package tiny_httpd_camlzip

  1. Overview
  2. Docs
Module type
Class type

Middleware for compression.

This uses camlzip to provide deflate compression/decompression. If installed, the middleware will compress responses' bodies when they are streams or fixed-size above a given limit (but it will not compress small, fixed-size bodies).

val middleware : ?compress_above:int -> ?buf_size:int -> unit -> Tiny_httpd_core.Server.Middleware.t

Middleware responsible for deflate compression/decompression.

  • parameter compress_above

    threshold, in bytes, above which a response body that has a known content-length is compressed. Stream bodies are always compressed.

  • parameter buf_size

    size of the underlying buffer for compression/decompression

  • since 0.11
val setup : ?compress_above:int -> ?buf_size:int -> Tiny_httpd_core.Server.t -> unit

Install middleware for tiny_httpd to be able to encode/decode compressed streams

  • parameter compress_above

    threshold above with string responses are compressed

  • parameter buf_size

    size of the underlying buffer for compression/decompression


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