package stringext

  1. Overview
  2. Docs
Module type
Class type

Misc. string functions not found in the built in OCaml string module

val string_after : string -> int -> string

string_after s n returns the substring of s that is after character n

val quote : string -> string

equivalent to Str.quote

val split : ?max:int -> string -> on:char -> string list

split ?max s ~on splits s on every on occurence upto max number of items if max is specified. max is assumed to be a small number if specified. To not cause stack overflows

val full_split : string -> on:char -> string list

full_split s ~on will split s on every occurence of on but will add the separators between the tokens. Maintains the invariant:

String.concat (full_split s ~on) =s

val trim_left : string -> string

Trims spaces on the left of the string

val split_trim_left : string -> on:string -> trim:string -> string list

split_strim_right s ~on ~trim splits s on every character in on. Characters in trim are trimmed from the left of every result element

val of_char : char -> string
val of_list : char list -> string
val to_list : string -> char list
val to_array : string -> char array
val of_array : char array -> string
val find_from : ?start:int -> string -> pattern:string -> int option
val replace_all : string -> pattern:string -> with_:string -> string
val replace_all_assoc : string -> (string * string) list -> string
val cut : string -> on:string -> (string * string) option

String.cut on s is either the pair Some (l,r) of the two (possibly empty) substrings of s that are delimited by the first match of the non empty onarator string on or None if on can't be matched in s. Matching starts from the beginning of s.

The invariant l ^ on ^ r = s holds.

val rcut : string -> on:string -> (string * string) option

String.rcut on s is like cut but the matching is done backwards starting from the end of s.


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