package vecosek-scene

  1. Overview
  2. Docs
type bpm_operation = Scene_format_t.bpm_operation
type midi_event = Scene_format_t.midi_event = {
  1. port : int;
  2. status : int;
  3. channel : int;
  4. data1 : int;
  5. data2 : int option;
type event = Scene_format_t.event =
  1. | Track_ends of id
  2. | Track_starts of id
  3. | Midi_input of midi_event
type action = Scene_format_t.action =
  1. | Raw_midi of midi_event
  2. | Track_on of id * int
  3. | Track_off of id
  4. | Bpm_operation of bpm_operation
  5. | Add_event_handler of event_handler
  6. | Remove_event_handler of event_handler
  7. | Remove_event_handler_by_event of event
  8. | All_tracks_off
  9. | Stop
and event_handler = Scene_format_t.event_handler = {
  1. name : string;
  2. events : event list;
  3. actions : action list;
type ticked_action = Scene_format_t.ticked_action = {
  1. tick : int;
  2. action : action;
type track = Scene_format_t.track = {
  1. id : id;
  2. events : ticked_action list;
  3. length : int;
  4. name : string;
type scene = Scene_format_t.scene = {
  1. active : id list;
  2. handlers : event_handler list;
  3. bpm : int;
  4. ppqn : int;
  5. tracks : track list;
val bpm_operation_tag : Bi_io.node_tag

Tag used by the writers for type bpm_operation. Readers may support more than just this tag.

val write_untagged_bpm_operation : Bi_outbuf.t -> bpm_operation -> unit

Output an untagged biniou value of type bpm_operation.

val write_bpm_operation : Bi_outbuf.t -> bpm_operation -> unit

Output a biniou value of type bpm_operation.

val string_of_bpm_operation : ?len:int -> bpm_operation -> string

Serialize a value of type bpm_operation into a biniou string.

val get_bpm_operation_reader : Bi_io.node_tag -> Bi_inbuf.t -> bpm_operation

Return a function that reads an untagged biniou value of type bpm_operation.

val read_bpm_operation : Bi_inbuf.t -> bpm_operation

Input a tagged biniou value of type bpm_operation.

val bpm_operation_of_string : ?pos:int -> string -> bpm_operation

Deserialize a biniou value of type bpm_operation.

  • parameter pos

    specifies the position where reading starts. Default: 0.

val id_tag : Bi_io.node_tag

Tag used by the writers for type id. Readers may support more than just this tag.

val write_untagged_id : Bi_outbuf.t -> id -> unit

Output an untagged biniou value of type id.

val write_id : Bi_outbuf.t -> id -> unit

Output a biniou value of type id.

val string_of_id : ?len:int -> id -> string

Serialize a value of type id into a biniou string.

val get_id_reader : Bi_io.node_tag -> Bi_inbuf.t -> id

Return a function that reads an untagged biniou value of type id.

val read_id : Bi_inbuf.t -> id

Input a tagged biniou value of type id.

val id_of_string : ?pos:int -> string -> id

Deserialize a biniou value of type id.

  • parameter pos

    specifies the position where reading starts. Default: 0.

val midi_event_tag : Bi_io.node_tag

Tag used by the writers for type midi_event. Readers may support more than just this tag.

val write_untagged_midi_event : Bi_outbuf.t -> midi_event -> unit

Output an untagged biniou value of type midi_event.

val write_midi_event : Bi_outbuf.t -> midi_event -> unit

Output a biniou value of type midi_event.

val string_of_midi_event : ?len:int -> midi_event -> string

Serialize a value of type midi_event into a biniou string.

val get_midi_event_reader : Bi_io.node_tag -> Bi_inbuf.t -> midi_event

Return a function that reads an untagged biniou value of type midi_event.

val read_midi_event : Bi_inbuf.t -> midi_event

Input a tagged biniou value of type midi_event.

val midi_event_of_string : ?pos:int -> string -> midi_event

Deserialize a biniou value of type midi_event.

  • parameter pos

    specifies the position where reading starts. Default: 0.

val event_tag : Bi_io.node_tag

Tag used by the writers for type event. Readers may support more than just this tag.

val write_untagged_event : Bi_outbuf.t -> event -> unit

Output an untagged biniou value of type event.

val write_event : Bi_outbuf.t -> event -> unit

Output a biniou value of type event.

val string_of_event : ?len:int -> event -> string

Serialize a value of type event into a biniou string.

val get_event_reader : Bi_io.node_tag -> Bi_inbuf.t -> event

Return a function that reads an untagged biniou value of type event.

val read_event : Bi_inbuf.t -> event

Input a tagged biniou value of type event.

val event_of_string : ?pos:int -> string -> event

Deserialize a biniou value of type event.

  • parameter pos

    specifies the position where reading starts. Default: 0.

val action_tag : Bi_io.node_tag

Tag used by the writers for type action. Readers may support more than just this tag.

val write_untagged_action : Bi_outbuf.t -> action -> unit

Output an untagged biniou value of type action.

val write_action : Bi_outbuf.t -> action -> unit

Output a biniou value of type action.

val string_of_action : ?len:int -> action -> string

Serialize a value of type action into a biniou string.

val get_action_reader : Bi_io.node_tag -> Bi_inbuf.t -> action

Return a function that reads an untagged biniou value of type action.

val read_action : Bi_inbuf.t -> action

Input a tagged biniou value of type action.

val action_of_string : ?pos:int -> string -> action

Deserialize a biniou value of type action.

  • parameter pos

    specifies the position where reading starts. Default: 0.

val event_handler_tag : Bi_io.node_tag

Tag used by the writers for type event_handler. Readers may support more than just this tag.

val write_untagged_event_handler : Bi_outbuf.t -> event_handler -> unit

Output an untagged biniou value of type event_handler.

val write_event_handler : Bi_outbuf.t -> event_handler -> unit

Output a biniou value of type event_handler.

val string_of_event_handler : ?len:int -> event_handler -> string

Serialize a value of type event_handler into a biniou string.

val get_event_handler_reader : Bi_io.node_tag -> Bi_inbuf.t -> event_handler

Return a function that reads an untagged biniou value of type event_handler.

val read_event_handler : Bi_inbuf.t -> event_handler

Input a tagged biniou value of type event_handler.

val event_handler_of_string : ?pos:int -> string -> event_handler

Deserialize a biniou value of type event_handler.

  • parameter pos

    specifies the position where reading starts. Default: 0.

val ticked_action_tag : Bi_io.node_tag

Tag used by the writers for type ticked_action. Readers may support more than just this tag.

val write_untagged_ticked_action : Bi_outbuf.t -> ticked_action -> unit

Output an untagged biniou value of type ticked_action.

val write_ticked_action : Bi_outbuf.t -> ticked_action -> unit

Output a biniou value of type ticked_action.

val string_of_ticked_action : ?len:int -> ticked_action -> string

Serialize a value of type ticked_action into a biniou string.

val get_ticked_action_reader : Bi_io.node_tag -> Bi_inbuf.t -> ticked_action

Return a function that reads an untagged biniou value of type ticked_action.

val read_ticked_action : Bi_inbuf.t -> ticked_action

Input a tagged biniou value of type ticked_action.

val ticked_action_of_string : ?pos:int -> string -> ticked_action

Deserialize a biniou value of type ticked_action.

  • parameter pos

    specifies the position where reading starts. Default: 0.

val track_tag : Bi_io.node_tag

Tag used by the writers for type track. Readers may support more than just this tag.

val write_untagged_track : Bi_outbuf.t -> track -> unit

Output an untagged biniou value of type track.

val write_track : Bi_outbuf.t -> track -> unit

Output a biniou value of type track.

val string_of_track : ?len:int -> track -> string

Serialize a value of type track into a biniou string.

val get_track_reader : Bi_io.node_tag -> Bi_inbuf.t -> track

Return a function that reads an untagged biniou value of type track.

val read_track : Bi_inbuf.t -> track

Input a tagged biniou value of type track.

val track_of_string : ?pos:int -> string -> track

Deserialize a biniou value of type track.

  • parameter pos

    specifies the position where reading starts. Default: 0.

val scene_tag : Bi_io.node_tag

Tag used by the writers for type scene. Readers may support more than just this tag.

val write_untagged_scene : Bi_outbuf.t -> scene -> unit

Output an untagged biniou value of type scene.

val write_scene : Bi_outbuf.t -> scene -> unit

Output a biniou value of type scene.

val string_of_scene : ?len:int -> scene -> string

Serialize a value of type scene into a biniou string.

val get_scene_reader : Bi_io.node_tag -> Bi_inbuf.t -> scene

Return a function that reads an untagged biniou value of type scene.

val read_scene : Bi_inbuf.t -> scene

Input a tagged biniou value of type scene.

val scene_of_string : ?pos:int -> string -> scene

Deserialize a biniou value of type scene.

  • parameter pos

    specifies the position where reading starts. Default: 0.