package trace

  1. Overview
  2. Docs

Generic subscribers.

This defines the notion of a subscriber, a set of callbacks for every trace event. It also defines a collector that needs to be installed for the subscriber(s) to be called.

  • since 0.8
module Callbacks : sig ... end

Callbacks used for subscribers.

module Subscriber : sig ... end

Trace subscribers

type user_data =
  1. | U_bool of bool
  2. | U_float of float
  3. | U_int of int
  4. | U_none
  5. | U_string of string

    A non polymorphic-variant version of Trace_core.user_data

type flavor =
  1. | Sync
  2. | Async

    A non polymorphic-variant version of Trace_core.flavor


Main API

type t = Subscriber.t
val collector : t -> Trace_core.collector

A collector that calls the subscriber's callbacks.

It uses mtime (if available) to obtain timestamps.


Innovation. Community. Security.