package trace-tef

  1. Overview
  2. Docs
Module type
Class type
val collector : out:[ `File of string | `Stderr | `Stdout ] -> unit -> Trace.collector

Make a collector that writes into the given output. See setup for more details.

type output = [
  1. | `Stdout
  2. | `Stderr
  3. | `File of string

Output for tracing.

  • `Stdout will enable tracing and print events on stdout
  • `Stderr will enable tracing and print events on stderr
  • `File "foo" will enable tracing and print events into file named "foo"
val setup : ?out:[ output | `Env ] -> unit -> unit

setup () installs the collector depending on out.

  • parameter out

    can take different values:

    • regular output value to specify where events go
    • `Env will enable tracing if the environment variable "TRACE" is set.

    If it's set to anything but "1", the value is taken to be the file path into which to write. If it's set to "1", then the file is "trace.json".

val with_setup : ?out:[ output | `Env ] -> (unit -> 'a) -> 'a

Setup, and make sure to shutdown before exiting


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