package syndic

  1. Overview
  2. Docs
module Error : sig ... end
type author = {
  1. name : string;
  2. uri : Uri.t option;
  3. email : string option;
type category = {
  1. term : string;
  2. scheme : Uri.t option;
  3. label : string option;
type generator = {
  1. version : string option;
  2. uri : Uri.t option;
  3. content : string;
type icon = Uri.t
type id = Uri.t
type rel =
  1. | Alternate
  2. | Related
  3. | Self
  4. | Enclosure
  5. | Via
type published = Netdate.t
type rights = string
type title = string
type subtitle = string
type updated = Netdate.t
type source = {
  1. authors : author * author list;
  2. categories : category list;
  3. contributors : author list;
  4. generator : generator option;
  5. icon : icon option;
  6. id : id;
  7. rights : rights option;
  8. subtitle : subtitle option;
  9. title : title;
  10. updated : updated option;
type type_content =
  1. | Html
  2. | Text
  3. | Xhtml
  4. | Mime of string
type content = {
  1. ty : type_content;
  2. src : Uri.t option;
  3. data : string;
type summary = string
type entry = {
  1. authors : author * author list;
  2. categories : category list;
  3. content : content option;
  4. contributors : author list;
  5. id : id;
  6. published : published option;
  7. rights : rights option;
  8. sources : source list;
  9. summary : summary option;
  10. title : title;
  11. updated : updated;
type feed = {
  1. authors : author list;
  2. categories : category list;
  3. contributors : author list;
  4. generator : generator option;
  5. icon : icon option;
  6. id : id;
  7. rights : rights option;
  8. subtitle : subtitle option;
  9. title : title;
  10. updated : updated;
  11. entries : entry list;
val analyze : Xmlm.input -> feed
val unsafe : Xmlm.input -> [> `Feed of [> `Author of [> `Email of string | `Name of string | `URI of string ] list | `Category of [> `Label of string | `Scheme of string | `Term of string ] list | `Contributor of [> `Email of string | `Name of string | `URI of string ] list | `Entry of [> `Author of [> `Email of string | `Name of string | `URI of string ] list | `Category of [> `Label of string | `Scheme of string | `Term of string ] list | `Content of [> `Data of string | `SRC of string | `Type of string ] list | `Contributor of [> `Email of string | `Name of string | `URI of string ] list | `ID of [> `URI of string ] list | `Link of [> `HREF of string | `HREFLang of string | `Length of string | `Rel of string | `Title of string | `Type of string ] list | `Published of [> `Date of string ] list | `Rights of [> `Data of string ] list | `Source of [> `Author of [> `Email of string | `Name of string | `URI of string ] list | `Category of [> `Label of string | `Scheme of string | `Term of string ] list | `Contributor of [> `Email of string | `Name of string | `URI of string ] list | `Generator of [> `Content of string | `URI of string | `Version of string ] list | `ID of [> `URI of string ] list | `Icon of [> `URI of string ] list | `Link of [> `HREF of string | `HREFLang of string | `Length of string | `Rel of string | `Title of string | `Type of string ] list | `Logo of [> `URI of string ] list | `Rights of [> `Data of string ] list | `Subtitle of [> `Data of string ] list | `Title of [> `Data of string ] list | `Updated of [> `Date of string ] list ] list | `Summary of [> `Data of string ] list | `Title of [> `Data of string ] list | `Updated of [> `Date of string ] list ] list | `Generator of [> `Content of string | `URI of string | `Version of string ] list | `ID of [> `URI of string ] list | `Icon of [> `URI of string ] list | `Link of [> `HREF of string | `HREFLang of string | `Length of string | `Rel of string | `Title of string | `Type of string ] list | `Logo of [> `URI of string ] list | `Rights of [> `Data of string ] list | `Subtitle of [> `Data of string ] list | `Title of [> `Data of string ] list | `Updated of [> `Date of string ] list ] list ]

Innovation. Community. Security.