package tezos-benchmark

  1. Overview
  2. Docs

The Registration module contains functions regarding the registration of benchmarks, models, parameters and commands for the Snoop tool.

exception Benchmark_not_found of Namespace.t
exception Model_not_found of Namespace.t
exception Local_model_not_found of Tezos_base.TzPervasives.String.t
exception Parameter_not_found of Free_variable.t

Types of the registered informations for each kind of item. These informations are retrieved with the query functions all_* and find_* defined below

type benchmark_info = Benchmark.t

The information registered for a benchmark is the benchmark itself

type model_info = {
  1. model : Model.packed_model;
  2. from : local_model_info list;
  3. codegen_destination : string option;

    Specifies the code generation destination for codegen models. If None the detination is determined from the benchmmark the model belongs to.


We only register abstract models. For each of them, we store the model itself, as well as each of its occurences in benchmarks

and local_model_info = {
  1. bench_name : Namespace.t;
  2. local_model_name : string;

We only store the name of the benchmark and the local name of the model, as it is enough information to retrieve the associated model

type parameter_info = Namespace.t list

For each parameter, we register the list of models (by name) in which they occur

val register : ?add_timer:bool -> Benchmark.t -> unit

Register a benchmark. Recursively registers any relevant model and parameter included in it. Add timer latency to the model if add_timer is true (default). It is expected that add_timer is set to false when registering a benchmark which uses Calculated.

val register_simple : ?add_timer:bool -> Benchmark.simple -> unit

Register a Benchmark.Simple. Recursively registers any relevant model and parameter included in it.

val register_simple_with_num : ?add_timer:bool -> Benchmark.simple_with_num -> unit

Register a Benchmark.Simple_with_num. Recursively registers any relevant model and parameter included in it.

val register_model_for_code_generation : ?destination:string -> string -> 'a Model.t -> unit

register_model_for_code_generation ?destination s model registers a model model with a local model name s for code generation. Use register if a model is associated with a benchmark.

destination specifies the code generation destination. If destination = "michelson_v1_gas", the code will be generated to "DIR/" by octez-snoop generate code for solutions SOL --split-to DIR command. The command will not generate the code under DIR if destination is not specified.

val add_command : unit Tezos_clic.command -> unit

Register a Tezos_clic.command for the command line

val all_benchmarks : unit -> (Namespace.t * benchmark_info) list

Returns the list of all registered benchmarks

val all_models : unit -> (Namespace.t * model_info) list

Returns the list of all registered models

val all_parameters : unit -> (Free_variable.t * parameter_info) list

Returns the list of all registered parameters

val all_custom_commands : unit -> unit Tezos_clic.command list

Returns the list of all registered commands

val all_tags : unit -> string list

Returns the list of all the tags from registered benchmarks

val all_model_names : unit -> Namespace.t list

Returns the list of all the model names Same as all_models () |> fst

val all_local_model_names : unit -> string list

Returns the list of all local model names as they appear in registered benchmarks

val find_benchmarks_with_tags : mode:[< `All | `Exact | `Any ] -> string list -> (Namespace.t * benchmark_info) list

find_benchmarks_with_tags ~mode tag_list returns all the benchmarks which tags match the given tag_list with the given mode. `All means all tags in tag_list appear in the tags of the returned benchmarks `Exact means the returned benchmarks' tags match exactly with tag_list `Any means the returned benchmarks have at least one tag also present in tag_list

The following query functions take a string as input. This string is converted into a Namespace.t with Namespace.of_string. This conversion is then returned as output. This ensures that the returned Namespace.t values correspond to registered items.

val find_benchmark : Namespace.t -> benchmark_info option

find_benchmark s returns Some (name,b) with name = s if the benchmark b is named name and has been registered, else returns None

val find_benchmark_exn : Namespace.t -> benchmark_info

find_benchmark_exn s returns (name,b) with name = s if the benchmark b is named name and has been registered, else raises the exception Benchmark_not_founds

val find_benchmarks_in_namespace : Namespace.t -> (Namespace.t * benchmark_info) list

find_benchmarks_in_namespace s returns all registered benchmarks which name has s as a parent namespace. For instance, if two benchmarks a/b/bench1 and a/b/bench2 are registered, then

  • if s = a or s = a/b, then the function returns both benchmarks
  • if s = a/b/bench, the empty list is returned
  • if s = a/b/bench1, then a/b/bench1 is returned
val find_model : Namespace.t -> model_info option

find_model s returns Some (name,m) with name = s if the model of m is named name and has been registered, else returns None

val find_model_exn : Namespace.t -> model_info

find_model_exn s returns (name,m) with name = s if the model of m is named name and has been registered, else raises the exception Local_model_not_founds

val find_local_model : Tezos_base.TzPervasives.String.t -> Namespace.t list option

find_local_model s returns the list of benchmark names whose local model name is s, if the latter has been registered, else returns None

val find_local_model_exn : Tezos_base.TzPervasives.String.t -> Namespace.t list

find_local_model s returns the list of benchmark names whose local model name is s, if the latter has been registered, else raises the exception Model_not_founds

val find_models_in_namespace : Namespace.t -> (Namespace.t * model_info) list

find_models_in_namespace s returns all registered models which name has s as a parent namespace.

val find_parameter : Free_variable.t -> parameter_info option

find_parameter s returns Some (name,p) if the parameter name = s has been registered, and p is the registered info on s, else returns None

val find_parameter_exn : Free_variable.t -> parameter_info

find_parameter_exn s returns (name,p) if the parameter name = s has been registered, and p is the registered info on s, else raises the exception Parameter_not_founds

val find_parameters_in_namespace : Namespace.t -> (Free_variable.t * parameter_info) list

find_parameters_in_namespace s returns all registered info for parameters which name has s as a parent namespace.


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