package tptp

  1. Overview
  2. Docs
Module type
Class type

Reading and writing FOF and CNF formulas in TPTP format.

Note 1: This library supports only FOF and CNF formulas. Keywords and other constructions used for representation of other formulas are not supported. This besides other things means that strings "thf", "tff", "$thf" and "$tff" are not treated as keywords and can be used as ordinary functors (for example to_defined_word "$thf" does not fail).

Note 2: Comment lines can contain tabs. Comment blocks can contain non-printable characters and non-ASCII characters.

Note 3: Comment blocks are ignored and comment lines inside formulas are ignored too.

exception Input_closed
exception Parse_error of Lexing.position * string
exception Include_error of Lexing.position * string
type input
val create_in : Lexing.lexbuf -> input
val read : input -> Tptp_ast.tptp_input option

Returns None when EOF is reached.

Raises Input_closed when input was closed. Raises Parse_error when input contains syntax error.

val close_in : input -> unit
val write : ?rfrac:float -> ?width:int -> Buffer.t -> Tptp_ast.tptp_input -> unit

The parameter width is the maximum number of characters per line. The parameter rfrac is the ribbon width, a fraction relative to width. The ribbon width is the maximum number of non-indentation characters per line.

val to_string : Tptp_ast.tptp_input -> string
module File : sig ... end