package tezos-client-alpha-commands

  1. Overview
  2. Docs
type transfer_strategy =
  1. | Fixed_amount of {
    1. mutez : Tezos_protocol_alpha.Protocol.Alpha_context.Tez.t;

    Amount to transfer

  2. | Evaporation of {
    1. fraction : float;

    Maximum fraction of current wealth to transfer. Minimum amount is 1 mutez regardless of total wealth.

type parameters = {
  1. seed : int;
  2. fresh_probability : float;

    Per-transfer probability that the destination will be fresh

  3. tps : float;

    Transaction per seconds target

  4. strategy : transfer_strategy;
  5. fee_mutez : Tezos_protocol_alpha.Protocol.Alpha_context.Tez.t;

    fees for each transfer, in mutez

  6. gas_limit : Tezos_protocol_alpha.Protocol.Alpha_context.Gas.Arith.integral;

    gas limit per operation

  7. storage_limit : Z.t;

    storage limit per operation

  8. account_creation_storage : Z.t;

    upper bound on bytes consumed when creating a tz1 account

  9. total_transfers : int option;

    total number of transfers to perform; unbounded if None

type state = {
  1. counters : (Tezos_crypto.Block_hash.t * Z.t) Tezos_crypto.Signature.Public_key_hash.Table.t;
  2. mutable pool : source list;
  3. mutable pool_size : int;
val verbose : bool Stdlib.ref
val default_parameters : parameters
val source_encoding : source Data_encoding.encoding
val source_list_encoding : source list Data_encoding.encoding
val parse_strategy : string -> (transfer_strategy, string) Stdlib.result
val sample_from_pool : state -> Stdlib.Random.State.t -> source
val random_seed : Stdlib.Random.State.t -> bytes
val generate_fresh : state -> Stdlib.Random.State.t -> source
type pool_source =
  1. | From_string of {
    1. json : Ezjsonm.value;
  2. | From_file of {
    1. path : string;
    2. json : Ezjsonm.value;
val json_of_pool_source : pool_source -> Ezjsonm.value
val fresh_probability_arg : (float option, Tezos_client_alpha.Protocol_client_context.full) Tezos_clic.Clic.arg
val set_option : 'a option -> ('b -> 'a -> 'b) -> 'b -> 'b
val commands : [< `Mainnet | `Testnet ] option -> unit -> Tezos_client_alpha.Protocol_client_context.full Tezos_clic.Clic.command list

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