package tezos-protocol-005-PsBABY5H

  1. Overview
  2. Docs
Module type
Class type
module Kind : sig ... end
type 'kind operation = {
  1. shell : Tezos_protocol_environment_005_PsBABY5H.Operation.shell_header;
  2. protocol_data : 'kind protocol_data;
and 'kind protocol_data = {
  1. contents : 'kind contents_list;
  2. signature : Tezos_protocol_environment_005_PsBABY5H.Signature.t option;
and _ contents_list =
  1. | Single : 'kind contents -> 'kind contents_list
  2. | Cons : 'kind Kind.manager contents * 'rest Kind.manager contents_list -> ('kind * 'rest) Kind.manager contents_list
type 'kind internal_operation = {
  1. source : Contract_repr.contract;
  2. operation : 'kind manager_operation;
  3. nonce : int;
type packed_manager_operation =
  1. | Manager : 'kind manager_operation -> packed_manager_operation
type packed_contents =
  1. | Contents : 'kind contents -> packed_contents
type packed_contents_list =
  1. | Contents_list : 'kind contents_list -> packed_contents_list
type packed_protocol_data =
  1. | Operation_data : 'kind protocol_data -> packed_protocol_data
val pack : 'kind operation -> packed_operation
type packed_internal_operation =
  1. | Internal_operation : 'kind internal_operation -> packed_internal_operation
val manager_kind : 'kind manager_operation -> 'kind Kind.manager
val raw : _ operation -> raw
val acceptable_passes : packed_operation -> int list
type ('a, 'b) eq =
  1. | Eq : ('a, 'a) eq
val equal : 'a operation -> 'b operation -> ('a, 'b) eq option
module Encoding : sig ... end

Innovation. Community. Security.