Stdlib.Buffer.t -> auth_test_res -> unit

Output a JSON value of type auth_test_res.

val string_of_auth_test_res : ?len:int -> auth_test_res -> string

Serialize a value of type auth_test_res into a JSON string.

  • parameter len

    specifies the initial length of the buffer used internally. Default: 1024.

val read_auth_test_res : Yojson.Safe.lexer_state -> Stdlib.Lexing.lexbuf -> auth_test_res

Input JSON data of type auth_test_res.

val auth_test_res_of_string : string -> auth_test_res

Deserialize JSON data of type auth_test_res.


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