package smtml

  1. Overview
  2. Docs
Module type
Class type


This section provides some examples on how to use Smtml to solve problems.

Product Mix

This example is the third project from the first semester of 23/24 of the curricular unit Analysis and Synthesis of Algorithms (ASA) from the computer science course at Instituto Superior Técnico.

The following problem statement is the translated version of the Portuguese original.

The goal of the example is to use linear programming to solve a maximization objective.

Problem Description

Professor Natalino Caracol has been hired by the company UbiquityInc in Rovaniemi, Lapland, to develop a program that estimates the maximum profit achievable through the production and sale of toys during Christmas.

The company produces a set of $n$ wooden toys \{x_1, \ldots, x_n\} daily, where each toy x_i has a profit l_i. In addition to a maximum production limit for each toy due to assembly line constraints, the company is restricted to a maximum total quantity of toys that can be produced per day due to constraints in the boreal forest. Additionally, this Christmas, the company has decided to not only sell each toy individually but also special packages containing three distinct toys, whose profit is greater than the sum of the individual profits of the toys it comprises.

The objective is to advise Rüdolf, CEO of UbiquityInc, on the maximum daily profit obtainable. UbiquityInc will subsequently handle the distribution problem.


The input file contains information about the n products, their profit, and the production capacity of each, as follows:

5 2 150
50 27
30 33
45 30
40 37
35 35
1 3 5 130
2 3 4 130
  • A line containing three integers: t indicating the number of different toys that can be produced, p indicating the number of special packages, and max indicating the maximum number of toys that can be produced per day.
  • A list of n lines, where each line contains two integers l_i and c_i, indicating the profit and production capacity of toy i.
  • A list of p lines, where each line contains four integers i, j, k, and l_{ijk}, indicating the profit l_{ijk} of the special package \{i, j, k\}, and the names of the products i, j, and k that constitute it.

Any integers in a line are separated by exactly one space, with no other characters except the end of the line.


The program should write to the output an integer corresponding to the maximum profit that Rüdolf can obtain daily.


The code solution is transcribed below:

open Smtml
module Z3 = Optimizer.Z3

let read_int () = Scanf.scanf " %d" (fun x -> x)

let int x = Expr.value (Int x)

let symbol x = Expr.symbol Symbol.(x @: Ty_int)

let ( = ) i1 i2 = Expr.relop Ty_bool Eq i1 i2

let ( >= ) i1 i2 = Expr.relop Ty_int Ge i1 i2

let ( <= ) i1 i2 = Expr.relop Ty_int Le i1 i2

let ( + ) i1 i2 = Expr.binop Ty_int Add i1 i2

let ( * ) i1 i2 = Expr.binop Ty_int Mul i1 i2

let ( && ) b1 b2 = Expr.binop Ty_bool And b1 b2

let sum (lst : Expr.t list) : Expr.t = List.fold_left ( + ) (int 0) lst

type toy =
  { var : Expr.t
  ; profit : Expr.t
  ; prod_capacity : Expr.t
  ; mutable in_packs : Expr.t list

type pack =
  { var : Expr.t
  ; profit : Expr.t

let toy (i : int) : toy =
  let var = symbol ("t" ^ string_of_int i) in
  let profit = int (read_int ()) in
  let prod_capacity = int (read_int ()) in
  { var; profit; prod_capacity; in_packs = [] }

let pack (toys : toy list) (i : int) =
  let var = symbol ("p" ^ string_of_int i) in
  let add_toy_in_pack i =
    let toy = List.nth toys i in
    toy.in_packs <- var :: toy.in_packs
  add_toy_in_pack (read_int () - 1);
  add_toy_in_pack (read_int () - 1);
  add_toy_in_pack (read_int () - 1);
  let profit = int (read_int ()) in
  { var; profit }

let solve (toys : toy list) (packs : pack list) (daily_max : int) =
  let opt = Z3.create () in

  (* C0: Constrain capacity of each toy and pack *)
  (* Pack quantity is non-zero *)
  let zero = int 0 in
  let pack_quantity = (fun (p : pack) -> p.var >= zero) packs in
  (* Toy quantity is non-zero and does not exceed prod_capacity *)
  let toy_quantity =
      (fun (t : toy) ->
        t.var >= zero && t.var + sum t.in_packs <= t.prod_capacity )
  Z3.add opt (pack_quantity @ toy_quantity);

  (* C1: Constrain maximum daily production capacity *)
  let cap =
    sum ( (fun (t : toy) -> t.var) toys)
    + sum ( (fun (p : pack) -> p.var * int 3) packs)
    <= int daily_max
  Z3.add opt [ cap ];

  (* Objective: maximum profit *)
  let profit = symbol "profit" in
  let objective =
    sum ( (fun (t : toy) -> t.var * t.profit) toys)
    + sum ( (fun (p : pack) -> p.var * p.profit) packs)
    = profit
  Z3.add opt [ objective ];

  (* Maximise *)
  match Z3.maximize opt profit with
  | Some v -> Format.printf "%a@." Value.pp v
  | None -> Format.printf "Unfeasible@."

let () =
  let num_toys : int = read_int () in
  let num_packs : int = read_int () in
  let max_daily_toys : int = read_int () in
  let toys : toy list = List.init num_toys toy in
  let packs : pack list = List.init num_packs (pack toys) in
  solve toys packs max_daily_toys

Expected results for testing inputs:

$ ./examples/product_mix.exe < ./examples/in/
$ ./examples/product_mix.exe < ./examples/in/
$ ./examples/product_mix.exe < ./examples/in/
$ ./examples/product_mix.exe < ./examples/in/
$ ./examples/product_mix.exe < ./examples/in/
$ ./examples/product_mix.exe < ./examples/in/
$ ./examples/product_mix.exe < ./examples/in/
$ ./examples/product_mix.exe < ./examples/in/
$ ./examples/product_mix.exe < ./examples/in/
$ ./examples/product_mix.exe < ./examples/in/
$ ./examples/product_mix.exe < ./examples/in/
$ ./examples/product_mix.exe < ./examples/in/

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