Module type
Class type
is a library for constructing and manipulating the abstract syntax of languages that use variables.
provides unifiable abstract binding trees (UABTs). An abstract binding tree (ABT) is an abstract syntax tree (AST), enriched with constructs to manage variable binding and scope.
extends ABTs with support for nominal unification (unificaiton modulo ɑ-equivalence).
A succinct example of the typical use of this library can be seen in the following implementation of the untyped λ-calculus.
Define your language's operators:
(* Define the usual operators, but without the variables, since we get those free *)
module O = struct
type 'a t =
| App of 'a * 'a
| Lam of 'a
[@@deriving eq, map, fold]
let to_string : string t -> string = function
| App (l, m) -> Printf.sprintf "(%s %s)" l m
| Lam abs -> Printf.sprintf "(λ%s)" abs
(Note the use of ppx_deriving to derive most values automatically.)
Generate your the ABT representing your syntax, and define combinators to easily and safely construct terms of your lanugage construct:
(* Generate the syntax, which will include a type [t] of the ABTs over the operators **)
open Abt.Make (O)
(* Define some constructors to ensure correct construction *)
let app m n : t =
(* [op] lifts an operator into an ABT *)
op (App (m, n))
let lam x m : t =
(* ["x" #. scope] binds all free variables named "x" in the [scope] *)
op (Lam (x #. m))
Define the dynamics of your language (here using the variable substitution function subst
, provided by the generated syntax):
let rec eval : t -> t =
fun t ->
match t with
| Opr (App (m, n)) -> apply (eval m) (eval n)
(* No other terms can be evaluated *)
| _ -> t
and apply : t -> t -> t =
fun m n ->
match m with
| Bnd (bnd, t) -> subst bnd ~value:n t
| Opr (Lam bnd) -> eval (apply bnd n)
(* otherwise the application can't be evaluated *)
| _ -> app m n
Enjoy unification and ɑ-equivalence:
(* An example term *)
let k = lam "x" (lam "y" x)
(* The generated [Syntax] module includes a [Unification] submodule
- the [=?=] operator checks for unifiability
- the [=.=] operator gives an [Ok] result with the unified term, if its operands unify,
or else an [Error] indicating why the unification failed
- the [unify] function is like [=.=], but it also gives the substitution used to produce
a unified term *)
let ((=?=), (=.=), unify) = Unification.((=?=), (=.=), unify) in
(* A free variable will unify with anything *)
assert (v "X" =?= s);
(* Unification is modulo ɑ-equivalence *)
assert (lam "y" (lam "x" y) =?= lam "x" (lam "y" x));
(* Here we unify the free variable "M" with the body of the [k] combinator,
note that the nominal unification is modulo bound variables: *)
let unified_term = (lam "z" (v "M") =.= k) |> Result.get_ok in
assert (to_string unified_term = "(λz.(λy.z))");
module type Operator = sig ... end
The interface for a module that defines the operators of a language
module Var : sig ... end
Variables, named by strings, which can be bound to a Var.Binding
or left free.
module type Syntax = sig ... end
The interface of the family of UABTs representings a syntax