package timmy

  1. Overview
  2. Docs

A point in time.

A point in time.


type t

A point in time.

Time representation in javascript.


Timmy leaves the burden of determining the current time to Ptime_clock. Pick the right ptime.clock library for your platform and use Timmy.Time.of_ptime ( ()).

Well known values

val epoch : t

epoch is January 1, 1970 00:00:00 UTC/GMT.

Time manipulation


include Base.Comparable.S with type t := t
val equal : t -> t -> bool
val compare : t -> t -> int
val min : t -> t -> t
val max : t -> t -> t
val ascending : t -> t -> int
val descending : t -> t -> int
val between : t -> low:t -> high:t -> bool
val clamp_exn : t -> min:t -> max:t -> t
val clamp : t -> min:t -> max:t -> t Base__.Or_error.t
type comparator_witness
val comparator : (t, comparator_witness) Base__Comparator.comparator


module O : sig ... end

Convenience module to only pull operators.

include module type of O

Convenience module to only pull operators.

include Base.Comparable.Infix with type t := t
val (>=) : t -> t -> bool
val (<=) : t -> t -> bool
val (=) : t -> t -> bool
val (>) : t -> t -> bool
val (<) : t -> t -> bool
val (<>) : t -> t -> bool
val (+) : t -> Span.t -> t

time + span is the time point span after time.

val (-) : t -> t -> Span.t

end - start is the duration elapsed from start to end.

Scalar conversions


val pp : t Fmt.t

pp f date prints date to f in an unspecified, human readable format.


val to_string : ?timezone:Timezone.t -> t -> Base.string

to_string time is the RCF3339 representation of time, eg. 2021-10-04.

val of_string : Base.string -> (t, Base.string) Base.Result.t

of_string s is the time represented by s as per RCF3339 or a relevant error message if it is invalid.

val to_rfc3339 : ?timezone:Timezone.t -> t -> Base.string

of_rfc3339 is to_string.

val of_rfc3339 : Base.string -> (t, Base.string) Base.Result.t

of_rfc3339 is of_string.


val of_ptime : Ptime.t -> t

of_ptime ptime is the time equivalent to ptime.

val to_ptime : t -> Ptime.t

to_ptime time is the Ptime time equivalent to time.


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