package timedesc

  1. Overview
  2. Docs
type zoneless
type error_when_zoned = [
  1. | `Does_not_exist
  2. | `Invalid_tz_info of string option * Span.t
exception Error_when_zoned_exn of error_when_zoned


val make : Date.t -> Time.t -> zoneless


val date : zoneless -> Date.t
val time : zoneless -> Time.t


val equal : zoneless -> zoneless -> bool


val to_timestamp_local : zoneless -> timestamp

This yields a "local timestamp" - we pretend we are in the UTC time zone, and calculate seconds since unix epoch

val to_zoned : ?tz:Time_zone.t -> zoneless -> (t, error_when_zoned) result

tz defaults to result of Utils.get_local_tz_for_arg

val to_zoned_exn : ?tz:Time_zone.t -> zoneless -> t
val to_zoned_unambiguous : ?tz:Time_zone.t -> offset_from_utc:Span.t -> zoneless -> (t, error_when_zoned) result
val to_zoned_unambiguous_exn : ?tz:Time_zone.t -> offset_from_utc:Span.t -> zoneless -> t
val of_zoned : t -> zoneless


val of_iso8601 : string -> (zoneless, string) result

Parses a subset of ISO8601, up to 9 fractional digits for second (nanosecond precision).

If more than 9 fractional digits are provided, then only the first 9 digits are used, i.e. no rounding.

val of_iso8601_exn : string -> zoneless
val maybe_zoneless_of_iso8601 : string -> ([ `Zoned of t | `Zoneless of zoneless ], string) result
val maybe_zoneless_of_iso8601_exn : string -> [ `Zoned of t | `Zoneless of zoneless ]

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