package timedesc

  1. Overview
  2. Docs
type error = [
  1. | `Does_not_exist
  2. | `Invalid_iso_week_year of int
  3. | `Invalid_week of int
  4. | `Invalid_hour of int
  5. | `Invalid_minute of int
  6. | `Invalid_second of int
  7. | `Invalid_s_frac of float
  8. | `Invalid_ns of int
  9. | `Invalid_tz_info of string option * Span.t
exception Error_exn of error
val make : ?tz:Time_zone.t -> ?ns:int -> ?s_frac:float -> iso_week_year:int -> week:int -> weekday:weekday -> hour:int -> minute:int -> second:int -> unit -> (t, error) Stdlib.result
val make_exn : ?tz:Time_zone.t -> ?ns:int -> ?s_frac:float -> iso_week_year:int -> week:int -> weekday:weekday -> hour:int -> minute:int -> second:int -> unit -> t
val make_unambiguous : ?tz:Time_zone.t -> ?ns:int -> ?s_frac:float -> iso_week_year:int -> week:int -> weekday:weekday -> hour:int -> minute:int -> second:int -> offset_from_utc:Span.t -> unit -> (t, error) Stdlib.result
val make_unambiguous_exn : ?tz:Time_zone.t -> ?ns:int -> ?s_frac:float -> iso_week_year:int -> week:int -> weekday:weekday -> hour:int -> minute:int -> second:int -> offset_from_utc:Span.t -> unit -> t

Innovation. Community. Security.