package styled-ppx

  1. Overview
  2. Docs
Module type
Class type
include module type of struct include Css_Colors end
module Color = Css_Colors.Color
val aliceblue : [> `hex of string ]
val antiquewhite : [> `hex of string ]
val aqua : [> `hex of string ]
val aquamarine : [> `hex of string ]
val azure : [> `hex of string ]
val beige : [> `hex of string ]
val bisque : [> `hex of string ]
val black : [> `hex of string ]
val blanchedalmond : [> `hex of string ]
val blue : [> `hex of string ]
val blueviolet : [> `hex of string ]
val brown : [> `hex of string ]
val burlywood : [> `hex of string ]
val cadetblue : [> `hex of string ]
val chartreuse : [> `hex of string ]
val chocolate : [> `hex of string ]
val coral : [> `hex of string ]
val cornflowerblue : [> `hex of string ]
val cornsilk : [> `hex of string ]
val crimson : [> `hex of string ]
val cyan : [> `hex of string ]
val darkblue : [> `hex of string ]
val darkcyan : [> `hex of string ]
val darkgoldenrod : [> `hex of string ]
val darkgray : [> `hex of string ]
val darkgreen : [> `hex of string ]
val darkgrey : [> `hex of string ]
val darkkhaki : [> `hex of string ]
val darkmagenta : [> `hex of string ]
val darkolivegreen : [> `hex of string ]
val darkorange : [> `hex of string ]
val darkorchid : [> `hex of string ]
val darkred : [> `hex of string ]
val darksalmon : [> `hex of string ]
val darkseagreen : [> `hex of string ]
val darkslateblue : [> `hex of string ]
val darkslategray : [> `hex of string ]
val darkslategrey : [> `hex of string ]
val darkturquoise : [> `hex of string ]
val darkviolet : [> `hex of string ]
val deeppink : [> `hex of string ]
val deepskyblue : [> `hex of string ]
val dimgray : [> `hex of string ]
val dimgrey : [> `hex of string ]
val dodgerblue : [> `hex of string ]
val firebrick : [> `hex of string ]
val floralwhite : [> `hex of string ]
val forestgreen : [> `hex of string ]
val fuchsia : [> `hex of string ]
val gainsboro : [> `hex of string ]
val ghostwhite : [> `hex of string ]
val gold : [> `hex of string ]
val goldenrod : [> `hex of string ]
val gray : [> `hex of string ]
val green : [> `hex of string ]
val greenyellow : [> `hex of string ]
val grey : [> `hex of string ]
val honeydew : [> `hex of string ]
val hotpink : [> `hex of string ]
val indianred : [> `hex of string ]
val indigo : [> `hex of string ]
val ivory : [> `hex of string ]
val khaki : [> `hex of string ]
val lavender : [> `hex of string ]
val lavenderblush : [> `hex of string ]
val lawngreen : [> `hex of string ]
val lemonchiffon : [> `hex of string ]
val lightblue : [> `hex of string ]
val lightcoral : [> `hex of string ]
val lightcyan : [> `hex of string ]
val lightgoldenrodyellow : [> `hex of string ]
val lightgray : [> `hex of string ]
val lightgreen : [> `hex of string ]
val lightgrey : [> `hex of string ]
val lightpink : [> `hex of string ]
val lightsalmon : [> `hex of string ]
val lightseagreen : [> `hex of string ]
val lightskyblue : [> `hex of string ]
val lightslategray : [> `hex of string ]
val lightslategrey : [> `hex of string ]
val lightsteelblue : [> `hex of string ]
val lightyellow : [> `hex of string ]
val lime : [> `hex of string ]
val limegreen : [> `hex of string ]
val linen : [> `hex of string ]
val magenta : [> `hex of string ]
val maroon : [> `hex of string ]
val mediumaquamarine : [> `hex of string ]
val mediumblue : [> `hex of string ]
val mediumorchid : [> `hex of string ]
val mediumpurple : [> `hex of string ]
val mediumseagreen : [> `hex of string ]
val mediumslateblue : [> `hex of string ]
val mediumspringgreen : [> `hex of string ]
val mediumturquoise : [> `hex of string ]
val mediumvioletred : [> `hex of string ]
val midnightblue : [> `hex of string ]
val mintcream : [> `hex of string ]
val mistyrose : [> `hex of string ]
val moccasin : [> `hex of string ]
val navajowhite : [> `hex of string ]
val navy : [> `hex of string ]
val oldlace : [> `hex of string ]
val olive : [> `hex of string ]
val olivedrab : [> `hex of string ]
val orange : [> `hex of string ]
val orangered : [> `hex of string ]
val orchid : [> `hex of string ]
val palegoldenrod : [> `hex of string ]
val palegreen : [> `hex of string ]
val paleturquoise : [> `hex of string ]
val palevioletred : [> `hex of string ]
val papayawhip : [> `hex of string ]
val peachpuff : [> `hex of string ]
val peru : [> `hex of string ]
val pink : [> `hex of string ]
val plum : [> `hex of string ]
val powderblue : [> `hex of string ]
val purple : [> `hex of string ]
val rebeccapurple : [> `hex of string ]
val red : [> `hex of string ]
val rosybrown : [> `hex of string ]
val royalblue : [> `hex of string ]
val saddlebrown : [> `hex of string ]
val salmon : [> `hex of string ]
val sandybrown : [> `hex of string ]
val seagreen : [> `hex of string ]
val seashell : [> `hex of string ]
val sienna : [> `hex of string ]
val silver : [> `hex of string ]
val skyblue : [> `hex of string ]
val slateblue : [> `hex of string ]
val slategray : [> `hex of string ]
val slategrey : [> `hex of string ]
val snow : [> `hex of string ]
val springgreen : [> `hex of string ]
val steelblue : [> `hex of string ]
val tan : [> `hex of string ]
val teal : [> `hex of string ]
val thistle : [> `hex of string ]
val tomato : [> `hex of string ]
val turquoise : [> `hex of string ]
val violet : [> `hex of string ]
val wheat : [> `hex of string ]
val white : [> `hex of string ]
val whitesmoke : [> `hex of string ]
val yellow : [> `hex of string ]
val yellowgreen : [> `hex of string ]
include module type of struct include Css_Js_Core end
module Std = Css_Js_Core.Std
type rule = Css_Js_Core.rule =
  1. | D of string * string
  2. | S of string * rule array
  3. | PseudoClass of string * rule array
  4. | PseudoClassParam of string * string * rule array
val ruleToDict : Js.Json.t Js.Dict.t -> rule -> Js.Json.t Js.Dict.t
val toJson : rule array -> Js.Json.t
type animationName = string
module type MakeResult = Css_Js_Core.MakeResult
module Make = Css_Js_Core.Make
val join : string Belt.Array.t -> string -> string
module Converter = Css_Js_Core.Converter
include module type of struct include Converter end
val string_of_content : [< `attr of string | `closeQuote | `conicGradient of Css_AtomicTypes.Gradient.direction option * Css_AtomicTypes.Gradient.color_stop_list | `counter of string * | `counters of string * string * | `inherit_ | `initial | `linearGradient of Css_AtomicTypes.Gradient.direction option * Css_AtomicTypes.Gradient.color_stop_list | `noCloseQuote | `noOpenQuote | `none | `normal | `openQuote | `radialGradient of Css_AtomicTypes.Gradient.shape option * Css_AtomicTypes.Gradient.radial_size option * Css_AtomicTypes.Position.t option * Css_AtomicTypes.Gradient.color_stop_list | `repeatingLinearGradient of Css_AtomicTypes.Gradient.direction option * Css_AtomicTypes.Gradient.color_stop_list | `repeatingRadialGradient of Css_AtomicTypes.Gradient.shape option * Css_AtomicTypes.Gradient.radial_size option * Css_AtomicTypes.Position.t option * Css_AtomicTypes.Gradient.color_stop_list | `revert | `revertLayer | `text of Js.String.t | `unset | `url of string | `var of Js.String.t | `varDefault of Js.String.t * string ] -> Js.String.t
val string_of_counter_increment : [< `increment of string * int | `inherit_ | `initial | `none | `revert | `revertLayer | `unset | `var of Js.String.t | `varDefault of Js.String.t * string ] -> string
val string_of_counter_reset : [< `inherit_ | `initial | `none | `reset of string * int | `revert | `revertLayer | `unset | `var of Js.String.t | `varDefault of Js.String.t * string ] -> string
val string_of_counter_set : [< `inherit_ | `initial | `none | `revert | `revertLayer | `set of string * int | `unset | `var of Js.String.t | `varDefault of Js.String.t * string ] -> string
val string_of_column_gap : [< `calc of [ `add of Css_AtomicTypes.Length.calc_value * Css_AtomicTypes.Length.calc_value | `ch of Js.Float.t | `cm of Js.Float.t | `em of Js.Float.t | `ex of Js.Float.t | `inch of Js.Float.t | `mm of Js.Float.t | `mult of Css_AtomicTypes.Length.calc_value * Css_AtomicTypes.Length.calc_value | `pc of Js.Float.t | `percent of Js.Float.t | `pt of Js.Int.t | `px of Js.Int.t | `pxFloat of Js.Float.t | `rem of Js.Float.t | `sub of Css_AtomicTypes.Length.calc_value * Css_AtomicTypes.Length.calc_value | `vh of Js.Float.t | `vmax of Js.Float.t | `vmin of Js.Float.t | `vw of Js.Float.t | `zero ] | `ch of Js.Float.t | `cm of Js.Float.t | `em of Js.Float.t | `ex of Js.Float.t | `inch of Js.Float.t | `inherit_ | `initial | `max of Css_AtomicTypes.Length.t Belt.Array.t | `min of Css_AtomicTypes.Length.t Belt.Array.t | `mm of Js.Float.t | `normal | `pc of Js.Float.t | `percent of Js.Float.t | `pt of Js.Int.t | `px of Js.Int.t | `pxFloat of Js.Float.t | `rem of Js.Float.t | `revert | `revertLayer | `unset | `var of Js.String.t | `varDefault of Js.String.t * string | `vh of Js.Float.t | `vmax of Js.Float.t | `vmin of Js.Float.t | `vw of Js.Float.t | `zero ] -> string
val string_of_row_gap : [< `calc of [ `add of Css_AtomicTypes.Length.calc_value * Css_AtomicTypes.Length.calc_value | `ch of Js.Float.t | `cm of Js.Float.t | `em of Js.Float.t | `ex of Js.Float.t | `inch of Js.Float.t | `mm of Js.Float.t | `mult of Css_AtomicTypes.Length.calc_value * Css_AtomicTypes.Length.calc_value | `pc of Js.Float.t | `percent of Js.Float.t | `pt of Js.Int.t | `px of Js.Int.t | `pxFloat of Js.Float.t | `rem of Js.Float.t | `sub of Css_AtomicTypes.Length.calc_value * Css_AtomicTypes.Length.calc_value | `vh of Js.Float.t | `vmax of Js.Float.t | `vmin of Js.Float.t | `vw of Js.Float.t | `zero ] | `ch of Js.Float.t | `cm of Js.Float.t | `em of Js.Float.t | `ex of Js.Float.t | `inch of Js.Float.t | `inherit_ | `initial | `max of Css_AtomicTypes.Length.t Belt.Array.t | `min of Css_AtomicTypes.Length.t Belt.Array.t | `mm of Js.Float.t | `normal | `pc of Js.Float.t | `percent of Js.Float.t | `pt of Js.Int.t | `px of Js.Int.t | `pxFloat of Js.Float.t | `rem of Js.Float.t | `revert | `revertLayer | `unset | `var of Js.String.t | `varDefault of Js.String.t * string | `vh of Js.Float.t | `vmax of Js.Float.t | `vmin of Js.Float.t | `vw of Js.Float.t | `zero ] -> string
val string_of_gap : [< `calc of [ `add of Css_AtomicTypes.Length.calc_value * Css_AtomicTypes.Length.calc_value | `ch of Js.Float.t | `cm of Js.Float.t | `em of Js.Float.t | `ex of Js.Float.t | `inch of Js.Float.t | `mm of Js.Float.t | `mult of Css_AtomicTypes.Length.calc_value * Css_AtomicTypes.Length.calc_value | `pc of Js.Float.t | `percent of Js.Float.t | `pt of Js.Int.t | `px of Js.Int.t | `pxFloat of Js.Float.t | `rem of Js.Float.t | `sub of Css_AtomicTypes.Length.calc_value * Css_AtomicTypes.Length.calc_value | `vh of Js.Float.t | `vmax of Js.Float.t | `vmin of Js.Float.t | `vw of Js.Float.t | `zero ] | `ch of Js.Float.t | `cm of Js.Float.t | `em of Js.Float.t | `ex of Js.Float.t | `inch of Js.Float.t | `inherit_ | `initial | `max of Css_AtomicTypes.Length.t Belt.Array.t | `min of Css_AtomicTypes.Length.t Belt.Array.t | `mm of Js.Float.t | `normal | `pc of Js.Float.t | `percent of Js.Float.t | `pt of Js.Int.t | `px of Js.Int.t | `pxFloat of Js.Float.t | `rem of Js.Float.t | `revert | `revertLayer | `unset | `var of Js.String.t | `varDefault of Js.String.t * string | `vh of Js.Float.t | `vmax of Js.Float.t | `vmin of Js.Float.t | `vw of Js.Float.t | `zero ] -> string
val string_of_position : [< `auto | `calc of [ `add of Css_AtomicTypes.Length.calc_value * Css_AtomicTypes.Length.calc_value | `ch of Js.Float.t | `cm of Js.Float.t | `em of Js.Float.t | `ex of Js.Float.t | `inch of Js.Float.t | `mm of Js.Float.t | `mult of Css_AtomicTypes.Length.calc_value * Css_AtomicTypes.Length.calc_value | `pc of Js.Float.t | `percent of Js.Float.t | `pt of Js.Int.t | `px of Js.Int.t | `pxFloat of Js.Float.t | `rem of Js.Float.t | `sub of Css_AtomicTypes.Length.calc_value * Css_AtomicTypes.Length.calc_value | `vh of Js.Float.t | `vmax of Js.Float.t | `vmin of Js.Float.t | `vw of Js.Float.t | `zero ] | `ch of Js.Float.t | `cm of Js.Float.t | `em of Js.Float.t | `ex of Js.Float.t | `inch of Js.Float.t | `inherit_ | `initial | `max of Css_AtomicTypes.Length.t Belt.Array.t | `min of Css_AtomicTypes.Length.t Belt.Array.t | `mm of Js.Float.t | `pc of Js.Float.t | `percent of Js.Float.t | `pt of Js.Int.t | `px of Js.Int.t | `pxFloat of Js.Float.t | `rem of Js.Float.t | `revert | `revertLayer | `unset | `var of Js.String.t | `varDefault of Js.String.t * string | `vh of Js.Float.t | `vmax of Js.Float.t | `vmin of Js.Float.t | `vw of Js.Float.t | `zero ] -> string
val string_of_color : [< `colorMix of Css_AtomicTypes.Color.t Css_AtomicTypes.Color.colorMix | `currentColor | `hex of string | `hsl of Css_AtomicTypes.Color.hsl | `hsla of Css_AtomicTypes.Color.hsla | `rgb of Css_AtomicTypes.Color.rgb | `rgba of Css_AtomicTypes.Color.rgba | `transparent | `var of Js.String.t | `varDefault of Js.String.t * string ] -> string
val string_of_dasharray : [< Css_AtomicTypes.Length.t ] -> string
val important : rule -> rule
val label : string -> rule
val alignContent : [< `baseline | `center | `end_ | `firstBaseline | `flexEnd | `flexStart | `inherit_ | `initial | `lastBaseline | `normal | `revert | `revertLayer | `safe of Css_AtomicTypes.PositionalAlignment.t | `spaceAround | `spaceBetween | `spaceEvenly | `start | `stretch | `unsafe of Css_AtomicTypes.PositionalAlignment.t | `unset | `var of Js.String.t | `varDefault of Js.String.t * string ] -> rule
val alignItems : [< `baseline | `center | `end_ | `firstBaseline | `flexEnd | `flexStart | `inherit_ | `initial | `lastBaseline | `left | `normal | `revert | `revertLayer | `right | `safe of Css_AtomicTypes.PositionalAlignment.t | `selfEnd | `selfStart | `start | `stretch | `unsafe of Css_AtomicTypes.PositionalAlignment.t | `unset | `var of Js.String.t | `varDefault of Js.String.t * string ] -> rule
val alignSelf : [< `auto | `baseline | `center | `end_ | `firstBaseline | `flexEnd | `flexStart | `inherit_ | `initial | `lastBaseline | `left | `normal | `revert | `revertLayer | `right | `safe of Css_AtomicTypes.PositionalAlignment.t | `selfEnd | `selfStart | `start | `stretch | `unsafe of Css_AtomicTypes.PositionalAlignment.t | `unset | `var of Js.String.t | `varDefault of Js.String.t * string ] -> rule
val animationDelay : [< `calc of [< `add of [< `calc of 'b | `max of 'a Belt.Array.t | `min of 'a Belt.Array.t | `ms of Js.Int.t | `num of Js.Float.t | `s of Js.Int.t ] as 'c * 'c | `max of 'a Belt.Array.t | `min of 'a Belt.Array.t | `ms of Js.Int.t | `mult of 'c * 'c | `s of Js.Int.t | `sub of 'c * 'c ] as 'b | `max of 'a Belt.Array.t | `min of 'a Belt.Array.t | `ms of Js.Int.t | `s of Js.Int.t ms s ] as 'a -> rule
val animationDirection : [< `alternate | `alternateReverse | `normal | `reverse ] -> rule
val animationDuration : [< `calc of [< `add of [< `calc of 'b | `max of 'a Belt.Array.t | `min of 'a Belt.Array.t | `ms of Js.Int.t | `num of Js.Float.t | `s of Js.Int.t ] as 'c * 'c | `max of 'a Belt.Array.t | `min of 'a Belt.Array.t | `ms of Js.Int.t | `mult of 'c * 'c | `s of Js.Int.t | `sub of 'c * 'c ] as 'b | `max of 'a Belt.Array.t | `min of 'a Belt.Array.t | `ms of Js.Int.t | `s of Js.Int.t ms s ] as 'a -> rule
val animationFillMode : [< `backwards | `both | `forwards | `none ] -> rule
val animationIterationCount : [< `count of Js.Float.t | `infinite ] -> rule
val animationPlayState : [< `paused | `running ] -> rule
val animationTimingFunction : [< `cubicBezier of Js.Float.t * Js.Float.t * Js.Float.t * Js.Float.t | `ease | `easeIn | `easeInOut | `easeOut | `jumpBoth | `jumpEnd | `jumpNone | `jumpStart | `linear | `stepEnd | `stepStart | `steps of Js.Int.t * [< `end_ | `start ] ] -> rule
val backfaceVisibility : [< `hidden | `inherit_ | `initial | `revert | `revertLayer | `unset | `var of Js.String.t | `varDefault of Js.String.t * string | `visible ] -> rule
val backdropFilter : [< `blur of [< `calc of [< `add of [< `calc of 'b | `ch of Js.Float.t | `cm of Js.Float.t | `em of Js.Float.t | `ex of Js.Float.t | `inch of Js.Float.t | `max of 'a Belt.Array.t | `min of 'a Belt.Array.t | `mm of Js.Float.t | `num of Js.Float.t | `pc of Js.Float.t | `percent of Js.Float.t | `pt of Js.Int.t | `px of Js.Int.t | `pxFloat of Js.Float.t | `rem of Js.Float.t | `vh of Js.Float.t | `vmax of Js.Float.t | `vmin of Js.Float.t | `vw of Js.Float.t | `zero ] as 'c * 'c | `ch of Js.Float.t | `cm of Js.Float.t | `em of Js.Float.t | `ex of Js.Float.t | `inch of Js.Float.t | `max of 'a Belt.Array.t | `min of 'a Belt.Array.t | `mm of Js.Float.t | `mult of 'c * 'c | `pc of Js.Float.t | `percent of Js.Float.t | `pt of Js.Int.t | `px of Js.Int.t | `pxFloat of Js.Float.t | `rem of Js.Float.t | `sub of 'c * 'c | `vh of Js.Float.t | `vmax of Js.Float.t | `vmin of Js.Float.t | `vw of Js.Float.t | `zero ] as 'b | `ch of Js.Float.t | `cm of Js.Float.t | `em of Js.Float.t | `ex of Js.Float.t | `inch of Js.Float.t | `max of 'a Belt.Array.t | `min of 'a Belt.Array.t | `mm of Js.Float.t | `pc of Js.Float.t | `percent of Js.Float.t | `pt of Js.Int.t | `px of Js.Int.t | `pxFloat of Js.Float.t | `rem of Js.Float.t | `vh of Js.Float.t | `vmax of Js.Float.t | `vmin of Js.Float.t | `vw of Js.Float.t | `zero ch cm em ex inch mm pc percent pt px pxFloat rem vh vmax vmin vw zero ] as 'a | `brightness of [< `num of Js.Float.t | `percent of Js.Float.t ] | `contrast of [< `num of Js.Float.t | `percent of Js.Float.t ] | `dropShadow of [< `calc of [< `add of [< `calc of 'e | `ch of Js.Float.t | `cm of Js.Float.t | `em of Js.Float.t | `ex of Js.Float.t | `inch of Js.Float.t | `max of 'd Belt.Array.t | `min of 'd Belt.Array.t | `mm of Js.Float.t | `num of Js.Float.t | `pc of Js.Float.t | `percent of Js.Float.t | `pt of Js.Int.t | `px of Js.Int.t | `pxFloat of Js.Float.t | `rem of Js.Float.t | `vh of Js.Float.t | `vmax of Js.Float.t | `vmin of Js.Float.t | `vw of Js.Float.t | `zero ] as 'f * 'f | `ch of Js.Float.t | `cm of Js.Float.t | `em of Js.Float.t | `ex of Js.Float.t | `inch of Js.Float.t | `max of 'd Belt.Array.t | `min of 'd Belt.Array.t | `mm of Js.Float.t | `mult of 'f * 'f | `pc of Js.Float.t | `percent of Js.Float.t | `pt of Js.Int.t | `px of Js.Int.t | `pxFloat of Js.Float.t | `rem of Js.Float.t | `sub of 'f * 'f | `vh of Js.Float.t | `vmax of Js.Float.t | `vmin of Js.Float.t | `vw of Js.Float.t | `zero ] as 'e | `ch of Js.Float.t | `cm of Js.Float.t | `em of Js.Float.t | `ex of Js.Float.t | `inch of Js.Float.t | `max of 'd Belt.Array.t | `min of 'd Belt.Array.t | `mm of Js.Float.t | `pc of Js.Float.t | `percent of Js.Float.t | `pt of Js.Int.t | `px of Js.Int.t | `pxFloat of Js.Float.t | `rem of Js.Float.t | `vh of Js.Float.t | `vmax of Js.Float.t | `vmin of Js.Float.t | `vw of Js.Float.t | `zero ch cm em ex inch mm pc percent pt px pxFloat rem vh vmax vmin vw zero ] as 'd * [< `calc of [< `add of [< `calc of 'h | `ch of Js.Float.t | `cm of Js.Float.t | `em of Js.Float.t | `ex of Js.Float.t | `inch of Js.Float.t | `max of 'g Belt.Array.t | `min of 'g Belt.Array.t | `mm of Js.Float.t | `num of Js.Float.t | `pc of Js.Float.t | `percent of Js.Float.t | `pt of Js.Int.t | `px of Js.Int.t | `pxFloat of Js.Float.t | `rem of Js.Float.t | `vh of Js.Float.t | `vmax of Js.Float.t | `vmin of Js.Float.t | `vw of Js.Float.t | `zero ] as 'i * 'i | `ch of Js.Float.t | `cm of Js.Float.t | `em of Js.Float.t | `ex of Js.Float.t | `inch of Js.Float.t | `max of 'g Belt.Array.t | `min of 'g Belt.Array.t | `mm of Js.Float.t | `mult of 'i * 'i | `pc of Js.Float.t | `percent of Js.Float.t | `pt of Js.Int.t | `px of Js.Int.t | `pxFloat of Js.Float.t | `rem of Js.Float.t | `sub of 'i * 'i | `vh of Js.Float.t | `vmax of Js.Float.t | `vmin of Js.Float.t | `vw of Js.Float.t | `zero ] as 'h | `ch of Js.Float.t | `cm of Js.Float.t | `em of Js.Float.t | `ex of Js.Float.t | `inch of Js.Float.t | `max of 'g Belt.Array.t | `min of 'g Belt.Array.t | `mm of Js.Float.t | `pc of Js.Float.t | `percent of Js.Float.t | `pt of Js.Int.t | `px of Js.Int.t | `pxFloat of Js.Float.t | `rem of Js.Float.t | `vh of Js.Float.t | `vmax of Js.Float.t | `vmin of Js.Float.t | `vw of Js.Float.t | `zero ch cm em ex inch mm pc percent pt px pxFloat rem vh vmax vmin vw zero ] as 'g * [< `calc of [< `add of [< `calc of 'k | `ch of Js.Float.t | `cm of Js.Float.t | `em of Js.Float.t | `ex of Js.Float.t | `inch of Js.Float.t | `max of 'j Belt.Array.t | `min of 'j Belt.Array.t | `mm of Js.Float.t | `num of Js.Float.t | `pc of Js.Float.t | `percent of Js.Float.t | `pt of Js.Int.t | `px of Js.Int.t | `pxFloat of Js.Float.t | `rem of Js.Float.t | `vh of Js.Float.t | `vmax of Js.Float.t | `vmin of Js.Float.t | `vw of Js.Float.t | `zero ] as 'l * 'l | `ch of Js.Float.t | `cm of Js.Float.t | `em of Js.Float.t | `ex of Js.Float.t | `inch of Js.Float.t | `max of 'j Belt.Array.t | `min of 'j Belt.Array.t | `mm of Js.Float.t | `mult of 'l * 'l | `pc of Js.Float.t | `percent of Js.Float.t | `pt of Js.Int.t | `px of Js.Int.t | `pxFloat of Js.Float.t | `rem of Js.Float.t | `sub of 'l * 'l | `vh of Js.Float.t | `vmax of Js.Float.t | `vmin of Js.Float.t | `vw of Js.Float.t | `zero ] as 'k | `ch of Js.Float.t | `cm of Js.Float.t | `em of Js.Float.t | `ex of Js.Float.t | `inch of Js.Float.t | `max of 'j Belt.Array.t | `min of 'j Belt.Array.t | `mm of Js.Float.t | `pc of Js.Float.t | `percent of Js.Float.t | `pt of Js.Int.t | `px of Js.Int.t | `pxFloat of Js.Float.t | `rem of Js.Float.t | `vh of Js.Float.t | `vmax of Js.Float.t | `vmin of Js.Float.t | `vw of Js.Float.t | `zero ch cm em ex inch mm pc percent pt px pxFloat rem vh vmax vmin vw zero ] as 'j * [ `colorMix of Css_AtomicTypes.Color.t Css_AtomicTypes.Color.colorMix | `currentColor | `hex of string | `hsl of Css_AtomicTypes.Color.hsl | `hsla of Css_AtomicTypes.Color.hsla | `rgb of Css_AtomicTypes.Color.rgb | `rgba of Css_AtomicTypes.Color.rgba | `transparent | `var of string | `varDefault of string * string ] | `grayscale of [< `num of Js.Float.t | `percent of Js.Float.t ] | `hueRotate of [< `deg of Js.Float.t | `grad of Js.Float.t | `rad of Js.Float.t | `turn of Js.Float.t ] | `inherit_ | `initial | `invert of [< `num of Js.Float.t | `percent of Js.Float.t ] | `none | `opacity of [< `num of Js.Float.t | `percent of Js.Float.t ] | `revert | `revertLayer | `saturate of [< `num of Js.Float.t | `percent of Js.Float.t ] | `sepia of [< `num of Js.Float.t | `percent of Js.Float.t ] | `unset | `url of string | `var of Js.String.t | `varDefault of Js.String.t * string ] Belt.Array.t -> rule
val backgroundAttachment : [< `fixed | `inherit_ | `initial | `local | `revert | `revertLayer | `scroll | `unset | `var of Js.String.t | `varDefault of Js.String.t * string ] -> rule
val backgroundColor : [< `colorMix of Css_AtomicTypes.Color.t Css_AtomicTypes.Color.colorMix | `currentColor | `hex of string | `hsl of Css_AtomicTypes.Color.hsl | `hsla of Css_AtomicTypes.Color.hsla | `rgb of Css_AtomicTypes.Color.rgb | `rgba of Css_AtomicTypes.Color.rgba | `transparent | `var of Js.String.t | `varDefault of Js.String.t * string ] -> rule
val backgroundClip : [< `borderBox | `contentBox | `inherit_ | `initial | `paddingBox | `revert | `revertLayer | `text | `unset | `var of Js.String.t | `varDefault of Js.String.t * string ] -> rule
val imageRendering : [< `auto | `crispEdges | `highQuality | `inherit_ | `initial | `pixelated | `revert | `revertLayer | `smooth | `unset | `var of Js.String.t | `varDefault of Js.String.t * string ] -> rule
val backgroundOrigin : [< `borderBox | `contentBox | `inherit_ | `initial | `paddingBox | `revert | `revertLayer | `unset | `var of Js.String.t | `varDefault of Js.String.t * string ] -> rule
val string_of_backgroundPosition : [< `bottom | `calc of [ `add of Css_AtomicTypes.Length.calc_value * Css_AtomicTypes.Length.calc_value | `ch of Js.Float.t | `cm of Js.Float.t | `em of Js.Float.t | `ex of Js.Float.t | `inch of Js.Float.t | `mm of Js.Float.t | `mult of Css_AtomicTypes.Length.calc_value * Css_AtomicTypes.Length.calc_value | `pc of Js.Float.t | `percent of Js.Float.t | `pt of Js.Int.t | `px of Js.Int.t | `pxFloat of Js.Float.t | `rem of Js.Float.t | `sub of Css_AtomicTypes.Length.calc_value * Css_AtomicTypes.Length.calc_value | `vh of Js.Float.t | `vmax of Js.Float.t | `vmin of Js.Float.t | `vw of Js.Float.t | `zero ] | `center | `ch of Js.Float.t | `cm of Js.Float.t | `em of Js.Float.t | `ex of Js.Float.t | `inch of Js.Float.t | `inherit_ | `initial | `left | `max of Css_AtomicTypes.Length.t Belt.Array.t | `min of Css_AtomicTypes.Length.t Belt.Array.t | `mm of Js.Float.t | `pc of Js.Float.t | `percent of Js.Float.t | `pt of Js.Int.t | `px of Js.Int.t | `pxFloat of Js.Float.t | `rem of Js.Float.t | `revert | `revertLayer | `right | `top | `unset | `var of Js.String.t | `varDefault of Js.String.t * string | `vh of Js.Float.t | `vmax of Js.Float.t | `vmin of Js.Float.t | `vw of Js.Float.t | `zero ] -> string
val backgroundPosition : [< `bottom | `calc of [ `add of Css_AtomicTypes.Length.calc_value * Css_AtomicTypes.Length.calc_value | `ch of Js.Float.t | `cm of Js.Float.t | `em of Js.Float.t | `ex of Js.Float.t | `inch of Js.Float.t | `mm of Js.Float.t | `mult of Css_AtomicTypes.Length.calc_value * Css_AtomicTypes.Length.calc_value | `pc of Js.Float.t | `percent of Js.Float.t | `pt of Js.Int.t | `px of Js.Int.t | `pxFloat of Js.Float.t | `rem of Js.Float.t | `sub of Css_AtomicTypes.Length.calc_value * Css_AtomicTypes.Length.calc_value | `vh of Js.Float.t | `vmax of Js.Float.t | `vmin of Js.Float.t | `vw of Js.Float.t | `zero ] | `center | `ch of Js.Float.t | `cm of Js.Float.t | `em of Js.Float.t | `ex of Js.Float.t | `inch of Js.Float.t | `inherit_ | `initial | `left | `max of Css_AtomicTypes.Length.t Belt.Array.t | `min of Css_AtomicTypes.Length.t Belt.Array.t | `mm of Js.Float.t | `pc of Js.Float.t | `percent of Js.Float.t | `pt of Js.Int.t | `px of Js.Int.t | `pxFloat of Js.Float.t | `rem of Js.Float.t | `revert | `revertLayer | `right | `top | `unset | `var of Js.String.t | `varDefault of Js.String.t * string | `vh of Js.Float.t | `vmax of Js.Float.t | `vmin of Js.Float.t | `vw of Js.Float.t | `zero ] -> rule
val backgroundPosition2 : [< `bottom | `calc of [ `add of Css_AtomicTypes.Length.calc_value * Css_AtomicTypes.Length.calc_value | `ch of Js.Float.t | `cm of Js.Float.t | `em of Js.Float.t | `ex of Js.Float.t | `inch of Js.Float.t | `mm of Js.Float.t | `mult of Css_AtomicTypes.Length.calc_value * Css_AtomicTypes.Length.calc_value | `pc of Js.Float.t | `percent of Js.Float.t | `pt of Js.Int.t | `px of Js.Int.t | `pxFloat of Js.Float.t | `rem of Js.Float.t | `sub of Css_AtomicTypes.Length.calc_value * Css_AtomicTypes.Length.calc_value | `vh of Js.Float.t | `vmax of Js.Float.t | `vmin of Js.Float.t | `vw of Js.Float.t | `zero ] | `center | `ch of Js.Float.t | `cm of Js.Float.t | `em of Js.Float.t | `ex of Js.Float.t | `inch of Js.Float.t | `inherit_ | `initial | `left | `max of Css_AtomicTypes.Length.t Belt.Array.t | `min of Css_AtomicTypes.Length.t Belt.Array.t | `mm of Js.Float.t | `pc of Js.Float.t | `percent of Js.Float.t | `pt of Js.Int.t | `px of Js.Int.t | `pxFloat of Js.Float.t | `rem of Js.Float.t | `revert | `revertLayer | `right | `top | `unset | `var of Js.String.t | `varDefault of Js.String.t * string | `vh of Js.Float.t | `vmax of Js.Float.t | `vmin of Js.Float.t | `vw of Js.Float.t | `zero ] -> [< `bottom | `calc of [ `add of Css_AtomicTypes.Length.calc_value * Css_AtomicTypes.Length.calc_value | `ch of Js.Float.t | `cm of Js.Float.t | `em of Js.Float.t | `ex of Js.Float.t | `inch of Js.Float.t | `mm of Js.Float.t | `mult of Css_AtomicTypes.Length.calc_value * Css_AtomicTypes.Length.calc_value | `pc of Js.Float.t | `percent of Js.Float.t | `pt of Js.Int.t | `px of Js.Int.t | `pxFloat of Js.Float.t | `rem of Js.Float.t | `sub of Css_AtomicTypes.Length.calc_value * Css_AtomicTypes.Length.calc_value | `vh of Js.Float.t | `vmax of Js.Float.t | `vmin of Js.Float.t | `vw of Js.Float.t | `zero ] | `center | `ch of Js.Float.t | `cm of Js.Float.t | `em of Js.Float.t | `ex of Js.Float.t | `inch of Js.Float.t | `inherit_ | `initial | `left | `max of Css_AtomicTypes.Length.t Belt.Array.t | `min of Css_AtomicTypes.Length.t Belt.Array.t | `mm of Js.Float.t | `pc of Js.Float.t | `percent of Js.Float.t | `pt of Js.Int.t | `px of Js.Int.t | `pxFloat of Js.Float.t | `rem of Js.Float.t | `revert | `revertLayer | `right | `top | `unset | `var of Js.String.t | `varDefault of Js.String.t * string | `vh of Js.Float.t | `vmax of Js.Float.t | `vmin of Js.Float.t | `vw of Js.Float.t | `zero ] -> rule
val backgroundPosition4 : x: [< `bottom | `calc of [ `add of Css_AtomicTypes.Length.calc_value * Css_AtomicTypes.Length.calc_value | `ch of Js.Float.t | `cm of Js.Float.t | `em of Js.Float.t | `ex of Js.Float.t | `inch of Js.Float.t | `mm of Js.Float.t | `mult of Css_AtomicTypes.Length.calc_value * Css_AtomicTypes.Length.calc_value | `pc of Js.Float.t | `percent of Js.Float.t | `pt of Js.Int.t | `px of Js.Int.t | `pxFloat of Js.Float.t | `rem of Js.Float.t | `sub of Css_AtomicTypes.Length.calc_value * Css_AtomicTypes.Length.calc_value | `vh of Js.Float.t | `vmax of Js.Float.t | `vmin of Js.Float.t | `vw of Js.Float.t | `zero ] | `center | `ch of Js.Float.t | `cm of Js.Float.t | `em of Js.Float.t | `ex of Js.Float.t | `inch of Js.Float.t | `inherit_ | `initial | `left | `max of Css_AtomicTypes.Length.t Belt.Array.t | `min of Css_AtomicTypes.Length.t Belt.Array.t | `mm of Js.Float.t | `pc of Js.Float.t | `percent of Js.Float.t | `pt of Js.Int.t | `px of Js.Int.t | `pxFloat of Js.Float.t | `rem of Js.Float.t | `revert | `revertLayer | `right | `top | `unset | `var of Js.String.t | `varDefault of Js.String.t * string | `vh of Js.Float.t | `vmax of Js.Float.t | `vmin of Js.Float.t | `vw of Js.Float.t | `zero ] -> offsetX: [< `calc of [< `add of [< `calc of 'b | `ch of Js.Float.t | `cm of Js.Float.t | `em of Js.Float.t | `ex of Js.Float.t | `inch of Js.Float.t | `max of 'a Belt.Array.t | `min of 'a Belt.Array.t | `mm of Js.Float.t | `num of Js.Float.t | `pc of Js.Float.t | `percent of Js.Float.t | `pt of Js.Int.t | `px of Js.Int.t | `pxFloat of Js.Float.t | `rem of Js.Float.t | `vh of Js.Float.t | `vmax of Js.Float.t | `vmin of Js.Float.t | `vw of Js.Float.t | `zero ] as 'c * 'c | `ch of Js.Float.t | `cm of Js.Float.t | `em of Js.Float.t | `ex of Js.Float.t | `inch of Js.Float.t | `max of 'a Belt.Array.t | `min of 'a Belt.Array.t | `mm of Js.Float.t | `mult of 'c * 'c | `pc of Js.Float.t | `percent of Js.Float.t | `pt of Js.Int.t | `px of Js.Int.t | `pxFloat of Js.Float.t | `rem of Js.Float.t | `sub of 'c * 'c | `vh of Js.Float.t | `vmax of Js.Float.t | `vmin of Js.Float.t | `vw of Js.Float.t | `zero ] as 'b | `ch of Js.Float.t | `cm of Js.Float.t | `em of Js.Float.t | `ex of Js.Float.t | `inch of Js.Float.t | `max of 'a Belt.Array.t | `min of 'a Belt.Array.t | `mm of Js.Float.t | `pc of Js.Float.t | `percent of Js.Float.t | `pt of Js.Int.t | `px of Js.Int.t | `pxFloat of Js.Float.t | `rem of Js.Float.t | `vh of Js.Float.t | `vmax of Js.Float.t | `vmin of Js.Float.t | `vw of Js.Float.t | `zero ch cm em ex inch mm pc percent pt px pxFloat rem vh vmax vmin vw zero ] as 'a -> y: [< `bottom | `calc of [ `add of Css_AtomicTypes.Length.calc_value * Css_AtomicTypes.Length.calc_value | `ch of Js.Float.t | `cm of Js.Float.t | `em of Js.Float.t | `ex of Js.Float.t | `inch of Js.Float.t | `mm of Js.Float.t | `mult of Css_AtomicTypes.Length.calc_value * Css_AtomicTypes.Length.calc_value | `pc of Js.Float.t | `percent of Js.Float.t | `pt of Js.Int.t | `px of Js.Int.t | `pxFloat of Js.Float.t | `rem of Js.Float.t | `sub of Css_AtomicTypes.Length.calc_value * Css_AtomicTypes.Length.calc_value | `vh of Js.Float.t | `vmax of Js.Float.t | `vmin of Js.Float.t | `vw of Js.Float.t | `zero ] | `center | `ch of Js.Float.t | `cm of Js.Float.t | `em of Js.Float.t | `ex of Js.Float.t | `inch of Js.Float.t | `inherit_ | `initial | `left | `max of Css_AtomicTypes.Length.t Belt.Array.t | `min of Css_AtomicTypes.Length.t Belt.Array.t | `mm of Js.Float.t | `pc of Js.Float.t | `percent of Js.Float.t | `pt of Js.Int.t | `px of Js.Int.t | `pxFloat of Js.Float.t | `rem of Js.Float.t | `revert | `revertLayer | `right | `top | `unset | `var of Js.String.t | `varDefault of Js.String.t * string | `vh of Js.Float.t | `vmax of Js.Float.t | `vmin of Js.Float.t | `vw of Js.Float.t | `zero ] -> offsetY: [< `calc of [< `add of [< `calc of 'e | `ch of Js.Float.t | `cm of Js.Float.t | `em of Js.Float.t | `ex of Js.Float.t | `inch of Js.Float.t | `max of 'd Belt.Array.t | `min of 'd Belt.Array.t | `mm of Js.Float.t | `num of Js.Float.t | `pc of Js.Float.t | `percent of Js.Float.t | `pt of Js.Int.t | `px of Js.Int.t | `pxFloat of Js.Float.t | `rem of Js.Float.t | `vh of Js.Float.t | `vmax of Js.Float.t | `vmin of Js.Float.t | `vw of Js.Float.t | `zero ] as 'f * 'f | `ch of Js.Float.t | `cm of Js.Float.t | `em of Js.Float.t | `ex of Js.Float.t | `inch of Js.Float.t | `max of 'd Belt.Array.t | `min of 'd Belt.Array.t | `mm of Js.Float.t | `mult of 'f * 'f | `pc of Js.Float.t | `percent of Js.Float.t | `pt of Js.Int.t | `px of Js.Int.t | `pxFloat of Js.Float.t | `rem of Js.Float.t | `sub of 'f * 'f | `vh of Js.Float.t | `vmax of Js.Float.t | `vmin of Js.Float.t | `vw of Js.Float.t | `zero ] as 'e | `ch of Js.Float.t | `cm of Js.Float.t | `em of Js.Float.t | `ex of Js.Float.t | `inch of Js.Float.t | `max of 'd Belt.Array.t | `min of 'd Belt.Array.t | `mm of Js.Float.t | `pc of Js.Float.t | `percent of Js.Float.t | `pt of Js.Int.t | `px of Js.Int.t | `pxFloat of Js.Float.t | `rem of Js.Float.t | `vh of Js.Float.t | `vmax of Js.Float.t | `vmin of Js.Float.t | `vw of Js.Float.t | `zero ch cm em ex inch mm pc percent pt px pxFloat rem vh vmax vmin vw zero ] as 'd -> rule
val backgroundPositions : ([< `bottom | `calc of [ `add of Css_AtomicTypes.Length.calc_value * Css_AtomicTypes.Length.calc_value | `ch of Js.Float.t | `cm of Js.Float.t | `em of Js.Float.t | `ex of Js.Float.t | `inch of Js.Float.t | `mm of Js.Float.t | `mult of Css_AtomicTypes.Length.calc_value * Css_AtomicTypes.Length.calc_value | `pc of Js.Float.t | `percent of Js.Float.t | `pt of Js.Int.t | `px of Js.Int.t | `pxFloat of Js.Float.t | `rem of Js.Float.t | `sub of Css_AtomicTypes.Length.calc_value * Css_AtomicTypes.Length.calc_value | `vh of Js.Float.t | `vmax of Js.Float.t | `vmin of Js.Float.t | `vw of Js.Float.t | `zero ] | `center | `ch of Js.Float.t | `cm of Js.Float.t | `em of Js.Float.t | `ex of Js.Float.t | `inch of Js.Float.t | `inherit_ | `initial | `left | `max of Css_AtomicTypes.Length.t Belt.Array.t | `min of Css_AtomicTypes.Length.t Belt.Array.t | `mm of Js.Float.t | `pc of Js.Float.t | `percent of Js.Float.t | `pt of Js.Int.t | `px of Js.Int.t | `pxFloat of Js.Float.t | `rem of Js.Float.t | `revert | `revertLayer | `right | `top | `unset | `var of Js.String.t | `varDefault of Js.String.t * string | `vh of Js.Float.t | `vmax of Js.Float.t | `vmin of Js.Float.t | `vw of Js.Float.t | `zero ] * [< `bottom | `calc of [ `add of Css_AtomicTypes.Length.calc_value * Css_AtomicTypes.Length.calc_value | `ch of Js.Float.t | `cm of Js.Float.t | `em of Js.Float.t | `ex of Js.Float.t | `inch of Js.Float.t | `mm of Js.Float.t | `mult of Css_AtomicTypes.Length.calc_value * Css_AtomicTypes.Length.calc_value | `pc of Js.Float.t | `percent of Js.Float.t | `pt of Js.Int.t | `px of Js.Int.t | `pxFloat of Js.Float.t | `rem of Js.Float.t | `sub of Css_AtomicTypes.Length.calc_value * Css_AtomicTypes.Length.calc_value | `vh of Js.Float.t | `vmax of Js.Float.t | `vmin of Js.Float.t | `vw of Js.Float.t | `zero ] | `center | `ch of Js.Float.t | `cm of Js.Float.t | `em of Js.Float.t | `ex of Js.Float.t | `inch of Js.Float.t | `inherit_ | `initial | `left | `max of Css_AtomicTypes.Length.t Belt.Array.t | `min of Css_AtomicTypes.Length.t Belt.Array.t | `mm of Js.Float.t | `pc of Js.Float.t | `percent of Js.Float.t | `pt of Js.Int.t | `px of Js.Int.t | `pxFloat of Js.Float.t | `rem of Js.Float.t | `revert | `revertLayer | `right | `top | `unset | `var of Js.String.t | `varDefault of Js.String.t * string | `vh of Js.Float.t | `vmax of Js.Float.t | `vmin of Js.Float.t | `vw of Js.Float.t | `zero ]) Belt.Array.t -> rule
val backgroundRepeat : [< `hv of [< Css_AtomicTypes.BackgroundRepeat.horizontal ] * [< Css_AtomicTypes.BackgroundRepeat.vertical ] | `inherit_ | `initial | `noRepeat | `repeat | `repeatX | `repeatY | `revert | `revertLayer | `round | `space | `unset | `var of Js.String.t | `varDefault of Js.String.t * string ] -> rule
val string_of_maskposition : [< `bottom | `calc of [ `add of Css_AtomicTypes.Length.calc_value * Css_AtomicTypes.Length.calc_value | `ch of Js.Float.t | `cm of Js.Float.t | `em of Js.Float.t | `ex of Js.Float.t | `inch of Js.Float.t | `mm of Js.Float.t | `mult of Css_AtomicTypes.Length.calc_value * Css_AtomicTypes.Length.calc_value | `pc of Js.Float.t | `percent of Js.Float.t | `pt of Js.Int.t | `px of Js.Int.t | `pxFloat of Js.Float.t | `rem of Js.Float.t | `sub of Css_AtomicTypes.Length.calc_value * Css_AtomicTypes.Length.calc_value | `vh of Js.Float.t | `vmax of Js.Float.t | `vmin of Js.Float.t | `vw of Js.Float.t | `zero ] | `center | `ch of Js.Float.t | `cm of Js.Float.t | `em of Js.Float.t | `ex of Js.Float.t | `hv of [< `calc of [ `add of Css_AtomicTypes.Length.calc_value * Css_AtomicTypes.Length.calc_value | `ch of Js.Float.t | `cm of Js.Float.t | `em of Js.Float.t | `ex of Js.Float.t | `inch of Js.Float.t | `mm of Js.Float.t | `mult of Css_AtomicTypes.Length.calc_value * Css_AtomicTypes.Length.calc_value | `pc of Js.Float.t | `percent of Js.Float.t | `pt of Js.Int.t | `px of Js.Int.t | `pxFloat of Js.Float.t | `rem of Js.Float.t | `sub of Css_AtomicTypes.Length.calc_value * Css_AtomicTypes.Length.calc_value | `vh of Js.Float.t | `vmax of Js.Float.t | `vmin of Js.Float.t | `vw of Js.Float.t | `zero ] | `center | `ch of Js.Float.t | `cm of Js.Float.t | `em of Js.Float.t | `ex of Js.Float.t | `inch of Js.Float.t | `left | `max of Css_AtomicTypes.Length.t Belt.Array.t | `min of Css_AtomicTypes.Length.t Belt.Array.t | `mm of Js.Float.t | `pc of Js.Float.t | `percent of Js.Float.t | `pt of Js.Int.t | `px of Js.Int.t | `pxFloat of Js.Float.t | `rem of Js.Float.t | `right | `vh of Js.Float.t | `vmax of Js.Float.t | `vmin of Js.Float.t | `vw of Js.Float.t | `zero ] * [< `bottom | `calc of [ `add of Css_AtomicTypes.Length.calc_value * Css_AtomicTypes.Length.calc_value | `ch of Js.Float.t | `cm of Js.Float.t | `em of Js.Float.t | `ex of Js.Float.t | `inch of Js.Float.t | `mm of Js.Float.t | `mult of Css_AtomicTypes.Length.calc_value * Css_AtomicTypes.Length.calc_value | `pc of Js.Float.t | `percent of Js.Float.t | `pt of Js.Int.t | `px of Js.Int.t | `pxFloat of Js.Float.t | `rem of Js.Float.t | `sub of Css_AtomicTypes.Length.calc_value * Css_AtomicTypes.Length.calc_value | `vh of Js.Float.t | `vmax of Js.Float.t | `vmin of Js.Float.t | `vw of Js.Float.t | `zero ] | `center | `ch of Js.Float.t | `cm of Js.Float.t | `em of Js.Float.t | `ex of Js.Float.t | `inch of Js.Float.t | `max of Css_AtomicTypes.Length.t Belt.Array.t | `min of Css_AtomicTypes.Length.t Belt.Array.t | `mm of Js.Float.t | `pc of Js.Float.t | `percent of Js.Float.t | `pt of Js.Int.t | `px of Js.Int.t | `pxFloat of Js.Float.t | `rem of Js.Float.t | `top | `vh of Js.Float.t | `vmax of Js.Float.t | `vmin of Js.Float.t | `vw of Js.Float.t | `zero ] | `inch of Js.Float.t | `inherit_ | `initial | `left | `max of Css_AtomicTypes.Length.t Belt.Array.t | `min of Css_AtomicTypes.Length.t Belt.Array.t | `mm of Js.Float.t | `pc of Js.Float.t | `percent of Js.Float.t | `pt of Js.Int.t | `px of Js.Int.t | `pxFloat of Js.Float.t | `rem of Js.Float.t | `revert | `revertLayer | `right | `top | `unset | `var of Js.String.t | `varDefault of Js.String.t * string | `vh of Js.Float.t | `vmax of Js.Float.t | `vmin of Js.Float.t | `vw of Js.Float.t | `zero ] -> string
val maskPosition : [< `bottom | `calc of [ `add of Css_AtomicTypes.Length.calc_value * Css_AtomicTypes.Length.calc_value | `ch of Js.Float.t | `cm of Js.Float.t | `em of Js.Float.t | `ex of Js.Float.t | `inch of Js.Float.t | `mm of Js.Float.t | `mult of Css_AtomicTypes.Length.calc_value * Css_AtomicTypes.Length.calc_value | `pc of Js.Float.t | `percent of Js.Float.t | `pt of Js.Int.t | `px of Js.Int.t | `pxFloat of Js.Float.t | `rem of Js.Float.t | `sub of Css_AtomicTypes.Length.calc_value * Css_AtomicTypes.Length.calc_value | `vh of Js.Float.t | `vmax of Js.Float.t | `vmin of Js.Float.t | `vw of Js.Float.t | `zero ] | `center | `ch of Js.Float.t | `cm of Js.Float.t | `em of Js.Float.t | `ex of Js.Float.t | `hv of [< `calc of [ `add of Css_AtomicTypes.Length.calc_value * Css_AtomicTypes.Length.calc_value | `ch of Js.Float.t | `cm of Js.Float.t | `em of Js.Float.t | `ex of Js.Float.t | `inch of Js.Float.t | `mm of Js.Float.t | `mult of Css_AtomicTypes.Length.calc_value * Css_AtomicTypes.Length.calc_value | `pc of Js.Float.t | `percent of Js.Float.t | `pt of Js.Int.t | `px of Js.Int.t | `pxFloat of Js.Float.t | `rem of Js.Float.t | `sub of Css_AtomicTypes.Length.calc_value * Css_AtomicTypes.Length.calc_value | `vh of Js.Float.t | `vmax of Js.Float.t | `vmin of Js.Float.t | `vw of Js.Float.t | `zero ] | `center | `ch of Js.Float.t | `cm of Js.Float.t | `em of Js.Float.t | `ex of Js.Float.t | `inch of Js.Float.t | `left | `max of Css_AtomicTypes.Length.t Belt.Array.t | `min of Css_AtomicTypes.Length.t Belt.Array.t | `mm of Js.Float.t | `pc of Js.Float.t | `percent of Js.Float.t | `pt of Js.Int.t | `px of Js.Int.t | `pxFloat of Js.Float.t | `rem of Js.Float.t | `right | `vh of Js.Float.t | `vmax of Js.Float.t | `vmin of Js.Float.t | `vw of Js.Float.t | `zero ] * [< `bottom | `calc of [ `add of Css_AtomicTypes.Length.calc_value * Css_AtomicTypes.Length.calc_value | `ch of Js.Float.t | `cm of Js.Float.t | `em of Js.Float.t | `ex of Js.Float.t | `inch of Js.Float.t | `mm of Js.Float.t | `mult of Css_AtomicTypes.Length.calc_value * Css_AtomicTypes.Length.calc_value | `pc of Js.Float.t | `percent of Js.Float.t | `pt of Js.Int.t | `px of Js.Int.t | `pxFloat of Js.Float.t | `rem of Js.Float.t | `sub of Css_AtomicTypes.Length.calc_value * Css_AtomicTypes.Length.calc_value | `vh of Js.Float.t | `vmax of Js.Float.t | `vmin of Js.Float.t | `vw of Js.Float.t | `zero ] | `center | `ch of Js.Float.t | `cm of Js.Float.t | `em of Js.Float.t | `ex of Js.Float.t | `inch of Js.Float.t | `max of Css_AtomicTypes.Length.t Belt.Array.t | `min of Css_AtomicTypes.Length.t Belt.Array.t | `mm of Js.Float.t | `pc of Js.Float.t | `percent of Js.Float.t | `pt of Js.Int.t | `px of Js.Int.t | `pxFloat of Js.Float.t | `rem of Js.Float.t | `top | `vh of Js.Float.t | `vmax of Js.Float.t | `vmin of Js.Float.t | `vw of Js.Float.t | `zero ] | `inch of Js.Float.t | `inherit_ | `initial | `left | `max of Css_AtomicTypes.Length.t Belt.Array.t | `min of Css_AtomicTypes.Length.t Belt.Array.t | `mm of Js.Float.t | `pc of Js.Float.t | `percent of Js.Float.t | `pt of Js.Int.t | `px of Js.Int.t | `pxFloat of Js.Float.t | `rem of Js.Float.t | `revert | `revertLayer | `right | `top | `unset | `var of Js.String.t | `varDefault of Js.String.t * string | `vh of Js.Float.t | `vmax of Js.Float.t | `vmin of Js.Float.t | `vw of Js.Float.t | `zero ] -> rule
val maskPositions : [< `bottom | `calc of [ `add of Css_AtomicTypes.Length.calc_value * Css_AtomicTypes.Length.calc_value | `ch of Js.Float.t | `cm of Js.Float.t | `em of Js.Float.t | `ex of Js.Float.t | `inch of Js.Float.t | `mm of Js.Float.t | `mult of Css_AtomicTypes.Length.calc_value * Css_AtomicTypes.Length.calc_value | `pc of Js.Float.t | `percent of Js.Float.t | `pt of Js.Int.t | `px of Js.Int.t | `pxFloat of Js.Float.t | `rem of Js.Float.t | `sub of Css_AtomicTypes.Length.calc_value * Css_AtomicTypes.Length.calc_value | `vh of Js.Float.t | `vmax of Js.Float.t | `vmin of Js.Float.t | `vw of Js.Float.t | `zero ] | `center | `ch of Js.Float.t | `cm of Js.Float.t | `em of Js.Float.t | `ex of Js.Float.t | `hv of [< `calc of [ `add of Css_AtomicTypes.Length.calc_value * Css_AtomicTypes.Length.calc_value | `ch of Js.Float.t | `cm of Js.Float.t | `em of Js.Float.t | `ex of Js.Float.t | `inch of Js.Float.t | `mm of Js.Float.t | `mult of Css_AtomicTypes.Length.calc_value * Css_AtomicTypes.Length.calc_value | `pc of Js.Float.t | `percent of Js.Float.t | `pt of Js.Int.t | `px of Js.Int.t | `pxFloat of Js.Float.t | `rem of Js.Float.t | `sub of Css_AtomicTypes.Length.calc_value * Css_AtomicTypes.Length.calc_value | `vh of Js.Float.t | `vmax of Js.Float.t | `vmin of Js.Float.t | `vw of Js.Float.t | `zero ] | `center | `ch of Js.Float.t | `cm of Js.Float.t | `em of Js.Float.t | `ex of Js.Float.t | `inch of Js.Float.t | `left | `max of Css_AtomicTypes.Length.t Belt.Array.t | `min of Css_AtomicTypes.Length.t Belt.Array.t | `mm of Js.Float.t | `pc of Js.Float.t | `percent of Js.Float.t | `pt of Js.Int.t | `px of Js.Int.t | `pxFloat of Js.Float.t | `rem of Js.Float.t | `right | `vh of Js.Float.t | `vmax of Js.Float.t | `vmin of Js.Float.t | `vw of Js.Float.t | `zero ] * [< `bottom | `calc of [ `add of Css_AtomicTypes.Length.calc_value * Css_AtomicTypes.Length.calc_value | `ch of Js.Float.t | `cm of Js.Float.t | `em of Js.Float.t | `ex of Js.Float.t | `inch of Js.Float.t | `mm of Js.Float.t | `mult of Css_AtomicTypes.Length.calc_value * Css_AtomicTypes.Length.calc_value | `pc of Js.Float.t | `percent of Js.Float.t | `pt of Js.Int.t | `px of Js.Int.t | `pxFloat of Js.Float.t | `rem of Js.Float.t | `sub of Css_AtomicTypes.Length.calc_value * Css_AtomicTypes.Length.calc_value | `vh of Js.Float.t | `vmax of Js.Float.t | `vmin of Js.Float.t | `vw of Js.Float.t | `zero ] | `center | `ch of Js.Float.t | `cm of Js.Float.t | `em of Js.Float.t | `ex of Js.Float.t | `inch of Js.Float.t | `max of Css_AtomicTypes.Length.t Belt.Array.t | `min of Css_AtomicTypes.Length.t Belt.Array.t | `mm of Js.Float.t | `pc of Js.Float.t | `percent of Js.Float.t | `pt of Js.Int.t | `px of Js.Int.t | `pxFloat of Js.Float.t | `rem of Js.Float.t | `top | `vh of Js.Float.t | `vmax of Js.Float.t | `vmin of Js.Float.t | `vw of Js.Float.t | `zero ] | `inch of Js.Float.t | `inherit_ | `initial | `left | `max of Css_AtomicTypes.Length.t Belt.Array.t | `min of Css_AtomicTypes.Length.t Belt.Array.t | `mm of Js.Float.t | `pc of Js.Float.t | `percent of Js.Float.t | `pt of Js.Int.t | `px of Js.Int.t | `pxFloat of Js.Float.t | `rem of Js.Float.t | `revert | `revertLayer | `right | `top | `unset | `var of Js.String.t | `varDefault of Js.String.t * string | `vh of Js.Float.t | `vmax of Js.Float.t | `vmin of Js.Float.t | `vw of Js.Float.t | `zero ] Belt.Array.t -> rule
val borderBottomColor : [< `colorMix of Css_AtomicTypes.Color.t Css_AtomicTypes.Color.colorMix | `currentColor | `hex of string | `hsl of Css_AtomicTypes.Color.hsl | `hsla of Css_AtomicTypes.Color.hsla | `rgb of Css_AtomicTypes.Color.rgb | `rgba of Css_AtomicTypes.Color.rgba | `transparent | `var of Js.String.t | `varDefault of Js.String.t * string ] -> rule
val borderBottomLeftRadius : [< `calc of [< `add of [< `calc of 'b | `ch of Js.Float.t | `cm of Js.Float.t | `em of Js.Float.t | `ex of Js.Float.t | `inch of Js.Float.t | `max of 'a Belt.Array.t | `min of 'a Belt.Array.t | `mm of Js.Float.t | `num of Js.Float.t | `pc of Js.Float.t | `percent of Js.Float.t | `pt of Js.Int.t | `px of Js.Int.t | `pxFloat of Js.Float.t | `rem of Js.Float.t | `vh of Js.Float.t | `vmax of Js.Float.t | `vmin of Js.Float.t | `vw of Js.Float.t | `zero ] as 'c * 'c | `ch of Js.Float.t | `cm of Js.Float.t | `em of Js.Float.t | `ex of Js.Float.t | `inch of Js.Float.t | `max of 'a Belt.Array.t | `min of 'a Belt.Array.t | `mm of Js.Float.t | `mult of 'c * 'c | `pc of Js.Float.t | `percent of Js.Float.t | `pt of Js.Int.t | `px of Js.Int.t | `pxFloat of Js.Float.t | `rem of Js.Float.t | `sub of 'c * 'c | `vh of Js.Float.t | `vmax of Js.Float.t | `vmin of Js.Float.t | `vw of Js.Float.t | `zero ] as 'b | `ch of Js.Float.t | `cm of Js.Float.t | `em of Js.Float.t | `ex of Js.Float.t | `inch of Js.Float.t | `max of 'a Belt.Array.t | `min of 'a Belt.Array.t | `mm of Js.Float.t | `pc of Js.Float.t | `percent of Js.Float.t | `pt of Js.Int.t | `px of Js.Int.t | `pxFloat of Js.Float.t | `rem of Js.Float.t | `vh of Js.Float.t | `vmax of Js.Float.t | `vmin of Js.Float.t | `vw of Js.Float.t | `zero ch cm em ex inch mm pc percent pt px pxFloat rem vh vmax vmin vw zero ] as 'a -> rule
val borderBottomRightRadius : [< `calc of [< `add of [< `calc of 'b | `ch of Js.Float.t | `cm of Js.Float.t | `em of Js.Float.t | `ex of Js.Float.t | `inch of Js.Float.t | `max of 'a Belt.Array.t | `min of 'a Belt.Array.t | `mm of Js.Float.t | `num of Js.Float.t | `pc of Js.Float.t | `percent of Js.Float.t | `pt of Js.Int.t | `px of Js.Int.t | `pxFloat of Js.Float.t | `rem of Js.Float.t | `vh of Js.Float.t | `vmax of Js.Float.t | `vmin of Js.Float.t | `vw of Js.Float.t | `zero ] as 'c * 'c | `ch of Js.Float.t | `cm of Js.Float.t | `em of Js.Float.t | `ex of Js.Float.t | `inch of Js.Float.t | `max of 'a Belt.Array.t | `min of 'a Belt.Array.t | `mm of Js.Float.t | `mult of 'c * 'c | `pc of Js.Float.t | `percent of Js.Float.t | `pt of Js.Int.t | `px of Js.Int.t | `pxFloat of Js.Float.t | `rem of Js.Float.t | `sub of 'c * 'c | `vh of Js.Float.t | `vmax of Js.Float.t | `vmin of Js.Float.t | `vw of Js.Float.t | `zero ] as 'b | `ch of Js.Float.t | `cm of Js.Float.t | `em of Js.Float.t | `ex of Js.Float.t | `inch of Js.Float.t | `max of 'a Belt.Array.t | `min of 'a Belt.Array.t | `mm of Js.Float.t | `pc of Js.Float.t | `percent of Js.Float.t | `pt of Js.Int.t | `px of Js.Int.t | `pxFloat of Js.Float.t | `rem of Js.Float.t | `vh of Js.Float.t | `vmax of Js.Float.t | `vmin of Js.Float.t | `vw of Js.Float.t | `zero ch cm em ex inch mm pc percent pt px pxFloat rem vh vmax vmin vw zero ] as 'a -> rule
val borderBottomWidth : [< `calc of [ `add of Css_AtomicTypes.Length.calc_value * Css_AtomicTypes.Length.calc_value | `ch of Js.Float.t | `cm of Js.Float.t | `em of Js.Float.t | `ex of Js.Float.t | `inch of Js.Float.t | `mm of Js.Float.t | `mult of Css_AtomicTypes.Length.calc_value * Css_AtomicTypes.Length.calc_value | `pc of Js.Float.t | `percent of Js.Float.t | `pt of Js.Int.t | `px of Js.Int.t | `pxFloat of Js.Float.t | `rem of Js.Float.t | `sub of Css_AtomicTypes.Length.calc_value * Css_AtomicTypes.Length.calc_value | `vh of Js.Float.t | `vmax of Js.Float.t | `vmin of Js.Float.t | `vw of Js.Float.t | `zero ] | `ch of Js.Float.t | `cm of Js.Float.t | `em of Js.Float.t | `ex of Js.Float.t | `inch of Js.Float.t | `max of Css_AtomicTypes.Length.t Belt.Array.t | `medium | `min of Css_AtomicTypes.Length.t Belt.Array.t | `mm of Js.Float.t | `pc of Js.Float.t | `percent of Js.Float.t | `pt of Js.Int.t | `px of Js.Int.t | `pxFloat of Js.Float.t | `rem of Js.Float.t | `thick | `thin | `vh of Js.Float.t | `vmax of Js.Float.t | `vmin of Js.Float.t | `vw of Js.Float.t | `zero ] -> rule
val borderCollapse : [< `collapse | `inherit_ | `initial | `revert | `revertLayer | `separate | `unset | `var of Js.String.t | `varDefault of Js.String.t * string ] -> rule
val borderColor : [< `colorMix of Css_AtomicTypes.Color.t Css_AtomicTypes.Color.colorMix | `currentColor | `hex of string | `hsl of Css_AtomicTypes.Color.hsl | `hsla of Css_AtomicTypes.Color.hsla | `rgb of Css_AtomicTypes.Color.rgb | `rgba of Css_AtomicTypes.Color.rgba | `transparent | `var of Js.String.t | `varDefault of Js.String.t * string ] -> rule
val borderLeftColor : [< `colorMix of Css_AtomicTypes.Color.t Css_AtomicTypes.Color.colorMix | `currentColor | `hex of string | `hsl of Css_AtomicTypes.Color.hsl | `hsla of Css_AtomicTypes.Color.hsla | `rgb of Css_AtomicTypes.Color.rgb | `rgba of Css_AtomicTypes.Color.rgba | `transparent | `var of Js.String.t | `varDefault of Js.String.t * string ] -> rule
val borderLeftWidth : [< `calc of [ `add of Css_AtomicTypes.Length.calc_value * Css_AtomicTypes.Length.calc_value | `ch of Js.Float.t | `cm of Js.Float.t | `em of Js.Float.t | `ex of Js.Float.t | `inch of Js.Float.t | `mm of Js.Float.t | `mult of Css_AtomicTypes.Length.calc_value * Css_AtomicTypes.Length.calc_value | `pc of Js.Float.t | `percent of Js.Float.t | `pt of Js.Int.t | `px of Js.Int.t | `pxFloat of Js.Float.t | `rem of Js.Float.t | `sub of Css_AtomicTypes.Length.calc_value * Css_AtomicTypes.Length.calc_value | `vh of Js.Float.t | `vmax of Js.Float.t | `vmin of Js.Float.t | `vw of Js.Float.t | `zero ] | `ch of Js.Float.t | `cm of Js.Float.t | `em of Js.Float.t | `ex of Js.Float.t | `inch of Js.Float.t | `max of Css_AtomicTypes.Length.t Belt.Array.t | `medium | `min of Css_AtomicTypes.Length.t Belt.Array.t | `mm of Js.Float.t | `pc of Js.Float.t | `percent of Js.Float.t | `pt of Js.Int.t | `px of Js.Int.t | `pxFloat of Js.Float.t | `rem of Js.Float.t | `thick | `thin | `vh of Js.Float.t | `vmax of Js.Float.t | `vmin of Js.Float.t | `vw of Js.Float.t | `zero ] -> rule
val borderSpacing : [< `calc of [< `add of [< `calc of 'b | `ch of Js.Float.t | `cm of Js.Float.t | `em of Js.Float.t | `ex of Js.Float.t | `inch of Js.Float.t | `max of 'a Belt.Array.t | `min of 'a Belt.Array.t | `mm of Js.Float.t | `num of Js.Float.t | `pc of Js.Float.t | `percent of Js.Float.t | `pt of Js.Int.t | `px of Js.Int.t | `pxFloat of Js.Float.t | `rem of Js.Float.t | `vh of Js.Float.t | `vmax of Js.Float.t | `vmin of Js.Float.t | `vw of Js.Float.t | `zero ] as 'c * 'c | `ch of Js.Float.t | `cm of Js.Float.t | `em of Js.Float.t | `ex of Js.Float.t | `inch of Js.Float.t | `max of 'a Belt.Array.t | `min of 'a Belt.Array.t | `mm of Js.Float.t | `mult of 'c * 'c | `pc of Js.Float.t | `percent of Js.Float.t | `pt of Js.Int.t | `px of Js.Int.t | `pxFloat of Js.Float.t | `rem of Js.Float.t | `sub of 'c * 'c | `vh of Js.Float.t | `vmax of Js.Float.t | `vmin of Js.Float.t | `vw of Js.Float.t | `zero ] as 'b | `ch of Js.Float.t | `cm of Js.Float.t | `em of Js.Float.t | `ex of Js.Float.t | `inch of Js.Float.t | `max of 'a Belt.Array.t | `min of 'a Belt.Array.t | `mm of Js.Float.t | `pc of Js.Float.t | `percent of Js.Float.t | `pt of Js.Int.t | `px of Js.Int.t | `pxFloat of Js.Float.t | `rem of Js.Float.t | `vh of Js.Float.t | `vmax of Js.Float.t | `vmin of Js.Float.t | `vw of Js.Float.t | `zero ch cm em ex inch mm pc percent pt px pxFloat rem vh vmax vmin vw zero ] as 'a -> rule
val borderRadius : [< `calc of [< `add of [< `calc of 'b | `ch of Js.Float.t | `cm of Js.Float.t | `em of Js.Float.t | `ex of Js.Float.t | `inch of Js.Float.t | `max of 'a Belt.Array.t | `min of 'a Belt.Array.t | `mm of Js.Float.t | `num of Js.Float.t | `pc of Js.Float.t | `percent of Js.Float.t | `pt of Js.Int.t | `px of Js.Int.t | `pxFloat of Js.Float.t | `rem of Js.Float.t | `vh of Js.Float.t | `vmax of Js.Float.t | `vmin of Js.Float.t | `vw of Js.Float.t | `zero ] as 'c * 'c | `ch of Js.Float.t | `cm of Js.Float.t | `em of Js.Float.t | `ex of Js.Float.t | `inch of Js.Float.t | `max of 'a Belt.Array.t | `min of 'a Belt.Array.t | `mm of Js.Float.t | `mult of 'c * 'c | `pc of Js.Float.t | `percent of Js.Float.t | `pt of Js.Int.t | `px of Js.Int.t | `pxFloat of Js.Float.t | `rem of Js.Float.t | `sub of 'c * 'c | `vh of Js.Float.t | `vmax of Js.Float.t | `vmin of Js.Float.t | `vw of Js.Float.t | `zero ] as 'b | `ch of Js.Float.t | `cm of Js.Float.t | `em of Js.Float.t | `ex of Js.Float.t | `inch of Js.Float.t | `max of 'a Belt.Array.t | `min of 'a Belt.Array.t | `mm of Js.Float.t | `pc of Js.Float.t | `percent of Js.Float.t | `pt of Js.Int.t | `px of Js.Int.t | `pxFloat of Js.Float.t | `rem of Js.Float.t | `vh of Js.Float.t | `vmax of Js.Float.t | `vmin of Js.Float.t | `vw of Js.Float.t | `zero ch cm em ex inch mm pc percent pt px pxFloat rem vh vmax vmin vw zero ] as 'a -> rule
val borderRadius4 : topLeft: [< `calc of [< `add of [< `calc of 'b | `ch of Js.Float.t | `cm of Js.Float.t | `em of Js.Float.t | `ex of Js.Float.t | `inch of Js.Float.t | `max of 'a Belt.Array.t | `min of 'a Belt.Array.t | `mm of Js.Float.t | `num of Js.Float.t | `pc of Js.Float.t | `percent of Js.Float.t | `pt of Js.Int.t | `px of Js.Int.t | `pxFloat of Js.Float.t | `rem of Js.Float.t | `vh of Js.Float.t | `vmax of Js.Float.t | `vmin of Js.Float.t | `vw of Js.Float.t | `zero ] as 'c * 'c | `ch of Js.Float.t | `cm of Js.Float.t | `em of Js.Float.t | `ex of Js.Float.t | `inch of Js.Float.t | `max of 'a Belt.Array.t | `min of 'a Belt.Array.t | `mm of Js.Float.t | `mult of 'c * 'c | `pc of Js.Float.t | `percent of Js.Float.t | `pt of Js.Int.t | `px of Js.Int.t | `pxFloat of Js.Float.t | `rem of Js.Float.t | `sub of 'c * 'c | `vh of Js.Float.t | `vmax of Js.Float.t | `vmin of Js.Float.t | `vw of Js.Float.t | `zero ] as 'b | `ch of Js.Float.t | `cm of Js.Float.t | `em of Js.Float.t | `ex of Js.Float.t | `inch of Js.Float.t | `max of 'a Belt.Array.t | `min of 'a Belt.Array.t | `mm of Js.Float.t | `pc of Js.Float.t | `percent of Js.Float.t | `pt of Js.Int.t | `px of Js.Int.t | `pxFloat of Js.Float.t | `rem of Js.Float.t | `vh of Js.Float.t | `vmax of Js.Float.t | `vmin of Js.Float.t | `vw of Js.Float.t | `zero ch cm em ex inch mm pc percent pt px pxFloat rem vh vmax vmin vw zero ] as 'a -> topRight: [< `calc of [< `add of [< `calc of 'e | `ch of Js.Float.t | `cm of Js.Float.t | `em of Js.Float.t | `ex of Js.Float.t | `inch of Js.Float.t | `max of 'd Belt.Array.t | `min of 'd Belt.Array.t | `mm of Js.Float.t | `num of Js.Float.t | `pc of Js.Float.t | `percent of Js.Float.t | `pt of Js.Int.t | `px of Js.Int.t | `pxFloat of Js.Float.t | `rem of Js.Float.t | `vh of Js.Float.t | `vmax of Js.Float.t | `vmin of Js.Float.t | `vw of Js.Float.t | `zero ] as 'f * 'f | `ch of Js.Float.t | `cm of Js.Float.t | `em of Js.Float.t | `ex of Js.Float.t | `inch of Js.Float.t | `max of 'd Belt.Array.t | `min of 'd Belt.Array.t | `mm of Js.Float.t | `mult of 'f * 'f | `pc of Js.Float.t | `percent of Js.Float.t | `pt of Js.Int.t | `px of Js.Int.t | `pxFloat of Js.Float.t | `rem of Js.Float.t | `sub of 'f * 'f | `vh of Js.Float.t | `vmax of Js.Float.t | `vmin of Js.Float.t | `vw of Js.Float.t | `zero ] as 'e | `ch of Js.Float.t | `cm of Js.Float.t | `em of Js.Float.t | `ex of Js.Float.t | `inch of Js.Float.t | `max of 'd Belt.Array.t | `min of 'd Belt.Array.t | `mm of Js.Float.t | `pc of Js.Float.t | `percent of Js.Float.t | `pt of Js.Int.t | `px of Js.Int.t | `pxFloat of Js.Float.t | `rem of Js.Float.t | `vh of Js.Float.t | `vmax of Js.Float.t | `vmin of Js.Float.t | `vw of Js.Float.t | `zero ch cm em ex inch mm pc percent pt px pxFloat rem vh vmax vmin vw zero ] as 'd -> bottomLeft: [< `calc of [< `add of [< `calc of 'h | `ch of Js.Float.t | `cm of Js.Float.t | `em of Js.Float.t | `ex of Js.Float.t | `inch of Js.Float.t | `max of 'g Belt.Array.t | `min of 'g Belt.Array.t | `mm of Js.Float.t | `num of Js.Float.t | `pc of Js.Float.t | `percent of Js.Float.t | `pt of Js.Int.t | `px of Js.Int.t | `pxFloat of Js.Float.t | `rem of Js.Float.t | `vh of Js.Float.t | `vmax of Js.Float.t | `vmin of Js.Float.t | `vw of Js.Float.t | `zero ] as 'i * 'i | `ch of Js.Float.t | `cm of Js.Float.t | `em of Js.Float.t | `ex of Js.Float.t | `inch of Js.Float.t | `max of 'g Belt.Array.t | `min of 'g Belt.Array.t | `mm of Js.Float.t | `mult of 'i * 'i | `pc of Js.Float.t | `percent of Js.Float.t | `pt of Js.Int.t | `px of Js.Int.t | `pxFloat of Js.Float.t | `rem of Js.Float.t | `sub of 'i * 'i | `vh of Js.Float.t | `vmax of Js.Float.t | `vmin of Js.Float.t | `vw of Js.Float.t | `zero ] as 'h | `ch of Js.Float.t | `cm of Js.Float.t | `em of Js.Float.t | `ex of Js.Float.t | `inch of Js.Float.t | `max of 'g Belt.Array.t | `min of 'g Belt.Array.t | `mm of Js.Float.t | `pc of Js.Float.t | `percent of Js.Float.t | `pt of Js.Int.t | `px of Js.Int.t | `pxFloat of Js.Float.t | `rem of Js.Float.t | `vh of Js.Float.t | `vmax of Js.Float.t | `vmin of Js.Float.t | `vw of Js.Float.t | `zero ch cm em ex inch mm pc percent pt px pxFloat rem vh vmax vmin vw zero ] as 'g -> bottomRight: [< `calc of [< `add of [< `calc of 'k | `ch of Js.Float.t | `cm of Js.Float.t | `em of Js.Float.t | `ex of Js.Float.t | `inch of Js.Float.t | `max of 'j Belt.Array.t | `min of 'j Belt.Array.t | `mm of Js.Float.t | `num of Js.Float.t | `pc of Js.Float.t | `percent of Js.Float.t | `pt of Js.Int.t | `px of Js.Int.t | `pxFloat of Js.Float.t | `rem of Js.Float.t | `vh of Js.Float.t | `vmax of Js.Float.t | `vmin of Js.Float.t | `vw of Js.Float.t | `zero ] as 'l * 'l | `ch of Js.Float.t | `cm of Js.Float.t | `em of Js.Float.t | `ex of Js.Float.t | `inch of Js.Float.t | `max of 'j Belt.Array.t | `min of 'j Belt.Array.t | `mm of Js.Float.t | `mult of 'l * 'l | `pc of Js.Float.t | `percent of Js.Float.t | `pt of Js.Int.t | `px of Js.Int.t | `pxFloat of Js.Float.t | `rem of Js.Float.t | `sub of 'l * 'l | `vh of Js.Float.t | `vmax of Js.Float.t | `vmin of Js.Float.t | `vw of Js.Float.t | `zero ] as 'k | `ch of Js.Float.t | `cm of Js.Float.t | `em of Js.Float.t | `ex of Js.Float.t | `inch of Js.Float.t | `max of 'j Belt.Array.t | `min of 'j Belt.Array.t | `mm of Js.Float.t | `pc of Js.Float.t | `percent of Js.Float.t | `pt of Js.Int.t | `px of Js.Int.t | `pxFloat of Js.Float.t | `rem of Js.Float.t | `vh of Js.Float.t | `vmax of Js.Float.t | `vmin of Js.Float.t | `vw of Js.Float.t | `zero ch cm em ex inch mm pc percent pt px pxFloat rem vh vmax vmin vw zero ] as 'j -> rule
val borderRightColor : [< `colorMix of Css_AtomicTypes.Color.t Css_AtomicTypes.Color.colorMix | `currentColor | `hex of string | `hsl of Css_AtomicTypes.Color.hsl | `hsla of Css_AtomicTypes.Color.hsla | `rgb of Css_AtomicTypes.Color.rgb | `rgba of Css_AtomicTypes.Color.rgba | `transparent | `var of Js.String.t | `varDefault of Js.String.t * string ] -> rule
val borderRightWidth : [< `calc of [ `add of Css_AtomicTypes.Length.calc_value * Css_AtomicTypes.Length.calc_value | `ch of Js.Float.t | `cm of Js.Float.t | `em of Js.Float.t | `ex of Js.Float.t | `inch of Js.Float.t | `mm of Js.Float.t | `mult of Css_AtomicTypes.Length.calc_value * Css_AtomicTypes.Length.calc_value | `pc of Js.Float.t | `percent of Js.Float.t | `pt of Js.Int.t | `px of Js.Int.t | `pxFloat of Js.Float.t | `rem of Js.Float.t | `sub of Css_AtomicTypes.Length.calc_value * Css_AtomicTypes.Length.calc_value | `vh of Js.Float.t | `vmax of Js.Float.t | `vmin of Js.Float.t | `vw of Js.Float.t | `zero ] | `ch of Js.Float.t | `cm of Js.Float.t | `em of Js.Float.t | `ex of Js.Float.t | `inch of Js.Float.t | `max of Css_AtomicTypes.Length.t Belt.Array.t | `medium | `min of Css_AtomicTypes.Length.t Belt.Array.t | `mm of Js.Float.t | `pc of Js.Float.t | `percent of Js.Float.t | `pt of Js.Int.t | `px of Js.Int.t | `pxFloat of Js.Float.t | `rem of Js.Float.t | `thick | `thin | `vh of Js.Float.t | `vmax of Js.Float.t | `vmin of Js.Float.t | `vw of Js.Float.t | `zero ] -> rule
val borderTopColor : [< `colorMix of Css_AtomicTypes.Color.t Css_AtomicTypes.Color.colorMix | `currentColor | `hex of string | `hsl of Css_AtomicTypes.Color.hsl | `hsla of Css_AtomicTypes.Color.hsla | `rgb of Css_AtomicTypes.Color.rgb | `rgba of Css_AtomicTypes.Color.rgba | `transparent | `var of Js.String.t | `varDefault of Js.String.t * string ] -> rule
val borderTopLeftRadius : [< `calc of [< `add of [< `calc of 'b | `ch of Js.Float.t | `cm of Js.Float.t | `em of Js.Float.t | `ex of Js.Float.t | `inch of Js.Float.t | `max of 'a Belt.Array.t | `min of 'a Belt.Array.t | `mm of Js.Float.t | `num of Js.Float.t | `pc of Js.Float.t | `percent of Js.Float.t | `pt of Js.Int.t | `px of Js.Int.t | `pxFloat of Js.Float.t | `rem of Js.Float.t | `vh of Js.Float.t | `vmax of Js.Float.t | `vmin of Js.Float.t | `vw of Js.Float.t | `zero ] as 'c * 'c | `ch of Js.Float.t | `cm of Js.Float.t | `em of Js.Float.t | `ex of Js.Float.t | `inch of Js.Float.t | `max of 'a Belt.Array.t | `min of 'a Belt.Array.t | `mm of Js.Float.t | `mult of 'c * 'c | `pc of Js.Float.t | `percent of Js.Float.t | `pt of Js.Int.t | `px of Js.Int.t | `pxFloat of Js.Float.t | `rem of Js.Float.t | `sub of 'c * 'c | `vh of Js.Float.t | `vmax of Js.Float.t | `vmin of Js.Float.t | `vw of Js.Float.t | `zero ] as 'b | `ch of Js.Float.t | `cm of Js.Float.t | `em of Js.Float.t | `ex of Js.Float.t | `inch of Js.Float.t | `max of 'a Belt.Array.t | `min of 'a Belt.Array.t | `mm of Js.Float.t | `pc of Js.Float.t | `percent of Js.Float.t | `pt of Js.Int.t | `px of Js.Int.t | `pxFloat of Js.Float.t | `rem of Js.Float.t | `vh of Js.Float.t | `vmax of Js.Float.t | `vmin of Js.Float.t | `vw of Js.Float.t | `zero ch cm em ex inch mm pc percent pt px pxFloat rem vh vmax vmin vw zero ] as 'a -> rule
val borderTopRightRadius : [< `calc of [< `add of [< `calc of 'b | `ch of Js.Float.t | `cm of Js.Float.t | `em of Js.Float.t | `ex of Js.Float.t | `inch of Js.Float.t | `max of 'a Belt.Array.t | `min of 'a Belt.Array.t | `mm of Js.Float.t | `num of Js.Float.t | `pc of Js.Float.t | `percent of Js.Float.t | `pt of Js.Int.t | `px of Js.Int.t | `pxFloat of Js.Float.t | `rem of Js.Float.t | `vh of Js.Float.t | `vmax of Js.Float.t | `vmin of Js.Float.t | `vw of Js.Float.t | `zero ] as 'c * 'c | `ch of Js.Float.t | `cm of Js.Float.t | `em of Js.Float.t | `ex of Js.Float.t | `inch of Js.Float.t | `max of 'a Belt.Array.t | `min of 'a Belt.Array.t | `mm of Js.Float.t | `mult of 'c * 'c | `pc of Js.Float.t | `percent of Js.Float.t | `pt of Js.Int.t | `px of Js.Int.t | `pxFloat of Js.Float.t | `rem of Js.Float.t | `sub of 'c * 'c | `vh of Js.Float.t | `vmax of Js.Float.t | `vmin of Js.Float.t | `vw of Js.Float.t | `zero ] as 'b | `ch of Js.Float.t | `cm of Js.Float.t | `em of Js.Float.t | `ex of Js.Float.t | `inch of Js.Float.t | `max of 'a Belt.Array.t | `min of 'a Belt.Array.t | `mm of Js.Float.t | `pc of Js.Float.t | `percent of Js.Float.t | `pt of Js.Int.t | `px of Js.Int.t | `pxFloat of Js.Float.t | `rem of Js.Float.t | `vh of Js.Float.t | `vmax of Js.Float.t | `vmin of Js.Float.t | `vw of Js.Float.t | `zero ch cm em ex inch mm pc percent pt px pxFloat rem vh vmax vmin vw zero ] as 'a -> rule
val borderTopWidth : [< `calc of [ `add of Css_AtomicTypes.Length.calc_value * Css_AtomicTypes.Length.calc_value | `ch of Js.Float.t | `cm of Js.Float.t | `em of Js.Float.t | `ex of Js.Float.t | `inch of Js.Float.t | `mm of Js.Float.t | `mult of Css_AtomicTypes.Length.calc_value * Css_AtomicTypes.Length.calc_value | `pc of Js.Float.t | `percent of Js.Float.t | `pt of Js.Int.t | `px of Js.Int.t | `pxFloat of Js.Float.t | `rem of Js.Float.t | `sub of Css_AtomicTypes.Length.calc_value * Css_AtomicTypes.Length.calc_value | `vh of Js.Float.t | `vmax of Js.Float.t | `vmin of Js.Float.t | `vw of Js.Float.t | `zero ] | `ch of Js.Float.t | `cm of Js.Float.t | `em of Js.Float.t | `ex of Js.Float.t | `inch of Js.Float.t | `max of Css_AtomicTypes.Length.t Belt.Array.t | `medium | `min of Css_AtomicTypes.Length.t Belt.Array.t | `mm of Js.Float.t | `pc of Js.Float.t | `percent of Js.Float.t | `pt of Js.Int.t | `px of Js.Int.t | `pxFloat of Js.Float.t | `rem of Js.Float.t | `thick | `thin | `vh of Js.Float.t | `vmax of Js.Float.t | `vmin of Js.Float.t | `vw of Js.Float.t | `zero ] -> rule
val borderWidth : [< `calc of [ `add of Css_AtomicTypes.Length.calc_value * Css_AtomicTypes.Length.calc_value | `ch of Js.Float.t | `cm of Js.Float.t | `em of Js.Float.t | `ex of Js.Float.t | `inch of Js.Float.t | `mm of Js.Float.t | `mult of Css_AtomicTypes.Length.calc_value * Css_AtomicTypes.Length.calc_value | `pc of Js.Float.t | `percent of Js.Float.t | `pt of Js.Int.t | `px of Js.Int.t | `pxFloat of Js.Float.t | `rem of Js.Float.t | `sub of Css_AtomicTypes.Length.calc_value * Css_AtomicTypes.Length.calc_value | `vh of Js.Float.t | `vmax of Js.Float.t | `vmin of Js.Float.t | `vw of Js.Float.t | `zero ] | `ch of Js.Float.t | `cm of Js.Float.t | `em of Js.Float.t | `ex of Js.Float.t | `inch of Js.Float.t | `max of Css_AtomicTypes.Length.t Belt.Array.t | `medium | `min of Css_AtomicTypes.Length.t Belt.Array.t | `mm of Js.Float.t | `pc of Js.Float.t | `percent of Js.Float.t | `pt of Js.Int.t | `px of Js.Int.t | `pxFloat of Js.Float.t | `rem of Js.Float.t | `thick | `thin | `vh of Js.Float.t | `vmax of Js.Float.t | `vmin of Js.Float.t | `vw of Js.Float.t | `zero ] -> rule
val bottom : [< `auto | `calc of [ `add of Css_AtomicTypes.Length.calc_value * Css_AtomicTypes.Length.calc_value | `ch of Js.Float.t | `cm of Js.Float.t | `em of Js.Float.t | `ex of Js.Float.t | `inch of Js.Float.t | `mm of Js.Float.t | `mult of Css_AtomicTypes.Length.calc_value * Css_AtomicTypes.Length.calc_value | `pc of Js.Float.t | `percent of Js.Float.t | `pt of Js.Int.t | `px of Js.Int.t | `pxFloat of Js.Float.t | `rem of Js.Float.t | `sub of Css_AtomicTypes.Length.calc_value * Css_AtomicTypes.Length.calc_value | `vh of Js.Float.t | `vmax of Js.Float.t | `vmin of Js.Float.t | `vw of Js.Float.t | `zero ] | `ch of Js.Float.t | `cm of Js.Float.t | `em of Js.Float.t | `ex of Js.Float.t | `inch of Js.Float.t | `inherit_ | `initial | `max of Css_AtomicTypes.Length.t Belt.Array.t | `min of Css_AtomicTypes.Length.t Belt.Array.t | `mm of Js.Float.t | `pc of Js.Float.t | `percent of Js.Float.t | `pt of Js.Int.t | `px of Js.Int.t | `pxFloat of Js.Float.t | `rem of Js.Float.t | `revert | `revertLayer | `unset | `var of Js.String.t | `varDefault of Js.String.t * string | `vh of Js.Float.t | `vmax of Js.Float.t | `vmin of Js.Float.t | `vw of Js.Float.t | `zero ] -> rule
val boxSizing : [< `borderBox | `contentBox | `inherit_ | `initial | `revert | `revertLayer | `unset | `var of Js.String.t | `varDefault of Js.String.t * string ] -> rule
val clear : [< `both | `inherit_ | `initial | `inlineEnd | `inlineStart | `left | `none | `revert | `revertLayer | `right | `unset | `var of Js.String.t | `varDefault of Js.String.t * string ] -> rule
val clipPath : [< `borderBox | `contentBox | `fillBox | `inherit_ | `initial | `marginBox | `none | `paddingBox | `revert | `revertLayer | `strokeBox | `unset | `url of string | `var of Js.String.t | `varDefault of Js.String.t * string | `viewBox ] -> rule
val color : [< `colorMix of Css_AtomicTypes.Color.t Css_AtomicTypes.Color.colorMix | `currentColor | `hex of string | `hsl of Css_AtomicTypes.Color.hsl | `hsla of Css_AtomicTypes.Color.hsla | `rgb of Css_AtomicTypes.Color.rgb | `rgba of Css_AtomicTypes.Color.rgba | `transparent | `var of Js.String.t | `varDefault of Js.String.t * string ] -> rule
val columnCount : [< `auto | `count of Js.Int.t | `inherit_ | `initial | `revert | `revertLayer | `unset | `var of Js.String.t | `varDefault of Js.String.t * string ] -> rule
val rowGap : [< `calc of [ `add of Css_AtomicTypes.Length.calc_value * Css_AtomicTypes.Length.calc_value | `ch of Js.Float.t | `cm of Js.Float.t | `em of Js.Float.t | `ex of Js.Float.t | `inch of Js.Float.t | `mm of Js.Float.t | `mult of Css_AtomicTypes.Length.calc_value * Css_AtomicTypes.Length.calc_value | `pc of Js.Float.t | `percent of Js.Float.t | `pt of Js.Int.t | `px of Js.Int.t | `pxFloat of Js.Float.t | `rem of Js.Float.t | `sub of Css_AtomicTypes.Length.calc_value * Css_AtomicTypes.Length.calc_value | `vh of Js.Float.t | `vmax of Js.Float.t | `vmin of Js.Float.t | `vw of Js.Float.t | `zero ] | `ch of Js.Float.t | `cm of Js.Float.t | `em of Js.Float.t | `ex of Js.Float.t | `inch of Js.Float.t | `inherit_ | `initial | `max of Css_AtomicTypes.Length.t Belt.Array.t | `min of Css_AtomicTypes.Length.t Belt.Array.t | `mm of Js.Float.t | `normal | `pc of Js.Float.t | `percent of Js.Float.t | `pt of Js.Int.t | `px of Js.Int.t | `pxFloat of Js.Float.t | `rem of Js.Float.t | `revert | `revertLayer | `unset | `var of Js.String.t | `varDefault of Js.String.t * string | `vh of Js.Float.t | `vmax of Js.Float.t | `vmin of Js.Float.t | `vw of Js.Float.t | `zero ] -> rule
val columnGap : [< `calc of [ `add of Css_AtomicTypes.Length.calc_value * Css_AtomicTypes.Length.calc_value | `ch of Js.Float.t | `cm of Js.Float.t | `em of Js.Float.t | `ex of Js.Float.t | `inch of Js.Float.t | `mm of Js.Float.t | `mult of Css_AtomicTypes.Length.calc_value * Css_AtomicTypes.Length.calc_value | `pc of Js.Float.t | `percent of Js.Float.t | `pt of Js.Int.t | `px of Js.Int.t | `pxFloat of Js.Float.t | `rem of Js.Float.t | `sub of Css_AtomicTypes.Length.calc_value * Css_AtomicTypes.Length.calc_value | `vh of Js.Float.t | `vmax of Js.Float.t | `vmin of Js.Float.t | `vw of Js.Float.t | `zero ] | `ch of Js.Float.t | `cm of Js.Float.t | `em of Js.Float.t | `ex of Js.Float.t | `inch of Js.Float.t | `inherit_ | `initial | `max of Css_AtomicTypes.Length.t Belt.Array.t | `min of Css_AtomicTypes.Length.t Belt.Array.t | `mm of Js.Float.t | `normal | `pc of Js.Float.t | `percent of Js.Float.t | `pt of Js.Int.t | `px of Js.Int.t | `pxFloat of Js.Float.t | `rem of Js.Float.t | `revert | `revertLayer | `unset | `var of Js.String.t | `varDefault of Js.String.t * string | `vh of Js.Float.t | `vmax of Js.Float.t | `vmin of Js.Float.t | `vw of Js.Float.t | `zero ] -> rule
val contentRule : [< `attr of string | `closeQuote | `conicGradient of Css_AtomicTypes.Gradient.direction option * Css_AtomicTypes.Gradient.color_stop_list | `counter of string * | `counters of string * string * | `inherit_ | `initial | `linearGradient of Css_AtomicTypes.Gradient.direction option * Css_AtomicTypes.Gradient.color_stop_list | `noCloseQuote | `noOpenQuote | `none | `normal | `openQuote | `radialGradient of Css_AtomicTypes.Gradient.shape option * Css_AtomicTypes.Gradient.radial_size option * Css_AtomicTypes.Position.t option * Css_AtomicTypes.Gradient.color_stop_list | `repeatingLinearGradient of Css_AtomicTypes.Gradient.direction option * Css_AtomicTypes.Gradient.color_stop_list | `repeatingRadialGradient of Css_AtomicTypes.Gradient.shape option * Css_AtomicTypes.Gradient.radial_size option * Css_AtomicTypes.Position.t option * Css_AtomicTypes.Gradient.color_stop_list | `revert | `revertLayer | `text of Js.String.t | `unset | `url of string | `var of Js.String.t | `varDefault of Js.String.t * string ] -> rule
val contentRules : [< `attr of string | `closeQuote | `conicGradient of Css_AtomicTypes.Gradient.direction option * Css_AtomicTypes.Gradient.color_stop_list | `counter of string * | `counters of string * string * | `inherit_ | `initial | `linearGradient of Css_AtomicTypes.Gradient.direction option * Css_AtomicTypes.Gradient.color_stop_list | `noCloseQuote | `noOpenQuote | `none | `normal | `openQuote | `radialGradient of Css_AtomicTypes.Gradient.shape option * Css_AtomicTypes.Gradient.radial_size option * Css_AtomicTypes.Position.t option * Css_AtomicTypes.Gradient.color_stop_list | `repeatingLinearGradient of Css_AtomicTypes.Gradient.direction option * Css_AtomicTypes.Gradient.color_stop_list | `repeatingRadialGradient of Css_AtomicTypes.Gradient.shape option * Css_AtomicTypes.Gradient.radial_size option * Css_AtomicTypes.Position.t option * Css_AtomicTypes.Gradient.color_stop_list | `revert | `revertLayer | `text of Js.String.t | `unset | `url of string | `var of Js.String.t | `varDefault of Js.String.t * string ] Belt.Array.t -> rule
val counterIncrement : [< `increment of string * int | `inherit_ | `initial | `none | `revert | `revertLayer | `unset | `var of Js.String.t | `varDefault of Js.String.t * string ] -> rule
val countersIncrement : [< `increment of string * int | `inherit_ | `initial | `none | `revert | `revertLayer | `unset | `var of Js.String.t | `varDefault of Js.String.t * string ] Belt.Array.t -> rule
val counterReset : [< `inherit_ | `initial | `none | `reset of string * int | `revert | `revertLayer | `unset | `var of Js.String.t | `varDefault of Js.String.t * string ] -> rule
val countersReset : [< `inherit_ | `initial | `none | `reset of string * int | `revert | `revertLayer | `unset | `var of Js.String.t | `varDefault of Js.String.t * string ] Belt.Array.t -> rule
val counterSet : [< `inherit_ | `initial | `none | `revert | `revertLayer | `set of string * int | `unset | `var of Js.String.t | `varDefault of Js.String.t * string ] -> rule
val countersSet : [< `inherit_ | `initial | `none | `revert | `revertLayer | `set of string * int | `unset | `var of Js.String.t | `varDefault of Js.String.t * string ] Belt.Array.t -> rule
val cursor : [< `_moz_grab | `_moz_grabbing | `_moz_zoom_in | `_moz_zoom_out | `_webkit_grab | `_webkit_grabbing | `_webkit_zoom_in | `_webkit_zoom_out | `alias | `allScroll | `auto | `cell | `colResize | `contextMenu | `copy | `crosshair | `default | `eResize | `ewResize | `grab | `grabbing | `hand | `help | `move | `nResize | `neResize | `neswResize | `noDrop | `none | `notAllowed | `nsResize | `nwResize | `nwseResize | `pointer | `progress | `rowResize | `sResize | `seResize | `swResize | `text | `verticalText | `wResize | `wait | `zoomIn | `zoomOut ] -> rule
val direction : [< `inherit_ | `initial | `ltr | `revert | `revertLayer | `rtl | `unset | `var of Js.String.t | `varDefault of Js.String.t * string ] -> rule
val display : [< `block | `contents | `flex | `flow | `flowRoot | `grid | `inherit_ | `initial | `inline | `inlineBlock | `inlineFlex | `inlineGrid | `inlineTable | `listItem | `mozBox | `mozInlineBox | `mozInlineStack | `msFlexbox | `msGrid | `msInlineFlexbox | `msInlineGrid | `none | `revert | `revertLayer | `ruby | `rubyBase | `rubyBaseContainer | `rubyText | `rubyTextContainer | `runIn | `table | `tableCaption | `tableCell | `tableColumn | `tableColumnGroup | `tableFooterGroup | `tableHeaderGroup | `tableRow | `tableRowGroup | `unset | `var of Js.String.t | `varDefault of Js.String.t * string | `webkitBox | `webkitFlex | `webkitInlineBox | `webkitInlineFlex ] -> rule
val flex : Js.Float.t -> Js.Float.t -> [< `auto | `calc of [ `add of Css_AtomicTypes.Length.calc_value * Css_AtomicTypes.Length.calc_value | `ch of Js.Float.t | `cm of Js.Float.t | `em of Js.Float.t | `ex of Js.Float.t | `inch of Js.Float.t | `mm of Js.Float.t | `mult of Css_AtomicTypes.Length.calc_value * Css_AtomicTypes.Length.calc_value | `pc of Js.Float.t | `percent of Js.Float.t | `pt of Js.Int.t | `px of Js.Int.t | `pxFloat of Js.Float.t | `rem of Js.Float.t | `sub of Css_AtomicTypes.Length.calc_value * Css_AtomicTypes.Length.calc_value | `vh of Js.Float.t | `vmax of Js.Float.t | `vmin of Js.Float.t | `vw of Js.Float.t | `zero ] | `ch of Js.Float.t | `cm of Js.Float.t | `content | `em of Js.Float.t | `ex of Js.Float.t | `fill | `fitContent | `inch of Js.Float.t | `max of Css_AtomicTypes.Length.t Belt.Array.t | `maxContent | `min of Css_AtomicTypes.Length.t Belt.Array.t | `minContent | `mm of Js.Float.t | `pc of Js.Float.t | `percent of Js.Float.t | `pt of Js.Int.t | `px of Js.Int.t | `pxFloat of Js.Float.t | `rem of Js.Float.t | `vh of Js.Float.t | `vmax of Js.Float.t | `vmin of Js.Float.t | `vw of Js.Float.t | `zero ] -> rule
val flex1 : [< `auto | `initial | `none | `num of Js.Float.t ] -> rule
val flex2 : ?basis: [< `auto | `calc of [ `add of Css_AtomicTypes.Length.calc_value * Css_AtomicTypes.Length.calc_value | `ch of Js.Float.t | `cm of Js.Float.t | `em of Js.Float.t | `ex of Js.Float.t | `inch of Js.Float.t | `mm of Js.Float.t | `mult of Css_AtomicTypes.Length.calc_value * Css_AtomicTypes.Length.calc_value | `pc of Js.Float.t | `percent of Js.Float.t | `pt of Js.Int.t | `px of Js.Int.t | `pxFloat of Js.Float.t | `rem of Js.Float.t | `sub of Css_AtomicTypes.Length.calc_value * Css_AtomicTypes.Length.calc_value | `vh of Js.Float.t | `vmax of Js.Float.t | `vmin of Js.Float.t | `vw of Js.Float.t | `zero ] | `ch of Js.Float.t | `cm of Js.Float.t | `content | `em of Js.Float.t | `ex of Js.Float.t | `fill | `fitContent | `inch of Js.Float.t | `max of Css_AtomicTypes.Length.t Belt.Array.t | `maxContent | `min of Css_AtomicTypes.Length.t Belt.Array.t | `minContent | `mm of Js.Float.t | `pc of Js.Float.t | `percent of Js.Float.t | `pt of Js.Int.t | `px of Js.Int.t | `pxFloat of Js.Float.t | `rem of Js.Float.t | `vh of Js.Float.t | `vmax of Js.Float.t | `vmin of Js.Float.t | `vw of Js.Float.t | `zero ] -> ?shrink:Js.Float.t -> Js.Float.t -> rule
val flexDirection : [< `column | `columnReverse | `inherit_ | `initial | `revert | `revertLayer | `row | `rowReverse | `unset | `var of Js.String.t | `varDefault of Js.String.t * string ] -> rule
val flexGrow : Js.Float.t -> rule
val flexShrink : Js.Float.t -> rule
val flexWrap : [< `inherit_ | `initial | `nowrap | `revert | `revertLayer | `unset | `var of Js.String.t | `varDefault of Js.String.t * string | `wrap | `wrapReverse ] -> rule
val float : [< `inherit_ | `initial | `inlineEnd | `inlineStart | `left | `none | `revert | `revertLayer | `right | `unset | `var of Js.String.t | `varDefault of Js.String.t * string ] -> rule
val fontFamily : [< `cursive | `custom of string | `emoji | `fangsong | `fantasy | `inherit_ | `initial | `math | `monospace | `revert | `revertLayer | `sansSerif | `serif | `systemUi | `unset | `var of Js.String.t | `varDefault of Js.String.t * string ] -> rule
val fontFamilies : [< `cursive | `custom of string | `emoji | `fangsong | `fantasy | `math | `monospace | `sansSerif | `serif | `systemUi ] Belt.Array.t -> rule
val fontSize : [< `calc of [ `add of Css_AtomicTypes.Length.calc_value * Css_AtomicTypes.Length.calc_value | `ch of Js.Float.t | `cm of Js.Float.t | `em of Js.Float.t | `ex of Js.Float.t | `inch of Js.Float.t | `mm of Js.Float.t | `mult of Css_AtomicTypes.Length.calc_value * Css_AtomicTypes.Length.calc_value | `pc of Js.Float.t | `percent of Js.Float.t | `pt of Js.Int.t | `px of Js.Int.t | `pxFloat of Js.Float.t | `rem of Js.Float.t | `sub of Css_AtomicTypes.Length.calc_value * Css_AtomicTypes.Length.calc_value | `vh of Js.Float.t | `vmax of Js.Float.t | `vmin of Js.Float.t | `vw of Js.Float.t | `zero ] | `ch of Js.Float.t | `cm of Js.Float.t | `em of Js.Float.t | `ex of Js.Float.t | `inch of Js.Float.t | `inherit_ | `initial | `max of Css_AtomicTypes.Length.t Belt.Array.t | `min of Css_AtomicTypes.Length.t Belt.Array.t | `mm of Js.Float.t | `pc of Js.Float.t | `percent of Js.Float.t | `pt of Js.Int.t | `px of Js.Int.t | `pxFloat of Js.Float.t | `rem of Js.Float.t | `revert | `revertLayer | `unset | `var of Js.String.t | `varDefault of Js.String.t * string | `vh of Js.Float.t | `vmax of Js.Float.t | `vmin of Js.Float.t | `vw of Js.Float.t | `zero ] -> rule
val fontStyle : [< `inherit_ | `initial | `italic | `normal | `oblique | `revert | `revertLayer | `unset | `var of Js.String.t | `varDefault of Js.String.t * string ] -> rule
val fontVariant : [< `inherit_ | `initial | `normal | `revert | `revertLayer | `smallCaps | `unset | `var of Js.String.t | `varDefault of Js.String.t * string ] -> rule
val fontWeight : [< `black | `bold | `bolder | `extraBold | `extraLight | `inherit_ | `initial | `light | `lighter | `medium | `normal | `num of Js.Int.t | `revert | `revertLayer | `semiBold | `thin | `unset | `var of Js.String.t | `varDefault of Js.String.t * string ] -> rule
val gridAutoFlow : [< `column | `columnDense | `inherit_ | `initial | `revert | `revertLayer | `row | `rowDense | `unset | `var of Js.String.t | `varDefault of Js.String.t * string ] -> rule
val gridColumn : Js.Int.t -> Js.Int.t -> rule
val gridColumnGap : [< `calc of [ `add of Css_AtomicTypes.Length.calc_value * Css_AtomicTypes.Length.calc_value | `ch of Js.Float.t | `cm of Js.Float.t | `em of Js.Float.t | `ex of Js.Float.t | `inch of Js.Float.t | `mm of Js.Float.t | `mult of Css_AtomicTypes.Length.calc_value * Css_AtomicTypes.Length.calc_value | `pc of Js.Float.t | `percent of Js.Float.t | `pt of Js.Int.t | `px of Js.Int.t | `pxFloat of Js.Float.t | `rem of Js.Float.t | `sub of Css_AtomicTypes.Length.calc_value * Css_AtomicTypes.Length.calc_value | `vh of Js.Float.t | `vmax of Js.Float.t | `vmin of Js.Float.t | `vw of Js.Float.t | `zero ] | `ch of Js.Float.t | `cm of Js.Float.t | `em of Js.Float.t | `ex of Js.Float.t | `inch of Js.Float.t | `inherit_ | `initial | `max of Css_AtomicTypes.Length.t Belt.Array.t | `min of Css_AtomicTypes.Length.t Belt.Array.t | `mm of Js.Float.t | `normal | `pc of Js.Float.t | `percent of Js.Float.t | `pt of Js.Int.t | `px of Js.Int.t | `pxFloat of Js.Float.t | `rem of Js.Float.t | `revert | `revertLayer | `unset | `var of Js.String.t | `varDefault of Js.String.t * string | `vh of Js.Float.t | `vmax of Js.Float.t | `vmin of Js.Float.t | `vw of Js.Float.t | `zero ] -> rule
val gridColumnStart : Js.Int.t -> rule
val gridColumnEnd : Js.Int.t -> rule
val gridRow : Js.Int.t -> Js.Int.t -> rule
val gap : [< `calc of [ `add of Css_AtomicTypes.Length.calc_value * Css_AtomicTypes.Length.calc_value | `ch of Js.Float.t | `cm of Js.Float.t | `em of Js.Float.t | `ex of Js.Float.t | `inch of Js.Float.t | `mm of Js.Float.t | `mult of Css_AtomicTypes.Length.calc_value * Css_AtomicTypes.Length.calc_value | `pc of Js.Float.t | `percent of Js.Float.t | `pt of Js.Int.t | `px of Js.Int.t | `pxFloat of Js.Float.t | `rem of Js.Float.t | `sub of Css_AtomicTypes.Length.calc_value * Css_AtomicTypes.Length.calc_value | `vh of Js.Float.t | `vmax of Js.Float.t | `vmin of Js.Float.t | `vw of Js.Float.t | `zero ] | `ch of Js.Float.t | `cm of Js.Float.t | `em of Js.Float.t | `ex of Js.Float.t | `inch of Js.Float.t | `inherit_ | `initial | `max of Css_AtomicTypes.Length.t Belt.Array.t | `min of Css_AtomicTypes.Length.t Belt.Array.t | `mm of Js.Float.t | `normal | `pc of Js.Float.t | `percent of Js.Float.t | `pt of Js.Int.t | `px of Js.Int.t | `pxFloat of Js.Float.t | `rem of Js.Float.t | `revert | `revertLayer | `unset | `var of Js.String.t | `varDefault of Js.String.t * string | `vh of Js.Float.t | `vmax of Js.Float.t | `vmin of Js.Float.t | `vw of Js.Float.t | `zero ] -> rule
val gridGap : [< `calc of [ `add of Css_AtomicTypes.Length.calc_value * Css_AtomicTypes.Length.calc_value | `ch of Js.Float.t | `cm of Js.Float.t | `em of Js.Float.t | `ex of Js.Float.t | `inch of Js.Float.t | `mm of Js.Float.t | `mult of Css_AtomicTypes.Length.calc_value * Css_AtomicTypes.Length.calc_value | `pc of Js.Float.t | `percent of Js.Float.t | `pt of Js.Int.t | `px of Js.Int.t | `pxFloat of Js.Float.t | `rem of Js.Float.t | `sub of Css_AtomicTypes.Length.calc_value * Css_AtomicTypes.Length.calc_value | `vh of Js.Float.t | `vmax of Js.Float.t | `vmin of Js.Float.t | `vw of Js.Float.t | `zero ] | `ch of Js.Float.t | `cm of Js.Float.t | `em of Js.Float.t | `ex of Js.Float.t | `inch of Js.Float.t | `inherit_ | `initial | `max of Css_AtomicTypes.Length.t Belt.Array.t | `min of Css_AtomicTypes.Length.t Belt.Array.t | `mm of Js.Float.t | `normal | `pc of Js.Float.t | `percent of Js.Float.t | `pt of Js.Int.t | `px of Js.Int.t | `pxFloat of Js.Float.t | `rem of Js.Float.t | `revert | `revertLayer | `unset | `var of Js.String.t | `varDefault of Js.String.t * string | `vh of Js.Float.t | `vmax of Js.Float.t | `vmin of Js.Float.t | `vw of Js.Float.t | `zero ] -> rule
val gap2 : rowGap: [< `calc of [ `add of Css_AtomicTypes.Length.calc_value * Css_AtomicTypes.Length.calc_value | `ch of Js.Float.t | `cm of Js.Float.t | `em of Js.Float.t | `ex of Js.Float.t | `inch of Js.Float.t | `mm of Js.Float.t | `mult of Css_AtomicTypes.Length.calc_value * Css_AtomicTypes.Length.calc_value | `pc of Js.Float.t | `percent of Js.Float.t | `pt of Js.Int.t | `px of Js.Int.t | `pxFloat of Js.Float.t | `rem of Js.Float.t | `sub of Css_AtomicTypes.Length.calc_value * Css_AtomicTypes.Length.calc_value | `vh of Js.Float.t | `vmax of Js.Float.t | `vmin of Js.Float.t | `vw of Js.Float.t | `zero ] | `ch of Js.Float.t | `cm of Js.Float.t | `em of Js.Float.t | `ex of Js.Float.t | `inch of Js.Float.t | `inherit_ | `initial | `max of Css_AtomicTypes.Length.t Belt.Array.t | `min of Css_AtomicTypes.Length.t Belt.Array.t | `mm of Js.Float.t | `normal | `pc of Js.Float.t | `percent of Js.Float.t | `pt of Js.Int.t | `px of Js.Int.t | `pxFloat of Js.Float.t | `rem of Js.Float.t | `revert | `revertLayer | `unset | `var of Js.String.t | `varDefault of Js.String.t * string | `vh of Js.Float.t | `vmax of Js.Float.t | `vmin of Js.Float.t | `vw of Js.Float.t | `zero ] -> columnGap: [< `calc of [ `add of Css_AtomicTypes.Length.calc_value * Css_AtomicTypes.Length.calc_value | `ch of Js.Float.t | `cm of Js.Float.t | `em of Js.Float.t | `ex of Js.Float.t | `inch of Js.Float.t | `mm of Js.Float.t | `mult of Css_AtomicTypes.Length.calc_value * Css_AtomicTypes.Length.calc_value | `pc of Js.Float.t | `percent of Js.Float.t | `pt of Js.Int.t | `px of Js.Int.t | `pxFloat of Js.Float.t | `rem of Js.Float.t | `sub of Css_AtomicTypes.Length.calc_value * Css_AtomicTypes.Length.calc_value | `vh of Js.Float.t | `vmax of Js.Float.t | `vmin of Js.Float.t | `vw of Js.Float.t | `zero ] | `ch of Js.Float.t | `cm of Js.Float.t | `em of Js.Float.t | `ex of Js.Float.t | `inch of Js.Float.t | `inherit_ | `initial | `max of Css_AtomicTypes.Length.t Belt.Array.t | `min of Css_AtomicTypes.Length.t Belt.Array.t | `mm of Js.Float.t | `normal | `pc of Js.Float.t | `percent of Js.Float.t | `pt of Js.Int.t | `px of Js.Int.t | `pxFloat of Js.Float.t | `rem of Js.Float.t | `revert | `revertLayer | `unset | `var of Js.String.t | `varDefault of Js.String.t * string | `vh of Js.Float.t | `vmax of Js.Float.t | `vmin of Js.Float.t | `vw of Js.Float.t | `zero ] -> rule
val gridRowGap : [< `calc of [ `add of Css_AtomicTypes.Length.calc_value * Css_AtomicTypes.Length.calc_value | `ch of Js.Float.t | `cm of Js.Float.t | `em of Js.Float.t | `ex of Js.Float.t | `inch of Js.Float.t | `mm of Js.Float.t | `mult of Css_AtomicTypes.Length.calc_value * Css_AtomicTypes.Length.calc_value | `pc of Js.Float.t | `percent of Js.Float.t | `pt of Js.Int.t | `px of Js.Int.t | `pxFloat of Js.Float.t | `rem of Js.Float.t | `sub of Css_AtomicTypes.Length.calc_value * Css_AtomicTypes.Length.calc_value | `vh of Js.Float.t | `vmax of Js.Float.t | `vmin of Js.Float.t | `vw of Js.Float.t | `zero ] | `ch of Js.Float.t | `cm of Js.Float.t | `em of Js.Float.t | `ex of Js.Float.t | `inch of Js.Float.t | `inherit_ | `initial | `max of Css_AtomicTypes.Length.t Belt.Array.t | `min of Css_AtomicTypes.Length.t Belt.Array.t | `mm of Js.Float.t | `pc of Js.Float.t | `percent of Js.Float.t | `pt of Js.Int.t | `px of Js.Int.t | `pxFloat of Js.Float.t | `rem of Js.Float.t | `revert | `revertLayer | `unset | `var of Js.String.t | `varDefault of Js.String.t * string | `vh of Js.Float.t | `vmax of Js.Float.t | `vmin of Js.Float.t | `vw of Js.Float.t | `zero ] -> rule
val gridRowEnd : Js.Int.t -> rule
val gridRowStart : Js.Int.t -> rule
val height : [< `auto | `calc of [ `add of Css_AtomicTypes.Length.calc_value * Css_AtomicTypes.Length.calc_value | `ch of Js.Float.t | `cm of Js.Float.t | `em of Js.Float.t | `ex of Js.Float.t | `inch of Js.Float.t | `mm of Js.Float.t | `mult of Css_AtomicTypes.Length.calc_value * Css_AtomicTypes.Length.calc_value | `pc of Js.Float.t | `percent of Js.Float.t | `pt of Js.Int.t | `px of Js.Int.t | `pxFloat of Js.Float.t | `rem of Js.Float.t | `sub of Css_AtomicTypes.Length.calc_value * Css_AtomicTypes.Length.calc_value | `vh of Js.Float.t | `vmax of Js.Float.t | `vmin of Js.Float.t | `vw of Js.Float.t | `zero ] | `ch of Js.Float.t | `cm of Js.Float.t | `em of Js.Float.t | `ex of Js.Float.t | `fitContent | `inch of Js.Float.t | `inherit_ | `initial | `max of Css_AtomicTypes.Length.t Belt.Array.t | `maxContent | `min of Css_AtomicTypes.Length.t Belt.Array.t | `minContent | `mm of Js.Float.t | `pc of Js.Float.t | `percent of Js.Float.t | `pt of Js.Int.t | `px of Js.Int.t | `pxFloat of Js.Float.t | `rem of Js.Float.t | `revert | `revertLayer | `unset | `var of Js.String.t | `varDefault of Js.String.t * string | `vh of Js.Float.t | `vmax of Js.Float.t | `vmin of Js.Float.t | `vw of Js.Float.t | `zero ] -> rule
val textEmphasisStyle : [< `circle | `dot | `double_circle | `filled | `inherit_ | `initial | `none | `open_ | `revert | `revertLayer | `sesame | `string of string | `triangle | `unset | `var of Js.String.t | `varDefault of Js.String.t * string ] -> rule
val textEmphasisStyles : [< `filled | `inherit_ | `initial | `open_ | `revert | `revertLayer | `unset | `var of Js.String.t | `varDefault of Js.String.t * string ] -> [< `circle | `dot | `double_circle | `inherit_ | `initial | `revert | `revertLayer | `sesame | `triangle | `unset | `var of Js.String.t | `varDefault of Js.String.t * string ] -> rule
val textEmphasisPosition' : [< `inherit_ | `initial | `over | `revert | `revertLayer | `under | `unset | `var of Js.String.t | `varDefault of Js.String.t * string ] -> string
val textEmphasisPosition : [< `inherit_ | `initial | `over | `revert | `revertLayer | `under | `unset | `var of Js.String.t | `varDefault of Js.String.t * string ] -> rule
val textEmphasisPositions : [< `inherit_ | `initial | `over | `revert | `revertLayer | `under | `unset | `var of Js.String.t | `varDefault of Js.String.t * string ] -> [< `inherit_ | `initial | `left | `revert | `revertLayer | `right | `unset | `var of Js.String.t | `varDefault of Js.String.t * string ] -> rule
val justifyContent : [< `center | `end_ | `flexEnd | `flexStart | `inherit_ | `initial | `left | `normal | `revert | `revertLayer | `right | `safe of Css_AtomicTypes.PositionalAlignment.t | `selfEnd | `selfStart | `spaceAround | `spaceBetween | `spaceEvenly | `start | `stretch | `unsafe of Css_AtomicTypes.PositionalAlignment.t | `unset | `var of Js.String.t | `varDefault of Js.String.t * string ] -> rule
val justifyItems : [< `baseline | `center | `end_ | `firstBaseline | `flexEnd | `flexStart | `inherit_ | `initial | `lastBaseline | `left | `legacy | `legacyCenter | `legacyLeft | `legacyRight | `normal | `revert | `revertLayer | `right | `safe of Css_AtomicTypes.PositionalAlignment.t | `selfEnd | `selfStart | `start | `stretch | `unsafe of Css_AtomicTypes.PositionalAlignment.t | `unset | `var of Js.String.t | `varDefault of Js.String.t * string ] -> rule
val left : [< `auto | `calc of [ `add of Css_AtomicTypes.Length.calc_value * Css_AtomicTypes.Length.calc_value | `ch of Js.Float.t | `cm of Js.Float.t | `em of Js.Float.t | `ex of Js.Float.t | `inch of Js.Float.t | `mm of Js.Float.t | `mult of Css_AtomicTypes.Length.calc_value * Css_AtomicTypes.Length.calc_value | `pc of Js.Float.t | `percent of Js.Float.t | `pt of Js.Int.t | `px of Js.Int.t | `pxFloat of Js.Float.t | `rem of Js.Float.t | `sub of Css_AtomicTypes.Length.calc_value * Css_AtomicTypes.Length.calc_value | `vh of Js.Float.t | `vmax of Js.Float.t | `vmin of Js.Float.t | `vw of Js.Float.t | `zero ] | `ch of Js.Float.t | `cm of Js.Float.t | `em of Js.Float.t | `ex of Js.Float.t | `inch of Js.Float.t | `inherit_ | `initial | `max of Css_AtomicTypes.Length.t Belt.Array.t | `min of Css_AtomicTypes.Length.t Belt.Array.t | `mm of Js.Float.t | `pc of Js.Float.t | `percent of Js.Float.t | `pt of Js.Int.t | `px of Js.Int.t | `pxFloat of Js.Float.t | `rem of Js.Float.t | `revert | `revertLayer | `unset | `var of Js.String.t | `varDefault of Js.String.t * string | `vh of Js.Float.t | `vmax of Js.Float.t | `vmin of Js.Float.t | `vw of Js.Float.t | `zero ] -> rule
val letterSpacing : [< `calc of [ `add of Css_AtomicTypes.Length.calc_value * Css_AtomicTypes.Length.calc_value | `ch of Js.Float.t | `cm of Js.Float.t | `em of Js.Float.t | `ex of Js.Float.t | `inch of Js.Float.t | `mm of Js.Float.t | `mult of Css_AtomicTypes.Length.calc_value * Css_AtomicTypes.Length.calc_value | `pc of Js.Float.t | `percent of Js.Float.t | `pt of Js.Int.t | `px of Js.Int.t | `pxFloat of Js.Float.t | `rem of Js.Float.t | `sub of Css_AtomicTypes.Length.calc_value * Css_AtomicTypes.Length.calc_value | `vh of Js.Float.t | `vmax of Js.Float.t | `vmin of Js.Float.t | `vw of Js.Float.t | `zero ] | `ch of Js.Float.t | `cm of Js.Float.t | `em of Js.Float.t | `ex of Js.Float.t | `inch of Js.Float.t | `inherit_ | `initial | `max of Css_AtomicTypes.Length.t Belt.Array.t | `min of Css_AtomicTypes.Length.t Belt.Array.t | `mm of Js.Float.t | `normal | `pc of Js.Float.t | `percent of Js.Float.t | `pt of Js.Int.t | `px of Js.Int.t | `pxFloat of Js.Float.t | `rem of Js.Float.t | `revert | `revertLayer | `unset | `var of Js.String.t | `varDefault of Js.String.t * string | `vh of Js.Float.t | `vmax of Js.Float.t | `vmin of Js.Float.t | `vw of Js.Float.t | `zero ] -> rule
val lineHeight : [< `abs of Js.Float.t | `calc of [ `add of Css_AtomicTypes.Length.calc_value * Css_AtomicTypes.Length.calc_value | `ch of Js.Float.t | `cm of Js.Float.t | `em of Js.Float.t | `ex of Js.Float.t | `inch of Js.Float.t | `mm of Js.Float.t | `mult of Css_AtomicTypes.Length.calc_value * Css_AtomicTypes.Length.calc_value | `pc of Js.Float.t | `percent of Js.Float.t | `pt of Js.Int.t | `px of Js.Int.t | `pxFloat of Js.Float.t | `rem of Js.Float.t | `sub of Css_AtomicTypes.Length.calc_value * Css_AtomicTypes.Length.calc_value | `vh of Js.Float.t | `vmax of Js.Float.t | `vmin of Js.Float.t | `vw of Js.Float.t | `zero ] | `ch of Js.Float.t | `cm of Js.Float.t | `em of Js.Float.t | `ex of Js.Float.t | `inch of Js.Float.t | `inherit_ | `initial | `max of Css_AtomicTypes.Length.t Belt.Array.t | `min of Css_AtomicTypes.Length.t Belt.Array.t | `mm of Js.Float.t | `normal | `pc of Js.Float.t | `percent of Js.Float.t | `pt of Js.Int.t | `px of Js.Int.t | `pxFloat of Js.Float.t | `rem of Js.Float.t | `revert | `revertLayer | `unset | `var of Js.String.t | `varDefault of Js.String.t * string | `vh of Js.Float.t | `vmax of Js.Float.t | `vmin of Js.Float.t | `vw of Js.Float.t | `zero ] -> rule
val listStyle : [< `circle | `decimal | `disc | `lowerAlpha | `lowerGreek | `lowerLatin | `lowerRoman | `none | `square | `upperAlpha | `upperLatin | `upperRoman ] -> [< `inside | `outside ] -> [< `none | `url of string ] -> rule
val listStyleImage : [< `conicGradient of Css_AtomicTypes.Gradient.direction option * Css_AtomicTypes.Gradient.color_stop_list | `inherit_ | `initial | `linearGradient of Css_AtomicTypes.Gradient.direction option * Css_AtomicTypes.Gradient.color_stop_list | `none | `radialGradient of Css_AtomicTypes.Gradient.shape option * Css_AtomicTypes.Gradient.radial_size option * Css_AtomicTypes.Position.t option * Css_AtomicTypes.Gradient.color_stop_list | `repeatingLinearGradient of Css_AtomicTypes.Gradient.direction option * Css_AtomicTypes.Gradient.color_stop_list | `repeatingRadialGradient of Css_AtomicTypes.Gradient.shape option * Css_AtomicTypes.Gradient.radial_size option * Css_AtomicTypes.Position.t option * Css_AtomicTypes.Gradient.color_stop_list | `revert | `revertLayer | `unset | `url of string | `var of Js.String.t | `varDefault of Js.String.t * string ] -> rule
val listStyleType : [< `circle | `decimal | `disc | `inherit_ | `initial | `lowerAlpha | `lowerGreek | `lowerLatin | `lowerRoman | `none | `revert | `revertLayer | `square | `unset | `upperAlpha | `upperLatin | `upperRoman | `var of Js.String.t | `varDefault of Js.String.t * string ] -> rule
val listStylePosition : [< `inherit_ | `initial | `inside | `outside | `revert | `revertLayer | `unset | `var of Js.String.t | `varDefault of Js.String.t * string ] -> rule
val tabSize : [< `calc of [ `add of Css_AtomicTypes.Length.calc_value * Css_AtomicTypes.Length.calc_value | `ch of Js.Float.t | `cm of Js.Float.t | `em of Js.Float.t | `ex of Js.Float.t | `inch of Js.Float.t | `mm of Js.Float.t | `mult of Css_AtomicTypes.Length.calc_value * Css_AtomicTypes.Length.calc_value | `pc of Js.Float.t | `percent of Js.Float.t | `pt of Js.Int.t | `px of Js.Int.t | `pxFloat of Js.Float.t | `rem of Js.Float.t | `sub of Css_AtomicTypes.Length.calc_value * Css_AtomicTypes.Length.calc_value | `vh of Js.Float.t | `vmax of Js.Float.t | `vmin of Js.Float.t | `vw of Js.Float.t | `zero ] | `ch of Js.Float.t | `cm of Js.Float.t | `em of Js.Float.t | `ex of Js.Float.t | `inch of Js.Float.t | `inherit_ | `initial | `max of Css_AtomicTypes.Length.t Belt.Array.t | `min of Css_AtomicTypes.Length.t Belt.Array.t | `mm of Js.Float.t | `num of Js.Float.t | `pc of Js.Float.t | `percent of Js.Float.t | `pt of Js.Int.t | `px of Js.Int.t | `pxFloat of Js.Float.t | `rem of Js.Float.t | `revert | `revertLayer | `unset | `var of Js.String.t | `varDefault of Js.String.t * string | `vh of Js.Float.t | `vmax of Js.Float.t | `vmin of Js.Float.t | `vw of Js.Float.t | `zero ] -> rule
val marginToString : [< `auto | `calc of [ `add of Css_AtomicTypes.Length.calc_value * Css_AtomicTypes.Length.calc_value | `ch of Js.Float.t | `cm of Js.Float.t | `em of Js.Float.t | `ex of Js.Float.t | `inch of Js.Float.t | `mm of Js.Float.t | `mult of Css_AtomicTypes.Length.calc_value * Css_AtomicTypes.Length.calc_value | `pc of Js.Float.t | `percent of Js.Float.t | `pt of Js.Int.t | `px of Js.Int.t | `pxFloat of Js.Float.t | `rem of Js.Float.t | `sub of Css_AtomicTypes.Length.calc_value * Css_AtomicTypes.Length.calc_value | `vh of Js.Float.t | `vmax of Js.Float.t | `vmin of Js.Float.t | `vw of Js.Float.t | `zero ] | `ch of Js.Float.t | `cm of Js.Float.t | `em of Js.Float.t | `ex of Js.Float.t | `inch of Js.Float.t | `inherit_ | `initial | `max of Css_AtomicTypes.Length.t Belt.Array.t | `min of Css_AtomicTypes.Length.t Belt.Array.t | `mm of Js.Float.t | `pc of Js.Float.t | `percent of Js.Float.t | `pt of Js.Int.t | `px of Js.Int.t | `pxFloat of Js.Float.t | `rem of Js.Float.t | `revert | `revertLayer | `unset | `var of Js.String.t | `varDefault of Js.String.t * string | `vh of Js.Float.t | `vmax of Js.Float.t | `vmin of Js.Float.t | `vw of Js.Float.t | `zero ] -> string
val margin : [< `auto | `calc of [ `add of Css_AtomicTypes.Length.calc_value * Css_AtomicTypes.Length.calc_value | `ch of Js.Float.t | `cm of Js.Float.t | `em of Js.Float.t | `ex of Js.Float.t | `inch of Js.Float.t | `mm of Js.Float.t | `mult of Css_AtomicTypes.Length.calc_value * Css_AtomicTypes.Length.calc_value | `pc of Js.Float.t | `percent of Js.Float.t | `pt of Js.Int.t | `px of Js.Int.t | `pxFloat of Js.Float.t | `rem of Js.Float.t | `sub of Css_AtomicTypes.Length.calc_value * Css_AtomicTypes.Length.calc_value | `vh of Js.Float.t | `vmax of Js.Float.t | `vmin of Js.Float.t | `vw of Js.Float.t | `zero ] | `ch of Js.Float.t | `cm of Js.Float.t | `em of Js.Float.t | `ex of Js.Float.t | `inch of Js.Float.t | `inherit_ | `initial | `max of Css_AtomicTypes.Length.t Belt.Array.t | `min of Css_AtomicTypes.Length.t Belt.Array.t | `mm of Js.Float.t | `pc of Js.Float.t | `percent of Js.Float.t | `pt of Js.Int.t | `px of Js.Int.t | `pxFloat of Js.Float.t | `rem of Js.Float.t | `revert | `revertLayer | `unset | `var of Js.String.t | `varDefault of Js.String.t * string | `vh of Js.Float.t | `vmax of Js.Float.t | `vmin of Js.Float.t | `vw of Js.Float.t | `zero ] -> rule
val margin2 : v: [< `auto | `calc of [ `add of Css_AtomicTypes.Length.calc_value * Css_AtomicTypes.Length.calc_value | `ch of Js.Float.t | `cm of Js.Float.t | `em of Js.Float.t | `ex of Js.Float.t | `inch of Js.Float.t | `mm of Js.Float.t | `mult of Css_AtomicTypes.Length.calc_value * Css_AtomicTypes.Length.calc_value | `pc of Js.Float.t | `percent of Js.Float.t | `pt of Js.Int.t | `px of Js.Int.t | `pxFloat of Js.Float.t | `rem of Js.Float.t | `sub of Css_AtomicTypes.Length.calc_value * Css_AtomicTypes.Length.calc_value | `vh of Js.Float.t | `vmax of Js.Float.t | `vmin of Js.Float.t | `vw of Js.Float.t | `zero ] | `ch of Js.Float.t | `cm of Js.Float.t | `em of Js.Float.t | `ex of Js.Float.t | `inch of Js.Float.t | `inherit_ | `initial | `max of Css_AtomicTypes.Length.t Belt.Array.t | `min of Css_AtomicTypes.Length.t Belt.Array.t | `mm of Js.Float.t | `pc of Js.Float.t | `percent of Js.Float.t | `pt of Js.Int.t | `px of Js.Int.t | `pxFloat of Js.Float.t | `rem of Js.Float.t | `revert | `revertLayer | `unset | `var of Js.String.t | `varDefault of Js.String.t * string | `vh of Js.Float.t | `vmax of Js.Float.t | `vmin of Js.Float.t | `vw of Js.Float.t | `zero ] -> h: [< `auto | `calc of [ `add of Css_AtomicTypes.Length.calc_value * Css_AtomicTypes.Length.calc_value | `ch of Js.Float.t | `cm of Js.Float.t | `em of Js.Float.t | `ex of Js.Float.t | `inch of Js.Float.t | `mm of Js.Float.t | `mult of Css_AtomicTypes.Length.calc_value * Css_AtomicTypes.Length.calc_value | `pc of Js.Float.t | `percent of Js.Float.t | `pt of Js.Int.t | `px of Js.Int.t | `pxFloat of Js.Float.t | `rem of Js.Float.t | `sub of Css_AtomicTypes.Length.calc_value * Css_AtomicTypes.Length.calc_value | `vh of Js.Float.t | `vmax of Js.Float.t | `vmin of Js.Float.t | `vw of Js.Float.t | `zero ] | `ch of Js.Float.t | `cm of Js.Float.t | `em of Js.Float.t | `ex of Js.Float.t | `inch of Js.Float.t | `inherit_ | `initial | `max of Css_AtomicTypes.Length.t Belt.Array.t | `min of Css_AtomicTypes.Length.t Belt.Array.t | `mm of Js.Float.t | `pc of Js.Float.t | `percent of Js.Float.t | `pt of Js.Int.t | `px of Js.Int.t | `pxFloat of Js.Float.t | `rem of Js.Float.t | `revert | `revertLayer | `unset | `var of Js.String.t | `varDefault of Js.String.t * string | `vh of Js.Float.t | `vmax of Js.Float.t | `vmin of Js.Float.t | `vw of Js.Float.t | `zero ] -> rule
val margin3 : top: [< `auto | `calc of [ `add of Css_AtomicTypes.Length.calc_value * Css_AtomicTypes.Length.calc_value | `ch of Js.Float.t | `cm of Js.Float.t | `em of Js.Float.t | `ex of Js.Float.t | `inch of Js.Float.t | `mm of Js.Float.t | `mult of Css_AtomicTypes.Length.calc_value * Css_AtomicTypes.Length.calc_value | `pc of Js.Float.t | `percent of Js.Float.t | `pt of Js.Int.t | `px of Js.Int.t | `pxFloat of Js.Float.t | `rem of Js.Float.t | `sub of Css_AtomicTypes.Length.calc_value * Css_AtomicTypes.Length.calc_value | `vh of Js.Float.t | `vmax of Js.Float.t | `vmin of Js.Float.t | `vw of Js.Float.t | `zero ] | `ch of Js.Float.t | `cm of Js.Float.t | `em of Js.Float.t | `ex of Js.Float.t | `inch of Js.Float.t | `inherit_ | `initial | `max of Css_AtomicTypes.Length.t Belt.Array.t | `min of Css_AtomicTypes.Length.t Belt.Array.t | `mm of Js.Float.t | `pc of Js.Float.t | `percent of Js.Float.t | `pt of Js.Int.t | `px of Js.Int.t | `pxFloat of Js.Float.t | `rem of Js.Float.t | `revert | `revertLayer | `unset | `var of Js.String.t | `varDefault of Js.String.t * string | `vh of Js.Float.t | `vmax of Js.Float.t | `vmin of Js.Float.t | `vw of Js.Float.t | `zero ] -> h: [< `auto | `calc of [ `add of Css_AtomicTypes.Length.calc_value * Css_AtomicTypes.Length.calc_value | `ch of Js.Float.t | `cm of Js.Float.t | `em of Js.Float.t | `ex of Js.Float.t | `inch of Js.Float.t | `mm of Js.Float.t | `mult of Css_AtomicTypes.Length.calc_value * Css_AtomicTypes.Length.calc_value | `pc of Js.Float.t | `percent of Js.Float.t | `pt of Js.Int.t | `px of Js.Int.t | `pxFloat of Js.Float.t | `rem of Js.Float.t | `sub of Css_AtomicTypes.Length.calc_value * Css_AtomicTypes.Length.calc_value | `vh of Js.Float.t | `vmax of Js.Float.t | `vmin of Js.Float.t | `vw of Js.Float.t | `zero ] | `ch of Js.Float.t | `cm of Js.Float.t | `em of Js.Float.t | `ex of Js.Float.t | `inch of Js.Float.t | `inherit_ | `initial | `max of Css_AtomicTypes.Length.t Belt.Array.t | `min of Css_AtomicTypes.Length.t Belt.Array.t | `mm of Js.Float.t | `pc of Js.Float.t | `percent of Js.Float.t | `pt of Js.Int.t | `px of Js.Int.t | `pxFloat of Js.Float.t | `rem of Js.Float.t | `revert | `revertLayer | `unset | `var of Js.String.t | `varDefault of Js.String.t * string | `vh of Js.Float.t | `vmax of Js.Float.t | `vmin of Js.Float.t | `vw of Js.Float.t | `zero ] -> bottom: [< `auto | `calc of [ `add of Css_AtomicTypes.Length.calc_value * Css_AtomicTypes.Length.calc_value | `ch of Js.Float.t | `cm of Js.Float.t | `em of Js.Float.t | `ex of Js.Float.t | `inch of Js.Float.t | `mm of Js.Float.t | `mult of Css_AtomicTypes.Length.calc_value * Css_AtomicTypes.Length.calc_value | `pc of Js.Float.t | `percent of Js.Float.t | `pt of Js.Int.t | `px of Js.Int.t | `pxFloat of Js.Float.t | `rem of Js.Float.t | `sub of Css_AtomicTypes.Length.calc_value * Css_AtomicTypes.Length.calc_value | `vh of Js.Float.t | `vmax of Js.Float.t | `vmin of Js.Float.t | `vw of Js.Float.t | `zero ] | `ch of Js.Float.t | `cm of Js.Float.t | `em of Js.Float.t | `ex of Js.Float.t | `inch of Js.Float.t | `inherit_ | `initial | `max of Css_AtomicTypes.Length.t Belt.Array.t | `min of Css_AtomicTypes.Length.t Belt.Array.t | `mm of Js.Float.t | `pc of Js.Float.t | `percent of Js.Float.t | `pt of Js.Int.t | `px of Js.Int.t | `pxFloat of Js.Float.t | `rem of Js.Float.t | `revert | `revertLayer | `unset | `var of Js.String.t | `varDefault of Js.String.t * string | `vh of Js.Float.t | `vmax of Js.Float.t | `vmin of Js.Float.t | `vw of Js.Float.t | `zero ] -> rule
val margin4 : top: [< `auto | `calc of [ `add of Css_AtomicTypes.Length.calc_value * Css_AtomicTypes.Length.calc_value | `ch of Js.Float.t | `cm of Js.Float.t | `em of Js.Float.t | `ex of Js.Float.t | `inch of Js.Float.t | `mm of Js.Float.t | `mult of Css_AtomicTypes.Length.calc_value * Css_AtomicTypes.Length.calc_value | `pc of Js.Float.t | `percent of Js.Float.t | `pt of Js.Int.t | `px of Js.Int.t | `pxFloat of Js.Float.t | `rem of Js.Float.t | `sub of Css_AtomicTypes.Length.calc_value * Css_AtomicTypes.Length.calc_value | `vh of Js.Float.t | `vmax of Js.Float.t | `vmin of Js.Float.t | `vw of Js.Float.t | `zero ] | `ch of Js.Float.t | `cm of Js.Float.t | `em of Js.Float.t | `ex of Js.Float.t | `inch of Js.Float.t | `inherit_ | `initial | `max of Css_AtomicTypes.Length.t Belt.Array.t | `min of Css_AtomicTypes.Length.t Belt.Array.t | `mm of Js.Float.t | `pc of Js.Float.t | `percent of Js.Float.t | `pt of Js.Int.t | `px of Js.Int.t | `pxFloat of Js.Float.t | `rem of Js.Float.t | `revert | `revertLayer | `unset | `var of Js.String.t | `varDefault of Js.String.t * string | `vh of Js.Float.t | `vmax of Js.Float.t | `vmin of Js.Float.t | `vw of Js.Float.t | `zero ] -> right: [< `auto | `calc of [ `add of Css_AtomicTypes.Length.calc_value * Css_AtomicTypes.Length.calc_value | `ch of Js.Float.t | `cm of Js.Float.t | `em of Js.Float.t | `ex of Js.Float.t | `inch of Js.Float.t | `mm of Js.Float.t | `mult of Css_AtomicTypes.Length.calc_value * Css_AtomicTypes.Length.calc_value | `pc of Js.Float.t | `percent of Js.Float.t | `pt of Js.Int.t | `px of Js.Int.t | `pxFloat of Js.Float.t | `rem of Js.Float.t | `sub of Css_AtomicTypes.Length.calc_value * Css_AtomicTypes.Length.calc_value | `vh of Js.Float.t | `vmax of Js.Float.t | `vmin of Js.Float.t | `vw of Js.Float.t | `zero ] | `ch of Js.Float.t | `cm of Js.Float.t | `em of Js.Float.t | `ex of Js.Float.t | `inch of Js.Float.t | `inherit_ | `initial | `max of Css_AtomicTypes.Length.t Belt.Array.t | `min of Css_AtomicTypes.Length.t Belt.Array.t | `mm of Js.Float.t | `pc of Js.Float.t | `percent of Js.Float.t | `pt of Js.Int.t | `px of Js.Int.t | `pxFloat of Js.Float.t | `rem of Js.Float.t | `revert | `revertLayer | `unset | `var of Js.String.t | `varDefault of Js.String.t * string | `vh of Js.Float.t | `vmax of Js.Float.t | `vmin of Js.Float.t | `vw of Js.Float.t | `zero ] -> bottom: [< `auto | `calc of [ `add of Css_AtomicTypes.Length.calc_value * Css_AtomicTypes.Length.calc_value | `ch of Js.Float.t | `cm of Js.Float.t | `em of Js.Float.t | `ex of Js.Float.t | `inch of Js.Float.t | `mm of Js.Float.t | `mult of Css_AtomicTypes.Length.calc_value * Css_AtomicTypes.Length.calc_value | `pc of Js.Float.t | `percent of Js.Float.t | `pt of Js.Int.t | `px of Js.Int.t | `pxFloat of Js.Float.t | `rem of Js.Float.t | `sub of Css_AtomicTypes.Length.calc_value * Css_AtomicTypes.Length.calc_value | `vh of Js.Float.t | `vmax of Js.Float.t | `vmin of Js.Float.t | `vw of Js.Float.t | `zero ] | `ch of Js.Float.t | `cm of Js.Float.t | `em of Js.Float.t | `ex of Js.Float.t | `inch of Js.Float.t | `inherit_ | `initial | `max of Css_AtomicTypes.Length.t Belt.Array.t | `min of Css_AtomicTypes.Length.t Belt.Array.t | `mm of Js.Float.t | `pc of Js.Float.t | `percent of Js.Float.t | `pt of Js.Int.t | `px of Js.Int.t | `pxFloat of Js.Float.t | `rem of Js.Float.t | `revert | `revertLayer | `unset | `var of Js.String.t | `varDefault of Js.String.t * string | `vh of Js.Float.t | `vmax of Js.Float.t | `vmin of Js.Float.t | `vw of Js.Float.t | `zero ] -> left: [< `auto | `calc of [ `add of Css_AtomicTypes.Length.calc_value * Css_AtomicTypes.Length.calc_value | `ch of Js.Float.t | `cm of Js.Float.t | `em of Js.Float.t | `ex of Js.Float.t | `inch of Js.Float.t | `mm of Js.Float.t | `mult of Css_AtomicTypes.Length.calc_value * Css_AtomicTypes.Length.calc_value | `pc of Js.Float.t | `percent of Js.Float.t | `pt of Js.Int.t | `px of Js.Int.t | `pxFloat of Js.Float.t | `rem of Js.Float.t | `sub of Css_AtomicTypes.Length.calc_value * Css_AtomicTypes.Length.calc_value | `vh of Js.Float.t | `vmax of Js.Float.t | `vmin of Js.Float.t | `vw of Js.Float.t | `zero ] | `ch of Js.Float.t | `cm of Js.Float.t | `em of Js.Float.t | `ex of Js.Float.t | `inch of Js.Float.t | `inherit_ | `initial | `max of Css_AtomicTypes.Length.t Belt.Array.t | `min of Css_AtomicTypes.Length.t Belt.Array.t | `mm of Js.Float.t | `pc of Js.Float.t | `percent of Js.Float.t | `pt of Js.Int.t | `px of Js.Int.t | `pxFloat of Js.Float.t | `rem of Js.Float.t | `revert | `revertLayer | `unset | `var of Js.String.t | `varDefault of Js.String.t * string | `vh of Js.Float.t | `vmax of Js.Float.t | `vmin of Js.Float.t | `vw of Js.Float.t | `zero ] -> rule
val marginLeft : [< `auto | `calc of [ `add of Css_AtomicTypes.Length.calc_value * Css_AtomicTypes.Length.calc_value | `ch of Js.Float.t | `cm of Js.Float.t | `em of Js.Float.t | `ex of Js.Float.t | `inch of Js.Float.t | `mm of Js.Float.t | `mult of Css_AtomicTypes.Length.calc_value * Css_AtomicTypes.Length.calc_value | `pc of Js.Float.t | `percent of Js.Float.t | `pt of Js.Int.t | `px of Js.Int.t | `pxFloat of Js.Float.t | `rem of Js.Float.t | `sub of Css_AtomicTypes.Length.calc_value * Css_AtomicTypes.Length.calc_value | `vh of Js.Float.t | `vmax of Js.Float.t | `vmin of Js.Float.t | `vw of Js.Float.t | `zero ] | `ch of Js.Float.t | `cm of Js.Float.t | `em of Js.Float.t | `ex of Js.Float.t | `inch of Js.Float.t | `inherit_ | `initial | `max of Css_AtomicTypes.Length.t Belt.Array.t | `min of Css_AtomicTypes.Length.t Belt.Array.t | `mm of Js.Float.t | `pc of Js.Float.t | `percent of Js.Float.t | `pt of Js.Int.t | `px of Js.Int.t | `pxFloat of Js.Float.t | `rem of Js.Float.t | `revert | `revertLayer | `unset | `var of Js.String.t | `varDefault of Js.String.t * string | `vh of Js.Float.t | `vmax of Js.Float.t | `vmin of Js.Float.t | `vw of Js.Float.t | `zero ] -> rule
val marginRight : [< `auto | `calc of [ `add of Css_AtomicTypes.Length.calc_value * Css_AtomicTypes.Length.calc_value | `ch of Js.Float.t | `cm of Js.Float.t | `em of Js.Float.t | `ex of Js.Float.t | `inch of Js.Float.t | `mm of Js.Float.t | `mult of Css_AtomicTypes.Length.calc_value * Css_AtomicTypes.Length.calc_value | `pc of Js.Float.t | `percent of Js.Float.t | `pt of Js.Int.t | `px of Js.Int.t | `pxFloat of Js.Float.t | `rem of Js.Float.t | `sub of Css_AtomicTypes.Length.calc_value * Css_AtomicTypes.Length.calc_value | `vh of Js.Float.t | `vmax of Js.Float.t | `vmin of Js.Float.t | `vw of Js.Float.t | `zero ] | `ch of Js.Float.t | `cm of Js.Float.t | `em of Js.Float.t | `ex of Js.Float.t | `inch of Js.Float.t | `inherit_ | `initial | `max of Css_AtomicTypes.Length.t Belt.Array.t | `min of Css_AtomicTypes.Length.t Belt.Array.t | `mm of Js.Float.t | `pc of Js.Float.t | `percent of Js.Float.t | `pt of Js.Int.t | `px of Js.Int.t | `pxFloat of Js.Float.t | `rem of Js.Float.t | `revert | `revertLayer | `unset | `var of Js.String.t | `varDefault of Js.String.t * string | `vh of Js.Float.t | `vmax of Js.Float.t | `vmin of Js.Float.t | `vw of Js.Float.t | `zero ] -> rule
val marginTop : [< `auto | `calc of [ `add of Css_AtomicTypes.Length.calc_value * Css_AtomicTypes.Length.calc_value | `ch of Js.Float.t | `cm of Js.Float.t | `em of Js.Float.t | `ex of Js.Float.t | `inch of Js.Float.t | `mm of Js.Float.t | `mult of Css_AtomicTypes.Length.calc_value * Css_AtomicTypes.Length.calc_value | `pc of Js.Float.t | `percent of Js.Float.t | `pt of Js.Int.t | `px of Js.Int.t | `pxFloat of Js.Float.t | `rem of Js.Float.t | `sub of Css_AtomicTypes.Length.calc_value * Css_AtomicTypes.Length.calc_value | `vh of Js.Float.t | `vmax of Js.Float.t | `vmin of Js.Float.t | `vw of Js.Float.t | `zero ] | `ch of Js.Float.t | `cm of Js.Float.t | `em of Js.Float.t | `ex of Js.Float.t | `inch of Js.Float.t | `inherit_ | `initial | `max of Css_AtomicTypes.Length.t Belt.Array.t | `min of Css_AtomicTypes.Length.t Belt.Array.t | `mm of Js.Float.t | `pc of Js.Float.t | `percent of Js.Float.t | `pt of Js.Int.t | `px of Js.Int.t | `pxFloat of Js.Float.t | `rem of Js.Float.t | `revert | `revertLayer | `unset | `var of Js.String.t | `varDefault of Js.String.t * string | `vh of Js.Float.t | `vmax of Js.Float.t | `vmin of Js.Float.t | `vw of Js.Float.t | `zero ] -> rule
val marginBottom : [< `auto | `calc of [ `add of Css_AtomicTypes.Length.calc_value * Css_AtomicTypes.Length.calc_value | `ch of Js.Float.t | `cm of Js.Float.t | `em of Js.Float.t | `ex of Js.Float.t | `inch of Js.Float.t | `mm of Js.Float.t | `mult of Css_AtomicTypes.Length.calc_value * Css_AtomicTypes.Length.calc_value | `pc of Js.Float.t | `percent of Js.Float.t | `pt of Js.Int.t | `px of Js.Int.t | `pxFloat of Js.Float.t | `rem of Js.Float.t | `sub of Css_AtomicTypes.Length.calc_value * Css_AtomicTypes.Length.calc_value | `vh of Js.Float.t | `vmax of Js.Float.t | `vmin of Js.Float.t | `vw of Js.Float.t | `zero ] | `ch of Js.Float.t | `cm of Js.Float.t | `em of Js.Float.t | `ex of Js.Float.t | `inch of Js.Float.t | `inherit_ | `initial | `max of Css_AtomicTypes.Length.t Belt.Array.t | `min of Css_AtomicTypes.Length.t Belt.Array.t | `mm of Js.Float.t | `pc of Js.Float.t | `percent of Js.Float.t | `pt of Js.Int.t | `px of Js.Int.t | `pxFloat of Js.Float.t | `rem of Js.Float.t | `revert | `revertLayer | `unset | `var of Js.String.t | `varDefault of Js.String.t * string | `vh of Js.Float.t | `vmax of Js.Float.t | `vmin of Js.Float.t | `vw of Js.Float.t | `zero ] -> rule
val maxHeight : [< `auto | `calc of [ `add of Css_AtomicTypes.Length.calc_value * Css_AtomicTypes.Length.calc_value | `ch of Js.Float.t | `cm of Js.Float.t | `em of Js.Float.t | `ex of Js.Float.t | `inch of Js.Float.t | `mm of Js.Float.t | `mult of Css_AtomicTypes.Length.calc_value * Css_AtomicTypes.Length.calc_value | `pc of Js.Float.t | `percent of Js.Float.t | `pt of Js.Int.t | `px of Js.Int.t | `pxFloat of Js.Float.t | `rem of Js.Float.t | `sub of Css_AtomicTypes.Length.calc_value * Css_AtomicTypes.Length.calc_value | `vh of Js.Float.t | `vmax of Js.Float.t | `vmin of Js.Float.t | `vw of Js.Float.t | `zero ] | `ch of Js.Float.t | `cm of Js.Float.t | `em of Js.Float.t | `ex of Js.Float.t | `fitContent | `inch of Js.Float.t | `inherit_ | `initial | `max of Css_AtomicTypes.Length.t Belt.Array.t | `maxContent | `min of Css_AtomicTypes.Length.t Belt.Array.t | `minContent | `mm of Js.Float.t | `none | `pc of Js.Float.t | `percent of Js.Float.t | `pt of Js.Int.t | `px of Js.Int.t | `pxFloat of Js.Float.t | `rem of Js.Float.t | `revert | `revertLayer | `unset | `var of Js.String.t | `varDefault of Js.String.t * string | `vh of Js.Float.t | `vmax of Js.Float.t | `vmin of Js.Float.t | `vw of Js.Float.t | `zero ] -> rule
val maxWidth : [< `auto | `calc of [ `add of Css_AtomicTypes.Length.calc_value * Css_AtomicTypes.Length.calc_value | `ch of Js.Float.t | `cm of Js.Float.t | `em of Js.Float.t | `ex of Js.Float.t | `inch of Js.Float.t | `mm of Js.Float.t | `mult of Css_AtomicTypes.Length.calc_value * Css_AtomicTypes.Length.calc_value | `pc of Js.Float.t | `percent of Js.Float.t | `pt of Js.Int.t | `px of Js.Int.t | `pxFloat of Js.Float.t | `rem of Js.Float.t | `sub of Css_AtomicTypes.Length.calc_value * Css_AtomicTypes.Length.calc_value | `vh of Js.Float.t | `vmax of Js.Float.t | `vmin of Js.Float.t | `vw of Js.Float.t | `zero ] | `ch of Js.Float.t | `cm of Js.Float.t | `em of Js.Float.t | `ex of Js.Float.t | `fitContent | `inch of Js.Float.t | `inherit_ | `initial | `max of Css_AtomicTypes.Length.t Belt.Array.t | `maxContent | `min of Css_AtomicTypes.Length.t Belt.Array.t | `minContent | `mm of Js.Float.t | `none | `pc of Js.Float.t | `percent of Js.Float.t | `pt of Js.Int.t | `px of Js.Int.t | `pxFloat of Js.Float.t | `rem of Js.Float.t | `revert | `revertLayer | `unset | `var of Js.String.t | `varDefault of Js.String.t * string | `vh of Js.Float.t | `vmax of Js.Float.t | `vmin of Js.Float.t | `vw of Js.Float.t | `zero ] -> rule
val minHeight : [< `auto | `calc of [ `add of Css_AtomicTypes.Length.calc_value * Css_AtomicTypes.Length.calc_value | `ch of Js.Float.t | `cm of Js.Float.t | `em of Js.Float.t | `ex of Js.Float.t | `inch of Js.Float.t | `mm of Js.Float.t | `mult of Css_AtomicTypes.Length.calc_value * Css_AtomicTypes.Length.calc_value | `pc of Js.Float.t | `percent of Js.Float.t | `pt of Js.Int.t | `px of Js.Int.t | `pxFloat of Js.Float.t | `rem of Js.Float.t | `sub of Css_AtomicTypes.Length.calc_value * Css_AtomicTypes.Length.calc_value | `vh of Js.Float.t | `vmax of Js.Float.t | `vmin of Js.Float.t | `vw of Js.Float.t | `zero ] | `ch of Js.Float.t | `cm of Js.Float.t | `em of Js.Float.t | `ex of Js.Float.t | `fitContent | `inch of Js.Float.t | `inherit_ | `initial | `max of Css_AtomicTypes.Length.t Belt.Array.t | `maxContent | `min of Css_AtomicTypes.Length.t Belt.Array.t | `minContent | `mm of Js.Float.t | `none | `pc of Js.Float.t | `percent of Js.Float.t | `pt of Js.Int.t | `px of Js.Int.t | `pxFloat of Js.Float.t | `rem of Js.Float.t | `revert | `revertLayer | `unset | `var of Js.String.t | `varDefault of Js.String.t * string | `vh of Js.Float.t | `vmax of Js.Float.t | `vmin of Js.Float.t | `vw of Js.Float.t | `zero ] -> rule
val minWidth : [< `auto | `calc of [ `add of Css_AtomicTypes.Length.calc_value * Css_AtomicTypes.Length.calc_value | `ch of Js.Float.t | `cm of Js.Float.t | `em of Js.Float.t | `ex of Js.Float.t | `inch of Js.Float.t | `mm of Js.Float.t | `mult of Css_AtomicTypes.Length.calc_value * Css_AtomicTypes.Length.calc_value | `pc of Js.Float.t | `percent of Js.Float.t | `pt of Js.Int.t | `px of Js.Int.t | `pxFloat of Js.Float.t | `rem of Js.Float.t | `sub of Css_AtomicTypes.Length.calc_value * Css_AtomicTypes.Length.calc_value | `vh of Js.Float.t | `vmax of Js.Float.t | `vmin of Js.Float.t | `vw of Js.Float.t | `zero ] | `ch of Js.Float.t | `cm of Js.Float.t | `em of Js.Float.t | `ex of Js.Float.t | `fitContent | `inch of Js.Float.t | `inherit_ | `initial | `max of Css_AtomicTypes.Length.t Belt.Array.t | `maxContent | `min of Css_AtomicTypes.Length.t Belt.Array.t | `minContent | `mm of Js.Float.t | `none | `pc of Js.Float.t | `percent of Js.Float.t | `pt of Js.Int.t | `px of Js.Int.t | `pxFloat of Js.Float.t | `rem of Js.Float.t | `revert | `revertLayer | `unset | `var of Js.String.t | `varDefault of Js.String.t * string | `vh of Js.Float.t | `vmax of Js.Float.t | `vmin of Js.Float.t | `vw of Js.Float.t | `zero ] -> rule
val objectFit : [< `contain | `cover | `fill | `inherit_ | `initial | `none | `revert | `revertLayer | `scaleDown | `unset | `var of Js.String.t | `varDefault of Js.String.t * string ] -> rule
val objectPosition : [< `bottom | `calc of [ `add of Css_AtomicTypes.Length.calc_value * Css_AtomicTypes.Length.calc_value | `ch of Js.Float.t | `cm of Js.Float.t | `em of Js.Float.t | `ex of Js.Float.t | `inch of Js.Float.t | `mm of Js.Float.t | `mult of Css_AtomicTypes.Length.calc_value * Css_AtomicTypes.Length.calc_value | `pc of Js.Float.t | `percent of Js.Float.t | `pt of Js.Int.t | `px of Js.Int.t | `pxFloat of Js.Float.t | `rem of Js.Float.t | `sub of Css_AtomicTypes.Length.calc_value * Css_AtomicTypes.Length.calc_value | `vh of Js.Float.t | `vmax of Js.Float.t | `vmin of Js.Float.t | `vw of Js.Float.t | `zero ] | `center | `ch of Js.Float.t | `cm of Js.Float.t | `em of Js.Float.t | `ex of Js.Float.t | `inch of Js.Float.t | `inherit_ | `initial | `left | `max of Css_AtomicTypes.Length.t Belt.Array.t | `min of Css_AtomicTypes.Length.t Belt.Array.t | `mm of Js.Float.t | `pc of Js.Float.t | `percent of Js.Float.t | `pt of Js.Int.t | `px of Js.Int.t | `pxFloat of Js.Float.t | `rem of Js.Float.t | `revert | `revertLayer | `right | `top | `unset | `var of Js.String.t | `varDefault of Js.String.t * string | `vh of Js.Float.t | `vmax of Js.Float.t | `vmin of Js.Float.t | `vw of Js.Float.t | `zero ] -> rule
val objectPosition2 : [< `bottom | `calc of [ `add of Css_AtomicTypes.Length.calc_value * Css_AtomicTypes.Length.calc_value | `ch of Js.Float.t | `cm of Js.Float.t | `em of Js.Float.t | `ex of Js.Float.t | `inch of Js.Float.t | `mm of Js.Float.t | `mult of Css_AtomicTypes.Length.calc_value * Css_AtomicTypes.Length.calc_value | `pc of Js.Float.t | `percent of Js.Float.t | `pt of Js.Int.t | `px of Js.Int.t | `pxFloat of Js.Float.t | `rem of Js.Float.t | `sub of Css_AtomicTypes.Length.calc_value * Css_AtomicTypes.Length.calc_value | `vh of Js.Float.t | `vmax of Js.Float.t | `vmin of Js.Float.t | `vw of Js.Float.t | `zero ] | `center | `ch of Js.Float.t | `cm of Js.Float.t | `em of Js.Float.t | `ex of Js.Float.t | `inch of Js.Float.t | `inherit_ | `initial | `left | `max of Css_AtomicTypes.Length.t Belt.Array.t | `min of Css_AtomicTypes.Length.t Belt.Array.t | `mm of Js.Float.t | `pc of Js.Float.t | `percent of Js.Float.t | `pt of Js.Int.t | `px of Js.Int.t | `pxFloat of Js.Float.t | `rem of Js.Float.t | `revert | `revertLayer | `right | `top | `unset | `var of Js.String.t | `varDefault of Js.String.t * string | `vh of Js.Float.t | `vmax of Js.Float.t | `vmin of Js.Float.t | `vw of Js.Float.t | `zero ] -> [< `bottom | `calc of [ `add of Css_AtomicTypes.Length.calc_value * Css_AtomicTypes.Length.calc_value | `ch of Js.Float.t | `cm of Js.Float.t | `em of Js.Float.t | `ex of Js.Float.t | `inch of Js.Float.t | `mm of Js.Float.t | `mult of Css_AtomicTypes.Length.calc_value * Css_AtomicTypes.Length.calc_value | `pc of Js.Float.t | `percent of Js.Float.t | `pt of Js.Int.t | `px of Js.Int.t | `pxFloat of Js.Float.t | `rem of Js.Float.t | `sub of Css_AtomicTypes.Length.calc_value * Css_AtomicTypes.Length.calc_value | `vh of Js.Float.t | `vmax of Js.Float.t | `vmin of Js.Float.t | `vw of Js.Float.t | `zero ] | `center | `ch of Js.Float.t | `cm of Js.Float.t | `em of Js.Float.t | `ex of Js.Float.t | `inch of Js.Float.t | `inherit_ | `initial | `left | `max of Css_AtomicTypes.Length.t Belt.Array.t | `min of Css_AtomicTypes.Length.t Belt.Array.t | `mm of Js.Float.t | `pc of Js.Float.t | `percent of Js.Float.t | `pt of Js.Int.t | `px of Js.Int.t | `pxFloat of Js.Float.t | `rem of Js.Float.t | `revert | `revertLayer | `right | `top | `unset | `var of Js.String.t | `varDefault of Js.String.t * string | `vh of Js.Float.t | `vmax of Js.Float.t | `vmin of Js.Float.t | `vw of Js.Float.t | `zero ] -> rule
val opacity : Js.Float.t -> rule
val outline : [< `calc of [ `add of Css_AtomicTypes.Length.calc_value * Css_AtomicTypes.Length.calc_value | `ch of Js.Float.t | `cm of Js.Float.t | `em of Js.Float.t | `ex of Js.Float.t | `inch of Js.Float.t | `mm of Js.Float.t | `mult of Css_AtomicTypes.Length.calc_value * Css_AtomicTypes.Length.calc_value | `pc of Js.Float.t | `percent of Js.Float.t | `pt of Js.Int.t | `px of Js.Int.t | `pxFloat of Js.Float.t | `rem of Js.Float.t | `sub of Css_AtomicTypes.Length.calc_value * Css_AtomicTypes.Length.calc_value | `vh of Js.Float.t | `vmax of Js.Float.t | `vmin of Js.Float.t | `vw of Js.Float.t | `zero ] | `ch of Js.Float.t | `cm of Js.Float.t | `em of Js.Float.t | `ex of Js.Float.t | `inch of Js.Float.t | `max of Css_AtomicTypes.Length.t Belt.Array.t | `medium | `min of Css_AtomicTypes.Length.t Belt.Array.t | `mm of Js.Float.t | `pc of Js.Float.t | `percent of Js.Float.t | `pt of Js.Int.t | `px of Js.Int.t | `pxFloat of Js.Float.t | `rem of Js.Float.t | `thick | `thin | `vh of Js.Float.t | `vmax of Js.Float.t | `vmin of Js.Float.t | `vw of Js.Float.t | `zero ] -> [< `auto | `dashed | `dotted | `double | `groove | `hidden | `inset | `none | `outset | `ridge | `solid ] -> [< `colorMix of Css_AtomicTypes.Color.t Css_AtomicTypes.Color.colorMix | `currentColor | `hex of string | `hsl of Css_AtomicTypes.Color.hsl | `hsla of Css_AtomicTypes.Color.hsla | `rgb of Css_AtomicTypes.Color.rgb | `rgba of Css_AtomicTypes.Color.rgba | `transparent | `var of Js.String.t | `varDefault of Js.String.t * string ] -> rule
val outlineColor : [< `colorMix of Css_AtomicTypes.Color.t Css_AtomicTypes.Color.colorMix | `currentColor | `hex of string | `hsl of Css_AtomicTypes.Color.hsl | `hsla of Css_AtomicTypes.Color.hsla | `rgb of Css_AtomicTypes.Color.rgb | `rgba of Css_AtomicTypes.Color.rgba | `transparent | `var of Js.String.t | `varDefault of Js.String.t * string ] -> rule
val outlineOffset : [< `calc of [< `add of [< `calc of 'b | `ch of Js.Float.t | `cm of Js.Float.t | `em of Js.Float.t | `ex of Js.Float.t | `inch of Js.Float.t | `max of 'a Belt.Array.t | `min of 'a Belt.Array.t | `mm of Js.Float.t | `num of Js.Float.t | `pc of Js.Float.t | `percent of Js.Float.t | `pt of Js.Int.t | `px of Js.Int.t | `pxFloat of Js.Float.t | `rem of Js.Float.t | `vh of Js.Float.t | `vmax of Js.Float.t | `vmin of Js.Float.t | `vw of Js.Float.t | `zero ] as 'c * 'c | `ch of Js.Float.t | `cm of Js.Float.t | `em of Js.Float.t | `ex of Js.Float.t | `inch of Js.Float.t | `max of 'a Belt.Array.t | `min of 'a Belt.Array.t | `mm of Js.Float.t | `mult of 'c * 'c | `pc of Js.Float.t | `percent of Js.Float.t | `pt of Js.Int.t | `px of Js.Int.t | `pxFloat of Js.Float.t | `rem of Js.Float.t | `sub of 'c * 'c | `vh of Js.Float.t | `vmax of Js.Float.t | `vmin of Js.Float.t | `vw of Js.Float.t | `zero ] as 'b | `ch of Js.Float.t | `cm of Js.Float.t | `em of Js.Float.t | `ex of Js.Float.t | `inch of Js.Float.t | `max of 'a Belt.Array.t | `min of 'a Belt.Array.t | `mm of Js.Float.t | `pc of Js.Float.t | `percent of Js.Float.t | `pt of Js.Int.t | `px of Js.Int.t | `pxFloat of Js.Float.t | `rem of Js.Float.t | `vh of Js.Float.t | `vmax of Js.Float.t | `vmin of Js.Float.t | `vw of Js.Float.t | `zero ch cm em ex inch mm pc percent pt px pxFloat rem vh vmax vmin vw zero ] as 'a -> rule
val outlineStyle : [< `auto | `dashed | `dotted | `double | `groove | `hidden | `inset | `none | `outset | `ridge | `solid ] -> rule
val outlineWidth : [< `calc of [ `add of Css_AtomicTypes.Length.calc_value * Css_AtomicTypes.Length.calc_value | `ch of Js.Float.t | `cm of Js.Float.t | `em of Js.Float.t | `ex of Js.Float.t | `inch of Js.Float.t | `mm of Js.Float.t | `mult of Css_AtomicTypes.Length.calc_value * Css_AtomicTypes.Length.calc_value | `pc of Js.Float.t | `percent of Js.Float.t | `pt of Js.Int.t | `px of Js.Int.t | `pxFloat of Js.Float.t | `rem of Js.Float.t | `sub of Css_AtomicTypes.Length.calc_value * Css_AtomicTypes.Length.calc_value | `vh of Js.Float.t | `vmax of Js.Float.t | `vmin of Js.Float.t | `vw of Js.Float.t | `zero ] | `ch of Js.Float.t | `cm of Js.Float.t | `em of Js.Float.t | `ex of Js.Float.t | `inch of Js.Float.t | `max of Css_AtomicTypes.Length.t Belt.Array.t | `medium | `min of Css_AtomicTypes.Length.t Belt.Array.t | `mm of Js.Float.t | `pc of Js.Float.t | `percent of Js.Float.t | `pt of Js.Int.t | `px of Js.Int.t | `pxFloat of Js.Float.t | `rem of Js.Float.t | `thick | `thin | `vh of Js.Float.t | `vmax of Js.Float.t | `vmin of Js.Float.t | `vw of Js.Float.t | `zero ] -> rule
val overflow : [< `auto | `clip | `hidden | `scroll | `visible ] -> rule
val overflowX : [< `auto | `clip | `hidden | `scroll | `visible ] -> rule
val overflowY : [< `auto | `clip | `hidden | `scroll | `visible ] -> rule
val overflowWrap : [< `anywhere | `breakWord | `inherit_ | `initial | `normal | `revert | `revertLayer | `unset | `var of Js.String.t | `varDefault of Js.String.t * string ] -> rule
val padding : [< `calc of [< `add of [< `calc of 'b | `ch of Js.Float.t | `cm of Js.Float.t | `em of Js.Float.t | `ex of Js.Float.t | `inch of Js.Float.t | `max of 'a Belt.Array.t | `min of 'a Belt.Array.t | `mm of Js.Float.t | `num of Js.Float.t | `pc of Js.Float.t | `percent of Js.Float.t | `pt of Js.Int.t | `px of Js.Int.t | `pxFloat of Js.Float.t | `rem of Js.Float.t | `vh of Js.Float.t | `vmax of Js.Float.t | `vmin of Js.Float.t | `vw of Js.Float.t | `zero ] as 'c * 'c | `ch of Js.Float.t | `cm of Js.Float.t | `em of Js.Float.t | `ex of Js.Float.t | `inch of Js.Float.t | `max of 'a Belt.Array.t | `min of 'a Belt.Array.t | `mm of Js.Float.t | `mult of 'c * 'c | `pc of Js.Float.t | `percent of Js.Float.t | `pt of Js.Int.t | `px of Js.Int.t | `pxFloat of Js.Float.t | `rem of Js.Float.t | `sub of 'c * 'c | `vh of Js.Float.t | `vmax of Js.Float.t | `vmin of Js.Float.t | `vw of Js.Float.t | `zero ] as 'b | `ch of Js.Float.t | `cm of Js.Float.t | `em of Js.Float.t | `ex of Js.Float.t | `inch of Js.Float.t | `max of 'a Belt.Array.t | `min of 'a Belt.Array.t | `mm of Js.Float.t | `pc of Js.Float.t | `percent of Js.Float.t | `pt of Js.Int.t | `px of Js.Int.t | `pxFloat of Js.Float.t | `rem of Js.Float.t | `vh of Js.Float.t | `vmax of Js.Float.t | `vmin of Js.Float.t | `vw of Js.Float.t | `zero ch cm em ex inch mm pc percent pt px pxFloat rem vh vmax vmin vw zero ] as 'a -> rule
val padding2 : v: [< `calc of [< `add of [< `calc of 'b | `ch of Js.Float.t | `cm of Js.Float.t | `em of Js.Float.t | `ex of Js.Float.t | `inch of Js.Float.t | `max of 'a Belt.Array.t | `min of 'a Belt.Array.t | `mm of Js.Float.t | `num of Js.Float.t | `pc of Js.Float.t | `percent of Js.Float.t | `pt of Js.Int.t | `px of Js.Int.t | `pxFloat of Js.Float.t | `rem of Js.Float.t | `vh of Js.Float.t | `vmax of Js.Float.t | `vmin of Js.Float.t | `vw of Js.Float.t | `zero ] as 'c * 'c | `ch of Js.Float.t | `cm of Js.Float.t | `em of Js.Float.t | `ex of Js.Float.t | `inch of Js.Float.t | `max of 'a Belt.Array.t | `min of 'a Belt.Array.t | `mm of Js.Float.t | `mult of 'c * 'c | `pc of Js.Float.t | `percent of Js.Float.t | `pt of Js.Int.t | `px of Js.Int.t | `pxFloat of Js.Float.t | `rem of Js.Float.t | `sub of 'c * 'c | `vh of Js.Float.t | `vmax of Js.Float.t | `vmin of Js.Float.t | `vw of Js.Float.t | `zero ] as 'b | `ch of Js.Float.t | `cm of Js.Float.t | `em of Js.Float.t | `ex of Js.Float.t | `inch of Js.Float.t | `max of 'a Belt.Array.t | `min of 'a Belt.Array.t | `mm of Js.Float.t | `pc of Js.Float.t | `percent of Js.Float.t | `pt of Js.Int.t | `px of Js.Int.t | `pxFloat of Js.Float.t | `rem of Js.Float.t | `vh of Js.Float.t | `vmax of Js.Float.t | `vmin of Js.Float.t | `vw of Js.Float.t | `zero ch cm em ex inch mm pc percent pt px pxFloat rem vh vmax vmin vw zero ] as 'a -> h: [< `calc of [< `add of [< `calc of 'e | `ch of Js.Float.t | `cm of Js.Float.t | `em of Js.Float.t | `ex of Js.Float.t | `inch of Js.Float.t | `max of 'd Belt.Array.t | `min of 'd Belt.Array.t | `mm of Js.Float.t | `num of Js.Float.t | `pc of Js.Float.t | `percent of Js.Float.t | `pt of Js.Int.t | `px of Js.Int.t | `pxFloat of Js.Float.t | `rem of Js.Float.t | `vh of Js.Float.t | `vmax of Js.Float.t | `vmin of Js.Float.t | `vw of Js.Float.t | `zero ] as 'f * 'f | `ch of Js.Float.t | `cm of Js.Float.t | `em of Js.Float.t | `ex of Js.Float.t | `inch of Js.Float.t | `max of 'd Belt.Array.t | `min of 'd Belt.Array.t | `mm of Js.Float.t | `mult of 'f * 'f | `pc of Js.Float.t | `percent of Js.Float.t | `pt of Js.Int.t | `px of Js.Int.t | `pxFloat of Js.Float.t | `rem of Js.Float.t | `sub of 'f * 'f | `vh of Js.Float.t | `vmax of Js.Float.t | `vmin of Js.Float.t | `vw of Js.Float.t | `zero ] as 'e | `ch of Js.Float.t | `cm of Js.Float.t | `em of Js.Float.t | `ex of Js.Float.t | `inch of Js.Float.t | `max of 'd Belt.Array.t | `min of 'd Belt.Array.t | `mm of Js.Float.t | `pc of Js.Float.t | `percent of Js.Float.t | `pt of Js.Int.t | `px of Js.Int.t | `pxFloat of Js.Float.t | `rem of Js.Float.t | `vh of Js.Float.t | `vmax of Js.Float.t | `vmin of Js.Float.t | `vw of Js.Float.t | `zero ch cm em ex inch mm pc percent pt px pxFloat rem vh vmax vmin vw zero ] as 'd -> rule
val padding3 : top: [< `calc of [< `add of [< `calc of 'b | `ch of Js.Float.t | `cm of Js.Float.t | `em of Js.Float.t | `ex of Js.Float.t | `inch of Js.Float.t | `max of 'a Belt.Array.t | `min of 'a Belt.Array.t | `mm of Js.Float.t | `num of Js.Float.t | `pc of Js.Float.t | `percent of Js.Float.t | `pt of Js.Int.t | `px of Js.Int.t | `pxFloat of Js.Float.t | `rem of Js.Float.t | `vh of Js.Float.t | `vmax of Js.Float.t | `vmin of Js.Float.t | `vw of Js.Float.t | `zero ] as 'c * 'c | `ch of Js.Float.t | `cm of Js.Float.t | `em of Js.Float.t | `ex of Js.Float.t | `inch of Js.Float.t | `max of 'a Belt.Array.t | `min of 'a Belt.Array.t | `mm of Js.Float.t | `mult of 'c * 'c | `pc of Js.Float.t | `percent of Js.Float.t | `pt of Js.Int.t | `px of Js.Int.t | `pxFloat of Js.Float.t | `rem of Js.Float.t | `sub of 'c * 'c | `vh of Js.Float.t | `vmax of Js.Float.t | `vmin of Js.Float.t | `vw of Js.Float.t | `zero ] as 'b | `ch of Js.Float.t | `cm of Js.Float.t | `em of Js.Float.t | `ex of Js.Float.t | `inch of Js.Float.t | `max of 'a Belt.Array.t | `min of 'a Belt.Array.t | `mm of Js.Float.t | `pc of Js.Float.t | `percent of Js.Float.t | `pt of Js.Int.t | `px of Js.Int.t | `pxFloat of Js.Float.t | `rem of Js.Float.t | `vh of Js.Float.t | `vmax of Js.Float.t | `vmin of Js.Float.t | `vw of Js.Float.t | `zero ch cm em ex inch mm pc percent pt px pxFloat rem vh vmax vmin vw zero ] as 'a -> h: [< `calc of [< `add of [< `calc of 'e | `ch of Js.Float.t | `cm of Js.Float.t | `em of Js.Float.t | `ex of Js.Float.t | `inch of Js.Float.t | `max of 'd Belt.Array.t | `min of 'd Belt.Array.t | `mm of Js.Float.t | `num of Js.Float.t | `pc of Js.Float.t | `percent of Js.Float.t | `pt of Js.Int.t | `px of Js.Int.t | `pxFloat of Js.Float.t | `rem of Js.Float.t | `vh of Js.Float.t | `vmax of Js.Float.t | `vmin of Js.Float.t | `vw of Js.Float.t | `zero ] as 'f * 'f | `ch of Js.Float.t | `cm of Js.Float.t | `em of Js.Float.t | `ex of Js.Float.t | `inch of Js.Float.t | `max of 'd Belt.Array.t | `min of 'd Belt.Array.t | `mm of Js.Float.t | `mult of 'f * 'f | `pc of Js.Float.t | `percent of Js.Float.t | `pt of Js.Int.t | `px of Js.Int.t | `pxFloat of Js.Float.t | `rem of Js.Float.t | `sub of 'f * 'f | `vh of Js.Float.t | `vmax of Js.Float.t | `vmin of Js.Float.t | `vw of Js.Float.t | `zero ] as 'e | `ch of Js.Float.t | `cm of Js.Float.t | `em of Js.Float.t | `ex of Js.Float.t | `inch of Js.Float.t | `max of 'd Belt.Array.t | `min of 'd Belt.Array.t | `mm of Js.Float.t | `pc of Js.Float.t | `percent of Js.Float.t | `pt of Js.Int.t | `px of Js.Int.t | `pxFloat of Js.Float.t | `rem of Js.Float.t | `vh of Js.Float.t | `vmax of Js.Float.t | `vmin of Js.Float.t | `vw of Js.Float.t | `zero ch cm em ex inch mm pc percent pt px pxFloat rem vh vmax vmin vw zero ] as 'd -> bottom: [< `calc of [< `add of [< `calc of 'h | `ch of Js.Float.t | `cm of Js.Float.t | `em of Js.Float.t | `ex of Js.Float.t | `inch of Js.Float.t | `max of 'g Belt.Array.t | `min of 'g Belt.Array.t | `mm of Js.Float.t | `num of Js.Float.t | `pc of Js.Float.t | `percent of Js.Float.t | `pt of Js.Int.t | `px of Js.Int.t | `pxFloat of Js.Float.t | `rem of Js.Float.t | `vh of Js.Float.t | `vmax of Js.Float.t | `vmin of Js.Float.t | `vw of Js.Float.t | `zero ] as 'i * 'i | `ch of Js.Float.t | `cm of Js.Float.t | `em of Js.Float.t | `ex of Js.Float.t | `inch of Js.Float.t | `max of 'g Belt.Array.t | `min of 'g Belt.Array.t | `mm of Js.Float.t | `mult of 'i * 'i | `pc of Js.Float.t | `percent of Js.Float.t | `pt of Js.Int.t | `px of Js.Int.t | `pxFloat of Js.Float.t | `rem of Js.Float.t | `sub of 'i * 'i | `vh of Js.Float.t | `vmax of Js.Float.t | `vmin of Js.Float.t | `vw of Js.Float.t | `zero ] as 'h | `ch of Js.Float.t | `cm of Js.Float.t | `em of Js.Float.t | `ex of Js.Float.t | `inch of Js.Float.t | `max of 'g Belt.Array.t | `min of 'g Belt.Array.t | `mm of Js.Float.t | `pc of Js.Float.t | `percent of Js.Float.t | `pt of Js.Int.t | `px of Js.Int.t | `pxFloat of Js.Float.t | `rem of Js.Float.t | `vh of Js.Float.t | `vmax of Js.Float.t | `vmin of Js.Float.t | `vw of Js.Float.t | `zero ch cm em ex inch mm pc percent pt px pxFloat rem vh vmax vmin vw zero ] as 'g -> rule
val padding4 : top: [< `calc of [< `add of [< `calc of 'b | `ch of Js.Float.t | `cm of Js.Float.t | `em of Js.Float.t | `ex of Js.Float.t | `inch of Js.Float.t | `max of 'a Belt.Array.t | `min of 'a Belt.Array.t | `mm of Js.Float.t | `num of Js.Float.t | `pc of Js.Float.t | `percent of Js.Float.t | `pt of Js.Int.t | `px of Js.Int.t | `pxFloat of Js.Float.t | `rem of Js.Float.t | `vh of Js.Float.t | `vmax of Js.Float.t | `vmin of Js.Float.t | `vw of Js.Float.t | `zero ] as 'c * 'c | `ch of Js.Float.t | `cm of Js.Float.t | `em of Js.Float.t | `ex of Js.Float.t | `inch of Js.Float.t | `max of 'a Belt.Array.t | `min of 'a Belt.Array.t | `mm of Js.Float.t | `mult of 'c * 'c | `pc of Js.Float.t | `percent of Js.Float.t | `pt of Js.Int.t | `px of Js.Int.t | `pxFloat of Js.Float.t | `rem of Js.Float.t | `sub of 'c * 'c | `vh of Js.Float.t | `vmax of Js.Float.t | `vmin of Js.Float.t | `vw of Js.Float.t | `zero ] as 'b | `ch of Js.Float.t | `cm of Js.Float.t | `em of Js.Float.t | `ex of Js.Float.t | `inch of Js.Float.t | `max of 'a Belt.Array.t | `min of 'a Belt.Array.t | `mm of Js.Float.t | `pc of Js.Float.t | `percent of Js.Float.t | `pt of Js.Int.t | `px of Js.Int.t | `pxFloat of Js.Float.t | `rem of Js.Float.t | `vh of Js.Float.t | `vmax of Js.Float.t | `vmin of Js.Float.t | `vw of Js.Float.t | `zero ch cm em ex inch mm pc percent pt px pxFloat rem vh vmax vmin vw zero ] as 'a -> right: [< `calc of [< `add of [< `calc of 'e | `ch of Js.Float.t | `cm of Js.Float.t | `em of Js.Float.t | `ex of Js.Float.t | `inch of Js.Float.t | `max of 'd Belt.Array.t | `min of 'd Belt.Array.t | `mm of Js.Float.t | `num of Js.Float.t | `pc of Js.Float.t | `percent of Js.Float.t | `pt of Js.Int.t | `px of Js.Int.t | `pxFloat of Js.Float.t | `rem of Js.Float.t | `vh of Js.Float.t | `vmax of Js.Float.t | `vmin of Js.Float.t | `vw of Js.Float.t | `zero ] as 'f * 'f | `ch of Js.Float.t | `cm of Js.Float.t | `em of Js.Float.t | `ex of Js.Float.t | `inch of Js.Float.t | `max of 'd Belt.Array.t | `min of 'd Belt.Array.t | `mm of Js.Float.t | `mult of 'f * 'f | `pc of Js.Float.t | `percent of Js.Float.t | `pt of Js.Int.t | `px of Js.Int.t | `pxFloat of Js.Float.t | `rem of Js.Float.t | `sub of 'f * 'f | `vh of Js.Float.t | `vmax of Js.Float.t | `vmin of Js.Float.t | `vw of Js.Float.t | `zero ] as 'e | `ch of Js.Float.t | `cm of Js.Float.t | `em of Js.Float.t | `ex of Js.Float.t | `inch of Js.Float.t | `max of 'd Belt.Array.t | `min of 'd Belt.Array.t | `mm of Js.Float.t | `pc of Js.Float.t | `percent of Js.Float.t | `pt of Js.Int.t | `px of Js.Int.t | `pxFloat of Js.Float.t | `rem of Js.Float.t | `vh of Js.Float.t | `vmax of Js.Float.t | `vmin of Js.Float.t | `vw of Js.Float.t | `zero ch cm em ex inch mm pc percent pt px pxFloat rem vh vmax vmin vw zero ] as 'd -> bottom: [< `calc of [< `add of [< `calc of 'h | `ch of Js.Float.t | `cm of Js.Float.t | `em of Js.Float.t | `ex of Js.Float.t | `inch of Js.Float.t | `max of 'g Belt.Array.t | `min of 'g Belt.Array.t | `mm of Js.Float.t | `num of Js.Float.t | `pc of Js.Float.t | `percent of Js.Float.t | `pt of Js.Int.t | `px of Js.Int.t | `pxFloat of Js.Float.t | `rem of Js.Float.t | `vh of Js.Float.t | `vmax of Js.Float.t | `vmin of Js.Float.t | `vw of Js.Float.t | `zero ] as 'i * 'i | `ch of Js.Float.t | `cm of Js.Float.t | `em of Js.Float.t | `ex of Js.Float.t | `inch of Js.Float.t | `max of 'g Belt.Array.t | `min of 'g Belt.Array.t | `mm of Js.Float.t | `mult of 'i * 'i | `pc of Js.Float.t | `percent of Js.Float.t | `pt of Js.Int.t | `px of Js.Int.t | `pxFloat of Js.Float.t | `rem of Js.Float.t | `sub of 'i * 'i | `vh of Js.Float.t | `vmax of Js.Float.t | `vmin of Js.Float.t | `vw of Js.Float.t | `zero ] as 'h | `ch of Js.Float.t | `cm of Js.Float.t | `em of Js.Float.t | `ex of Js.Float.t | `inch of Js.Float.t | `max of 'g Belt.Array.t | `min of 'g Belt.Array.t | `mm of Js.Float.t | `pc of Js.Float.t | `percent of Js.Float.t | `pt of Js.Int.t | `px of Js.Int.t | `pxFloat of Js.Float.t | `rem of Js.Float.t | `vh of Js.Float.t | `vmax of Js.Float.t | `vmin of Js.Float.t | `vw of Js.Float.t | `zero ch cm em ex inch mm pc percent pt px pxFloat rem vh vmax vmin vw zero ] as 'g -> left: [< `calc of [< `add of [< `calc of 'k | `ch of Js.Float.t | `cm of Js.Float.t | `em of Js.Float.t | `ex of Js.Float.t | `inch of Js.Float.t | `max of 'j Belt.Array.t | `min of 'j Belt.Array.t | `mm of Js.Float.t | `num of Js.Float.t | `pc of Js.Float.t | `percent of Js.Float.t | `pt of Js.Int.t | `px of Js.Int.t | `pxFloat of Js.Float.t | `rem of Js.Float.t | `vh of Js.Float.t | `vmax of Js.Float.t | `vmin of Js.Float.t | `vw of Js.Float.t | `zero ] as 'l * 'l | `ch of Js.Float.t | `cm of Js.Float.t | `em of Js.Float.t | `ex of Js.Float.t | `inch of Js.Float.t | `max of 'j Belt.Array.t | `min of 'j Belt.Array.t | `mm of Js.Float.t | `mult of 'l * 'l | `pc of Js.Float.t | `percent of Js.Float.t | `pt of Js.Int.t | `px of Js.Int.t | `pxFloat of Js.Float.t | `rem of Js.Float.t | `sub of 'l * 'l | `vh of Js.Float.t | `vmax of Js.Float.t | `vmin of Js.Float.t | `vw of Js.Float.t | `zero ] as 'k | `ch of Js.Float.t | `cm of Js.Float.t | `em of Js.Float.t | `ex of Js.Float.t | `inch of Js.Float.t | `max of 'j Belt.Array.t | `min of 'j Belt.Array.t | `mm of Js.Float.t | `pc of Js.Float.t | `percent of Js.Float.t | `pt of Js.Int.t | `px of Js.Int.t | `pxFloat of Js.Float.t | `rem of Js.Float.t | `vh of Js.Float.t | `vmax of Js.Float.t | `vmin of Js.Float.t | `vw of Js.Float.t | `zero ch cm em ex inch mm pc percent pt px pxFloat rem vh vmax vmin vw zero ] as 'j -> rule
val paddingBottom : [< `calc of [< `add of [< `calc of 'b | `ch of Js.Float.t | `cm of Js.Float.t | `em of Js.Float.t | `ex of Js.Float.t | `inch of Js.Float.t | `max of 'a Belt.Array.t | `min of 'a Belt.Array.t | `mm of Js.Float.t | `num of Js.Float.t | `pc of Js.Float.t | `percent of Js.Float.t | `pt of Js.Int.t | `px of Js.Int.t | `pxFloat of Js.Float.t | `rem of Js.Float.t | `vh of Js.Float.t | `vmax of Js.Float.t | `vmin of Js.Float.t | `vw of Js.Float.t | `zero ] as 'c * 'c | `ch of Js.Float.t | `cm of Js.Float.t | `em of Js.Float.t | `ex of Js.Float.t | `inch of Js.Float.t | `max of 'a Belt.Array.t | `min of 'a Belt.Array.t | `mm of Js.Float.t | `mult of 'c * 'c | `pc of Js.Float.t | `percent of Js.Float.t | `pt of Js.Int.t | `px of Js.Int.t | `pxFloat of Js.Float.t | `rem of Js.Float.t | `sub of 'c * 'c | `vh of Js.Float.t | `vmax of Js.Float.t | `vmin of Js.Float.t | `vw of Js.Float.t | `zero ] as 'b | `ch of Js.Float.t | `cm of Js.Float.t | `em of Js.Float.t | `ex of Js.Float.t | `inch of Js.Float.t | `max of 'a Belt.Array.t | `min of 'a Belt.Array.t | `mm of Js.Float.t | `pc of Js.Float.t | `percent of Js.Float.t | `pt of Js.Int.t | `px of Js.Int.t | `pxFloat of Js.Float.t | `rem of Js.Float.t | `vh of Js.Float.t | `vmax of Js.Float.t | `vmin of Js.Float.t | `vw of Js.Float.t | `zero ch cm em ex inch mm pc percent pt px pxFloat rem vh vmax vmin vw zero ] as 'a -> rule
val paddingLeft : [< `calc of [< `add of [< `calc of 'b | `ch of Js.Float.t | `cm of Js.Float.t | `em of Js.Float.t | `ex of Js.Float.t | `inch of Js.Float.t | `max of 'a Belt.Array.t | `min of 'a Belt.Array.t | `mm of Js.Float.t | `num of Js.Float.t | `pc of Js.Float.t | `percent of Js.Float.t | `pt of Js.Int.t | `px of Js.Int.t | `pxFloat of Js.Float.t | `rem of Js.Float.t | `vh of Js.Float.t | `vmax of Js.Float.t | `vmin of Js.Float.t | `vw of Js.Float.t | `zero ] as 'c * 'c | `ch of Js.Float.t | `cm of Js.Float.t | `em of Js.Float.t | `ex of Js.Float.t | `inch of Js.Float.t | `max of 'a Belt.Array.t | `min of 'a Belt.Array.t | `mm of Js.Float.t | `mult of 'c * 'c | `pc of Js.Float.t | `percent of Js.Float.t | `pt of Js.Int.t | `px of Js.Int.t | `pxFloat of Js.Float.t | `rem of Js.Float.t | `sub of 'c * 'c | `vh of Js.Float.t | `vmax of Js.Float.t | `vmin of Js.Float.t | `vw of Js.Float.t | `zero ] as 'b | `ch of Js.Float.t | `cm of Js.Float.t | `em of Js.Float.t | `ex of Js.Float.t | `inch of Js.Float.t | `max of 'a Belt.Array.t | `min of 'a Belt.Array.t | `mm of Js.Float.t | `pc of Js.Float.t | `percent of Js.Float.t | `pt of Js.Int.t | `px of Js.Int.t | `pxFloat of Js.Float.t | `rem of Js.Float.t | `vh of Js.Float.t | `vmax of Js.Float.t | `vmin of Js.Float.t | `vw of Js.Float.t | `zero ch cm em ex inch mm pc percent pt px pxFloat rem vh vmax vmin vw zero ] as 'a -> rule
val paddingRight : [< `calc of [< `add of [< `calc of 'b | `ch of Js.Float.t | `cm of Js.Float.t | `em of Js.Float.t | `ex of Js.Float.t | `inch of Js.Float.t | `max of 'a Belt.Array.t | `min of 'a Belt.Array.t | `mm of Js.Float.t | `num of Js.Float.t | `pc of Js.Float.t | `percent of Js.Float.t | `pt of Js.Int.t | `px of Js.Int.t | `pxFloat of Js.Float.t | `rem of Js.Float.t | `vh of Js.Float.t | `vmax of Js.Float.t | `vmin of Js.Float.t | `vw of Js.Float.t | `zero ] as 'c * 'c | `ch of Js.Float.t | `cm of Js.Float.t | `em of Js.Float.t | `ex of Js.Float.t | `inch of Js.Float.t | `max of 'a Belt.Array.t | `min of 'a Belt.Array.t | `mm of Js.Float.t | `mult of 'c * 'c | `pc of Js.Float.t | `percent of Js.Float.t | `pt of Js.Int.t | `px of Js.Int.t | `pxFloat of Js.Float.t | `rem of Js.Float.t | `sub of 'c * 'c | `vh of Js.Float.t | `vmax of Js.Float.t | `vmin of Js.Float.t | `vw of Js.Float.t | `zero ] as 'b | `ch of Js.Float.t | `cm of Js.Float.t | `em of Js.Float.t | `ex of Js.Float.t | `inch of Js.Float.t | `max of 'a Belt.Array.t | `min of 'a Belt.Array.t | `mm of Js.Float.t | `pc of Js.Float.t | `percent of Js.Float.t | `pt of Js.Int.t | `px of Js.Int.t | `pxFloat of Js.Float.t | `rem of Js.Float.t | `vh of Js.Float.t | `vmax of Js.Float.t | `vmin of Js.Float.t | `vw of Js.Float.t | `zero ch cm em ex inch mm pc percent pt px pxFloat rem vh vmax vmin vw zero ] as 'a -> rule
val paddingTop : [< `calc of [< `add of [< `calc of 'b | `ch of Js.Float.t | `cm of Js.Float.t | `em of Js.Float.t | `ex of Js.Float.t | `inch of Js.Float.t | `max of 'a Belt.Array.t | `min of 'a Belt.Array.t | `mm of Js.Float.t | `num of Js.Float.t | `pc of Js.Float.t | `percent of Js.Float.t | `pt of Js.Int.t | `px of Js.Int.t | `pxFloat of Js.Float.t | `rem of Js.Float.t | `vh of Js.Float.t | `vmax of Js.Float.t | `vmin of Js.Float.t | `vw of Js.Float.t | `zero ] as 'c * 'c | `ch of Js.Float.t | `cm of Js.Float.t | `em of Js.Float.t | `ex of Js.Float.t | `inch of Js.Float.t | `max of 'a Belt.Array.t | `min of 'a Belt.Array.t | `mm of Js.Float.t | `mult of 'c * 'c | `pc of Js.Float.t | `percent of Js.Float.t | `pt of Js.Int.t | `px of Js.Int.t | `pxFloat of Js.Float.t | `rem of Js.Float.t | `sub of 'c * 'c | `vh of Js.Float.t | `vmax of Js.Float.t | `vmin of Js.Float.t | `vw of Js.Float.t | `zero ] as 'b | `ch of Js.Float.t | `cm of Js.Float.t | `em of Js.Float.t | `ex of Js.Float.t | `inch of Js.Float.t | `max of 'a Belt.Array.t | `min of 'a Belt.Array.t | `mm of Js.Float.t | `pc of Js.Float.t | `percent of Js.Float.t | `pt of Js.Int.t | `px of Js.Int.t | `pxFloat of Js.Float.t | `rem of Js.Float.t | `vh of Js.Float.t | `vmax of Js.Float.t | `vmin of Js.Float.t | `vw of Js.Float.t | `zero ch cm em ex inch mm pc percent pt px pxFloat rem vh vmax vmin vw zero ] as 'a -> rule
val perspective : [< `calc of [ `add of Css_AtomicTypes.Length.calc_value * Css_AtomicTypes.Length.calc_value | `ch of Js.Float.t | `cm of Js.Float.t | `em of Js.Float.t | `ex of Js.Float.t | `inch of Js.Float.t | `mm of Js.Float.t | `mult of Css_AtomicTypes.Length.calc_value * Css_AtomicTypes.Length.calc_value | `pc of Js.Float.t | `percent of Js.Float.t | `pt of Js.Int.t | `px of Js.Int.t | `pxFloat of Js.Float.t | `rem of Js.Float.t | `sub of Css_AtomicTypes.Length.calc_value * Css_AtomicTypes.Length.calc_value | `vh of Js.Float.t | `vmax of Js.Float.t | `vmin of Js.Float.t | `vw of Js.Float.t | `zero ] | `ch of Js.Float.t | `cm of Js.Float.t | `em of Js.Float.t | `ex of Js.Float.t | `inch of Js.Float.t | `inherit_ | `initial | `max of Css_AtomicTypes.Length.t Belt.Array.t | `min of Css_AtomicTypes.Length.t Belt.Array.t | `mm of Js.Float.t | `none | `pc of Js.Float.t | `percent of Js.Float.t | `pt of Js.Int.t | `px of Js.Int.t | `pxFloat of Js.Float.t | `rem of Js.Float.t | `revert | `revertLayer | `unset | `var of Js.String.t | `varDefault of Js.String.t * string | `vh of Js.Float.t | `vmax of Js.Float.t | `vmin of Js.Float.t | `vw of Js.Float.t | `zero ] -> rule
val perspectiveOrigin : [< `bottom | `calc of [ `add of Css_AtomicTypes.Length.calc_value * Css_AtomicTypes.Length.calc_value | `ch of Js.Float.t | `cm of Js.Float.t | `em of Js.Float.t | `ex of Js.Float.t | `inch of Js.Float.t | `mm of Js.Float.t | `mult of Css_AtomicTypes.Length.calc_value * Css_AtomicTypes.Length.calc_value | `pc of Js.Float.t | `percent of Js.Float.t | `pt of Js.Int.t | `px of Js.Int.t | `pxFloat of Js.Float.t | `rem of Js.Float.t | `sub of Css_AtomicTypes.Length.calc_value * Css_AtomicTypes.Length.calc_value | `vh of Js.Float.t | `vmax of Js.Float.t | `vmin of Js.Float.t | `vw of Js.Float.t | `zero ] | `center | `ch of Js.Float.t | `cm of Js.Float.t | `em of Js.Float.t | `ex of Js.Float.t | `inch of Js.Float.t | `left | `max of Css_AtomicTypes.Length.t Belt.Array.t | `min of Css_AtomicTypes.Length.t Belt.Array.t | `mm of Js.Float.t | `none | `pc of Js.Float.t | `percent of Js.Float.t | `pt of Js.Int.t | `px of Js.Int.t | `pxFloat of Js.Float.t | `rem of Js.Float.t | `right | `top | `vh of Js.Float.t | `vmax of Js.Float.t | `vmin of Js.Float.t | `vw of Js.Float.t | `zero ] -> rule
val perspectiveOrigin2 : [< `bottom | `calc of [ `add of Css_AtomicTypes.Length.calc_value * Css_AtomicTypes.Length.calc_value | `ch of Js.Float.t | `cm of Js.Float.t | `em of Js.Float.t | `ex of Js.Float.t | `inch of Js.Float.t | `mm of Js.Float.t | `mult of Css_AtomicTypes.Length.calc_value * Css_AtomicTypes.Length.calc_value | `pc of Js.Float.t | `percent of Js.Float.t | `pt of Js.Int.t | `px of Js.Int.t | `pxFloat of Js.Float.t | `rem of Js.Float.t | `sub of Css_AtomicTypes.Length.calc_value * Css_AtomicTypes.Length.calc_value | `vh of Js.Float.t | `vmax of Js.Float.t | `vmin of Js.Float.t | `vw of Js.Float.t | `zero ] | `center | `ch of Js.Float.t | `cm of Js.Float.t | `em of Js.Float.t | `ex of Js.Float.t | `inch of Js.Float.t | `left | `max of Css_AtomicTypes.Length.t Belt.Array.t | `min of Css_AtomicTypes.Length.t Belt.Array.t | `mm of Js.Float.t | `none | `pc of Js.Float.t | `percent of Js.Float.t | `pt of Js.Int.t | `px of Js.Int.t | `pxFloat of Js.Float.t | `rem of Js.Float.t | `right | `top | `vh of Js.Float.t | `vmax of Js.Float.t | `vmin of Js.Float.t | `vw of Js.Float.t | `zero ] -> [< `bottom | `calc of [ `add of Css_AtomicTypes.Length.calc_value * Css_AtomicTypes.Length.calc_value | `ch of Js.Float.t | `cm of Js.Float.t | `em of Js.Float.t | `ex of Js.Float.t | `inch of Js.Float.t | `mm of Js.Float.t | `mult of Css_AtomicTypes.Length.calc_value * Css_AtomicTypes.Length.calc_value | `pc of Js.Float.t | `percent of Js.Float.t | `pt of Js.Int.t | `px of Js.Int.t | `pxFloat of Js.Float.t | `rem of Js.Float.t | `sub of Css_AtomicTypes.Length.calc_value * Css_AtomicTypes.Length.calc_value | `vh of Js.Float.t | `vmax of Js.Float.t | `vmin of Js.Float.t | `vw of Js.Float.t | `zero ] | `center | `ch of Js.Float.t | `cm of Js.Float.t | `em of Js.Float.t | `ex of Js.Float.t | `inch of Js.Float.t | `left | `max of Css_AtomicTypes.Length.t Belt.Array.t | `min of Css_AtomicTypes.Length.t Belt.Array.t | `mm of Js.Float.t | `none | `pc of Js.Float.t | `percent of Js.Float.t | `pt of Js.Int.t | `px of Js.Int.t | `pxFloat of Js.Float.t | `rem of Js.Float.t | `right | `top | `vh of Js.Float.t | `vmax of Js.Float.t | `vmin of Js.Float.t | `vw of Js.Float.t | `zero ] -> rule
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val textTransform : [< `capitalize | `inherit_ | `initial | `lowercase | `none | `revert | `revertLayer | `unset | `uppercase | `var of Js.String.t | `varDefault of Js.String.t * string ] -> rule
val top : [< `auto | `calc of [ `add of Css_AtomicTypes.Length.calc_value * Css_AtomicTypes.Length.calc_value | `ch of Js.Float.t | `cm of Js.Float.t | `em of Js.Float.t | `ex of Js.Float.t | `inch of Js.Float.t | `mm of Js.Float.t | `mult of Css_AtomicTypes.Length.calc_value * Css_AtomicTypes.Length.calc_value | `pc of Js.Float.t | `percent of Js.Float.t | `pt of Js.Int.t | `px of Js.Int.t | `pxFloat of Js.Float.t | `rem of Js.Float.t | `sub of Css_AtomicTypes.Length.calc_value * Css_AtomicTypes.Length.calc_value | `vh of Js.Float.t | `vmax of Js.Float.t | `vmin of Js.Float.t | `vw of Js.Float.t | `zero ] | `ch of Js.Float.t | `cm of Js.Float.t | `em of Js.Float.t | `ex of Js.Float.t | `inch of Js.Float.t | `inherit_ | `initial | `max of Css_AtomicTypes.Length.t Belt.Array.t | `min of Css_AtomicTypes.Length.t Belt.Array.t | `mm of Js.Float.t | `pc of Js.Float.t | `percent of Js.Float.t | `pt of Js.Int.t | `px of Js.Int.t | `pxFloat of Js.Float.t | `rem of Js.Float.t | `revert | `revertLayer | `unset | `var of Js.String.t | `varDefault of Js.String.t * string | `vh of Js.Float.t | `vmax of Js.Float.t | `vmin of Js.Float.t | `vw of Js.Float.t | `zero ] -> rule
val transform : [< `none | `perspective of Js.Int.t | `rotate of Css_AtomicTypes.Angle.t | `rotate3d of Js.Float.t * Js.Float.t * Js.Float.t * Css_AtomicTypes.Angle.t | `rotateX of Css_AtomicTypes.Angle.t | `rotateY of Css_AtomicTypes.Angle.t | `rotateZ of Css_AtomicTypes.Angle.t | `scale of Js.Float.t * Js.Float.t | `scale3d of Js.Float.t * Js.Float.t * Js.Float.t | `scaleX of Js.Float.t | `scaleY of Js.Float.t | `scaleZ of Js.Float.t | `skew of Css_AtomicTypes.Angle.t * Css_AtomicTypes.Angle.t | `skewX of Css_AtomicTypes.Angle.t | `skewY of Css_AtomicTypes.Angle.t | `translate of Css_AtomicTypes.Length.t * Css_AtomicTypes.Length.t | `translate3d of Css_AtomicTypes.Length.t * Css_AtomicTypes.Length.t * Css_AtomicTypes.Length.t | `translateX of Css_AtomicTypes.Length.t | `translateY of Css_AtomicTypes.Length.t | `translateZ of Css_AtomicTypes.Length.t ] -> rule
val transforms : [< `perspective of Js.Int.t | `rotate of [< `deg of Js.Float.t | `grad of Js.Float.t | `rad of Js.Float.t | `turn of Js.Float.t ] | `rotate3d of Js.Float.t * Js.Float.t * Js.Float.t * [< `deg of Js.Float.t | `grad of Js.Float.t | `rad of Js.Float.t | `turn of Js.Float.t ] | `rotateX of [< `deg of Js.Float.t | `grad of Js.Float.t | `rad of Js.Float.t | `turn of Js.Float.t ] | `rotateY of [< `deg of Js.Float.t | `grad of Js.Float.t | `rad of Js.Float.t | `turn of Js.Float.t ] | `rotateZ of [< `deg of Js.Float.t | `grad of Js.Float.t | `rad of Js.Float.t | `turn of Js.Float.t ] | `scale of Js.Float.t * Js.Float.t | `scale3d of Js.Float.t * Js.Float.t * Js.Float.t | `scaleX of Js.Float.t | `scaleY of Js.Float.t | `scaleZ of Js.Float.t | `skew of [< `deg of Js.Float.t | `grad of Js.Float.t | `rad of Js.Float.t | `turn of Js.Float.t ] * [< `deg of Js.Float.t | `grad of Js.Float.t | `rad of Js.Float.t | `turn of Js.Float.t ] | `skewX of [< `deg of Js.Float.t | `grad of Js.Float.t | `rad of Js.Float.t | `turn of Js.Float.t ] | `skewY of [< `deg of Js.Float.t | `grad of Js.Float.t | `rad of Js.Float.t | `turn of Js.Float.t ] | `translate of [< `calc of [< `add of [< `calc of 'b | `ch of Js.Float.t | `cm of Js.Float.t | `em of Js.Float.t | `ex of Js.Float.t | `inch of Js.Float.t | `max of 'a Belt.Array.t | `min of 'a Belt.Array.t | `mm of Js.Float.t | `num of Js.Float.t | `pc of Js.Float.t | `percent of Js.Float.t | `pt of Js.Int.t | `px of Js.Int.t | `pxFloat of Js.Float.t | `rem of Js.Float.t | `vh of Js.Float.t | `vmax of Js.Float.t | `vmin of Js.Float.t | `vw of Js.Float.t | `zero ] as 'c * 'c | `ch of Js.Float.t | `cm of Js.Float.t | `em of Js.Float.t | `ex of Js.Float.t | `inch of Js.Float.t | `max of 'a Belt.Array.t | `min of 'a Belt.Array.t | `mm of Js.Float.t | `mult of 'c * 'c | `pc of Js.Float.t | `percent of Js.Float.t | `pt of Js.Int.t | `px of Js.Int.t | `pxFloat of Js.Float.t | `rem of Js.Float.t | `sub of 'c * 'c | `vh of Js.Float.t | `vmax of Js.Float.t | `vmin of Js.Float.t | `vw of Js.Float.t | `zero ] as 'b | `ch of Js.Float.t | `cm of Js.Float.t | `em of Js.Float.t | `ex of Js.Float.t | `inch of Js.Float.t | `max of 'a Belt.Array.t | `min of 'a Belt.Array.t | `mm of Js.Float.t | `pc of Js.Float.t | `percent of Js.Float.t | `pt of Js.Int.t | `px of Js.Int.t | `pxFloat of Js.Float.t | `rem of Js.Float.t | `vh of Js.Float.t | `vmax of Js.Float.t | `vmin of Js.Float.t | `vw of Js.Float.t | `zero ch cm em ex inch mm pc percent pt px pxFloat rem vh vmax vmin vw zero ] as 'a * [< `calc of [< `add of [< `calc of 'e | `ch of Js.Float.t | `cm of Js.Float.t | `em of Js.Float.t | `ex of Js.Float.t | `inch of Js.Float.t | `max of 'd Belt.Array.t | `min of 'd Belt.Array.t | `mm of Js.Float.t | `num of Js.Float.t | `pc of Js.Float.t | `percent of Js.Float.t | `pt of Js.Int.t | `px of Js.Int.t | `pxFloat of Js.Float.t | `rem of Js.Float.t | `vh of Js.Float.t | `vmax of Js.Float.t | `vmin of Js.Float.t | `vw of Js.Float.t | `zero ] as 'f * 'f | `ch of Js.Float.t | `cm of Js.Float.t | `em of Js.Float.t | `ex of Js.Float.t | `inch of Js.Float.t | `max of 'd Belt.Array.t | `min of 'd Belt.Array.t | `mm of Js.Float.t | `mult of 'f * 'f | `pc of Js.Float.t | `percent of Js.Float.t | `pt of Js.Int.t | `px of Js.Int.t | `pxFloat of Js.Float.t | `rem of Js.Float.t | `sub of 'f * 'f | `vh of Js.Float.t | `vmax of Js.Float.t | `vmin of Js.Float.t | `vw of Js.Float.t | `zero ] as 'e | `ch of Js.Float.t | `cm of Js.Float.t | `em of Js.Float.t | `ex of Js.Float.t | `inch of Js.Float.t | `max of 'd Belt.Array.t | `min of 'd Belt.Array.t | `mm of Js.Float.t | `pc of Js.Float.t | `percent of Js.Float.t | `pt of Js.Int.t | `px of Js.Int.t | `pxFloat of Js.Float.t | `rem of Js.Float.t | `vh of Js.Float.t | `vmax of Js.Float.t | `vmin of Js.Float.t | `vw of Js.Float.t | `zero ch cm em ex inch mm pc percent pt px pxFloat rem vh vmax vmin vw zero ] as 'd | `translate3d of [< `calc of [< `add of [< `calc of 'h | `ch of Js.Float.t | `cm of Js.Float.t | `em of Js.Float.t | `ex of Js.Float.t | `inch of Js.Float.t | `max of 'g Belt.Array.t | `min of 'g Belt.Array.t | `mm of Js.Float.t | `num of Js.Float.t | `pc of Js.Float.t | `percent of Js.Float.t | `pt of Js.Int.t | `px of Js.Int.t | `pxFloat of Js.Float.t | `rem of Js.Float.t | `vh of Js.Float.t | `vmax of Js.Float.t | `vmin of Js.Float.t | `vw of Js.Float.t | `zero ] as 'i * 'i | `ch of Js.Float.t | `cm of Js.Float.t | `em of Js.Float.t | `ex of Js.Float.t | `inch of Js.Float.t | `max of 'g Belt.Array.t | `min of 'g Belt.Array.t | `mm of Js.Float.t | `mult of 'i * 'i | `pc of Js.Float.t | `percent of Js.Float.t | `pt of Js.Int.t | `px of Js.Int.t | `pxFloat of Js.Float.t | `rem of Js.Float.t | `sub of 'i * 'i | `vh of Js.Float.t | `vmax of Js.Float.t | `vmin of Js.Float.t | `vw of Js.Float.t | `zero ] as 'h | `ch of Js.Float.t | `cm of Js.Float.t | `em of Js.Float.t | `ex of Js.Float.t | `inch of Js.Float.t | `max of 'g Belt.Array.t | `min of 'g Belt.Array.t | `mm of Js.Float.t | `pc of Js.Float.t | `percent of Js.Float.t | `pt of Js.Int.t | `px of Js.Int.t | `pxFloat of Js.Float.t | `rem of Js.Float.t | `vh of Js.Float.t | `vmax of Js.Float.t | `vmin of Js.Float.t | `vw of Js.Float.t | `zero ch cm em ex inch mm pc percent pt px pxFloat rem vh vmax vmin vw zero ] as 'g * [< `calc of [< `add of [< `calc of 'k | `ch of Js.Float.t | `cm of Js.Float.t | `em of Js.Float.t | `ex of Js.Float.t | `inch of Js.Float.t | `max of 'j Belt.Array.t | `min of 'j Belt.Array.t | `mm of Js.Float.t | `num of Js.Float.t | `pc of Js.Float.t | `percent of Js.Float.t | `pt of Js.Int.t | `px of Js.Int.t | `pxFloat of Js.Float.t | `rem of Js.Float.t | `vh of Js.Float.t | `vmax of Js.Float.t | `vmin of Js.Float.t | `vw of Js.Float.t | `zero ] as 'l * 'l | `ch of Js.Float.t | `cm of Js.Float.t | `em of Js.Float.t | `ex of Js.Float.t | `inch of Js.Float.t | `max of 'j Belt.Array.t | `min of 'j Belt.Array.t | `mm of Js.Float.t | `mult of 'l * 'l | `pc of Js.Float.t | `percent of Js.Float.t | `pt of Js.Int.t | `px of Js.Int.t | `pxFloat of Js.Float.t | `rem of Js.Float.t | `sub of 'l * 'l | `vh of Js.Float.t | `vmax of Js.Float.t | `vmin of Js.Float.t | `vw of Js.Float.t | `zero ] as 'k | `ch of Js.Float.t | `cm of Js.Float.t | `em of Js.Float.t | `ex of Js.Float.t | `inch of Js.Float.t | `max of 'j Belt.Array.t | `min of 'j Belt.Array.t | `mm of Js.Float.t | `pc of Js.Float.t | `percent of Js.Float.t | `pt of Js.Int.t | `px of Js.Int.t | `pxFloat of Js.Float.t | `rem of Js.Float.t | `vh of Js.Float.t | `vmax of Js.Float.t | `vmin of Js.Float.t | `vw of Js.Float.t | `zero ch cm em ex inch mm pc percent pt px pxFloat rem vh vmax vmin vw zero ] as 'j * [< `calc of [< `add of [< `calc of 'n | `ch of Js.Float.t | `cm of Js.Float.t | `em of Js.Float.t | `ex of Js.Float.t | `inch of Js.Float.t | `max of 'm Belt.Array.t | `min of 'm Belt.Array.t | `mm of Js.Float.t | `num of Js.Float.t | `pc of Js.Float.t | `percent of Js.Float.t | `pt of Js.Int.t | `px of Js.Int.t | `pxFloat of Js.Float.t | `rem of Js.Float.t | `vh of Js.Float.t | `vmax of Js.Float.t | `vmin of Js.Float.t | `vw of Js.Float.t | `zero ] as 'o * 'o | `ch of Js.Float.t | `cm of Js.Float.t | `em of Js.Float.t | `ex of Js.Float.t | `inch of Js.Float.t | `max of 'm Belt.Array.t | `min of 'm Belt.Array.t | `mm of Js.Float.t | `mult of 'o * 'o | `pc of Js.Float.t | `percent of Js.Float.t | `pt of Js.Int.t | `px of Js.Int.t | `pxFloat of Js.Float.t | `rem of Js.Float.t | `sub of 'o * 'o | `vh of Js.Float.t | `vmax of Js.Float.t | `vmin of Js.Float.t | `vw of Js.Float.t | `zero ] as 'n | `ch of Js.Float.t | `cm of Js.Float.t | `em of Js.Float.t | `ex of Js.Float.t | `inch of Js.Float.t | `max of 'm Belt.Array.t | `min of 'm Belt.Array.t | `mm of Js.Float.t | `pc of Js.Float.t | `percent of Js.Float.t | `pt of Js.Int.t | `px of Js.Int.t | `pxFloat of Js.Float.t | `rem of Js.Float.t | `vh of Js.Float.t | `vmax of Js.Float.t | `vmin of Js.Float.t | `vw of Js.Float.t | `zero ch cm em ex inch mm pc percent pt px pxFloat rem vh vmax vmin vw zero ] as 'm | `translateX of [< `calc of [< `add of [< `calc of 'q | `ch of Js.Float.t | `cm of Js.Float.t | `em of Js.Float.t | `ex of Js.Float.t | `inch of Js.Float.t | `max of 'p Belt.Array.t | `min of 'p Belt.Array.t | `mm of Js.Float.t | `num of Js.Float.t | `pc of Js.Float.t | `percent of Js.Float.t | `pt of Js.Int.t | `px of Js.Int.t | `pxFloat of Js.Float.t | `rem of Js.Float.t | `vh of Js.Float.t | `vmax of Js.Float.t | `vmin of Js.Float.t | `vw of Js.Float.t | `zero ] as 'r * 'r | `ch of Js.Float.t | `cm of Js.Float.t | `em of Js.Float.t | `ex of Js.Float.t | `inch of Js.Float.t | `max of 'p Belt.Array.t | `min of 'p Belt.Array.t | `mm of Js.Float.t | `mult of 'r * 'r | `pc of Js.Float.t | `percent of Js.Float.t | `pt of Js.Int.t | `px of Js.Int.t | `pxFloat of Js.Float.t | `rem of Js.Float.t | `sub of 'r * 'r | `vh of Js.Float.t | `vmax of Js.Float.t | `vmin of Js.Float.t | `vw of Js.Float.t | `zero ] as 'q | `ch of Js.Float.t | `cm of Js.Float.t | `em of Js.Float.t | `ex of Js.Float.t | `inch of Js.Float.t | `max of 'p Belt.Array.t | `min of 'p Belt.Array.t | `mm of Js.Float.t | `pc of Js.Float.t | `percent of Js.Float.t | `pt of Js.Int.t | `px of Js.Int.t | `pxFloat of Js.Float.t | `rem of Js.Float.t | `vh of Js.Float.t | `vmax of Js.Float.t | `vmin of Js.Float.t | `vw of Js.Float.t | `zero ch cm em ex inch mm pc percent pt px pxFloat rem vh vmax vmin vw zero ] as 'p | `translateY of [< `calc of [< `add of [< `calc of 't | `ch of Js.Float.t | `cm of Js.Float.t | `em of Js.Float.t | `ex of Js.Float.t | `inch of Js.Float.t | `max of 's Belt.Array.t | `min of 's Belt.Array.t | `mm of Js.Float.t | `num of Js.Float.t | `pc of Js.Float.t | `percent of Js.Float.t | `pt of Js.Int.t | `px of Js.Int.t | `pxFloat of Js.Float.t | `rem of Js.Float.t | `vh of Js.Float.t | `vmax of Js.Float.t | `vmin of Js.Float.t | `vw of Js.Float.t | `zero ] as 'u * 'u | `ch of Js.Float.t | `cm of Js.Float.t | `em of Js.Float.t | `ex of Js.Float.t | `inch of Js.Float.t | `max of 's Belt.Array.t | `min of 's Belt.Array.t | `mm of Js.Float.t | `mult of 'u * 'u | `pc of Js.Float.t | `percent of Js.Float.t | `pt of Js.Int.t | `px of Js.Int.t | `pxFloat of Js.Float.t | `rem of Js.Float.t | `sub of 'u * 'u | `vh of Js.Float.t | `vmax of Js.Float.t | `vmin of Js.Float.t | `vw of Js.Float.t | `zero ] as 't | `ch of Js.Float.t | `cm of Js.Float.t | `em of Js.Float.t | `ex of Js.Float.t | `inch of Js.Float.t | `max of 's Belt.Array.t | `min of 's Belt.Array.t | `mm of Js.Float.t | `pc of Js.Float.t | `percent of Js.Float.t | `pt of Js.Int.t | `px of Js.Int.t | `pxFloat of Js.Float.t | `rem of Js.Float.t | `vh of Js.Float.t | `vmax of Js.Float.t | `vmin of Js.Float.t | `vw of Js.Float.t | `zero ch cm em ex inch mm pc percent pt px pxFloat rem vh vmax vmin vw zero ] as 's | `translateZ of [< `calc of [< `add of [< `calc of 'w | `ch of Js.Float.t | `cm of Js.Float.t | `em of Js.Float.t | `ex of Js.Float.t | `inch of Js.Float.t | `max of 'v Belt.Array.t | `min of 'v Belt.Array.t | `mm of Js.Float.t | `num of Js.Float.t | `pc of Js.Float.t | `percent of Js.Float.t | `pt of Js.Int.t | `px of Js.Int.t | `pxFloat of Js.Float.t | `rem of Js.Float.t | `vh of Js.Float.t | `vmax of Js.Float.t | `vmin of Js.Float.t | `vw of Js.Float.t | `zero ] as 'x * 'x | `ch of Js.Float.t | `cm of Js.Float.t | `em of Js.Float.t | `ex of Js.Float.t | `inch of Js.Float.t | `max of 'v Belt.Array.t | `min of 'v Belt.Array.t | `mm of Js.Float.t | `mult of 'x * 'x | `pc of Js.Float.t | `percent of Js.Float.t | `pt of Js.Int.t | `px of Js.Int.t | `pxFloat of Js.Float.t | `rem of Js.Float.t | `sub of 'x * 'x | `vh of Js.Float.t | `vmax of Js.Float.t | `vmin of Js.Float.t | `vw of Js.Float.t | `zero ] as 'w | `ch of Js.Float.t | `cm of Js.Float.t | `em of Js.Float.t | `ex of Js.Float.t | `inch of Js.Float.t | `max of 'v Belt.Array.t | `min of 'v Belt.Array.t | `mm of Js.Float.t | `pc of Js.Float.t | `percent of Js.Float.t | `pt of Js.Int.t | `px of Js.Int.t | `pxFloat of Js.Float.t | `rem of Js.Float.t | `vh of Js.Float.t | `vmax of Js.Float.t | `vmin of Js.Float.t | `vw of Js.Float.t | `zero ch cm em ex inch mm pc percent pt px pxFloat rem vh vmax vmin vw zero ] as 'v ] Belt.Array.t -> rule
val transformOrigin : [< `bottom | `calc of [ `add of Css_AtomicTypes.Length.calc_value * Css_AtomicTypes.Length.calc_value | `ch of Js.Float.t | `cm of Js.Float.t | `em of Js.Float.t | `ex of Js.Float.t | `inch of Js.Float.t | `mm of Js.Float.t | `mult of Css_AtomicTypes.Length.calc_value * Css_AtomicTypes.Length.calc_value | `pc of Js.Float.t | `percent of Js.Float.t | `pt of Js.Int.t | `px of Js.Int.t | `pxFloat of Js.Float.t | `rem of Js.Float.t | `sub of Css_AtomicTypes.Length.calc_value * Css_AtomicTypes.Length.calc_value | `vh of Js.Float.t | `vmax of Js.Float.t | `vmin of Js.Float.t | `vw of Js.Float.t | `zero ] | `center | `ch of Js.Float.t | `cm of Js.Float.t | `em of Js.Float.t | `ex of Js.Float.t | `inch of Js.Float.t | `left | `max of Css_AtomicTypes.Length.t Belt.Array.t | `min of Css_AtomicTypes.Length.t Belt.Array.t | `mm of Js.Float.t | `pc of Js.Float.t | `percent of Js.Float.t | `pt of Js.Int.t | `px of Js.Int.t | `pxFloat of Js.Float.t | `rem of Js.Float.t | `right | `top | `vh of Js.Float.t | `vmax of Js.Float.t | `vmin of Js.Float.t | `vw of Js.Float.t | `zero ] -> rule
val transformOrigin2 : [< `bottom | `calc of [ `add of Css_AtomicTypes.Length.calc_value * Css_AtomicTypes.Length.calc_value | `ch of Js.Float.t | `cm of Js.Float.t | `em of Js.Float.t | `ex of Js.Float.t | `inch of Js.Float.t | `mm of Js.Float.t | `mult of Css_AtomicTypes.Length.calc_value * Css_AtomicTypes.Length.calc_value | `pc of Js.Float.t | `percent of Js.Float.t | `pt of Js.Int.t | `px of Js.Int.t | `pxFloat of Js.Float.t | `rem of Js.Float.t | `sub of Css_AtomicTypes.Length.calc_value * Css_AtomicTypes.Length.calc_value | `vh of Js.Float.t | `vmax of Js.Float.t | `vmin of Js.Float.t | `vw of Js.Float.t | `zero ] | `center | `ch of Js.Float.t | `cm of Js.Float.t | `em of Js.Float.t | `ex of Js.Float.t | `inch of Js.Float.t | `left | `max of Css_AtomicTypes.Length.t Belt.Array.t | `min of Css_AtomicTypes.Length.t Belt.Array.t | `mm of Js.Float.t | `pc of Js.Float.t | `percent of Js.Float.t | `pt of Js.Int.t | `px of Js.Int.t | `pxFloat of Js.Float.t | `rem of Js.Float.t | `right | `top | `vh of Js.Float.t | `vmax of Js.Float.t | `vmin of Js.Float.t | `vw of Js.Float.t | `zero ] -> [< `bottom | `calc of [ `add of Css_AtomicTypes.Length.calc_value * Css_AtomicTypes.Length.calc_value | `ch of Js.Float.t | `cm of Js.Float.t | `em of Js.Float.t | `ex of Js.Float.t | `inch of Js.Float.t | `mm of Js.Float.t | `mult of Css_AtomicTypes.Length.calc_value * Css_AtomicTypes.Length.calc_value | `pc of Js.Float.t | `percent of Js.Float.t | `pt of Js.Int.t | `px of Js.Int.t | `pxFloat of Js.Float.t | `rem of Js.Float.t | `sub of Css_AtomicTypes.Length.calc_value * Css_AtomicTypes.Length.calc_value | `vh of Js.Float.t | `vmax of Js.Float.t | `vmin of Js.Float.t | `vw of Js.Float.t | `zero ] | `center | `ch of Js.Float.t | `cm of Js.Float.t | `em of Js.Float.t | `ex of Js.Float.t | `inch of Js.Float.t | `left | `max of Css_AtomicTypes.Length.t Belt.Array.t | `min of Css_AtomicTypes.Length.t Belt.Array.t | `mm of Js.Float.t | `pc of Js.Float.t | `percent of Js.Float.t | `pt of Js.Int.t | `px of Js.Int.t | `pxFloat of Js.Float.t | `rem of Js.Float.t | `right | `top | `vh of Js.Float.t | `vmax of Js.Float.t | `vmin of Js.Float.t | `vw of Js.Float.t | `zero ] -> rule
val transformOrigin3d : [< `calc of [< `add of [< `calc of 'b | `ch of Js.Float.t | `cm of Js.Float.t | `em of Js.Float.t | `ex of Js.Float.t | `inch of Js.Float.t | `max of 'a Belt.Array.t | `min of 'a Belt.Array.t | `mm of Js.Float.t | `num of Js.Float.t | `pc of Js.Float.t | `percent of Js.Float.t | `pt of Js.Int.t | `px of Js.Int.t | `pxFloat of Js.Float.t | `rem of Js.Float.t | `vh of Js.Float.t | `vmax of Js.Float.t | `vmin of Js.Float.t | `vw of Js.Float.t | `zero ] as 'c * 'c | `ch of Js.Float.t | `cm of Js.Float.t | `em of Js.Float.t | `ex of Js.Float.t | `inch of Js.Float.t | `max of 'a Belt.Array.t | `min of 'a Belt.Array.t | `mm of Js.Float.t | `mult of 'c * 'c | `pc of Js.Float.t | `percent of Js.Float.t | `pt of Js.Int.t | `px of Js.Int.t | `pxFloat of Js.Float.t | `rem of Js.Float.t | `sub of 'c * 'c | `vh of Js.Float.t | `vmax of Js.Float.t | `vmin of Js.Float.t | `vw of Js.Float.t | `zero ] as 'b | `ch of Js.Float.t | `cm of Js.Float.t | `em of Js.Float.t | `ex of Js.Float.t | `inch of Js.Float.t | `max of 'a Belt.Array.t | `min of 'a Belt.Array.t | `mm of Js.Float.t | `pc of Js.Float.t | `percent of Js.Float.t | `pt of Js.Int.t | `px of Js.Int.t | `pxFloat of Js.Float.t | `rem of Js.Float.t | `vh of Js.Float.t | `vmax of Js.Float.t | `vmin of Js.Float.t | `vw of Js.Float.t | `zero ch cm em ex inch mm pc percent pt px pxFloat rem vh vmax vmin vw zero ] as 'a -> [< `calc of [< `add of [< `calc of 'e | `ch of Js.Float.t | `cm of Js.Float.t | `em of Js.Float.t | `ex of Js.Float.t | `inch of Js.Float.t | `max of 'd Belt.Array.t | `min of 'd Belt.Array.t | `mm of Js.Float.t | `num of Js.Float.t | `pc of Js.Float.t | `percent of Js.Float.t | `pt of Js.Int.t | `px of Js.Int.t | `pxFloat of Js.Float.t | `rem of Js.Float.t | `vh of Js.Float.t | `vmax of Js.Float.t | `vmin of Js.Float.t | `vw of Js.Float.t | `zero ] as 'f * 'f | `ch of Js.Float.t | `cm of Js.Float.t | `em of Js.Float.t | `ex of Js.Float.t | `inch of Js.Float.t | `max of 'd Belt.Array.t | `min of 'd Belt.Array.t | `mm of Js.Float.t | `mult of 'f * 'f | `pc of Js.Float.t | `percent of Js.Float.t | `pt of Js.Int.t | `px of Js.Int.t | `pxFloat of Js.Float.t | `rem of Js.Float.t | `sub of 'f * 'f | `vh of Js.Float.t | `vmax of Js.Float.t | `vmin of Js.Float.t | `vw of Js.Float.t | `zero ] as 'e | `ch of Js.Float.t | `cm of Js.Float.t | `em of Js.Float.t | `ex of Js.Float.t | `inch of Js.Float.t | `max of 'd Belt.Array.t | `min of 'd Belt.Array.t | `mm of Js.Float.t | `pc of Js.Float.t | `percent of Js.Float.t | `pt of Js.Int.t | `px of Js.Int.t | `pxFloat of Js.Float.t | `rem of Js.Float.t | `vh of Js.Float.t | `vmax of Js.Float.t | `vmin of Js.Float.t | `vw of Js.Float.t | `zero ch cm em ex inch mm pc percent pt px pxFloat rem vh vmax vmin vw zero ] as 'd -> [< `calc of [< `add of [< `calc of 'h | `ch of Js.Float.t | `cm of Js.Float.t | `em of Js.Float.t | `ex of Js.Float.t | `inch of Js.Float.t | `max of 'g Belt.Array.t | `min of 'g Belt.Array.t | `mm of Js.Float.t | `num of Js.Float.t | `pc of Js.Float.t | `percent of Js.Float.t | `pt of Js.Int.t | `px of Js.Int.t | `pxFloat of Js.Float.t | `rem of Js.Float.t | `vh of Js.Float.t | `vmax of Js.Float.t | `vmin of Js.Float.t | `vw of Js.Float.t | `zero ] as 'i * 'i | `ch of Js.Float.t | `cm of Js.Float.t | `em of Js.Float.t | `ex of Js.Float.t | `inch of Js.Float.t | `max of 'g Belt.Array.t | `min of 'g Belt.Array.t | `mm of Js.Float.t | `mult of 'i * 'i | `pc of Js.Float.t | `percent of Js.Float.t | `pt of Js.Int.t | `px of Js.Int.t | `pxFloat of Js.Float.t | `rem of Js.Float.t | `sub of 'i * 'i | `vh of Js.Float.t | `vmax of Js.Float.t | `vmin of Js.Float.t | `vw of Js.Float.t | `zero ] as 'h | `ch of Js.Float.t | `cm of Js.Float.t | `em of Js.Float.t | `ex of Js.Float.t | `inch of Js.Float.t | `max of 'g Belt.Array.t | `min of 'g Belt.Array.t | `mm of Js.Float.t | `pc of Js.Float.t | `percent of Js.Float.t | `pt of Js.Int.t | `px of Js.Int.t | `pxFloat of Js.Float.t | `rem of Js.Float.t | `vh of Js.Float.t | `vmax of Js.Float.t | `vmin of Js.Float.t | `vw of Js.Float.t | `zero ch cm em ex inch mm pc percent pt px pxFloat rem vh vmax vmin vw zero ] as 'g -> rule
val transformBox : [< `borderBox | `contentBox | `fillBox | `inherit_ | `initial | `revert | `revertLayer | `strokeBox | `unset | `viewBox ] -> rule
val unsafe : string -> string -> rule
val userSelect : [< `all | `auto | `contain | `inherit_ | `initial | `none | `revert | `revertLayer | `text | `unset | `var of Js.String.t | `varDefault of Js.String.t * string ] -> rule
val verticalAlign : [< `baseline | `bottom | `calc of [ `add of Css_AtomicTypes.Length.calc_value * Css_AtomicTypes.Length.calc_value | `ch of Js.Float.t | `cm of Js.Float.t | `em of Js.Float.t | `ex of Js.Float.t | `inch of Js.Float.t | `mm of Js.Float.t | `mult of Css_AtomicTypes.Length.calc_value * Css_AtomicTypes.Length.calc_value | `pc of Js.Float.t | `percent of Js.Float.t | `pt of Js.Int.t | `px of Js.Int.t | `pxFloat of Js.Float.t | `rem of Js.Float.t | `sub of Css_AtomicTypes.Length.calc_value * Css_AtomicTypes.Length.calc_value | `vh of Js.Float.t | `vmax of Js.Float.t | `vmin of Js.Float.t | `vw of Js.Float.t | `zero ] | `ch of Js.Float.t | `cm of Js.Float.t | `em of Js.Float.t | `ex of Js.Float.t | `inch of Js.Float.t | `inherit_ | `initial | `max of Css_AtomicTypes.Length.t Belt.Array.t | `middle | `min of Css_AtomicTypes.Length.t Belt.Array.t | `mm of Js.Float.t | `pc of Js.Float.t | `percent of Js.Float.t | `pt of Js.Int.t | `px of Js.Int.t | `pxFloat of Js.Float.t | `rem of Js.Float.t | `revert | `revertLayer | `sub | `super | `textBottom | `textTop | `top | `unset | `var of Js.String.t | `varDefault of Js.String.t * string | `vh of Js.Float.t | `vmax of Js.Float.t | `vmin of Js.Float.t | `vw of Js.Float.t | `zero ] -> rule
val visibility : [< `collapse | `hidden | `inherit_ | `initial | `revert | `revertLayer | `unset | `var of Js.String.t | `varDefault of Js.String.t * string | `visible ] -> rule
val scrollBehavior : [< `auto | `inherit_ | `initial | `revert | `revertLayer | `smooth | `unset | `var of Js.String.t | `varDefault of Js.String.t * string ] -> rule
val overscrollBehavior : [< `auto | `contain | `inherit_ | `initial | `none | `revert | `revertLayer | `unset | `var of Js.String.t | `varDefault of Js.String.t * string ] -> rule
val overflowAnchor : [< `auto | `inherit_ | `initial | `none | `revert | `revertLayer | `unset | `var of Js.String.t | `varDefault of Js.String.t * string ] -> rule
val columnWidth : [< `auto | `calc of [ `add of Css_AtomicTypes.Length.calc_value * Css_AtomicTypes.Length.calc_value | `ch of Js.Float.t | `cm of Js.Float.t | `em of Js.Float.t | `ex of Js.Float.t | `inch of Js.Float.t | `mm of Js.Float.t | `mult of Css_AtomicTypes.Length.calc_value * Css_AtomicTypes.Length.calc_value | `pc of Js.Float.t | `percent of Js.Float.t | `pt of Js.Int.t | `px of Js.Int.t | `pxFloat of Js.Float.t | `rem of Js.Float.t | `sub of Css_AtomicTypes.Length.calc_value * Css_AtomicTypes.Length.calc_value | `vh of Js.Float.t | `vmax of Js.Float.t | `vmin of Js.Float.t | `vw of Js.Float.t | `zero ] | `ch of Js.Float.t | `cm of Js.Float.t | `em of Js.Float.t | `ex of Js.Float.t | `inch of Js.Float.t | `inherit_ | `initial | `max of Css_AtomicTypes.Length.t Belt.Array.t | `min of Css_AtomicTypes.Length.t Belt.Array.t | `mm of Js.Float.t | `pc of Js.Float.t | `percent of Js.Float.t | `pt of Js.Int.t | `px of Js.Int.t | `pxFloat of Js.Float.t | `rem of Js.Float.t | `revert | `revertLayer | `unset | `var of Js.String.t | `varDefault of Js.String.t * string | `vh of Js.Float.t | `vmax of Js.Float.t | `vmin of Js.Float.t | `vw of Js.Float.t | `zero ] -> rule
val caretColor : [< `auto | `colorMix of Css_AtomicTypes.Color.t Css_AtomicTypes.Color.colorMix | `currentColor | `hex of string | `hsl of Css_AtomicTypes.Color.hsl | `hsla of Css_AtomicTypes.Color.hsla | `inherit_ | `initial | `revert | `revertLayer | `rgb of Css_AtomicTypes.Color.rgb | `rgba of Css_AtomicTypes.Color.rgba | `transparent | `unset | `var of Js.String.t | `varDefault of Js.String.t * string ] -> rule
val width : [< `auto | `calc of [ `add of Css_AtomicTypes.Length.calc_value * Css_AtomicTypes.Length.calc_value | `ch of Js.Float.t | `cm of Js.Float.t | `em of Js.Float.t | `ex of Js.Float.t | `inch of Js.Float.t | `mm of Js.Float.t | `mult of Css_AtomicTypes.Length.calc_value * Css_AtomicTypes.Length.calc_value | `pc of Js.Float.t | `percent of Js.Float.t | `pt of Js.Int.t | `px of Js.Int.t | `pxFloat of Js.Float.t | `rem of Js.Float.t | `sub of Css_AtomicTypes.Length.calc_value * Css_AtomicTypes.Length.calc_value | `vh of Js.Float.t | `vmax of Js.Float.t | `vmin of Js.Float.t | `vw of Js.Float.t | `zero ] | `ch of Js.Float.t | `cm of Js.Float.t | `em of Js.Float.t | `ex of Js.Float.t | `fitContent | `inch of Js.Float.t | `inherit_ | `initial | `max of Css_AtomicTypes.Length.t Belt.Array.t | `maxContent | `min of Css_AtomicTypes.Length.t Belt.Array.t | `minContent | `mm of Js.Float.t | `pc of Js.Float.t | `percent of Js.Float.t | `pt of Js.Int.t | `px of Js.Int.t | `pxFloat of Js.Float.t | `rem of Js.Float.t | `revert | `revertLayer | `unset | `var of Js.String.t | `varDefault of Js.String.t * string | `vh of Js.Float.t | `vmax of Js.Float.t | `vmin of Js.Float.t | `vw of Js.Float.t | `zero ] -> rule
val whiteSpace : [< `breakSpaces | `inherit_ | `initial | `normal | `nowrap | `pre | `preLine | `preWrap | `revert | `revertLayer | `unset | `var of Js.String.t | `varDefault of Js.String.t * string ] -> rule
val wordBreak : [< `breakAll | `inherit_ | `initial | `keepAll | `normal | `revert | `revertLayer | `unset | `var of Js.String.t | `varDefault of Js.String.t * string ] -> rule
val wordSpacing : [< `calc of [ `add of Css_AtomicTypes.Length.calc_value * Css_AtomicTypes.Length.calc_value | `ch of Js.Float.t | `cm of Js.Float.t | `em of Js.Float.t | `ex of Js.Float.t | `inch of Js.Float.t | `mm of Js.Float.t | `mult of Css_AtomicTypes.Length.calc_value * Css_AtomicTypes.Length.calc_value | `pc of Js.Float.t | `percent of Js.Float.t | `pt of Js.Int.t | `px of Js.Int.t | `pxFloat of Js.Float.t | `rem of Js.Float.t | `sub of Css_AtomicTypes.Length.calc_value * Css_AtomicTypes.Length.calc_value | `vh of Js.Float.t | `vmax of Js.Float.t | `vmin of Js.Float.t | `vw of Js.Float.t | `zero ] | `ch of Js.Float.t | `cm of Js.Float.t | `em of Js.Float.t | `ex of Js.Float.t | `inch of Js.Float.t | `inherit_ | `initial | `max of Css_AtomicTypes.Length.t Belt.Array.t | `min of Css_AtomicTypes.Length.t Belt.Array.t | `mm of Js.Float.t | `normal | `pc of Js.Float.t | `percent of Js.Float.t | `pt of Js.Int.t | `px of Js.Int.t | `pxFloat of Js.Float.t | `rem of Js.Float.t | `revert | `revertLayer | `unset | `var of Js.String.t | `varDefault of Js.String.t * string | `vh of Js.Float.t | `vmax of Js.Float.t | `vmin of Js.Float.t | `vw of Js.Float.t | `zero ] -> rule
val wordWrap : [< `anywhere | `breakWord | `inherit_ | `initial | `normal | `revert | `revertLayer | `unset | `var of Js.String.t | `varDefault of Js.String.t * string ] -> rule
val zIndex : [< `auto | `num of Js.Int.t ] -> rule
val media : string -> rule array -> rule
val selector : string -> rule array -> rule
val pseudoClass : string -> rule array -> rule
val active : rule array -> rule
val checked : rule array -> rule
val default : rule array -> rule
val defined : rule array -> rule
val disabled : rule array -> rule
val empty : rule array -> rule
val enabled : rule array -> rule
val first : rule array -> rule
val firstChild : rule array -> rule
val firstOfType : rule array -> rule
val focus : rule array -> rule
val focusVisible : rule array -> rule
val focusWithin : rule array -> rule
val host : ?selector:string -> rule array -> rule
val hover : rule array -> rule
val indeterminate : rule array -> rule
val inRange : rule array -> rule
val invalid : rule array -> rule
val lang : string -> rule array -> rule
val lastChild : rule array -> rule
val lastOfType : rule array -> rule
val not_ : string -> rule array -> rule
module Nth = Css_Js_Core.Nth
val nthChild : [< `add of Js.Int.t * Js.Int.t | `even | `n of Js.Int.t | `odd ] -> rule array -> rule
val nthLastChild : [< `add of Js.Int.t * Js.Int.t | `even | `n of Js.Int.t | `odd ] -> rule array -> rule
val nthLastOfType : [< `add of Js.Int.t * Js.Int.t | `even | `n of Js.Int.t | `odd ] -> rule array -> rule
val nthOfType : [< `add of Js.Int.t * Js.Int.t | `even | `n of Js.Int.t | `odd ] -> rule array -> rule
val onlyChild : rule array -> rule
val onlyOfType : rule array -> rule
val optional : rule array -> rule
val outOfRange : rule array -> rule
val readOnly : rule array -> rule
val readWrite : rule array -> rule
val required : rule array -> rule
val root : rule array -> rule
val scope : rule array -> rule
val target : rule array -> rule
val valid : rule array -> rule
val visited : rule array -> rule
val after : rule array -> rule
val before : rule array -> rule
val firstLetter : rule array -> rule
val firstLine : rule array -> rule
val selection : rule array -> rule
val child : string -> rule array -> rule
val children : rule array -> rule
val directSibling : rule array -> rule
val placeholder : rule array -> rule
val siblings : rule array -> rule
type animationDirection = Css_AtomicTypes.AnimationDirection.t
type animationFillMode = Css_AtomicTypes.AnimationFillMode.t
type animationIterationCount = Css_AtomicTypes.AnimationIterationCount.t
type animationPlayState = Css_AtomicTypes.AnimationPlayState.t
type listStyleType = Css_AtomicTypes.ListStyleType.t
type outlineStyle = Css_AtomicTypes.OutlineStyle.t
val initial : [> `initial ]
val inherit_ : [> `inherit_ ]
val unset : [> `unset ]
val var : 'a -> [> `var of 'a ]
val varDefault : 'a -> 'b -> [> `varDefault of 'a * 'b ]
val auto : [> `auto ]
val none : [> `none ]
val text : [> `text ]
val pct : 'a -> [> `percent of 'a ]
val ch : 'a -> [> `ch of 'a ]
val cm : 'a -> [> `cm of 'a ]
val em : 'a -> [> `em of 'a ]
val ex : 'a -> [> `ex of 'a ]
val mm : 'a -> [> `mm of 'a ]
val pt : 'a -> [> `pt of 'a ]
val px : 'a -> [> `px of 'a ]
val pxFloat : 'a -> [> `pxFloat of 'a ]
val rem : 'a -> [> `rem of 'a ]
val vh : 'a -> [> `vh of 'a ]
val vmin : 'a -> [> `vmin of 'a ]
val vmax : 'a -> [> `vmax of 'a ]
val zero : [> `zero ]
val deg : float -> [> `deg of float ]
val rad : float -> [> `rad of float ]
val grad : float -> [> `grad of float ]
val turn : float -> [> `turn of float ]
val ltr : [> `ltr ]
val rtl : [> `rtl ]
val absolute : [> `absolute ]
val relative : [> `relative ]
val static : [> `static ]
val fixed : [> `fixed ]
val sticky : [> `sticky ]
val isolate : [> `isolate ]
val horizontal : [> `horizontal ]
val vertical : [> `vertical ]
val smallCaps : [> `smallCaps ]
val italic : [> `italic ]
val oblique : [> `oblique ]
val hidden : [> `hidden ]
val visible : [> `visible ]
val scroll : [> `scroll ]
val rgb : 'a -> 'b -> 'c -> [> `rgb of 'a * 'b * 'c ]
val rgba : 'a -> 'b -> 'c -> 'd -> [> `rgba of 'a * 'b * 'c * 'd ]
val hsl : 'a -> 'b -> 'c -> [> `hsl of 'a * 'b * 'c ]
val hsla : 'a -> 'b -> 'c -> 'd -> [> `hsla of 'a * 'b * 'c * 'd ]
val hex : 'a -> [> `hex of 'a ]
val currentColor : [> `currentColor ]
val transparent : [> `transparent ]
val linear : [> `linear ]
val ease : [> `ease ]
val easeIn : [> `easeIn ]
val easeInOut : [> `easeInOut ]
val easeOut : [> `easeOut ]
val stepStart : [> `stepStart ]
val stepEnd : [> `stepEnd ]
val steps : 'a -> 'b -> [> `steps of 'a * 'b ]
val cubicBezier : 'a -> 'b -> 'c -> 'd -> [> `cubicBezier of 'a * 'b * 'c * 'd ]
val marginBox : [> `marginBox ]
val fillBox : [> `fillBox ]
val strokeBox : [> `strokeBox ]
val viewBox : [> `viewBox ]
val translate : 'a -> 'b -> [> `translate of 'a * 'b ]
val translate3d : 'a -> 'b -> 'c -> [> `translate3d of 'a * 'b * 'c ]
val translateX : 'a -> [> `translateX of 'a ]
val translateY : 'a -> [> `translateY of 'a ]
val translateZ : 'a -> [> `translateZ of 'a ]
val scaleX : 'a -> [> `scaleX of 'a ]
val scaleY : 'a -> [> `scaleY of 'a ]
val scaleZ : 'a -> [> `scaleZ of 'a ]
val rotateX : 'a -> [> `rotateX of 'a ]
val rotateY : 'a -> [> `rotateY of 'a ]
val rotateZ : 'a -> [> `rotateZ of 'a ]
val scale : 'a -> 'b -> [> `scale of 'a * 'b ]
val scale3d : 'a -> 'b -> 'c -> [> `scale3d of 'a * 'b * 'c ]
val skew : 'a -> 'b -> [> `skew of 'a * 'b ]
val skewX : 'a -> [> `skewX of 'a ]
val skewY : 'a -> [> `skewY of 'a ]
val thin : [> `thin ]
val extraLight : [> `extraLight ]
val light : [> `light ]
val medium : [> `medium ]
val semiBold : [> `semiBold ]
val bold : [> `bold ]
val extraBold : [> `extraBold ]
val lighter : [> `lighter ]
val bolder : [> `bolder ]
val linearGradient : 'a -> 'b -> [> `linearGradient of 'a option * 'b ]
val repeatingLinearGradient : 'a -> 'b -> [> `repeatingLinearGradient of 'a option * 'b ]
val conicGradient : 'a -> 'b -> [> `conicGradient of 'a option * 'b ]
val areas : 'a -> [> `areas of 'a ]
val ident : 'a -> [> `ident of 'a ]
val numIdent : 'a -> 'b -> [> `numIdent of 'a * 'b ]
val contextMenu : [> `contextMenu ]
val help : [> `help ]
val pointer : [> `pointer ]
val progress : [> `progress ]
val wait : [> `wait ]
val cell : [> `cell ]
val crosshair : [> `crosshair ]
val verticalText : [> `verticalText ]
val alias : [> `alias ]
val copy : [> `copy ]
val move : [> `move ]
val noDrop : [> `noDrop ]
val notAllowed : [> `notAllowed ]
val grab : [> `grab ]
val grabbing : [> `grabbing ]
val allScroll : [> `allScroll ]
val colResize : [> `colResize ]
val rowResize : [> `rowResize ]
val nResize : [> `nResize ]
val eResize : [> `eResize ]
val sResize : [> `sResize ]
val wResize : [> `wResize ]
val neResize : [> `neResize ]
val nwResize : [> `nwResize ]
val seResize : [> `seResize ]
val swResize : [> `swResize ]
val ewResize : [> `ewResize ]
val nsResize : [> `nsResize ]
val neswResize : [> `neswResize ]
val nwseResize : [> `nwseResize ]
val zoomIn : [> `zoomIn ]
val zoomOut : [> `zoomOut ]
val vw : 'a -> [> `vw of 'a ]
val fr : 'a -> [> `fr of 'a ]
module Calc = Css_Js_Core.Calc
val size : 'a -> 'b -> [> `size of 'a * 'b ]
val all : [> `all ]
val backwards : [> `backwards ]
val baseline : [> `baseline ]
val block : [> `block ]
val borderBox : [> `borderBox ]
val both : [> `both ]
val center : [> `center ]
val column : [> `column ]
val columnReverse : [> `columnReverse ]
val contain : [> `contain ]
val contentBox : [> `contentBox ]
val count : 'a -> [> `count of 'a ]
val cover : [> `cover ]
val dashed : [> `dashed ]
val dotted : [> `dotted ]
val flexBox : [> `flex ]
val grid : [> `grid ]
val inlineGrid : [> `inlineGrid ]
val flexEnd : [> `flexEnd ]
val flexStart : [> `flexStart ]
val forwards : [> `forwards ]
val infinite : [> `infinite ]
val inline : [> `inline ]
val contents : [> `contents ]
val inlineBlock : [> `inlineBlock ]
val inlineFlex : [> `inlineFlex ]
val inlineTable : [> `inlineTable ]
val listItem : [> `listItem ]
val runIn : [> `runIn ]
val table : [> `table ]
val tableCaption : [> `tableCaption ]
val tableColumnGroup : [> `tableColumnGroup ]
val tableHeaderGroup : [> `tableHeaderGroup ]
val tableFooterGroup : [> `tableFooterGroup ]
val tableRowGroup : [> `tableRowGroup ]
val tableCell : [> `tableCell ]
val tableColumn : [> `tableColumn ]
val tableRow : [> `tableRow ]
val local : [> `local ]
val localUrl : 'a -> [> `localUrl of 'a ]
val noRepeat : [> `noRepeat ]
val space : [> `space ]
val nowrap : [> `nowrap ]
val paddingBox : [> `paddingBox ]
val paused : [> `paused ]
val repeat : [> `repeat ]
val minmax : [> `minmax ]
val repeatX : [> `repeatX ]
val repeatY : [> `repeatY ]
val rotate : 'a -> [> `rotate of 'a ]
val rotate3d : 'a -> 'b -> 'c -> 'd -> [> `rotate3d of 'a * 'b * 'c * 'd ]
val row : [> `row ]
val rowReverse : [> `rowReverse ]
val running : [> `running ]
val solid : [> `solid ]
val spaceAround : [> `spaceAround ]
val spaceBetween : [> `spaceBetween ]
val spaceEvenly : [> `spaceEvenly ]
val stretch : [> `stretch ]
val url : 'a -> [> `url of 'a ]
val wrap : [> `wrap ]
val wrapReverse : [> `wrapReverse ]
val inside : [> `inside ]
val outside : [> `outside ]
val underline : [> `underline ]
val overline : [> `overline ]
val lineThrough : [> `lineThrough ]
val clip : [> `clip ]
val ellipsis : [> `ellipsis ]
val wavy : [> `wavy ]
val double : [> `double ]
val uppercase : [> `uppercase ]
val lowercase : [> `lowercase ]
val capitalize : [> `capitalize ]
val sub : [> `sub ]
val super : [> `super ]
val textTop : [> `textTop ]
val textBottom : [> `textBottom ]
val middle : [> `middle ]
val normal : [> `normal ]
val breakAll : [> `breakAll ]
val keepAll : [> `keepAll ]
val breakWord : [> `breakWord ]
val reverse : [> `reverse ]
val alternate : [> `alternate ]
val alternateReverse : [> `alternateReverse ]
val fill : [> `fill ]
val content : [> `content ]
val maxContent : [> `maxContent ]
val minContent : [> `minContent ]
val fitContent : [> `fitContent ]
val round : [> `round ]
val miter : [> `miter ]
val bevel : [> `bevel ]
val butt : [> `butt ]
val square : [> `square ]
val panX : [> `panX ]
val panY : [> `panY ]
val panLeft : [> `panLeft ]
val panRight : [> `panRight ]
val panUp : [> `panUp ]
val panDown : [> `panDown ]
val pinchZoom : [> `pinchZoom ]
val manipulation : [> `manipulation ]
val flex3 : grow:Js.Float.t -> shrink:Js.Float.t -> basis: [< `auto | `calc of [ `add of Css_AtomicTypes.Length.calc_value * Css_AtomicTypes.Length.calc_value | `ch of Js.Float.t | `cm of Js.Float.t | `em of Js.Float.t | `ex of Js.Float.t | `inch of Js.Float.t | `mm of Js.Float.t | `mult of Css_AtomicTypes.Length.calc_value * Css_AtomicTypes.Length.calc_value | `pc of Js.Float.t | `percent of Js.Float.t | `pt of Js.Int.t | `px of Js.Int.t | `pxFloat of Js.Float.t | `rem of Js.Float.t | `sub of Css_AtomicTypes.Length.calc_value * Css_AtomicTypes.Length.calc_value | `vh of Js.Float.t | `vmax of Js.Float.t | `vmin of Js.Float.t | `vw of Js.Float.t | `zero ] | `ch of Js.Float.t | `cm of Js.Float.t | `content | `em of Js.Float.t | `ex of Js.Float.t | `fill | `fitContent | `inch of Js.Float.t | `max of Css_AtomicTypes.Length.t Belt.Array.t | `maxContent | `min of Css_AtomicTypes.Length.t Belt.Array.t | `minContent | `mm of Js.Float.t | `pc of Js.Float.t | `percent of Js.Float.t | `pt of Js.Int.t | `px of Js.Int.t | `pxFloat of Js.Float.t | `rem of Js.Float.t | `vh of Js.Float.t | `vmax of Js.Float.t | `vmin of Js.Float.t | `vw of Js.Float.t | `zero ] -> rule
val flexBasis : [< `auto | `calc of [ `add of Css_AtomicTypes.Length.calc_value * Css_AtomicTypes.Length.calc_value | `ch of Js.Float.t | `cm of Js.Float.t | `em of Js.Float.t | `ex of Js.Float.t | `inch of Js.Float.t | `mm of Js.Float.t | `mult of Css_AtomicTypes.Length.calc_value * Css_AtomicTypes.Length.calc_value | `pc of Js.Float.t | `percent of Js.Float.t | `pt of Js.Int.t | `px of Js.Int.t | `pxFloat of Js.Float.t | `rem of Js.Float.t | `sub of Css_AtomicTypes.Length.calc_value * Css_AtomicTypes.Length.calc_value | `vh of Js.Float.t | `vmax of Js.Float.t | `vmin of Js.Float.t | `vw of Js.Float.t | `zero ] | `ch of Js.Float.t | `cm of Js.Float.t | `content | `em of Js.Float.t | `ex of Js.Float.t | `fill | `fitContent | `inch of Js.Float.t | `max of Css_AtomicTypes.Length.t Belt.Array.t | `maxContent | `min of Css_AtomicTypes.Length.t Belt.Array.t | `minContent | `mm of Js.Float.t | `pc of Js.Float.t | `percent of Js.Float.t | `pt of Js.Int.t | `px of Js.Int.t | `pxFloat of Js.Float.t | `rem of Js.Float.t | `vh of Js.Float.t | `vmax of Js.Float.t | `vmin of Js.Float.t | `vw of Js.Float.t | `zero ] -> rule
val order : Js.Int.t -> rule
val string_of_minmax : [< `auto | `calc of [ `add of Css_AtomicTypes.Length.calc_value * Css_AtomicTypes.Length.calc_value | `ch of Js.Float.t | `cm of Js.Float.t | `em of Js.Float.t | `ex of Js.Float.t | `inch of Js.Float.t | `mm of Js.Float.t | `mult of Css_AtomicTypes.Length.calc_value * Css_AtomicTypes.Length.calc_value | `pc of Js.Float.t | `percent of Js.Float.t | `pt of Js.Int.t | `px of Js.Int.t | `pxFloat of Js.Float.t | `rem of Js.Float.t | `sub of Css_AtomicTypes.Length.calc_value * Css_AtomicTypes.Length.calc_value | `vh of Js.Float.t | `vmax of Js.Float.t | `vmin of Js.Float.t | `vw of Js.Float.t | `zero ] | `ch of Js.Float.t | `cm of Js.Float.t | `em of Js.Float.t | `ex of Js.Float.t | `fr of Js.Float.t | `inch of Js.Float.t | `max of Css_AtomicTypes.Length.t Belt.Array.t | `maxContent | `min of Css_AtomicTypes.Length.t Belt.Array.t | `minContent | `mm of Js.Float.t | `pc of Js.Float.t | `percent of Js.Float.t | `pt of Js.Int.t | `px of Js.Int.t | `pxFloat of Js.Float.t | `rem of Js.Float.t | `vh of Js.Float.t | `vmax of Js.Float.t | `vmin of Js.Float.t | `vw of Js.Float.t | `zero ] -> string
val string_of_dimension : [< `auto | `calc of [ `add of Css_AtomicTypes.Length.calc_value * Css_AtomicTypes.Length.calc_value | `ch of Js.Float.t | `cm of Js.Float.t | `em of Js.Float.t | `ex of Js.Float.t | `inch of Js.Float.t | `mm of Js.Float.t | `mult of Css_AtomicTypes.Length.calc_value * Css_AtomicTypes.Length.calc_value | `pc of Js.Float.t | `percent of Js.Float.t | `pt of Js.Int.t | `px of Js.Int.t | `pxFloat of Js.Float.t | `rem of Js.Float.t | `sub of Css_AtomicTypes.Length.calc_value * Css_AtomicTypes.Length.calc_value | `vh of Js.Float.t | `vmax of Js.Float.t | `vmin of Js.Float.t | `vw of Js.Float.t | `zero ] | `ch of Js.Float.t | `cm of Js.Float.t | `em of Js.Float.t | `ex of Js.Float.t | `fitContent | `fr of Js.Float.t | `inch of Js.Float.t | `max of Css_AtomicTypes.Length.t Belt.Array.t | `maxContent | `min of Css_AtomicTypes.Length.t Belt.Array.t | `minContent | `minmax of [< `auto | `calc of [ `add of Css_AtomicTypes.Length.calc_value * Css_AtomicTypes.Length.calc_value | `ch of Js.Float.t | `cm of Js.Float.t | `em of Js.Float.t | `ex of Js.Float.t | `inch of Js.Float.t | `mm of Js.Float.t | `mult of Css_AtomicTypes.Length.calc_value * Css_AtomicTypes.Length.calc_value | `pc of Js.Float.t | `percent of Js.Float.t | `pt of Js.Int.t | `px of Js.Int.t | `pxFloat of Js.Float.t | `rem of Js.Float.t | `sub of Css_AtomicTypes.Length.calc_value * Css_AtomicTypes.Length.calc_value | `vh of Js.Float.t | `vmax of Js.Float.t | `vmin of Js.Float.t | `vw of Js.Float.t | `zero ] | `ch of Js.Float.t | `cm of Js.Float.t | `em of Js.Float.t | `ex of Js.Float.t | `fr of Js.Float.t | `inch of Js.Float.t | `max of Css_AtomicTypes.Length.t Belt.Array.t | `maxContent | `min of Css_AtomicTypes.Length.t Belt.Array.t | `minContent | `mm of Js.Float.t | `pc of Js.Float.t | `percent of Js.Float.t | `pt of Js.Int.t | `px of Js.Int.t | `pxFloat of Js.Float.t | `rem of Js.Float.t | `vh of Js.Float.t | `vmax of Js.Float.t | `vmin of Js.Float.t | `vw of Js.Float.t | `zero ] * [< `auto | `calc of [ `add of Css_AtomicTypes.Length.calc_value * Css_AtomicTypes.Length.calc_value | `ch of Js.Float.t | `cm of Js.Float.t | `em of Js.Float.t | `ex of Js.Float.t | `inch of Js.Float.t | `mm of Js.Float.t | `mult of Css_AtomicTypes.Length.calc_value * Css_AtomicTypes.Length.calc_value | `pc of Js.Float.t | `percent of Js.Float.t | `pt of Js.Int.t | `px of Js.Int.t | `pxFloat of Js.Float.t | `rem of Js.Float.t | `sub of Css_AtomicTypes.Length.calc_value * Css_AtomicTypes.Length.calc_value | `vh of Js.Float.t | `vmax of Js.Float.t | `vmin of Js.Float.t | `vw of Js.Float.t | `zero ] | `ch of Js.Float.t | `cm of Js.Float.t | `em of Js.Float.t | `ex of Js.Float.t | `fr of Js.Float.t | `inch of Js.Float.t | `max of Css_AtomicTypes.Length.t Belt.Array.t | `maxContent | `min of Css_AtomicTypes.Length.t Belt.Array.t | `minContent | `mm of Js.Float.t | `pc of Js.Float.t | `percent of Js.Float.t | `pt of Js.Int.t | `px of Js.Int.t | `pxFloat of Js.Float.t | `rem of Js.Float.t | `vh of Js.Float.t | `vmax of Js.Float.t | `vmin of Js.Float.t | `vw of Js.Float.t | `zero ] | `mm of Js.Float.t | `none | `pc of Js.Float.t | `percent of Js.Float.t | `pt of Js.Int.t | `px of Js.Int.t | `pxFloat of Js.Float.t | `rem of Js.Float.t | `subgrid | `vh of Js.Float.t | `vmax of Js.Float.t | `vmin of Js.Float.t | `vw of Js.Float.t | `zero ] -> string
type minmax = [
  1. | `fr of float
  2. | `minContent
  3. | `maxContent
  4. | `auto
  5. | Css_AtomicTypes.Length.t
type trackLength = [
  1. | Css_AtomicTypes.Length.t
  2. | `auto
  3. | `fr of float
  4. | `minContent
  5. | `maxContent
  6. | `minmax of minmax * minmax
type gridLength = [
  1. | trackLength
  2. | `repeat of Css_AtomicTypes.RepeatValue.t * trackLength array
val gridLengthToJs : [< `auto | `calc of [ `add of Css_AtomicTypes.Length.calc_value * Css_AtomicTypes.Length.calc_value | `ch of Js.Float.t | `cm of Js.Float.t | `em of Js.Float.t | `ex of Js.Float.t | `inch of Js.Float.t | `mm of Js.Float.t | `mult of Css_AtomicTypes.Length.calc_value * Css_AtomicTypes.Length.calc_value | `pc of Js.Float.t | `percent of Js.Float.t | `pt of Js.Int.t | `px of Js.Int.t | `pxFloat of Js.Float.t | `rem of Js.Float.t | `sub of Css_AtomicTypes.Length.calc_value * Css_AtomicTypes.Length.calc_value | `vh of Js.Float.t | `vmax of Js.Float.t | `vmin of Js.Float.t | `vw of Js.Float.t | `zero ] | `ch of Js.Float.t | `cm of Js.Float.t | `em of Js.Float.t | `ex of Js.Float.t | `fitContent of [< `calc of [< `add of [< `calc of 'c | `ch of Js.Float.t | `cm of Js.Float.t | `em of Js.Float.t | `ex of Js.Float.t | `inch of Js.Float.t | `max of 'b Belt.Array.t | `min of 'b Belt.Array.t | `mm of Js.Float.t | `num of Js.Float.t | `pc of Js.Float.t | `percent of Js.Float.t | `pt of Js.Int.t | `px of Js.Int.t | `pxFloat of Js.Float.t | `rem of Js.Float.t | `vh of Js.Float.t | `vmax of Js.Float.t | `vmin of Js.Float.t | `vw of Js.Float.t | `zero ] as 'd * 'd | `ch of Js.Float.t | `cm of Js.Float.t | `em of Js.Float.t | `ex of Js.Float.t | `inch of Js.Float.t | `max of 'b Belt.Array.t | `min of 'b Belt.Array.t | `mm of Js.Float.t | `mult of 'd * 'd | `pc of Js.Float.t | `percent of Js.Float.t | `pt of Js.Int.t | `px of Js.Int.t | `pxFloat of Js.Float.t | `rem of Js.Float.t | `sub of 'd * 'd | `vh of Js.Float.t | `vmax of Js.Float.t | `vmin of Js.Float.t | `vw of Js.Float.t | `zero ] as 'c | `ch of Js.Float.t | `cm of Js.Float.t | `em of Js.Float.t | `ex of Js.Float.t | `inch of Js.Float.t | `max of 'b Belt.Array.t | `min of 'b Belt.Array.t | `mm of Js.Float.t | `pc of Js.Float.t | `percent of Js.Float.t | `pt of Js.Int.t | `px of Js.Int.t | `pxFloat of Js.Float.t | `rem of Js.Float.t | `vh of Js.Float.t | `vmax of Js.Float.t | `vmin of Js.Float.t | `vw of Js.Float.t | `zero ch cm em ex inch mm pc percent pt px pxFloat rem vh vmax vmin vw zero ] as 'b | `fr of Js.Float.t | `inch of Js.Float.t | `max of Css_AtomicTypes.Length.t Belt.Array.t | `maxContent | `min of Css_AtomicTypes.Length.t Belt.Array.t | `minContent | `minmax of [< `auto | `calc of [ `add of Css_AtomicTypes.Length.calc_value * Css_AtomicTypes.Length.calc_value | `ch of Js.Float.t | `cm of Js.Float.t | `em of Js.Float.t | `ex of Js.Float.t | `inch of Js.Float.t | `mm of Js.Float.t | `mult of Css_AtomicTypes.Length.calc_value * Css_AtomicTypes.Length.calc_value | `pc of Js.Float.t | `percent of Js.Float.t | `pt of Js.Int.t | `px of Js.Int.t | `pxFloat of Js.Float.t | `rem of Js.Float.t | `sub of Css_AtomicTypes.Length.calc_value * Css_AtomicTypes.Length.calc_value | `vh of Js.Float.t | `vmax of Js.Float.t | `vmin of Js.Float.t | `vw of Js.Float.t | `zero ] | `ch of Js.Float.t | `cm of Js.Float.t | `em of Js.Float.t | `ex of Js.Float.t | `fr of Js.Float.t | `inch of Js.Float.t | `max of Css_AtomicTypes.Length.t Belt.Array.t | `maxContent | `min of Css_AtomicTypes.Length.t Belt.Array.t | `minContent | `mm of Js.Float.t | `pc of Js.Float.t | `percent of Js.Float.t | `pt of Js.Int.t | `px of Js.Int.t | `pxFloat of Js.Float.t | `rem of Js.Float.t | `vh of Js.Float.t | `vmax of Js.Float.t | `vmin of Js.Float.t | `vw of Js.Float.t | `zero ] * [< `auto | `calc of [ `add of Css_AtomicTypes.Length.calc_value * Css_AtomicTypes.Length.calc_value | `ch of Js.Float.t | `cm of Js.Float.t | `em of Js.Float.t | `ex of Js.Float.t | `inch of Js.Float.t | `mm of Js.Float.t | `mult of Css_AtomicTypes.Length.calc_value * Css_AtomicTypes.Length.calc_value | `pc of Js.Float.t | `percent of Js.Float.t | `pt of Js.Int.t | `px of Js.Int.t | `pxFloat of Js.Float.t | `rem of Js.Float.t | `sub of Css_AtomicTypes.Length.calc_value * Css_AtomicTypes.Length.calc_value | `vh of Js.Float.t | `vmax of Js.Float.t | `vmin of Js.Float.t | `vw of Js.Float.t | `zero ] | `ch of Js.Float.t | `cm of Js.Float.t | `em of Js.Float.t | `ex of Js.Float.t | `fr of Js.Float.t | `inch of Js.Float.t | `max of Css_AtomicTypes.Length.t Belt.Array.t | `maxContent | `min of Css_AtomicTypes.Length.t Belt.Array.t | `minContent | `mm of Js.Float.t | `pc of Js.Float.t | `percent of Js.Float.t | `pt of Js.Int.t | `px of Js.Int.t | `pxFloat of Js.Float.t | `rem of Js.Float.t | `vh of Js.Float.t | `vmax of Js.Float.t | `vmin of Js.Float.t | `vw of Js.Float.t | `zero ] | `mm of Js.Float.t | `name of string | `none | `pc of Js.Float.t | `percent of Js.Float.t | `pt of Js.Int.t | `px of Js.Int.t | `pxFloat of Js.Float.t | `rem of Js.Float.t | `repeat of [< `autoFill | `autoFit | `num of Js.Int.t ] * 'a Belt.Array.t | `subgrid | `vh of Js.Float.t | `vmax of Js.Float.t | `vmin of Js.Float.t | `vw of Js.Float.t | `zero ] as 'a -> string
val string_of_dimensions : [< `auto | `calc of [ `add of Css_AtomicTypes.Length.calc_value * Css_AtomicTypes.Length.calc_value | `ch of Js.Float.t | `cm of Js.Float.t | `em of Js.Float.t | `ex of Js.Float.t | `inch of Js.Float.t | `mm of Js.Float.t | `mult of Css_AtomicTypes.Length.calc_value * Css_AtomicTypes.Length.calc_value | `pc of Js.Float.t | `percent of Js.Float.t | `pt of Js.Int.t | `px of Js.Int.t | `pxFloat of Js.Float.t | `rem of Js.Float.t | `sub of Css_AtomicTypes.Length.calc_value * Css_AtomicTypes.Length.calc_value | `vh of Js.Float.t | `vmax of Js.Float.t | `vmin of Js.Float.t | `vw of Js.Float.t | `zero ] | `ch of Js.Float.t | `cm of Js.Float.t | `em of Js.Float.t | `ex of Js.Float.t | `fitContent of [< `calc of [< `add of [< `calc of 'c | `ch of Js.Float.t | `cm of Js.Float.t | `em of Js.Float.t | `ex of Js.Float.t | `inch of Js.Float.t | `max of 'b Belt.Array.t | `min of 'b Belt.Array.t | `mm of Js.Float.t | `num of Js.Float.t | `pc of Js.Float.t | `percent of Js.Float.t | `pt of Js.Int.t | `px of Js.Int.t | `pxFloat of Js.Float.t | `rem of Js.Float.t | `vh of Js.Float.t | `vmax of Js.Float.t | `vmin of Js.Float.t | `vw of Js.Float.t | `zero ] as 'd * 'd | `ch of Js.Float.t | `cm of Js.Float.t | `em of Js.Float.t | `ex of Js.Float.t | `inch of Js.Float.t | `max of 'b Belt.Array.t | `min of 'b Belt.Array.t | `mm of Js.Float.t | `mult of 'd * 'd | `pc of Js.Float.t | `percent of Js.Float.t | `pt of Js.Int.t | `px of Js.Int.t | `pxFloat of Js.Float.t | `rem of Js.Float.t | `sub of 'd * 'd | `vh of Js.Float.t | `vmax of Js.Float.t | `vmin of Js.Float.t | `vw of Js.Float.t | `zero ] as 'c | `ch of Js.Float.t | `cm of Js.Float.t | `em of Js.Float.t | `ex of Js.Float.t | `inch of Js.Float.t | `max of 'b Belt.Array.t | `min of 'b Belt.Array.t | `mm of Js.Float.t | `pc of Js.Float.t | `percent of Js.Float.t | `pt of Js.Int.t | `px of Js.Int.t | `pxFloat of Js.Float.t | `rem of Js.Float.t | `vh of Js.Float.t | `vmax of Js.Float.t | `vmin of Js.Float.t | `vw of Js.Float.t | `zero ch cm em ex inch mm pc percent pt px pxFloat rem vh vmax vmin vw zero ] as 'b | `fr of Js.Float.t | `inch of Js.Float.t | `max of Css_AtomicTypes.Length.t Belt.Array.t | `maxContent | `min of Css_AtomicTypes.Length.t Belt.Array.t | `minContent | `minmax of [< `auto | `calc of [ `add of Css_AtomicTypes.Length.calc_value * Css_AtomicTypes.Length.calc_value | `ch of Js.Float.t | `cm of Js.Float.t | `em of Js.Float.t | `ex of Js.Float.t | `inch of Js.Float.t | `mm of Js.Float.t | `mult of Css_AtomicTypes.Length.calc_value * Css_AtomicTypes.Length.calc_value | `pc of Js.Float.t | `percent of Js.Float.t | `pt of Js.Int.t | `px of Js.Int.t | `pxFloat of Js.Float.t | `rem of Js.Float.t | `sub of Css_AtomicTypes.Length.calc_value * Css_AtomicTypes.Length.calc_value | `vh of Js.Float.t | `vmax of Js.Float.t | `vmin of Js.Float.t | `vw of Js.Float.t | `zero ] | `ch of Js.Float.t | `cm of Js.Float.t | `em of Js.Float.t | `ex of Js.Float.t | `fr of Js.Float.t | `inch of Js.Float.t | `max of Css_AtomicTypes.Length.t Belt.Array.t | `maxContent | `min of Css_AtomicTypes.Length.t Belt.Array.t | `minContent | `mm of Js.Float.t | `pc of Js.Float.t | `percent of Js.Float.t | `pt of Js.Int.t | `px of Js.Int.t | `pxFloat of Js.Float.t | `rem of Js.Float.t | `vh of Js.Float.t | `vmax of Js.Float.t | `vmin of Js.Float.t | `vw of Js.Float.t | `zero ] * [< `auto | `calc of [ `add of Css_AtomicTypes.Length.calc_value * Css_AtomicTypes.Length.calc_value | `ch of Js.Float.t | `cm of Js.Float.t | `em of Js.Float.t | `ex of Js.Float.t | `inch of Js.Float.t | `mm of Js.Float.t | `mult of Css_AtomicTypes.Length.calc_value * Css_AtomicTypes.Length.calc_value | `pc of Js.Float.t | `percent of Js.Float.t | `pt of Js.Int.t | `px of Js.Int.t | `pxFloat of Js.Float.t | `rem of Js.Float.t | `sub of Css_AtomicTypes.Length.calc_value * Css_AtomicTypes.Length.calc_value | `vh of Js.Float.t | `vmax of Js.Float.t | `vmin of Js.Float.t | `vw of Js.Float.t | `zero ] | `ch of Js.Float.t | `cm of Js.Float.t | `em of Js.Float.t | `ex of Js.Float.t | `fr of Js.Float.t | `inch of Js.Float.t | `max of Css_AtomicTypes.Length.t Belt.Array.t | `maxContent | `min of Css_AtomicTypes.Length.t Belt.Array.t | `minContent | `mm of Js.Float.t | `pc of Js.Float.t | `percent of Js.Float.t | `pt of Js.Int.t | `px of Js.Int.t | `pxFloat of Js.Float.t | `rem of Js.Float.t | `vh of Js.Float.t | `vmax of Js.Float.t | `vmin of Js.Float.t | `vw of Js.Float.t | `zero ] | `mm of Js.Float.t | `name of string | `none | `pc of Js.Float.t | `percent of Js.Float.t | `pt of Js.Int.t | `px of Js.Int.t | `pxFloat of Js.Float.t | `rem of Js.Float.t | `repeat of [< `autoFill | `autoFit | `num of Js.Int.t ] * 'a | `subgrid | `vh of Js.Float.t | `vmax of Js.Float.t | `vmin of Js.Float.t | `vw of Js.Float.t | `zero ] Belt.Array.t as 'a -> string
val gridTemplateColumns : [< `auto | `calc of [ `add of Css_AtomicTypes.Length.calc_value * Css_AtomicTypes.Length.calc_value | `ch of Js.Float.t | `cm of Js.Float.t | `em of Js.Float.t | `ex of Js.Float.t | `inch of Js.Float.t | `mm of Js.Float.t | `mult of Css_AtomicTypes.Length.calc_value * Css_AtomicTypes.Length.calc_value | `pc of Js.Float.t | `percent of Js.Float.t | `pt of Js.Int.t | `px of Js.Int.t | `pxFloat of Js.Float.t | `rem of Js.Float.t | `sub of Css_AtomicTypes.Length.calc_value * Css_AtomicTypes.Length.calc_value | `vh of Js.Float.t | `vmax of Js.Float.t | `vmin of Js.Float.t | `vw of Js.Float.t | `zero ] | `ch of Js.Float.t | `cm of Js.Float.t | `em of Js.Float.t | `ex of Js.Float.t | `fitContent of [< `calc of [< `add of [< `calc of 'c | `ch of Js.Float.t | `cm of Js.Float.t | `em of Js.Float.t | `ex of Js.Float.t | `inch of Js.Float.t | `max of 'b Belt.Array.t | `min of 'b Belt.Array.t | `mm of Js.Float.t | `num of Js.Float.t | `pc of Js.Float.t | `percent of Js.Float.t | `pt of Js.Int.t | `px of Js.Int.t | `pxFloat of Js.Float.t | `rem of Js.Float.t | `vh of Js.Float.t | `vmax of Js.Float.t | `vmin of Js.Float.t | `vw of Js.Float.t | `zero ] as 'd * 'd | `ch of Js.Float.t | `cm of Js.Float.t | `em of Js.Float.t | `ex of Js.Float.t | `inch of Js.Float.t | `max of 'b Belt.Array.t | `min of 'b Belt.Array.t | `mm of Js.Float.t | `mult of 'd * 'd | `pc of Js.Float.t | `percent of Js.Float.t | `pt of Js.Int.t | `px of Js.Int.t | `pxFloat of Js.Float.t | `rem of Js.Float.t | `sub of 'd * 'd | `vh of Js.Float.t | `vmax of Js.Float.t | `vmin of Js.Float.t | `vw of Js.Float.t | `zero ] as 'c | `ch of Js.Float.t | `cm of Js.Float.t | `em of Js.Float.t | `ex of Js.Float.t | `inch of Js.Float.t | `max of 'b Belt.Array.t | `min of 'b Belt.Array.t | `mm of Js.Float.t | `pc of Js.Float.t | `percent of Js.Float.t | `pt of Js.Int.t | `px of Js.Int.t | `pxFloat of Js.Float.t | `rem of Js.Float.t | `vh of Js.Float.t | `vmax of Js.Float.t | `vmin of Js.Float.t | `vw of Js.Float.t | `zero ch cm em ex inch mm pc percent pt px pxFloat rem vh vmax vmin vw zero ] as 'b | `fr of Js.Float.t | `inch of Js.Float.t | `max of Css_AtomicTypes.Length.t Belt.Array.t | `maxContent | `min of Css_AtomicTypes.Length.t Belt.Array.t | `minContent | `minmax of [< `auto | `calc of [ `add of Css_AtomicTypes.Length.calc_value * Css_AtomicTypes.Length.calc_value | `ch of Js.Float.t | `cm of Js.Float.t | `em of Js.Float.t | `ex of Js.Float.t | `inch of Js.Float.t | `mm of Js.Float.t | `mult of Css_AtomicTypes.Length.calc_value * Css_AtomicTypes.Length.calc_value | `pc of Js.Float.t | `percent of Js.Float.t | `pt of Js.Int.t | `px of Js.Int.t | `pxFloat of Js.Float.t | `rem of Js.Float.t | `sub of Css_AtomicTypes.Length.calc_value * Css_AtomicTypes.Length.calc_value | `vh of Js.Float.t | `vmax of Js.Float.t | `vmin of Js.Float.t | `vw of Js.Float.t | `zero ] | `ch of Js.Float.t | `cm of Js.Float.t | `em of Js.Float.t | `ex of Js.Float.t | `fr of Js.Float.t | `inch of Js.Float.t | `max of Css_AtomicTypes.Length.t Belt.Array.t | `maxContent | `min of Css_AtomicTypes.Length.t Belt.Array.t | `minContent | `mm of Js.Float.t | `pc of Js.Float.t | `percent of Js.Float.t | `pt of Js.Int.t | `px of Js.Int.t | `pxFloat of Js.Float.t | `rem of Js.Float.t | `vh of Js.Float.t | `vmax of Js.Float.t | `vmin of Js.Float.t | `vw of Js.Float.t | `zero ] * [< `auto | `calc of [ `add of Css_AtomicTypes.Length.calc_value * Css_AtomicTypes.Length.calc_value | `ch of Js.Float.t | `cm of Js.Float.t | `em of Js.Float.t | `ex of Js.Float.t | `inch of Js.Float.t | `mm of Js.Float.t | `mult of Css_AtomicTypes.Length.calc_value * Css_AtomicTypes.Length.calc_value | `pc of Js.Float.t | `percent of Js.Float.t | `pt of Js.Int.t | `px of Js.Int.t | `pxFloat of Js.Float.t | `rem of Js.Float.t | `sub of Css_AtomicTypes.Length.calc_value * Css_AtomicTypes.Length.calc_value | `vh of Js.Float.t | `vmax of Js.Float.t | `vmin of Js.Float.t | `vw of Js.Float.t | `zero ] | `ch of Js.Float.t | `cm of Js.Float.t | `em of Js.Float.t | `ex of Js.Float.t | `fr of Js.Float.t | `inch of Js.Float.t | `max of Css_AtomicTypes.Length.t Belt.Array.t | `maxContent | `min of Css_AtomicTypes.Length.t Belt.Array.t | `minContent | `mm of Js.Float.t | `pc of Js.Float.t | `percent of Js.Float.t | `pt of Js.Int.t | `px of Js.Int.t | `pxFloat of Js.Float.t | `rem of Js.Float.t | `vh of Js.Float.t | `vmax of Js.Float.t | `vmin of Js.Float.t | `vw of Js.Float.t | `zero ] | `mm of Js.Float.t | `name of string | `none | `pc of Js.Float.t | `percent of Js.Float.t | `pt of Js.Int.t | `px of Js.Int.t | `pxFloat of Js.Float.t | `rem of Js.Float.t | `repeat of [< `autoFill | `autoFit | `num of Js.Int.t ] * 'a | `subgrid | `vh of Js.Float.t | `vmax of Js.Float.t | `vmin of Js.Float.t | `vw of Js.Float.t | `zero ] Belt.Array.t as 'a -> rule
val gridTemplateRows : [< `auto | `calc of [ `add of Css_AtomicTypes.Length.calc_value * Css_AtomicTypes.Length.calc_value | `ch of Js.Float.t | `cm of Js.Float.t | `em of Js.Float.t | `ex of Js.Float.t | `inch of Js.Float.t | `mm of Js.Float.t | `mult of Css_AtomicTypes.Length.calc_value * Css_AtomicTypes.Length.calc_value | `pc of Js.Float.t | `percent of Js.Float.t | `pt of Js.Int.t | `px of Js.Int.t | `pxFloat of Js.Float.t | `rem of Js.Float.t | `sub of Css_AtomicTypes.Length.calc_value * Css_AtomicTypes.Length.calc_value | `vh of Js.Float.t | `vmax of Js.Float.t | `vmin of Js.Float.t | `vw of Js.Float.t | `zero ] | `ch of Js.Float.t | `cm of Js.Float.t | `em of Js.Float.t | `ex of Js.Float.t | `fitContent of [< `calc of [< `add of [< `calc of 'c | `ch of Js.Float.t | `cm of Js.Float.t | `em of Js.Float.t | `ex of Js.Float.t | `inch of Js.Float.t | `max of 'b Belt.Array.t | `min of 'b Belt.Array.t | `mm of Js.Float.t | `num of Js.Float.t | `pc of Js.Float.t | `percent of Js.Float.t | `pt of Js.Int.t | `px of Js.Int.t | `pxFloat of Js.Float.t | `rem of Js.Float.t | `vh of Js.Float.t | `vmax of Js.Float.t | `vmin of Js.Float.t | `vw of Js.Float.t | `zero ] as 'd * 'd | `ch of Js.Float.t | `cm of Js.Float.t | `em of Js.Float.t | `ex of Js.Float.t | `inch of Js.Float.t | `max of 'b Belt.Array.t | `min of 'b Belt.Array.t | `mm of Js.Float.t | `mult of 'd * 'd | `pc of Js.Float.t | `percent of Js.Float.t | `pt of Js.Int.t | `px of Js.Int.t | `pxFloat of Js.Float.t | `rem of Js.Float.t | `sub of 'd * 'd | `vh of Js.Float.t | `vmax of Js.Float.t | `vmin of Js.Float.t | `vw of Js.Float.t | `zero ] as 'c | `ch of Js.Float.t | `cm of Js.Float.t | `em of Js.Float.t | `ex of Js.Float.t | `inch of Js.Float.t | `max of 'b Belt.Array.t | `min of 'b Belt.Array.t | `mm of Js.Float.t | `pc of Js.Float.t | `percent of Js.Float.t | `pt of Js.Int.t | `px of Js.Int.t | `pxFloat of Js.Float.t | `rem of Js.Float.t | `vh of Js.Float.t | `vmax of Js.Float.t | `vmin of Js.Float.t | `vw of Js.Float.t | `zero ch cm em ex inch mm pc percent pt px pxFloat rem vh vmax vmin vw zero ] as 'b | `fr of Js.Float.t | `inch of Js.Float.t | `max of Css_AtomicTypes.Length.t Belt.Array.t | `maxContent | `min of Css_AtomicTypes.Length.t Belt.Array.t | `minContent | `minmax of [< `auto | `calc of [ `add of Css_AtomicTypes.Length.calc_value * Css_AtomicTypes.Length.calc_value | `ch of Js.Float.t | `cm of Js.Float.t | `em of Js.Float.t | `ex of Js.Float.t | `inch of Js.Float.t | `mm of Js.Float.t | `mult of Css_AtomicTypes.Length.calc_value * Css_AtomicTypes.Length.calc_value | `pc of Js.Float.t | `percent of Js.Float.t | `pt of Js.Int.t | `px of Js.Int.t | `pxFloat of Js.Float.t | `rem of Js.Float.t | `sub of Css_AtomicTypes.Length.calc_value * Css_AtomicTypes.Length.calc_value | `vh of Js.Float.t | `vmax of Js.Float.t | `vmin of Js.Float.t | `vw of Js.Float.t | `zero ] | `ch of Js.Float.t | `cm of Js.Float.t | `em of Js.Float.t | `ex of Js.Float.t | `fr of Js.Float.t | `inch of Js.Float.t | `max of Css_AtomicTypes.Length.t Belt.Array.t | `maxContent | `min of Css_AtomicTypes.Length.t Belt.Array.t | `minContent | `mm of Js.Float.t | `pc of Js.Float.t | `percent of Js.Float.t | `pt of Js.Int.t | `px of Js.Int.t | `pxFloat of Js.Float.t | `rem of Js.Float.t | `vh of Js.Float.t | `vmax of Js.Float.t | `vmin of Js.Float.t | `vw of Js.Float.t | `zero ] * [< `auto | `calc of [ `add of Css_AtomicTypes.Length.calc_value * Css_AtomicTypes.Length.calc_value | `ch of Js.Float.t | `cm of Js.Float.t | `em of Js.Float.t | `ex of Js.Float.t | `inch of Js.Float.t | `mm of Js.Float.t | `mult of Css_AtomicTypes.Length.calc_value * Css_AtomicTypes.Length.calc_value | `pc of Js.Float.t | `percent of Js.Float.t | `pt of Js.Int.t | `px of Js.Int.t | `pxFloat of Js.Float.t | `rem of Js.Float.t | `sub of Css_AtomicTypes.Length.calc_value * Css_AtomicTypes.Length.calc_value | `vh of Js.Float.t | `vmax of Js.Float.t | `vmin of Js.Float.t | `vw of Js.Float.t | `zero ] | `ch of Js.Float.t | `cm of Js.Float.t | `em of Js.Float.t | `ex of Js.Float.t | `fr of Js.Float.t | `inch of Js.Float.t | `max of Css_AtomicTypes.Length.t Belt.Array.t | `maxContent | `min of Css_AtomicTypes.Length.t Belt.Array.t | `minContent | `mm of Js.Float.t | `pc of Js.Float.t | `percent of Js.Float.t | `pt of Js.Int.t | `px of Js.Int.t | `pxFloat of Js.Float.t | `rem of Js.Float.t | `vh of Js.Float.t | `vmax of Js.Float.t | `vmin of Js.Float.t | `vw of Js.Float.t | `zero ] | `mm of Js.Float.t | `name of string | `none | `pc of Js.Float.t | `percent of Js.Float.t | `pt of Js.Int.t | `px of Js.Int.t | `pxFloat of Js.Float.t | `rem of Js.Float.t | `repeat of [< `autoFill | `autoFit | `num of Js.Int.t ] * 'a | `subgrid | `vh of Js.Float.t | `vmax of Js.Float.t | `vmin of Js.Float.t | `vw of Js.Float.t | `zero ] Belt.Array.t as 'a -> rule
val gridAutoColumns : [< `auto | `calc of [ `add of Css_AtomicTypes.Length.calc_value * Css_AtomicTypes.Length.calc_value | `ch of Js.Float.t | `cm of Js.Float.t | `em of Js.Float.t | `ex of Js.Float.t | `inch of Js.Float.t | `mm of Js.Float.t | `mult of Css_AtomicTypes.Length.calc_value * Css_AtomicTypes.Length.calc_value | `pc of Js.Float.t | `percent of Js.Float.t | `pt of Js.Int.t | `px of Js.Int.t | `pxFloat of Js.Float.t | `rem of Js.Float.t | `sub of Css_AtomicTypes.Length.calc_value * Css_AtomicTypes.Length.calc_value | `vh of Js.Float.t | `vmax of Js.Float.t | `vmin of Js.Float.t | `vw of Js.Float.t | `zero ] | `ch of Js.Float.t | `cm of Js.Float.t | `em of Js.Float.t | `ex of Js.Float.t | `fitContent | `fr of Js.Float.t | `inch of Js.Float.t | `max of Css_AtomicTypes.Length.t Belt.Array.t | `maxContent | `min of Css_AtomicTypes.Length.t Belt.Array.t | `minContent | `minmax of [< `auto | `calc of [ `add of Css_AtomicTypes.Length.calc_value * Css_AtomicTypes.Length.calc_value | `ch of Js.Float.t | `cm of Js.Float.t | `em of Js.Float.t | `ex of Js.Float.t | `inch of Js.Float.t | `mm of Js.Float.t | `mult of Css_AtomicTypes.Length.calc_value * Css_AtomicTypes.Length.calc_value | `pc of Js.Float.t | `percent of Js.Float.t | `pt of Js.Int.t | `px of Js.Int.t | `pxFloat of Js.Float.t | `rem of Js.Float.t | `sub of Css_AtomicTypes.Length.calc_value * Css_AtomicTypes.Length.calc_value | `vh of Js.Float.t | `vmax of Js.Float.t | `vmin of Js.Float.t | `vw of Js.Float.t | `zero ] | `ch of Js.Float.t | `cm of Js.Float.t | `em of Js.Float.t | `ex of Js.Float.t | `fr of Js.Float.t | `inch of Js.Float.t | `max of Css_AtomicTypes.Length.t Belt.Array.t | `maxContent | `min of Css_AtomicTypes.Length.t Belt.Array.t | `minContent | `mm of Js.Float.t | `pc of Js.Float.t | `percent of Js.Float.t | `pt of Js.Int.t | `px of Js.Int.t | `pxFloat of Js.Float.t | `rem of Js.Float.t | `vh of Js.Float.t | `vmax of Js.Float.t | `vmin of Js.Float.t | `vw of Js.Float.t | `zero ] * [< `auto | `calc of [ `add of Css_AtomicTypes.Length.calc_value * Css_AtomicTypes.Length.calc_value | `ch of Js.Float.t | `cm of Js.Float.t | `em of Js.Float.t | `ex of Js.Float.t | `inch of Js.Float.t | `mm of Js.Float.t | `mult of Css_AtomicTypes.Length.calc_value * Css_AtomicTypes.Length.calc_value | `pc of Js.Float.t | `percent of Js.Float.t | `pt of Js.Int.t | `px of Js.Int.t | `pxFloat of Js.Float.t | `rem of Js.Float.t | `sub of Css_AtomicTypes.Length.calc_value * Css_AtomicTypes.Length.calc_value | `vh of Js.Float.t | `vmax of Js.Float.t | `vmin of Js.Float.t | `vw of Js.Float.t | `zero ] | `ch of Js.Float.t | `cm of Js.Float.t | `em of Js.Float.t | `ex of Js.Float.t | `fr of Js.Float.t | `inch of Js.Float.t | `max of Css_AtomicTypes.Length.t Belt.Array.t | `maxContent | `min of Css_AtomicTypes.Length.t Belt.Array.t | `minContent | `mm of Js.Float.t | `pc of Js.Float.t | `percent of Js.Float.t | `pt of Js.Int.t | `px of Js.Int.t | `pxFloat of Js.Float.t | `rem of Js.Float.t | `vh of Js.Float.t | `vmax of Js.Float.t | `vmin of Js.Float.t | `vw of Js.Float.t | `zero ] | `mm of Js.Float.t | `none | `pc of Js.Float.t | `percent of Js.Float.t | `pt of Js.Int.t | `px of Js.Int.t | `pxFloat of Js.Float.t | `rem of Js.Float.t | `subgrid | `vh of Js.Float.t | `vmax of Js.Float.t | `vmin of Js.Float.t | `vw of Js.Float.t | `zero ] -> rule
val gridAutoRows : [< `auto | `calc of [ `add of Css_AtomicTypes.Length.calc_value * Css_AtomicTypes.Length.calc_value | `ch of Js.Float.t | `cm of Js.Float.t | `em of Js.Float.t | `ex of Js.Float.t | `inch of Js.Float.t | `mm of Js.Float.t | `mult of Css_AtomicTypes.Length.calc_value * Css_AtomicTypes.Length.calc_value | `pc of Js.Float.t | `percent of Js.Float.t | `pt of Js.Int.t | `px of Js.Int.t | `pxFloat of Js.Float.t | `rem of Js.Float.t | `sub of Css_AtomicTypes.Length.calc_value * Css_AtomicTypes.Length.calc_value | `vh of Js.Float.t | `vmax of Js.Float.t | `vmin of Js.Float.t | `vw of Js.Float.t | `zero ] | `ch of Js.Float.t | `cm of Js.Float.t | `em of Js.Float.t | `ex of Js.Float.t | `fitContent | `fr of Js.Float.t | `inch of Js.Float.t | `max of Css_AtomicTypes.Length.t Belt.Array.t | `maxContent | `min of Css_AtomicTypes.Length.t Belt.Array.t | `minContent | `minmax of [< `auto | `calc of [ `add of Css_AtomicTypes.Length.calc_value * Css_AtomicTypes.Length.calc_value | `ch of Js.Float.t | `cm of Js.Float.t | `em of Js.Float.t | `ex of Js.Float.t | `inch of Js.Float.t | `mm of Js.Float.t | `mult of Css_AtomicTypes.Length.calc_value * Css_AtomicTypes.Length.calc_value | `pc of Js.Float.t | `percent of Js.Float.t | `pt of Js.Int.t | `px of Js.Int.t | `pxFloat of Js.Float.t | `rem of Js.Float.t | `sub of Css_AtomicTypes.Length.calc_value * Css_AtomicTypes.Length.calc_value | `vh of Js.Float.t | `vmax of Js.Float.t | `vmin of Js.Float.t | `vw of Js.Float.t | `zero ] | `ch of Js.Float.t | `cm of Js.Float.t | `em of Js.Float.t | `ex of Js.Float.t | `fr of Js.Float.t | `inch of Js.Float.t | `max of Css_AtomicTypes.Length.t Belt.Array.t | `maxContent | `min of Css_AtomicTypes.Length.t Belt.Array.t | `minContent | `mm of Js.Float.t | `pc of Js.Float.t | `percent of Js.Float.t | `pt of Js.Int.t | `px of Js.Int.t | `pxFloat of Js.Float.t | `rem of Js.Float.t | `vh of Js.Float.t | `vmax of Js.Float.t | `vmin of Js.Float.t | `vw of Js.Float.t | `zero ] * [< `auto | `calc of [ `add of Css_AtomicTypes.Length.calc_value * Css_AtomicTypes.Length.calc_value | `ch of Js.Float.t | `cm of Js.Float.t | `em of Js.Float.t | `ex of Js.Float.t | `inch of Js.Float.t | `mm of Js.Float.t | `mult of Css_AtomicTypes.Length.calc_value * Css_AtomicTypes.Length.calc_value | `pc of Js.Float.t | `percent of Js.Float.t | `pt of Js.Int.t | `px of Js.Int.t | `pxFloat of Js.Float.t | `rem of Js.Float.t | `sub of Css_AtomicTypes.Length.calc_value * Css_AtomicTypes.Length.calc_value | `vh of Js.Float.t | `vmax of Js.Float.t | `vmin of Js.Float.t | `vw of Js.Float.t | `zero ] | `ch of Js.Float.t | `cm of Js.Float.t | `em of Js.Float.t | `ex of Js.Float.t | `fr of Js.Float.t | `inch of Js.Float.t | `max of Css_AtomicTypes.Length.t Belt.Array.t | `maxContent | `min of Css_AtomicTypes.Length.t Belt.Array.t | `minContent | `mm of Js.Float.t | `pc of Js.Float.t | `percent of Js.Float.t | `pt of Js.Int.t | `px of Js.Int.t | `pxFloat of Js.Float.t | `rem of Js.Float.t | `vh of Js.Float.t | `vmax of Js.Float.t | `vmin of Js.Float.t | `vw of Js.Float.t | `zero ] | `mm of Js.Float.t | `none | `pc of Js.Float.t | `percent of Js.Float.t | `pt of Js.Int.t | `px of Js.Int.t | `pxFloat of Js.Float.t | `rem of Js.Float.t | `subgrid | `vh of Js.Float.t | `vmax of Js.Float.t | `vmin of Js.Float.t | `vw of Js.Float.t | `zero ] -> rule
val gridArea : [< `auto | `ident of string | `inherit_ | `initial | `num of int | `numIdent of int * string | `revert | `revertLayer | `span of [ `ident of string | `num of int ] | `unset | `var of Js.String.t | `varDefault of Js.String.t * string ] -> rule
val gridArea2 : [< `auto | `ident of string | `num of int | `numIdent of int * string | `span of [< `ident of string | `num of int ] ] -> [< `auto | `ident of string | `num of int | `numIdent of int * string | `span of [< `ident of string | `num of int ] ] -> rule
val gridArea3 : [< `auto | `ident of string | `num of int | `numIdent of int * string | `span of [< `ident of string | `num of int ] ] -> [< `auto | `ident of string | `num of int | `numIdent of int * string | `span of [< `ident of string | `num of int ] ] -> [< `auto | `ident of string | `num of int | `numIdent of int * string | `span of [< `ident of string | `num of int ] ] -> rule
val gridArea4 : [< `auto | `ident of string | `num of int | `numIdent of int * string | `span of [< `ident of string | `num of int ] ] -> [< `auto | `ident of string | `num of int | `numIdent of int * string | `span of [< `ident of string | `num of int ] ] -> [< `auto | `ident of string | `num of int | `numIdent of int * string | `span of [< `ident of string | `num of int ] ] -> [< `auto | `ident of string | `num of int | `numIdent of int * string | `span of [< `ident of string | `num of int ] ] -> rule
val gridTemplateAreas : [< `areas of string array | `inherit_ | `initial | `none | `revert | `revertLayer | `unset | `var of Js.String.t | `varDefault of Js.String.t * string ] -> rule
type filter = [
  1. | `blur of Css_AtomicTypes.Length.t
  2. | `brightness of [ `percent of float | `num of float ]
  3. | `contrast of [ `percent of float | `num of float ]
  4. | `dropShadow of Css_AtomicTypes.Length.t * Css_AtomicTypes.Length.t * Css_AtomicTypes.Length.t * [ Css_AtomicTypes.Color.t | Css_AtomicTypes.Var.t ]
  5. | `grayscale of [ `percent of float | `num of float ]
  6. | `hueRotate of angle
  7. | `invert of [ `percent of float | `num of float ]
  8. | `opacity of [ `percent of float | `num of float ]
  9. | `saturate of [ `percent of float | `num of float ]
  10. | `sepia of [ `percent of float | `num of float ]
  11. | `url of string
  12. | `none
  13. | Css_AtomicTypes.Var.t
  14. | Css_AtomicTypes.Cascading.t
val string_of_amount : [< `num of Js.Float.t | `percent of Js.Float.t ] -> string
val string_of_filter : [< `blur of [< `calc of [< `add of [< `calc of 'b | `ch of Js.Float.t | `cm of Js.Float.t | `em of Js.Float.t | `ex of Js.Float.t | `inch of Js.Float.t | `max of 'a Belt.Array.t | `min of 'a Belt.Array.t | `mm of Js.Float.t | `num of Js.Float.t | `pc of Js.Float.t | `percent of Js.Float.t | `pt of Js.Int.t | `px of Js.Int.t | `pxFloat of Js.Float.t | `rem of Js.Float.t | `vh of Js.Float.t | `vmax of Js.Float.t | `vmin of Js.Float.t | `vw of Js.Float.t | `zero ] as 'c * 'c | `ch of Js.Float.t | `cm of Js.Float.t | `em of Js.Float.t | `ex of Js.Float.t | `inch of Js.Float.t | `max of 'a Belt.Array.t | `min of 'a Belt.Array.t | `mm of Js.Float.t | `mult of 'c * 'c | `pc of Js.Float.t | `percent of Js.Float.t | `pt of Js.Int.t | `px of Js.Int.t | `pxFloat of Js.Float.t | `rem of Js.Float.t | `sub of 'c * 'c | `vh of Js.Float.t | `vmax of Js.Float.t | `vmin of Js.Float.t | `vw of Js.Float.t | `zero ] as 'b | `ch of Js.Float.t | `cm of Js.Float.t | `em of Js.Float.t | `ex of Js.Float.t | `inch of Js.Float.t | `max of 'a Belt.Array.t | `min of 'a Belt.Array.t | `mm of Js.Float.t | `pc of Js.Float.t | `percent of Js.Float.t | `pt of Js.Int.t | `px of Js.Int.t | `pxFloat of Js.Float.t | `rem of Js.Float.t | `vh of Js.Float.t | `vmax of Js.Float.t | `vmin of Js.Float.t | `vw of Js.Float.t | `zero ch cm em ex inch mm pc percent pt px pxFloat rem vh vmax vmin vw zero ] as 'a | `brightness of [< `num of Js.Float.t | `percent of Js.Float.t ] | `contrast of [< `num of Js.Float.t | `percent of Js.Float.t ] | `dropShadow of [< `calc of [< `add of [< `calc of 'e | `ch of Js.Float.t | `cm of Js.Float.t | `em of Js.Float.t | `ex of Js.Float.t | `inch of Js.Float.t | `max of 'd Belt.Array.t | `min of 'd Belt.Array.t | `mm of Js.Float.t | `num of Js.Float.t | `pc of Js.Float.t | `percent of Js.Float.t | `pt of Js.Int.t | `px of Js.Int.t | `pxFloat of Js.Float.t | `rem of Js.Float.t | `vh of Js.Float.t | `vmax of Js.Float.t | `vmin of Js.Float.t | `vw of Js.Float.t | `zero ] as 'f * 'f | `ch of Js.Float.t | `cm of Js.Float.t | `em of Js.Float.t | `ex of Js.Float.t | `inch of Js.Float.t | `max of 'd Belt.Array.t | `min of 'd Belt.Array.t | `mm of Js.Float.t | `mult of 'f * 'f | `pc of Js.Float.t | `percent of Js.Float.t | `pt of Js.Int.t | `px of Js.Int.t | `pxFloat of Js.Float.t | `rem of Js.Float.t | `sub of 'f * 'f | `vh of Js.Float.t | `vmax of Js.Float.t | `vmin of Js.Float.t | `vw of Js.Float.t | `zero ] as 'e | `ch of Js.Float.t | `cm of Js.Float.t | `em of Js.Float.t | `ex of Js.Float.t | `inch of Js.Float.t | `max of 'd Belt.Array.t | `min of 'd Belt.Array.t | `mm of Js.Float.t | `pc of Js.Float.t | `percent of Js.Float.t | `pt of Js.Int.t | `px of Js.Int.t | `pxFloat of Js.Float.t | `rem of Js.Float.t | `vh of Js.Float.t | `vmax of Js.Float.t | `vmin of Js.Float.t | `vw of Js.Float.t | `zero ch cm em ex inch mm pc percent pt px pxFloat rem vh vmax vmin vw zero ] as 'd * [< `calc of [< `add of [< `calc of 'h | `ch of Js.Float.t | `cm of Js.Float.t | `em of Js.Float.t | `ex of Js.Float.t | `inch of Js.Float.t | `max of 'g Belt.Array.t | `min of 'g Belt.Array.t | `mm of Js.Float.t | `num of Js.Float.t | `pc of Js.Float.t | `percent of Js.Float.t | `pt of Js.Int.t | `px of Js.Int.t | `pxFloat of Js.Float.t | `rem of Js.Float.t | `vh of Js.Float.t | `vmax of Js.Float.t | `vmin of Js.Float.t | `vw of Js.Float.t | `zero ] as 'i * 'i | `ch of Js.Float.t | `cm of Js.Float.t | `em of Js.Float.t | `ex of Js.Float.t | `inch of Js.Float.t | `max of 'g Belt.Array.t | `min of 'g Belt.Array.t | `mm of Js.Float.t | `mult of 'i * 'i | `pc of Js.Float.t | `percent of Js.Float.t | `pt of Js.Int.t | `px of Js.Int.t | `pxFloat of Js.Float.t | `rem of Js.Float.t | `sub of 'i * 'i | `vh of Js.Float.t | `vmax of Js.Float.t | `vmin of Js.Float.t | `vw of Js.Float.t | `zero ] as 'h | `ch of Js.Float.t | `cm of Js.Float.t | `em of Js.Float.t | `ex of Js.Float.t | `inch of Js.Float.t | `max of 'g Belt.Array.t | `min of 'g Belt.Array.t | `mm of Js.Float.t | `pc of Js.Float.t | `percent of Js.Float.t | `pt of Js.Int.t | `px of Js.Int.t | `pxFloat of Js.Float.t | `rem of Js.Float.t | `vh of Js.Float.t | `vmax of Js.Float.t | `vmin of Js.Float.t | `vw of Js.Float.t | `zero ch cm em ex inch mm pc percent pt px pxFloat rem vh vmax vmin vw zero ] as 'g * [< `calc of [< `add of [< `calc of 'k | `ch of Js.Float.t | `cm of Js.Float.t | `em of Js.Float.t | `ex of Js.Float.t | `inch of Js.Float.t | `max of 'j Belt.Array.t | `min of 'j Belt.Array.t | `mm of Js.Float.t | `num of Js.Float.t | `pc of Js.Float.t | `percent of Js.Float.t | `pt of Js.Int.t | `px of Js.Int.t | `pxFloat of Js.Float.t | `rem of Js.Float.t | `vh of Js.Float.t | `vmax of Js.Float.t | `vmin of Js.Float.t | `vw of Js.Float.t | `zero ] as 'l * 'l | `ch of Js.Float.t | `cm of Js.Float.t | `em of Js.Float.t | `ex of Js.Float.t | `inch of Js.Float.t | `max of 'j Belt.Array.t | `min of 'j Belt.Array.t | `mm of Js.Float.t | `mult of 'l * 'l | `pc of Js.Float.t | `percent of Js.Float.t | `pt of Js.Int.t | `px of Js.Int.t | `pxFloat of Js.Float.t | `rem of Js.Float.t | `sub of 'l * 'l | `vh of Js.Float.t | `vmax of Js.Float.t | `vmin of Js.Float.t | `vw of Js.Float.t | `zero ] as 'k | `ch of Js.Float.t | `cm of Js.Float.t | `em of Js.Float.t | `ex of Js.Float.t | `inch of Js.Float.t | `max of 'j Belt.Array.t | `min of 'j Belt.Array.t | `mm of Js.Float.t | `pc of Js.Float.t | `percent of Js.Float.t | `pt of Js.Int.t | `px of Js.Int.t | `pxFloat of Js.Float.t | `rem of Js.Float.t | `vh of Js.Float.t | `vmax of Js.Float.t | `vmin of Js.Float.t | `vw of Js.Float.t | `zero ch cm em ex inch mm pc percent pt px pxFloat rem vh vmax vmin vw zero ] as 'j * [ `colorMix of Css_AtomicTypes.Color.t Css_AtomicTypes.Color.colorMix | `currentColor | `hex of string | `hsl of Css_AtomicTypes.Color.hsl | `hsla of Css_AtomicTypes.Color.hsla | `rgb of Css_AtomicTypes.Color.rgb | `rgba of Css_AtomicTypes.Color.rgba | `transparent | `var of string | `varDefault of string * string ] | `grayscale of [< `num of Js.Float.t | `percent of Js.Float.t ] | `hueRotate of [< `deg of Js.Float.t | `grad of Js.Float.t | `rad of Js.Float.t | `turn of Js.Float.t ] | `inherit_ | `initial | `invert of [< `num of Js.Float.t | `percent of Js.Float.t ] | `none | `opacity of [< `num of Js.Float.t | `percent of Js.Float.t ] | `revert | `revertLayer | `saturate of [< `num of Js.Float.t | `percent of Js.Float.t ] | `sepia of [< `num of Js.Float.t | `percent of Js.Float.t ] | `unset | `url of string | `var of Js.String.t | `varDefault of Js.String.t * string ] -> string
val filter : [< `blur of [< `calc of [< `add of [< `calc of 'b | `ch of Js.Float.t | `cm of Js.Float.t | `em of Js.Float.t | `ex of Js.Float.t | `inch of Js.Float.t | `max of 'a Belt.Array.t | `min of 'a Belt.Array.t | `mm of Js.Float.t | `num of Js.Float.t | `pc of Js.Float.t | `percent of Js.Float.t | `pt of Js.Int.t | `px of Js.Int.t | `pxFloat of Js.Float.t | `rem of Js.Float.t | `vh of Js.Float.t | `vmax of Js.Float.t | `vmin of Js.Float.t | `vw of Js.Float.t | `zero ] as 'c * 'c | `ch of Js.Float.t | `cm of Js.Float.t | `em of Js.Float.t | `ex of Js.Float.t | `inch of Js.Float.t | `max of 'a Belt.Array.t | `min of 'a Belt.Array.t | `mm of Js.Float.t | `mult of 'c * 'c | `pc of Js.Float.t | `percent of Js.Float.t | `pt of Js.Int.t | `px of Js.Int.t | `pxFloat of Js.Float.t | `rem of Js.Float.t | `sub of 'c * 'c | `vh of Js.Float.t | `vmax of Js.Float.t | `vmin of Js.Float.t | `vw of Js.Float.t | `zero ] as 'b | `ch of Js.Float.t | `cm of Js.Float.t | `em of Js.Float.t | `ex of Js.Float.t | `inch of Js.Float.t | `max of 'a Belt.Array.t | `min of 'a Belt.Array.t | `mm of Js.Float.t | `pc of Js.Float.t | `percent of Js.Float.t | `pt of Js.Int.t | `px of Js.Int.t | `pxFloat of Js.Float.t | `rem of Js.Float.t | `vh of Js.Float.t | `vmax of Js.Float.t | `vmin of Js.Float.t | `vw of Js.Float.t | `zero ch cm em ex inch mm pc percent pt px pxFloat rem vh vmax vmin vw zero ] as 'a | `brightness of [< `num of Js.Float.t | `percent of Js.Float.t ] | `contrast of [< `num of Js.Float.t | `percent of Js.Float.t ] | `dropShadow of [< `calc of [< `add of [< `calc of 'e | `ch of Js.Float.t | `cm of Js.Float.t | `em of Js.Float.t | `ex of Js.Float.t | `inch of Js.Float.t | `max of 'd Belt.Array.t | `min of 'd Belt.Array.t | `mm of Js.Float.t | `num of Js.Float.t | `pc of Js.Float.t | `percent of Js.Float.t | `pt of Js.Int.t | `px of Js.Int.t | `pxFloat of Js.Float.t | `rem of Js.Float.t | `vh of Js.Float.t | `vmax of Js.Float.t | `vmin of Js.Float.t | `vw of Js.Float.t | `zero ] as 'f * 'f | `ch of Js.Float.t | `cm of Js.Float.t | `em of Js.Float.t | `ex of Js.Float.t | `inch of Js.Float.t | `max of 'd Belt.Array.t | `min of 'd Belt.Array.t | `mm of Js.Float.t | `mult of 'f * 'f | `pc of Js.Float.t | `percent of Js.Float.t | `pt of Js.Int.t | `px of Js.Int.t | `pxFloat of Js.Float.t | `rem of Js.Float.t | `sub of 'f * 'f | `vh of Js.Float.t | `vmax of Js.Float.t | `vmin of Js.Float.t | `vw of Js.Float.t | `zero ] as 'e | `ch of Js.Float.t | `cm of Js.Float.t | `em of Js.Float.t | `ex of Js.Float.t | `inch of Js.Float.t | `max of 'd Belt.Array.t | `min of 'd Belt.Array.t | `mm of Js.Float.t | `pc of Js.Float.t | `percent of Js.Float.t | `pt of Js.Int.t | `px of Js.Int.t | `pxFloat of Js.Float.t | `rem of Js.Float.t | `vh of Js.Float.t | `vmax of Js.Float.t | `vmin of Js.Float.t | `vw of Js.Float.t | `zero ch cm em ex inch mm pc percent pt px pxFloat rem vh vmax vmin vw zero ] as 'd * [< `calc of [< `add of [< `calc of 'h | `ch of Js.Float.t | `cm of Js.Float.t | `em of Js.Float.t | `ex of Js.Float.t | `inch of Js.Float.t | `max of 'g Belt.Array.t | `min of 'g Belt.Array.t | `mm of Js.Float.t | `num of Js.Float.t | `pc of Js.Float.t | `percent of Js.Float.t | `pt of Js.Int.t | `px of Js.Int.t | `pxFloat of Js.Float.t | `rem of Js.Float.t | `vh of Js.Float.t | `vmax of Js.Float.t | `vmin of Js.Float.t | `vw of Js.Float.t | `zero ] as 'i * 'i | `ch of Js.Float.t | `cm of Js.Float.t | `em of Js.Float.t | `ex of Js.Float.t | `inch of Js.Float.t | `max of 'g Belt.Array.t | `min of 'g Belt.Array.t | `mm of Js.Float.t | `mult of 'i * 'i | `pc of Js.Float.t | `percent of Js.Float.t | `pt of Js.Int.t | `px of Js.Int.t | `pxFloat of Js.Float.t | `rem of Js.Float.t | `sub of 'i * 'i | `vh of Js.Float.t | `vmax of Js.Float.t | `vmin of Js.Float.t | `vw of Js.Float.t | `zero ] as 'h | `ch of Js.Float.t | `cm of Js.Float.t | `em of Js.Float.t | `ex of Js.Float.t | `inch of Js.Float.t | `max of 'g Belt.Array.t | `min of 'g Belt.Array.t | `mm of Js.Float.t | `pc of Js.Float.t | `percent of Js.Float.t | `pt of Js.Int.t | `px of Js.Int.t | `pxFloat of Js.Float.t | `rem of Js.Float.t | `vh of Js.Float.t | `vmax of Js.Float.t | `vmin of Js.Float.t | `vw of Js.Float.t | `zero ch cm em ex inch mm pc percent pt px pxFloat rem vh vmax vmin vw zero ] as 'g * [< `calc of [< `add of [< `calc of 'k | `ch of Js.Float.t | `cm of Js.Float.t | `em of Js.Float.t | `ex of Js.Float.t | `inch of Js.Float.t | `max of 'j Belt.Array.t | `min of 'j Belt.Array.t | `mm of Js.Float.t | `num of Js.Float.t | `pc of Js.Float.t | `percent of Js.Float.t | `pt of Js.Int.t | `px of Js.Int.t | `pxFloat of Js.Float.t | `rem of Js.Float.t | `vh of Js.Float.t | `vmax of Js.Float.t | `vmin of Js.Float.t | `vw of Js.Float.t | `zero ] as 'l * 'l | `ch of Js.Float.t | `cm of Js.Float.t | `em of Js.Float.t | `ex of Js.Float.t | `inch of Js.Float.t | `max of 'j Belt.Array.t | `min of 'j Belt.Array.t | `mm of Js.Float.t | `mult of 'l * 'l | `pc of Js.Float.t | `percent of Js.Float.t | `pt of Js.Int.t | `px of Js.Int.t | `pxFloat of Js.Float.t | `rem of Js.Float.t | `sub of 'l * 'l | `vh of Js.Float.t | `vmax of Js.Float.t | `vmin of Js.Float.t | `vw of Js.Float.t | `zero ] as 'k | `ch of Js.Float.t | `cm of Js.Float.t | `em of Js.Float.t | `ex of Js.Float.t | `inch of Js.Float.t | `max of 'j Belt.Array.t | `min of 'j Belt.Array.t | `mm of Js.Float.t | `pc of Js.Float.t | `percent of Js.Float.t | `pt of Js.Int.t | `px of Js.Int.t | `pxFloat of Js.Float.t | `rem of Js.Float.t | `vh of Js.Float.t | `vmax of Js.Float.t | `vmin of Js.Float.t | `vw of Js.Float.t | `zero ch cm em ex inch mm pc percent pt px pxFloat rem vh vmax vmin vw zero ] as 'j * [ `colorMix of Css_AtomicTypes.Color.t Css_AtomicTypes.Color.colorMix | `currentColor | `hex of string | `hsl of Css_AtomicTypes.Color.hsl | `hsla of Css_AtomicTypes.Color.hsla | `rgb of Css_AtomicTypes.Color.rgb | `rgba of Css_AtomicTypes.Color.rgba | `transparent | `var of string | `varDefault of string * string ] | `grayscale of [< `num of Js.Float.t | `percent of Js.Float.t ] | `hueRotate of [< `deg of Js.Float.t | `grad of Js.Float.t | `rad of Js.Float.t | `turn of Js.Float.t ] | `inherit_ | `initial | `invert of [< `num of Js.Float.t | `percent of Js.Float.t ] | `none | `opacity of [< `num of Js.Float.t | `percent of Js.Float.t ] | `revert | `revertLayer | `saturate of [< `num of Js.Float.t | `percent of Js.Float.t ] | `sepia of [< `num of Js.Float.t | `percent of Js.Float.t ] | `unset | `url of string | `var of Js.String.t | `varDefault of Js.String.t * string ] Belt.Array.t -> rule
module Shadow = Css_Js_Core.Shadow
val boxShadow : [< `inherit_ | `initial | `none | `revert | `revertLayer | `shadow of string | `unset | `var of Js.String.t | `varDefault of Js.String.t * string ] -> rule
val boxShadows : 'a Shadow.t Belt.Array.t -> rule
val string_of_borderstyle : [< `dashed | `dotted | `double | `groove | `hidden | `inherit_ | `initial | `inset | `none | `outset | `revert | `revertLayer | `ridge | `solid | `unset | `var of Js.String.t | `varDefault of Js.String.t * string ] -> string
val border : [< `calc of [ `add of Css_AtomicTypes.Length.calc_value * Css_AtomicTypes.Length.calc_value | `ch of Js.Float.t | `cm of Js.Float.t | `em of Js.Float.t | `ex of Js.Float.t | `inch of Js.Float.t | `mm of Js.Float.t | `mult of Css_AtomicTypes.Length.calc_value * Css_AtomicTypes.Length.calc_value | `pc of Js.Float.t | `percent of Js.Float.t | `pt of Js.Int.t | `px of Js.Int.t | `pxFloat of Js.Float.t | `rem of Js.Float.t | `sub of Css_AtomicTypes.Length.calc_value * Css_AtomicTypes.Length.calc_value | `vh of Js.Float.t | `vmax of Js.Float.t | `vmin of Js.Float.t | `vw of Js.Float.t | `zero ] | `ch of Js.Float.t | `cm of Js.Float.t | `em of Js.Float.t | `ex of Js.Float.t | `inch of Js.Float.t | `max of Css_AtomicTypes.Length.t Belt.Array.t | `medium | `min of Css_AtomicTypes.Length.t Belt.Array.t | `mm of Js.Float.t | `pc of Js.Float.t | `percent of Js.Float.t | `pt of Js.Int.t | `px of Js.Int.t | `pxFloat of Js.Float.t | `rem of Js.Float.t | `thick | `thin | `vh of Js.Float.t | `vmax of Js.Float.t | `vmin of Js.Float.t | `vw of Js.Float.t | `zero ] -> [< `dashed | `dotted | `double | `groove | `hidden | `inherit_ | `initial | `inset | `none | `outset | `revert | `revertLayer | `ridge | `solid | `unset | `var of Js.String.t | `varDefault of Js.String.t * string ] -> [< `colorMix of Css_AtomicTypes.Color.t Css_AtomicTypes.Color.colorMix | `currentColor | `hex of string | `hsl of Css_AtomicTypes.Color.hsl | `hsla of Css_AtomicTypes.Color.hsla | `rgb of Css_AtomicTypes.Color.rgb | `rgba of Css_AtomicTypes.Color.rgba | `transparent | `var of Js.String.t | `varDefault of Js.String.t * string ] -> rule
val borderStyle : [< `dashed | `dotted | `double | `groove | `hidden | `inherit_ | `initial | `inset | `none | `outset | `revert | `revertLayer | `ridge | `solid | `unset | `var of Js.String.t | `varDefault of Js.String.t * string ] -> rule
val borderLeft : [< `calc of [ `add of Css_AtomicTypes.Length.calc_value * Css_AtomicTypes.Length.calc_value | `ch of Js.Float.t | `cm of Js.Float.t | `em of Js.Float.t | `ex of Js.Float.t | `inch of Js.Float.t | `mm of Js.Float.t | `mult of Css_AtomicTypes.Length.calc_value * Css_AtomicTypes.Length.calc_value | `pc of Js.Float.t | `percent of Js.Float.t | `pt of Js.Int.t | `px of Js.Int.t | `pxFloat of Js.Float.t | `rem of Js.Float.t | `sub of Css_AtomicTypes.Length.calc_value * Css_AtomicTypes.Length.calc_value | `vh of Js.Float.t | `vmax of Js.Float.t | `vmin of Js.Float.t | `vw of Js.Float.t | `zero ] | `ch of Js.Float.t | `cm of Js.Float.t | `em of Js.Float.t | `ex of Js.Float.t | `inch of Js.Float.t | `max of Css_AtomicTypes.Length.t Belt.Array.t | `medium | `min of Css_AtomicTypes.Length.t Belt.Array.t | `mm of Js.Float.t | `pc of Js.Float.t | `percent of Js.Float.t | `pt of Js.Int.t | `px of Js.Int.t | `pxFloat of Js.Float.t | `rem of Js.Float.t | `thick | `thin | `vh of Js.Float.t | `vmax of Js.Float.t | `vmin of Js.Float.t | `vw of Js.Float.t | `zero ] -> [< `dashed | `dotted | `double | `groove | `hidden | `inherit_ | `initial | `inset | `none | `outset | `revert | `revertLayer | `ridge | `solid | `unset | `var of Js.String.t | `varDefault of Js.String.t * string ] -> [< `colorMix of Css_AtomicTypes.Color.t Css_AtomicTypes.Color.colorMix | `currentColor | `hex of string | `hsl of Css_AtomicTypes.Color.hsl | `hsla of Css_AtomicTypes.Color.hsla | `rgb of Css_AtomicTypes.Color.rgb | `rgba of Css_AtomicTypes.Color.rgba | `transparent | `var of Js.String.t | `varDefault of Js.String.t * string ] -> rule
val borderLeftStyle : [< `dashed | `dotted | `double | `groove | `hidden | `inherit_ | `initial | `inset | `none | `outset | `revert | `revertLayer | `ridge | `solid | `unset | `var of Js.String.t | `varDefault of Js.String.t * string ] -> rule
val borderRight : [< `calc of [ `add of Css_AtomicTypes.Length.calc_value * Css_AtomicTypes.Length.calc_value | `ch of Js.Float.t | `cm of Js.Float.t | `em of Js.Float.t | `ex of Js.Float.t | `inch of Js.Float.t | `mm of Js.Float.t | `mult of Css_AtomicTypes.Length.calc_value * Css_AtomicTypes.Length.calc_value | `pc of Js.Float.t | `percent of Js.Float.t | `pt of Js.Int.t | `px of Js.Int.t | `pxFloat of Js.Float.t | `rem of Js.Float.t | `sub of Css_AtomicTypes.Length.calc_value * Css_AtomicTypes.Length.calc_value | `vh of Js.Float.t | `vmax of Js.Float.t | `vmin of Js.Float.t | `vw of Js.Float.t | `zero ] | `ch of Js.Float.t | `cm of Js.Float.t | `em of Js.Float.t | `ex of Js.Float.t | `inch of Js.Float.t | `max of Css_AtomicTypes.Length.t Belt.Array.t | `medium | `min of Css_AtomicTypes.Length.t Belt.Array.t | `mm of Js.Float.t | `pc of Js.Float.t | `percent of Js.Float.t | `pt of Js.Int.t | `px of Js.Int.t | `pxFloat of Js.Float.t | `rem of Js.Float.t | `thick | `thin | `vh of Js.Float.t | `vmax of Js.Float.t | `vmin of Js.Float.t | `vw of Js.Float.t | `zero ] -> [< `dashed | `dotted | `double | `groove | `hidden | `inherit_ | `initial | `inset | `none | `outset | `revert | `revertLayer | `ridge | `solid | `unset | `var of Js.String.t | `varDefault of Js.String.t * string ] -> [< `colorMix of Css_AtomicTypes.Color.t Css_AtomicTypes.Color.colorMix | `currentColor | `hex of string | `hsl of Css_AtomicTypes.Color.hsl | `hsla of Css_AtomicTypes.Color.hsla | `rgb of Css_AtomicTypes.Color.rgb | `rgba of Css_AtomicTypes.Color.rgba | `transparent | `var of Js.String.t | `varDefault of Js.String.t * string ] -> rule
val borderRightStyle : [< `dashed | `dotted | `double | `groove | `hidden | `inherit_ | `initial | `inset | `none | `outset | `revert | `revertLayer | `ridge | `solid | `unset | `var of Js.String.t | `varDefault of Js.String.t * string ] -> rule
val borderTop : [< `calc of [ `add of Css_AtomicTypes.Length.calc_value * Css_AtomicTypes.Length.calc_value | `ch of Js.Float.t | `cm of Js.Float.t | `em of Js.Float.t | `ex of Js.Float.t | `inch of Js.Float.t | `mm of Js.Float.t | `mult of Css_AtomicTypes.Length.calc_value * Css_AtomicTypes.Length.calc_value | `pc of Js.Float.t | `percent of Js.Float.t | `pt of Js.Int.t | `px of Js.Int.t | `pxFloat of Js.Float.t | `rem of Js.Float.t | `sub of Css_AtomicTypes.Length.calc_value * Css_AtomicTypes.Length.calc_value | `vh of Js.Float.t | `vmax of Js.Float.t | `vmin of Js.Float.t | `vw of Js.Float.t | `zero ] | `ch of Js.Float.t | `cm of Js.Float.t | `em of Js.Float.t | `ex of Js.Float.t | `inch of Js.Float.t | `max of Css_AtomicTypes.Length.t Belt.Array.t | `medium | `min of Css_AtomicTypes.Length.t Belt.Array.t | `mm of Js.Float.t | `pc of Js.Float.t | `percent of Js.Float.t | `pt of Js.Int.t | `px of Js.Int.t | `pxFloat of Js.Float.t | `rem of Js.Float.t | `thick | `thin | `vh of Js.Float.t | `vmax of Js.Float.t | `vmin of Js.Float.t | `vw of Js.Float.t | `zero ] -> [< `dashed | `dotted | `double | `groove | `hidden | `inherit_ | `initial | `inset | `none | `outset | `revert | `revertLayer | `ridge | `solid | `unset | `var of Js.String.t | `varDefault of Js.String.t * string ] -> [< `colorMix of Css_AtomicTypes.Color.t Css_AtomicTypes.Color.colorMix | `currentColor | `hex of string | `hsl of Css_AtomicTypes.Color.hsl | `hsla of Css_AtomicTypes.Color.hsla | `rgb of Css_AtomicTypes.Color.rgb | `rgba of Css_AtomicTypes.Color.rgba | `transparent | `var of Js.String.t | `varDefault of Js.String.t * string ] -> rule
val borderTopStyle : [< `dashed | `dotted | `double | `groove | `hidden | `inherit_ | `initial | `inset | `none | `outset | `revert | `revertLayer | `ridge | `solid | `unset | `var of Js.String.t | `varDefault of Js.String.t * string ] -> rule
val borderBottom : [< `calc of [ `add of Css_AtomicTypes.Length.calc_value * Css_AtomicTypes.Length.calc_value | `ch of Js.Float.t | `cm of Js.Float.t | `em of Js.Float.t | `ex of Js.Float.t | `inch of Js.Float.t | `mm of Js.Float.t | `mult of Css_AtomicTypes.Length.calc_value * Css_AtomicTypes.Length.calc_value | `pc of Js.Float.t | `percent of Js.Float.t | `pt of Js.Int.t | `px of Js.Int.t | `pxFloat of Js.Float.t | `rem of Js.Float.t | `sub of Css_AtomicTypes.Length.calc_value * Css_AtomicTypes.Length.calc_value | `vh of Js.Float.t | `vmax of Js.Float.t | `vmin of Js.Float.t | `vw of Js.Float.t | `zero ] | `ch of Js.Float.t | `cm of Js.Float.t | `em of Js.Float.t | `ex of Js.Float.t | `inch of Js.Float.t | `max of Css_AtomicTypes.Length.t Belt.Array.t | `medium | `min of Css_AtomicTypes.Length.t Belt.Array.t | `mm of Js.Float.t | `pc of Js.Float.t | `percent of Js.Float.t | `pt of Js.Int.t | `px of Js.Int.t | `pxFloat of Js.Float.t | `rem of Js.Float.t | `thick | `thin | `vh of Js.Float.t | `vmax of Js.Float.t | `vmin of Js.Float.t | `vw of Js.Float.t | `zero ] -> [< `dashed | `dotted | `double | `groove | `hidden | `inherit_ | `initial | `inset | `none | `outset | `revert | `revertLayer | `ridge | `solid | `unset | `var of Js.String.t | `varDefault of Js.String.t * string ] -> [< `colorMix of Css_AtomicTypes.Color.t Css_AtomicTypes.Color.colorMix | `currentColor | `hex of string | `hsl of Css_AtomicTypes.Color.hsl | `hsla of Css_AtomicTypes.Color.hsla | `rgb of Css_AtomicTypes.Color.rgb | `rgba of Css_AtomicTypes.Color.rgba | `transparent | `var of Js.String.t | `varDefault of Js.String.t * string ] -> rule
val borderBottomStyle : [< `dashed | `dotted | `double | `groove | `hidden | `inherit_ | `initial | `inset | `none | `outset | `revert | `revertLayer | `ridge | `solid | `unset | `var of Js.String.t | `varDefault of Js.String.t * string ] -> rule
val backgroundSize : [< `auto | `contain | `cover | `size of [< `calc of [< `add of [< `calc of 'b | `ch of Js.Float.t | `cm of Js.Float.t | `em of Js.Float.t | `ex of Js.Float.t | `inch of Js.Float.t | `max of 'a Belt.Array.t | `min of 'a Belt.Array.t | `mm of Js.Float.t | `num of Js.Float.t | `pc of Js.Float.t | `percent of Js.Float.t | `pt of Js.Int.t | `px of Js.Int.t | `pxFloat of Js.Float.t | `rem of Js.Float.t | `vh of Js.Float.t | `vmax of Js.Float.t | `vmin of Js.Float.t | `vw of Js.Float.t | `zero ] as 'c * 'c | `ch of Js.Float.t | `cm of Js.Float.t | `em of Js.Float.t | `ex of Js.Float.t | `inch of Js.Float.t | `max of 'a Belt.Array.t | `min of 'a Belt.Array.t | `mm of Js.Float.t | `mult of 'c * 'c | `pc of Js.Float.t | `percent of Js.Float.t | `pt of Js.Int.t | `px of Js.Int.t | `pxFloat of Js.Float.t | `rem of Js.Float.t | `sub of 'c * 'c | `vh of Js.Float.t | `vmax of Js.Float.t | `vmin of Js.Float.t | `vw of Js.Float.t | `zero ] as 'b | `ch of Js.Float.t | `cm of Js.Float.t | `em of Js.Float.t | `ex of Js.Float.t | `inch of Js.Float.t | `max of 'a Belt.Array.t | `min of 'a Belt.Array.t | `mm of Js.Float.t | `pc of Js.Float.t | `percent of Js.Float.t | `pt of Js.Int.t | `px of Js.Int.t | `pxFloat of Js.Float.t | `rem of Js.Float.t | `vh of Js.Float.t | `vmax of Js.Float.t | `vmin of Js.Float.t | `vw of Js.Float.t | `zero ch cm em ex inch mm pc percent pt px pxFloat rem vh vmax vmin vw zero ] as 'a * [< `calc of [< `add of [< `calc of 'e | `ch of Js.Float.t | `cm of Js.Float.t | `em of Js.Float.t | `ex of Js.Float.t | `inch of Js.Float.t | `max of 'd Belt.Array.t | `min of 'd Belt.Array.t | `mm of Js.Float.t | `num of Js.Float.t | `pc of Js.Float.t | `percent of Js.Float.t | `pt of Js.Int.t | `px of Js.Int.t | `pxFloat of Js.Float.t | `rem of Js.Float.t | `vh of Js.Float.t | `vmax of Js.Float.t | `vmin of Js.Float.t | `vw of Js.Float.t | `zero ] as 'f * 'f | `ch of Js.Float.t | `cm of Js.Float.t | `em of Js.Float.t | `ex of Js.Float.t | `inch of Js.Float.t | `max of 'd Belt.Array.t | `min of 'd Belt.Array.t | `mm of Js.Float.t | `mult of 'f * 'f | `pc of Js.Float.t | `percent of Js.Float.t | `pt of Js.Int.t | `px of Js.Int.t | `pxFloat of Js.Float.t | `rem of Js.Float.t | `sub of 'f * 'f | `vh of Js.Float.t | `vmax of Js.Float.t | `vmin of Js.Float.t | `vw of Js.Float.t | `zero ] as 'e | `ch of Js.Float.t | `cm of Js.Float.t | `em of Js.Float.t | `ex of Js.Float.t | `inch of Js.Float.t | `max of 'd Belt.Array.t | `min of 'd Belt.Array.t | `mm of Js.Float.t | `pc of Js.Float.t | `percent of Js.Float.t | `pt of Js.Int.t | `px of Js.Int.t | `pxFloat of Js.Float.t | `rem of Js.Float.t | `vh of Js.Float.t | `vmax of Js.Float.t | `vmin of Js.Float.t | `vw of Js.Float.t | `zero ch cm em ex inch mm pc percent pt px pxFloat rem vh vmax vmin vw zero ] as 'd ] -> rule
val textDecoration : [< `inherit_ | `initial | `lineThrough | `none | `overline | `underline | `unset | `var of Js.String.t | `varDefault of Js.String.t * string ] -> rule
val textShadow : [< `inherit_ | `initial | `none | `revert | `revertLayer | `shadow of string | `unset | `var of Js.String.t | `varDefault of Js.String.t * string ] -> rule
val textShadows : 'a Shadow.t Belt.Array.t -> rule
val transformStyle : [< `flat | `inherit_ | `initial | `preserve3d | `revert | `revertLayer | `unset | `var of Js.String.t | `varDefault of Js.String.t * string ] -> rule
module Transition = Css_Js_Core.Transition
val transitionValue : [< `value of string ] -> rule
val transitionList : [< `value of string ] Belt.Array.t -> rule
val transitions : [< `value of string ] Belt.Array.t -> rule
val transition : ?duration: [< `calc of [< `add of [< `calc of 'b | `max of 'a Belt.Array.t | `min of 'a Belt.Array.t | `ms of Js.Int.t | `num of Js.Float.t | `s of Js.Int.t ] as 'c * 'c | `max of 'a Belt.Array.t | `min of 'a Belt.Array.t | `ms of Js.Int.t | `mult of 'c * 'c | `s of Js.Int.t | `sub of 'c * 'c ] as 'b | `max of 'a Belt.Array.t | `min of 'a Belt.Array.t | `ms of Js.Int.t | `s of Js.Int.t ms s ] as 'a -> ?delay: [< `calc of [< `add of [< `calc of 'e | `max of 'd Belt.Array.t | `min of 'd Belt.Array.t | `ms of Js.Int.t | `num of Js.Float.t | `s of Js.Int.t ] as 'f * 'f | `max of 'd Belt.Array.t | `min of 'd Belt.Array.t | `ms of Js.Int.t | `mult of 'f * 'f | `s of Js.Int.t | `sub of 'f * 'f ] as 'e | `max of 'd Belt.Array.t | `min of 'd Belt.Array.t | `ms of Js.Int.t | `s of Js.Int.t ms s ] as 'd -> ?timingFunction: [< `cubicBezier of Js.Float.t * Js.Float.t * Js.Float.t * Js.Float.t | `ease | `easeIn | `easeInOut | `easeOut | `jumpBoth | `jumpEnd | `jumpNone | `jumpStart | `linear | `stepEnd | `stepStart | `steps of Js.Int.t * [< `end_ | `start ] ease ] -> string -> rule
val transitionDelay : [< `calc of [< `add of [< `calc of 'b | `max of 'a Belt.Array.t | `min of 'a Belt.Array.t | `ms of Js.Int.t | `num of Js.Float.t | `s of Js.Int.t ] as 'c * 'c | `max of 'a Belt.Array.t | `min of 'a Belt.Array.t | `ms of Js.Int.t | `mult of 'c * 'c | `s of Js.Int.t | `sub of 'c * 'c ] as 'b | `max of 'a Belt.Array.t | `min of 'a Belt.Array.t | `ms of Js.Int.t | `s of Js.Int.t ms s ] as 'a -> rule
val transitionDuration : [< `calc of [< `add of [< `calc of 'b | `max of 'a Belt.Array.t | `min of 'a Belt.Array.t | `ms of Js.Int.t | `num of Js.Float.t | `s of Js.Int.t ] as 'c * 'c | `max of 'a Belt.Array.t | `min of 'a Belt.Array.t | `ms of Js.Int.t | `mult of 'c * 'c | `s of Js.Int.t | `sub of 'c * 'c ] as 'b | `max of 'a Belt.Array.t | `min of 'a Belt.Array.t | `ms of Js.Int.t | `s of Js.Int.t ms s ] as 'a -> rule
val transitionTimingFunction : [< `cubicBezier of Js.Float.t * Js.Float.t * Js.Float.t * Js.Float.t | `ease | `easeIn | `easeInOut | `easeOut | `jumpBoth | `jumpEnd | `jumpNone | `jumpStart | `linear | `stepEnd | `stepStart | `steps of Js.Int.t * [< `end_ | `start ] ] -> rule
val transitionProperty : string -> rule
module Animation = Css_Js_Core.Animation
val animationValue : [< `value of string ] -> rule
val animation : ?duration: [< `calc of [< `add of [< `calc of 'b | `max of 'a Belt.Array.t | `min of 'a Belt.Array.t | `ms of Js.Int.t | `num of Js.Float.t | `s of Js.Int.t ] as 'c * 'c | `max of 'a Belt.Array.t | `min of 'a Belt.Array.t | `ms of Js.Int.t | `mult of 'c * 'c | `s of Js.Int.t | `sub of 'c * 'c ] as 'b | `max of 'a Belt.Array.t | `min of 'a Belt.Array.t | `ms of Js.Int.t | `s of Js.Int.t ms s ] as 'a -> ?delay: [< `calc of [< `add of [< `calc of 'e | `max of 'd Belt.Array.t | `min of 'd Belt.Array.t | `ms of Js.Int.t | `num of Js.Float.t | `s of Js.Int.t ] as 'f * 'f | `max of 'd Belt.Array.t | `min of 'd Belt.Array.t | `ms of Js.Int.t | `mult of 'f * 'f | `s of Js.Int.t | `sub of 'f * 'f ] as 'e | `max of 'd Belt.Array.t | `min of 'd Belt.Array.t | `ms of Js.Int.t | `s of Js.Int.t ms s ] as 'd -> ?direction:[< `alternate | `alternateReverse | `normal | `reverse normal ] -> ?timingFunction: [< `cubicBezier of Js.Float.t * Js.Float.t * Js.Float.t * Js.Float.t | `ease | `easeIn | `easeInOut | `easeOut | `jumpBoth | `jumpEnd | `jumpNone | `jumpStart | `linear | `stepEnd | `stepStart | `steps of Js.Int.t * [< `end_ | `start ] ease ] -> ?fillMode:[< `backwards | `both | `forwards | `none none ] -> ?playState:[< `paused | `running running ] -> ?iterationCount:[< `count of Js.Float.t | `infinite count ] -> string -> rule
val animations : [< `value of string ] Belt.Array.t -> rule
val animationName : string -> rule
module SVG = Css_Js_Core.SVG
val touchAction : [< `auto | `manipulation | `none | `panDown | `panLeft | `panRight | `panUp | `panX | `panY | `pinchZoom ] -> rule
val textEmphasisColor : [< `colorMix of Css_AtomicTypes.Color.t Css_AtomicTypes.Color.colorMix | `currentColor | `hex of string | `hsl of Css_AtomicTypes.Color.hsl | `hsla of Css_AtomicTypes.Color.hsla | `rgb of Css_AtomicTypes.Color.rgb | `rgba of Css_AtomicTypes.Color.rgba | `transparent | `var of Js.String.t | `varDefault of Js.String.t * string ] -> rule
val lineBreak : [< `anywhere | `auto | `inherit_ | `initial | `loose | `normal | `revert | `revertLayer | `strict | `unset | `var of Js.String.t | `varDefault of Js.String.t * string ] -> rule
val hyphens : [< `auto | `inherit_ | `initial | `manual | `none | `revert | `revertLayer | `unset | `var of Js.String.t | `varDefault of Js.String.t * string ] -> rule
val textJustify : [< `auto | `inherit_ | `initial | `interCharacter | `interWord | `none | `revert | `revertLayer | `unset | `var of Js.String.t | `varDefault of Js.String.t * string ] -> rule
val overflowInline : [< `auto | `clip | `hidden | `inherit_ | `initial | `revert | `revertLayer | `scroll | `unset | `var of Js.String.t | `varDefault of Js.String.t * string | `visible ] -> rule
val overflowBlock : [< `auto | `clip | `hidden | `inherit_ | `initial | `revert | `revertLayer | `scroll | `unset | `var of Js.String.t | `varDefault of Js.String.t * string | `visible ] -> rule
val fontSynthesisWeight : [< `auto | `inherit_ | `initial | `none | `revert | `revertLayer | `unset | `var of Js.String.t | `varDefault of Js.String.t * string ] -> rule
val fontSynthesisStyle : [< `auto | `inherit_ | `initial | `none | `revert | `revertLayer | `unset | `var of Js.String.t | `varDefault of Js.String.t * string ] -> rule
val fontSynthesisSmallCaps : [< `auto | `inherit_ | `initial | `none | `revert | `revertLayer | `unset | `var of Js.String.t | `varDefault of Js.String.t * string ] -> rule
val fontSynthesisPosition : [< `auto | `inherit_ | `initial | `none | `revert | `revertLayer | `unset | `var of Js.String.t | `varDefault of Js.String.t * string ] -> rule
val fontKerning : [< `auto | `inherit_ | `initial | `none | `normal | `revert | `revertLayer | `unset | `var of Js.String.t | `varDefault of Js.String.t * string ] -> rule
val fontVariantPosition : [< `inherit_ | `initial | `normal | `revert | `revertLayer | `sub | `super | `unset | `var of Js.String.t | `varDefault of Js.String.t * string ] -> rule
val fontVariantCaps : [< `allPetiteCaps | `allSmallCaps | `inherit_ | `initial | `normal | `petiteCaps | `revert | `revertLayer | `smallCaps | `titlingCaps | `unicase | `unset | `var of Js.String.t | `varDefault of Js.String.t * string ] -> rule
val fontOpticalSizing : [< `auto | `inherit_ | `initial | `none | `revert | `revertLayer | `unset | `var of Js.String.t | `varDefault of Js.String.t * string ] -> rule
val fontVariantEmoji : [< `emoji | `inherit_ | `initial | `normal | `revert | `revertLayer | `text | `unicode | `unset | `var of Js.String.t | `varDefault of Js.String.t * string ] -> rule
module Types = Css_AtomicTypes
include sig ... end
val insertRule : string -> unit
val renderRule : Js.Json.t -> string -> unit
val global : Css_Js_Core.rule array -> unit
val renderGlobal : Js.Json.t -> string -> Css_Js_Core.rule array -> unit
val style : Css_Js_Core.rule array -> string
val merge : string array -> string
val merge2 : string -> string -> string
val merge3 : string -> string -> string -> string
val merge4 : string -> string -> string -> string -> string
val keyframes : (int * Css_Js_Core.rule array) array -> Css_Js_Core.animationName
val renderKeyframes : Js.Json.t -> (int * Css_Js_Core.rule array) array -> Css_Js_Core.animationName
type cache
val cache : cache
val fontFace : fontFamily:string -> src:[< `localUrl of string | `url of string ] Belt.Array.t -> ?fontStyle:[< `italic | `normal | `oblique ] -> ?fontWeight: [< `black | `bold | `bolder | `extraBold | `extraLight | `inherit_ | `initial | `light | `lighter | `medium | `normal | `num of Js.Int.t | `revert | `revertLayer | `semiBold | `thin | `unset | `var of Js.String.t | `varDefault of Js.String.t * string ] -> ?fontDisplay:[< `auto | `block | `fallback | `optional | `swap ] -> ?sizeAdjust:[< `percent of Js.Float.t ] -> unit -> string

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