package syslog-rfc5424

  1. Overview
  2. Docs
Module type
Class type
module Tag : sig ... end
type t = {
  1. header : header;
  2. structured_data : sd_element list;
  3. msg : [ `Utf8 of string | `Ascii of string ];
and sd_element = {
  1. section : string;
  2. defs : Tag.tydef list;
  3. tags : Logs.Tag.set;
and header = {
  1. facility : Syslog_message.facility;
  2. severity : Syslog_message.severity;
  3. version : int;
  4. ts : Ptime.t;
  5. tz_offset_s : int option;
  6. hostname : string;
  7. app_name : string;
  8. procid : string;
  9. msgid : string;
val create_sd_element : ?defs:Tag.tydef list -> section:string -> tags:Logs.Tag.set -> sd_element
val create : ?facility:Syslog_message.facility -> ?severity:Syslog_message.severity -> ?ts:Ptime.t -> ?tz_offset_s:int -> ?hostname:string -> ?app_name:string -> ?procid:string -> ?msgid:string -> ?structured_data:sd_element list -> ?msg:[ `Utf8 of string | `Ascii of string ] -> unit -> t
val fcreate : ?facility:Syslog_message.facility -> ?severity:Syslog_message.severity -> ?ts:Ptime.t -> ?tz_offset_s:int -> ?hostname:string -> ?app_name:string -> ?procid:string -> ?msgid:string -> ?structured_data:sd_element list -> unit -> ('a, Format.formatter, unit, t) format4 -> 'a
val equal : t -> t -> bool
val pp : Format.formatter -> t -> unit
val to_string : t -> string
val show : t -> string
val of_string : string -> (t, t Tyre.error) result
val severity_of_level : Logs.level -> Syslog_message.severity

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