package tezos-protocol-013-PtJakart

  1. Overview
  2. Docs
Module type
Class type

Merkelizing inbox for smart-contract rollups.


The inbox of a smart-contract rollup denotes the incoming messages of the rollup. This inbox is the source of truth about what operations are being published and have an effect on the rollup state. As such, the inbox completely determines the state of the rollup. Hence, if two claims disagree about the state of the rollup, there are only two possibilities: either these two claims correspond to two distinct interpretations of the same inbox ; or, these two claims differ on their views about the contents of the inbox itself. Sc_rollup_PVM_sem is meant to arbitrate the first kind of conflicts while Sc_rollup_inbox focuses on the second kind of conflicts.

Inbox messages

A message is a chunk of bytes. Messages are indexed using natural numbers and the level they are introduced.

A message is said to be *consumed* when its processing has been cemented, that is, when no refutation about its insertion can happen anymore because the commitment that describes the effect of this message on the state is cemented. A message is said to be *available* (for dispute) if it is not consumed.

A message processed by the rollup can be consumed or available. A message unprocessed by the rollup is always available.

The number of available messages is bounded by Constants_repr.parametric.sc_rollup_max_available_messages. When an inbox reaches the maximum number of available messages, the inbox is said to be full and cannot accept more messages. This limitation is meant to ensure that Merkle proofs about the inbox contents have a bounded size. (See next section.)

Merkelization of the inbox

As for the state of the Sc_rollup_PVM_sem, the layer 1 does not have to store the entire inbox but only a compressed form (typically a low number of hashes) that witnesses its contents, so that the protocol can check the validity of a proof about its contents. This saves space in the context of the layer 1 and is sufficient for the level 1 to provide a source of truth about the contents of the inbox at the current level.

A level-indexed chain of inboxes

By design, inboxes are logically indexed by Tezos levels. This is required to have a simple way to decide if two commitments are in conflict. (See Sc_rollup_storage.)

A commitment included in the block at level L describes the effect of the messages of the inboxes with a level between a starting level L_0 and a stopping level L_1, both strictly inferior to L. The level L_0 must be the inbox level of its parent commitment.

To be valid, a commitment needs to prove that it is reading messages from an inbox which is consistent with the inbox at level L stored in the layer 1 context. So, it should be possible at any time to build a proof that a given inbox is a previous version at level L_1 of the inbox found at level L: these are called inclusion proofs.


This module is meant to be used both by the protocol and by the rollup node in order to maintain consistent inboxes on both side. These two clients slightly differ on the amount of information they store about the inbox.

On the one hand, to reduce the space consumption of rollups on the chain storage, the protocol only stores metadata about the inbox. The messages of the current level are kept in memory during block validation only (See Raw_context.Sc_rollup_in_memory_inbox). By contrast, the messages of the previous levels are not kept in the context at all. They can be retrieved from the chain history though. However, being absent from the context, they are not accessible to the protocol.

On the other hand, the rollup node must keep a more precise inbox to be able to produce Merkle proofs about the content of specific messages, at least during the refutation period.

To cope with the discrepancy of requirements in terms of inbox storage while preserving a consistent Merkelization between the protocol and the rollup node, this module exposes the hashing schemes used to merkelize the inbox as a functor parameterized by the exact context where Merkle trees are stored.

type t

The type of the inbox for a smart-contract rollup as stored by the protocol in the context. Values that inhabit this type only act as fingerprint for inboxes.

Inbox contents is represented using Raw_context.TREE.trees. (See below.)

val equal : t -> t -> bool

empty level is an inbox started at some given level with no message at all.

val inbox_level : t -> Raw_level_repr.t

level inbox returns the maximum level of message insertion in inbox or its initial level.

val number_of_available_messages : t -> Tezos_protocol_environment_013_PtJakart.Z.t

number_of_available_messages inbox returns the number of messages that can be consumed in inbox.

val consume_n_messages : int -> t -> t option Tezos_protocol_environment_013_PtJakart.Error_monad.tzresult

consume_n_messages n inbox returns an inbox where n messages have been consumed, or None if there are strictly less than n messages available in inbox.

module type MerkelizedOperations = sig ... end

The following operations are subject to cross-validation between rollup nodes and the layer 1.

module type TREE = sig ... end

This validation is based on a standardized Merkelization scheme. The definition of this scheme is independent from the exact data model of the context but it depends on the Tree arity and internal hashing scheme.

include MerkelizedOperations with type tree = Tezos_protocol_environment_013_PtJakart.Context.tree

The type for the Merkle trees used in this module.

type message = tree

A merkelized message.

type messages = tree

A merkelized sequence of messages.

type history

The history is a merkelized sequence of messages, one per level. The history is typically used by the rollup node to produce inclusion proofs. The protocol only manipulates an empty history as it does not remember previous messages and only keeps a witness of the latest state of the history.

val history_at_genesis : bound:int64 -> history

The beginning of the history is an empty sequence of messages. Fail with Invalid_bound_on_history if bound is not strictly positive.

add_messages history inbox level payloads messages inserts a list of payloads as new messages in the messages of the current level of the inbox. This function returns the new sequence of messages as well as updated inbox and history.

If the inbox's level is older than level, the inbox is updated so that the messages of the levels older than level are archived. To archive a sequence of messages for a given level, we push it at the end of the history and update the witness of this history in the inbox. The inbox's messages for the current level is also emptied to insert the payloads in a fresh sequence of messages for level.

This function fails if level is older than inbox's level.

This function fails with Max_number_of_available_messages_reached if the inbox is full.

add_messages_no_history inbox level payloads messages behaves a add_messages except that it does not remember the inbox history.

get_message messages idx returns Some message if the sequence of messages has a more than idx messages and message is at position idx in this sequence. Returns None otherwise.

get_message_payload messages idx returns Some payload if the sequence of messages has a more than idx messages, message is at position idx in this sequence, and is defined by payload. Returns None otherwise.

type inclusion_proof

Given a inbox A at some level L and another inbox B at some level L' >= L, an inclusion_proof guarantees that A is an older version of B.

To be more precise, an inclusion_proof guarantees that the previous levels messages of A are included in the previous levels messages of B. The current messages of A and B are not considered.

The size of this proof is O(log_basis (L' - L)).

val number_of_proof_steps : inclusion_proof -> int

number_of_proof_steps proof returns the length of proof.

val produce_inclusion_proof : history -> t -> t -> inclusion_proof option

produce_inclusion_proof history inbox1 inbox2 exploits history to produce a self-contained proof that inbox1 is an older version of inbox2.

val verify_inclusion_proof : inclusion_proof -> t -> t -> bool

verify_inclusion_proof proof inbox1 inbox2 returns true iff proof is a minimal and valid proof that inbox1 is included in inbox2.


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