Module type
Class type
Underlying basemap, for cross map/set operations
This is the same as MAP, but with simple type key being replaced by type constructor 'a key and 'b value being replaced by ('a,'b) value.
The main changes from MAP are:
The type of key is replaced by a type constructor 'k key. Because of that, most higher-order arguments require higher-ranking polymorphism, and we provide records that allows to pass them as arguments (e.g. polyiter, polymap, polyunion, etc.)
The type of the map (t) is still parameterized by an argument ('m t)
The type of value depend on both the type of the key and the type of the map, hence the type ('k,'m) value.
The type of some return values, like key-value pairs, must be concealed existentially, hence the KeyValue constructor.
This makes the map nodes accessible to the pattern matching algorithm; this corresponds 1:1 to the SimpleNode implementation. This just needs to be copy-and-pasted for every node type.
Returns a map with the element removed, O(log(n)) complexity. Returns a physically equal map if the element is absent.
val pop_unsigned_minimum : 'mapt->('mapkey_value_pair * 'mapt) option
pop_unsigned_minimum m returns None if is_empty m, or Some(key,value,m') where (key,value) = unsigned_min_binding m and m' = remove m key. Uses the unsigned order on KEY.to_int. O(log(n)) complexity.
val pop_unsigned_maximum : 'mapt->('mapkey_value_pair * 'mapt) option
pop_unsigned_maximum m returns None if is_empty m, or Some(key,value,m') where (key,value) = unsigned_max_binding m and m' = remove m key. Uses the unsigned order on KEY.to_int. O(log(n)) complexity.
val insert :
'akey->(('a, 'map)value option->('a, 'map)value)->'mapt->'mapt
insert key f map modifies or insert an element of the map; f takes None if the value was not previously bound, and Some old where old is the previously bound value otherwise. The function preserves physical equality when possible. O(log(n)) complexity. Preserves physical equality if the new value is physically equal to the old.
val update :
'akey->(('a, 'map)value option->('a, 'map)value option)->'mapt->'mapt
update key f map modifies, insert, or remove an element from the map; f takes None if the value was not previously bound, and Some old where old is the previously bound value otherwise. The function preserves physical equality when possible. It returns None if the element should be removed O(log(n)) complexity. Preserves physical equality if the new value is physically equal to the old.
val add : 'keykey->('key, 'map)value->'mapt->'mapt
Unconditionally adds a value in the map (independently from whether the old value existed). O(log(n)) complexity. Preserves physical equality if the new value is physically equal to the old.
val split : 'keykey->'mapt->'mapt * ('key, 'map)value option * 'mapt
split key map splits the map into:
submap of map whose keys are smaller than key
value associated to key (if present)
submap of map whose keys are bigger than key
Where the order is given by the unsigned order on KEY.to_int.
val fold : ('acc, 'map)polyfold->'mapt->'acc->'acc
fold f m acc returns f.f key_n value_n (... (f.f key_1 value_1 acc)) where (key_1, value_1) ... (key_n, value_n) are the bindings of m, in the unsigned order on KEY.to_int.
type('acc, 'map) polyfold2 = {
f : 'a. 'akey->('a, 'map)value->('a, 'map)value->'acc->'acc;
val fold_on_nonequal_inter :
('acc, 'map)polyfold2->'mapt->'mapt->'acc->'acc
fold_on_nonequal_inter f m1 m2 acc returns f.f key_n value1_n value2n (... (f.f key_1 value1_1 value2_1 acc)) where (key_1, value1_1, value2_1) ... (key_n, value1_n, value2_n) are the bindings that exist in both maps (m1 ∩ m2) whose values are physically different. Calls to f.f are performed in the unsigned order of KEY.to_int.
type('acc, 'map) polyfold2_union = {
f : 'a. 'akey->('a, 'map)value option->('a, 'map)value option->'acc->'acc;
val fold_on_nonequal_union :
('acc, 'map)polyfold2_union->'mapt->'mapt->'acc->'acc
fold_on_nonequal_union f m1 m2 acc returns f.f key_n value1_n value2n (... (f.f key_1 value1_1 value2_1 acc)) where (key_1, value1_1, value2_1) ... (key_n, value1_n, value2_n) are the bindings that exists in either map (m1 ∪ m2) whose values are physically different. Calls to f.f are performed in the unsigned order of KEY.to_int.
for_all f m checks that f holds on all bindings of m. Short-circuiting.
In the following, the *no_share function allows taking arguments of different types (but cannot share subtrees of the map), while the default functions attempt to preserve and benefit from sharing the subtrees (using physical equality to detect sharing).
val filter_map_no_share : ('map1, 'map2)polyfilter_map->'map1t->'map2t
filter_map m f and filter_map_no_share m f remove the bindings (k,v) for which f.f k v is None, and replaces the bindings (k,v) for which f.f k v is Some v' by (k,v'). Bindings are examined in the unsigned order of KEY.to_int.
type'map polypretty = {
f : 'a. Stdlib.Format.formatter ->'akey->('a, 'map)value-> unit;
val pretty :
?pp_sep:(Stdlib.Format.formatter ->unit -> unit)->'mappolypretty->Stdlib.Format.formatter ->'mapt->
Pretty-prints a map using the given formatter. pp_sep is called once between each binding, it defaults to Format.pp_print_cut. Bindings are printed in the unsigned order of KEY.to_int
Functions on pairs of maps
type('map1, 'map2) polysame_domain_for_all2 = {
f : 'a. 'akey->('a, 'map1)value->('a, 'map2)value-> bool;
reflexive_same_domain_for_all2 f m1 m2 is true if and only if
m1 and m2 have the same domain (set of keys)
for all bindings (k, v1) in m1 and (k, v2) in m2, f.f k v1 v2 holds
Assumesf.f is reflexive, i.e. f.f k v v = true to skip calls to equal subtrees. Calls f.f in ascending unsigned order of KEY.to_int. Exits early if the domains mismatch or if f.f returns false.
It is useful to implement equality on maps:
# let equal m1 m2 = MyMap.reflexive_same_domain_for_all2
{ f = fun _ v1 v2 -> MyValue.equal v1 v2}
m1 m2;;
val equal : 'a MyMap.t -> 'a MyMap.t -> bool = <fun>
nonreflexive_same_domain_for_all2 f m1 m2 is the same as reflexive_same_domain_for_all2, but doesn't assume f.f is reflexive. It thus calls f.f on every binding, in ascending unsigned order of KEY.to_int. Exits early if the domains mismatch or if f.f returns false.
reflexive_subset_domain_for_all2 f m1 m2 is true if and only if
m1's domain is a subset of m2's. (all keys defined in m1 are also defined in m2)
for all bindings (k, v1) in m1 and (k, v2) in m2, f.f k v1 v2 holds
Assumesf.f is reflexive, i.e. f.f k v v = true to skip calls to equal subtrees. Calls f.f in ascending unsigned order of KEY.to_int. Exits early if the domains mismatch.
val idempotent_union : ('a, 'a, 'a)polyunion->'at->'at->'at
idempotent_union f map1 map2 returns a map whose keys is the union of the keys of map1 and map2. f.f is used to combine the values of keys mapped in both maps.
Assumesf.f idempotent (i.e. f key value value == value) f.f is called in the unsigned order of KEY.to_int. f.f is never called on physically equal values. Preserves physical equality as much as possible. Complexity is O(log(n)*Delta) where Delta is the number of different keys between map1 and map2.
val idempotent_inter : ('a, 'a, 'a)polyinter->'at->'at->'at
idempotent_inter f map1 map2 returns a map whose keys is the intersection of the keys of map1 and map2. f.f is used to combine the values a key is mapped in both maps.
Assumesf.f idempotent (i.e. f key value value == value) f.f is called in the unsigned order of KEY.to_int. f.f is never called on physically equal values. Preserves physical equality as much as possible. Complexity is O(log(n)*Delta) where Delta is the number of different keys between map1 and map2.
val nonidempotent_inter_no_share :
('a, 'b, 'c)polyinter->'at->'bt->'ct
nonidempotent_inter_no_share f map1 map2 is the same as idempotent_inter but doesn't preverse physical equality, doesn't assume f.f is idempotent, and can change the type of values. f.f is called on every shared binding. f.f is called in increasing unsigned order of keys. O(n) complexity
type('map1, 'map2, 'map3) polyinterfilter = {
f : 'a. 'akey->('a, 'map1)value->('a, 'map2)value->('a, 'map3)value option;
val idempotent_inter_filter :
('a, 'a, 'a)polyinterfilter->'at->'at->'at
idempotent_inter_filter f map1 map2 is the same as idempotent_inter but f.f can return None to remove a binding from the resutling map.
type('map1, 'map2, 'map3) polymerge = {
f : 'a. 'akey->('a, 'map1)value option->('a, 'map2)value option->('a, 'map3)value option;
val slow_merge :
('map1, 'map2, 'map3)polymerge->'map1t->'map2t->'map3t